Book recommendation for people asking questions


The Force is Strong With This One
I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a book that opens up the topic of densities and hyperdimensions for people that are just trying to learn more about the truth of the world we live in. Ideally, I would like them to read the wave series, but they are not at that point yet. Is there anything anyone has come across that can open the door just a little bit to get started?? Thanks!
Hi Dani. This list is from the recommended reading list, although it is slightly dated. Keep in mind that it’s best to use the search function to find things to avoid duplicating threads. 🙂

16. UFOs and Aliens
High Strangeness16.1 - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
UFOs and the National Security State16.2- Richard Dolan
Operation Trojan Horse16.3 - John Keel
The Eighth Tower - John Keel
The Stargate Conspiracy - Picknet and Prince
Gods of Eden - William Bramley
I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a book that opens up the topic of densities and hyperdimensions for people that are just trying to learn more about the truth of the world we live in. Ideally, I would like them to read the wave series, but they are not at that point yet. Is there anything anyone has come across that can open the door just a little bit to get started?? Thanks!
May be they can "sample" it with casswiki, which gives decent idea of concepts. It has books section too.

Note: This is temporary location and it will change soon. we will post it when it changes.
I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a book that opens up the topic of densities and hyperdimensions for people that are just trying to learn more about the truth of the world we live in. Ideally, I would like them to read the wave series, but they are not at that point yet. Is there anything anyone has come across that can open the door just a little bit to get started?? Thanks!
Hi Dani,

It depends a lot on where they are at - do they see through government lies and wokeness/gender ideologue stuff? Covid? The war in Ukraine? 9/11? How actively are they searching for answers? If they are at least critical about any of the mentioned topics, but aren't ready for The Wave series, maybe a good place to start would be the Ra material/Law of One, as they were first to introduce the topic of densities, as far as I know. Of course, the concept of a multilevel Universe goes back much earlier, even if not described specifically as densities, so if channelled material is a bit "too much", perhaps some books about mythology or that expose how the historical record has been corrupted and the materialist/Darwinist paradigm is completely wrong?

Some suggestions:

Mind & Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False - Thomas Nagel
God Exists But Gawd Does Not: From Evil to New Atheism to Fine-Tuning - David Ray Griffin
Darwin's Black Box - Michael Behe
Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome - John C. Sanford
The Science Delusion/Science Set Free - Rupert Sheldrake
The Field - Lynne McTaggert
The Crack in the Cosmic Egg - Joseph Chilton Pearce
Secret History of the World Vol 1. - Laura
The Secret Teachings of All Ages - Manly Hall
Views From the Real World - G. I. Gurdjieff
The Fire from Within - Carlos Castaneda
The Caricature of Love - Hervey Cleckley
Hostage to the Devil - Malachi Martin
Paul's Necessary Sin: The Experience of Liberation - Timothy Ashworth

Anything by Mircea Eliade or Joseph Campbell might be worthwhile too, depending on their interests. Hope this helps!
To break the paradigm that there is nothing but the physical, Eben Alexander's book "The Proof of Heaven" can help break some mental mold.

However, each person has their own path and it is difficult to guide them.

In reality, Laura's individual articles on the page will be the most helpful in my opinion.
To break the paradigm that there is nothing but the physical, Eben Alexander's book "The Proof of Heaven" can help break some mental mold.

However, each person has their own path and it is difficult to guide them.

In reality, Laura's individual articles on the page will be the most helpful in my opinion.
I agree, Laura's articles are fascinating and it can be a good start. Also, John Keel, his The Mothman Prophecies is excellent written by a good reporter and one of the best investigators in this subject, and it is a true story.
Hi Dani,

It depends a lot on where they are at - do they see through government lies and wokeness/gender ideologue stuff? Covid? The war in Ukraine? 9/11? How actively are they searching for answers? If they are at least critical about any of the mentioned topics, but aren't ready for The Wave series, maybe a good place to start would be the Ra material/Law of One, as they were first to introduce the topic of densities, as far as I know. Of course, the concept of a multilevel Universe goes back much earlier, even if not described specifically as densities, so if channelled material is a bit "too much", perhaps some books about mythology or that expose how the historical record has been corrupted and the materialist/Darwinist paradigm is completely wrong?

Some suggestions:

Mind & Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False - Thomas Nagel
God Exists But Gawd Does Not: From Evil to New Atheism to Fine-Tuning - David Ray Griffin
Darwin's Black Box - Michael Behe
Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome - John C. Sanford
The Science Delusion/Science Set Free - Rupert Sheldrake
The Field - Lynne McTaggert
The Crack in the Cosmic Egg - Joseph Chilton Pearce
Secret History of the World Vol 1. - Laura
The Secret Teachings of All Ages - Manly Hall
Views From the Real World - G. I. Gurdjieff
The Fire from Within - Carlos Castaneda
The Caricature of Love - Hervey Cleckley
Hostage to the Devil - Malachi Martin
Paul's Necessary Sin: The Experience of Liberation - Timothy Ashworth

Anything by Mircea Eliade or Joseph Campbell might be worthwhile too, depending on their interests. Hope this helps!
They are still mostly asleep but starting to ask questions following the death of a parent.
They are still mostly asleep but starting to ask questions following the death of a parent.
Have you looked at the descriptions of the afterlife thread? It might be of use for you to be able to comfort them. Everybody has different prompts that have potential to wake them form their slumber, I’d guess that no two awakenings are the same and if one opportunity is missed then the higher self will organise another attempt.
I was also thinking many times, which book would be a good start for someone beeing new to this topics. My best advaise today is High Strangeness from Laura (already mentioned by whitecoast). In this book Laura desrcibes her way from someone who was very sceptical to someone who sees the world now completely different. The reader can be at any stage of knowledge and will find a point in the book that fits to their current world view. And from there on it becomes very interesting.
I can credit Michael Talbot's Holographic Universe for being the cornerstone, if not the foundation of my personal leap in consciousness. Might be dated for some by today's standards, but it does a good job in weaving science, spirituality, esotericism and the paranormal together (with some focus on UFO stuff toward the end). Good introduction and easy to process for anyone seeking to enrich their experience in this world, imo.

Quite surprised it's not mentioned in the recommended list actually.
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In addition to the good recommendations above, if they're interested in history, I'd recommend Bramley's book, "The Gods Of Eden" which provides a broad historical over-view of the political-spiritual forces secretly dominating humanity. Of particular interest is his chapter delineating the primary error woven into each major religion.
For coping with death, another very good book is „Life and Afterlife“ by Prescott. Very easy to read with a lot of references and examples.

As for hyperdimensional reality that they may or may not be ready for, maybe for start they can read Cass substack where is covered many phenomena and in that way get an introduction to the Cs and other authors and can prompt them to read books.
In addition to the good recommendations above, if they're interested in history, I'd recommend Bramley's book, "The Gods Of Eden" which provides a broad historical over-view of the political-spiritual forces secretly dominating humanity. Of particular interest is his chapter delineating the primary error woven into each major religion.
It is a good book for a different point of view on reality, but one has to filter a lot.
In example, he doesn’t mention at all cometary disasters in context of plagues, and his theory on Jesus and who he was and how he was thought in India by Brotherhood is, well 😅, completely off.
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