Bluelight blockers test

Beau said:
My glasses didn't pass the test, which I bought from and are supposed to block blue light. That's annoying.
I was sorry to read this since I had just ordered new glasses from zenni. (Otherwise, the glasses exceeded my expectations in every way--and for a third of the cost!).

Anyway, I ordered these amber blue-light "over glasses" (_ ) and they look as good as can be expected and are very comfortable, but best of all, they pass that online blue light test.
My yellow-lens Cabonshade glasses passed the test, whereas my Zenni blue-blocking glasses didn't, which was to be expected, as it only filters out some part of the blue and green spectrum. I wear the Zenni's mostly at work, where I only have artificial light all day and staring at monitors.
s-kur said:
I came across the test that reflects how your anti-blue glasses really works _

According to this test my Xiaomi glasses doesn't work at all unlike Windows 10 "Night mode" function which really makes both strips identical.
I tried f.lux "classic" mode is not showing equal colors, but f.lux's "cave painting" mode, making both colors same. Windows 10 "Night mode" also works.
herondancer said:
Thanks for the test s-kur! Mine passed. I am wearing these

because they fit over prescription glasses. Not the most stylish, but they are getting the job done. :zzz:

These were my first choice and they do pass the test, and I also use them over readers. But wearing these felt like I was working in shop. I could actually feel my eyes having to adjust, kind of uncomfortable and the lenses are thick and distort slightly, but after about 10 minutes the feeling disappeared. Did notice a difference in sleep quality that first night, only woke up once.

Then I ordered some blu blocker readers by Eyekepper from Amazon. Very comfortable like readers, nice, clear, lightly tinted lenses, but just checked them with the test and they failed. Bummer. Also, return of restless sleep after switching to these for night time reading. Oh well, I needed new readers anyway.

Thanks for the tool s-kur.
Funny story:

There is a water kettle in the house that lights up when it is working. I was making tea the other night and it appeared to me that the light had burned out. The kettle was heating up, but there was no light showing. I called this to the attention of one of my housemates, who said, "But the light is on." Puzzlement! Then he said maybe it was the blockers. Sure enough, the colour of the kettle's is a sort of "computer blue", definitely part of the spectrum the glasses are designed to protect you from. Field test successful!

Goemon_ said:
My Uvex S1933X glasses passed the test.

Just bought these from Amazon UK for £11, so cheap. I also have f.lux, but I need the blue blockers for long late nights at the computer back in Australia.
Hi. I really need to get blue light blockers since I use my tablet so much. I wear reading glasses so need to have something to work with those. These clip ones look more convenient then the over glasses mentioned here. I'm posting a link just in case someone has used these and they pass the test or other info is available on them. I'll continue to look for more information on this brand. Cyxus brand.

After looking a bit, I decided the over glasses linked by JGeropoulas are my best option for now since I can wear them at other times when not using reading glasses. A little search, not to involved, indicate the Cyxus brand looks effective but more investigation could be done.
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