Blue List and Red List

Hard Rock Guru

A Disturbance in the Force
Hello to all the people in this forum. I'm new here and I'm very interested in the subjects that you discuss here regularly. I feel blesses to have found this website. I really hope I can learn a lot from you guys. And sorry if my english is not the best but it's not my mother language. I will try my best :)

My question is, have any of you heard about the Blue and Red Lists? I would like to know if this scary thing is true or not. Even if it is, I would prefer to know it in advance, that way the shock maybe could be a bit less brutal. Here are some links in case anyone doesn't know what I'm refering to:



I will be eternally grateful if someone could clarify all this for me, since I don't have to much knowledge in the subject and I would really like to know. Thanks in advance.

Hi Hard Rock Guru,

And welcome to the Cassiopaea forum.

The use of internment camp seems to happen by most totalitarian regimes, particularly when the country faces some strong opposition, civil war, sudden change of political orientation...

So it doesn't seem illogical that some similar camps mushroom around the USA.

Authority probably have some lists of targets and are probably already dealing with some of those targets.

Like in any dictatorship, activits (real ones), left wing leaders, homosexual movements members, pro choice organisation members, etc. are the prime targets.

To answer your question about blue list / red list (list of normal inmates / list of inmate who will be killed) I don't know if this piece of information is true. But the whole process (internment camps, totalitarian regime, targeting of the civil population) unfortunately sounds very possible.
Hard Rock Guru said:
Here are some links in case anyone doesn't know what I'm refering to:



I will be eternally grateful if someone could clarify all this for me, since I don't have to much knowledge in the subject and I would really like to know. Thanks in advance.


Hi Hard Rock Guru and welcome.

For a bit deeper look at the 2 sites you reference here, you can use the handy dandy Forum Search function.

Learning is fun! :D
While internment camps and the rounding up of dissenters isn't anything new for fascist dictatorships it doesn't seem that practical. If you have 2 lists of people you're going to kill immediately why transport them possibly thousands of miles just to have one mass grave? If you take someone at 4am chances are there'll be someone in bed beside them or in the other room. A family of 4 plus the security force to subdue them seems like a lot to fit into a helicopter. That's also a lot of helicopters. Either way there are logistic problems and potential witnesses. Why not just kill the people at their point of origin and dispose of the body there. Make it look like an accident or criminal incident and the local authorities do cleanup for you. And if you're going to kill the people anyway, why have a camp? There are many holes in the story and it seems more likely the story's purpose is to frighten those of us who might speak out. Don't get on the naughty list or we'll round you up and disappear you. While I wouldn't put it past the PTB to do this it strikes me as wasted effort when they will supposedly be trying to install martial law. If camps are set up I think it might be more likely they are to intern people after some kind of dramatic event. Perhaps AFTER Martial Law and if you're going to keep people you'll build a factory/workhouse near by so you can monetize the event. These folks are capitalists after all.

However, the recent handling of hurricane victims comes to mind when I think of what camps might be needed for. A way to reduce/take the population without a real paper trail. Reading about Ike recently I was struck by a report about a woman trying to locate her sister. Her sister hadn't reached out to her family (which is what people would do FIRST via collect call) but she was removed from the missing persons list because someone reported seeing her. Like Katrina, many missing in that disaster surely died but how many 'missing' weren't really dead and ended up elsewhere while on the way to FEMA centers? When I think about what the C's said about reducing the population by 94% it just seems like an awful lot of people to disappear all at once, these things take time and taking a gradual approach over years people wouldn't notice the dramatic drop but it would seem more like just a string of unfortunate events. Like bring a frog to a slow boil, the frog doesn't notice until it's way to late.
Thanks to all of you for your replies. You all make some valid points. I really would like to know which are the plans the rulers have for overpopulation (they have them already) and for people who will oppose their imposed new world order (I'm sure they have them already as well). What are your thoughts about it?

Thanks again,

Ya'll should be reading some serious history to get an idea of how and why things were done certain ways and not others in the past. Read:

Sebastian Haffner's "Defying Hitler"
Hannah Arendt: "Eichmann in Jerusalem," "The Origins of Totalitarianism".

Douglas Reed: "The Controversy of Zion."

Andrzej Lobaczewski: "Political Ponerology."

Remember that the one thing that the Fascist/Totalitarian types fear is exposure, being diagnosed as pathological and so their evil actions must be cloaked in a covering of justifications, paramoralisms, and so on.

You might also want to watch "The Nazis: A Warning From History" - BBC.

There is a lot about pathological thinking that we do not fully understand and that is mainly because it is so different from the way normal humans with conscience think. It's like trying to figure out how aliens might think!

Anyway, that is my suggestion: read, read, read history and look for parallels. When you find them, you can then extrapolate to the present and gain some insight into what may be in your future.
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