Via US Wellness Meats:
My bold.There is a new food trend that has taken the culinary world by storm in recent years. And it’s one that might surprise you…
Bone marrow.
Marrow Bones
Once relegated to the soup pot (or saved for Man’s Best Friend), bone marrow has re-emerged as haute cuisine. It has made star appearances at Wine and Food festivals… it was favorably featured in Anthony Bordain’s best-selling book The Last Supper… and it’s commonly seen on Paleo plates from Pasadena to Providence.
And while you will find this rich ingredient at farm-to-table and nose-to-tail restaurants nationwide, you need not spend a fortune to enjoy the silky, luxurious delicacy.
At around $7.50/lb. you can add deep flavor to a wide variety of recipes. At the same time, you’ll infuse your body with an unparalleled source of nutrients. In fact, many modern-day researchers give credit to bone marrow, for helping humans to evolve and grow our outsized brains.