Book recommendation for people asking questions


You could also perhaps suggest the Cassiopaean Experiment sub stack, it's an amazing distillation of a lot of these concepts.

I know everyone is different and reacts individually to concepts and ideas.
I think may be the substack articles would be very frightening and easy to dismiss if a person hadn’t got a little bit of priming before hand.

I personally had a very gentle wake up, firstly to my own spirituality. Books like ‘conversations with god’ and ‘bringers of the dawn’ …. Conversations with god blew my socks off, I vibrated awake all night unable to put the book down for a second til it was finished. I felt reborn when it was done but have not been able to read it again.

I can’t imagine waking up to the reality of this world without a stable foundation to view it from, but that’s just my experience.
In addition to the substack, might I suggest pointing them to Sott as a starting point? Reason is that I have been in similar conversations and upon suggesting various things which included pointing them to the Cass websites, I later discover that those peeps aren’t interested in reading any books or material even though it seems they are showing active interest.

And, I find that they close themselves completely off truth and go back to their cosy bubble once the initial shock has subsided - the one that made them ask the questions. It’s as if, the inbuilt programs get reactivated.

In saying above, we have the new podcasts that Laura is doing, which could be an excellent starter pack for above use cases.

I know everyone is different and reacts individually to concepts and ideas.
I think may be the substack articles would be very frightening and easy to dismiss if a person hadn’t got a little bit of priming before hand.

I personally had a very gentle wake up, firstly to my own spirituality. Books like ‘conversations with god’ and ‘bringers of the dawn’ …. Conversations with god blew my socks off, I vibrated awake all night unable to put the book down for a second til it was finished. I felt reborn when it was done but have not been able to read it again.

I can’t imagine waking up to the reality of this world without a stable foundation to view it from, but that’s just my experience.
that's a good point, and the Substack tends to be very concise.

but, on the other hand, for me personally, it was the stimulating information with a bit of shock that captivated me and fed my curiosity.
that's a good point, and the Substack tends to be very concise.

but, on the other hand, for me personally, it was the stimulating information with a bit of shock that captivated me and fed my curiosity.

I suppose if someone read those articles without knowing a thing but could receive them in their entirety that the next smart move would be learning how to not get eaten. Then they’re in the fast lane to self awareness and improvement.
I suppose if someone read those articles without knowing a thing but could receive them in their entirety that the next smart move would be learning how to not get eaten. Then they’re in the fast lane to self awareness and improvement.
Good point,

But I also think that someone has to be looking for information, I remember I started looking for UFO stuff in the library when I was very young, so the curiosity has to be there from the reader, in which case the information will be properly received. So, these suggestions are for those who ask, not for just anyone. Like you said, it could have the opposite consequences
Good point,

But I also think that someone has to be looking for information, I remember I started looking for UFO stuff in the library when I was very young, so the curiosity has to be there from the reader, in which case the information will be properly received. So, these suggestions are for those who ask, not for just anyone. Like you said, it could have the opposite consequences

And if the person is asking why not unload everything we have in front of them and let them choose where to start. You’re right, it might just be the harshest thing that makes the penny drop.
It could be that starting at the worst bits could make finding out the rest way more enjoyable, who knows what each soul needs to dust off the cobwebs. It really doesn’t get much worse than getting kidnapped by aliens who can do whatever they want to us while we have zero defence against it.
It really doesn’t get much worse than getting kidnapped by aliens who can do whatever they want to us while we have zero defence against it.
Just be mindful of taking a 'black and white' perspective on such things. UFO literature, including Laura's own accounts, suggests that wilful resistance against abduction does constitute a certain level of defence, even to the point of fully negating abduction attempts.
Just be mindful of taking a 'black and white' perspective on such things. UFO literature, including Laura's own accounts, suggests that wilful resistance against abduction does constitute a certain level of defence, even to the point of fully negating abduction attempts.
True, yet how does one know if they’ve used their will to defend against such attacks?
As far as I know I could get abducted every Thursday night and have no recollection of it.
Does knowing about abductions create any psychic defence?
True, yet how does one know if they’ve used their will to defend against such attacks?
As far as I know I could get abducted every Thursday night and have no recollection of it.
Does knowing about abductions create any psychic defence?
It does as knowing about it raises your awareness level. Not saying that an abduction cannot happen still but understand that under the laws of free will, they need to make their presense known somehow, even if not easily discernible. There has to be a signature about it somewhere and a more aware individual can pick up on it and negate the attack by opposing it mentally. Fwiw
True, yet how does one know if they’ve used their will to defend against such attacks?
Would you know if someone tried to pick a fight with you?

As far as I know I could get abducted every Thursday night and have no recollection of it.
How do you know some magic clown isn't dancing around your house while you're asleep? It's impossible to prove a negative. It comes down to whether you prefer to believe in the infallibility of faggy space lizards or not.

Does knowing about abductions create any psychic defence?
According to the C's, yes.
Would you know if someone tried to pick a fight with you?

How do you know some magic clown isn't dancing around your house while you're asleep? It's impossible to prove a negative. It comes down to whether you prefer to believe in the infallibility of faggy space lizards of not.
Well no, I don’t believe in faggy space lizards having anything over me but they’ve clearly got it over someone, lots of someones. But I’m also not going to daydream that it hasn’t or won’t happen just because I know about it, I would doubt I’ve developed that level of defence, I could only hope my subconscious knows how to respond appropriately so to save my butt, but that is it.
If we could all disrupt the abduction process then none of this what’s going on on earth would even be happening.

It’s Thursday night so if anything happens tonight that seems weird or like I’ve been in a fight I’ll make sure to write about it in the morning.
If we could all disrupt the abduction process then none of this what’s going on on earth would even be happening.
If by "this what's going on on earth", you're referring to the general state of humanity, there's a lot more to it than just abductions. I would posit that abductions have very little to do with impending comet strikes, such as those that could potentially wipe out cadres of western psychopaths due to their own corruption and wishful thinking.
If by "this what's going on on earth", you're referring to the general state of humanity, there's a lot more to it than just abductions. I would posit that abductions have very little to do with impending comet strikes, such as those that could potentially wipe out cadres of western psychopaths due to their own corruption and wishful thinking.
I meant the hybridisation of humans to make cozy bodies for 4DSTS to wear for themselves. That’s what they’re here for.

But some comets are always handy to fix up some other riff raff none us us want hanging around.
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