Body of Lies


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
I found this movie, yesterday, entirely by accident. It's general premise is that of the tireless efforts, by our fearless CIA, to combat radical Islamic fundamentalism and the terror that it allegedly spawns. Initially I thought that it was going to be 24, the movie (yawn). I was surprised when director Ridley Scott begins to expose the true nature of our CIA covert operators.

Leonard DiCaprio (Roger) plays the overly ambitious operative in the middle east and Russell Crowe (Ed) plays his psychopath Langley handler. Mark Strong, who plays Hani Salaam, the head of the Jordanian General Intelligence Department, puts in a great performance and, in my opinion, outshines the rest of the very capable cast. Good actor.

I think that Fletcher Prouty would probably give this a two thumbs up, as it perfectly defines his thesis of the complete lack of adult oversight that seems endemic to the CIA fun and games boys. Duplicity, lack of conscience and empathy, sadism, ponorology, psychopathy... it's all in there, in spades... as well as a very good look at how the US has lost its moral compass in the eyes of the rest of the world.

Body of Lies is a sleeper and I think you might like it. I did. It covers a lot of the topics that are discussed throughout this forum. It moves at a brisk pace. Scott gives us a good look at the Secret Team in action.

Warning: There is some graphic brutality. But hey, it's in just about everything coming out of Hollywood these days.
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