Boyd Bushman - His Last Interview: A Documentary on Area 51 and UFO's over Tucso

Dave_posse said:

Very interesting, thanks for sharing. I think that he was genuine, but not sure about those who supplied him with the pictures. Though the pictures are interesting too. But, again, no mention of the hyperdimentional nature of UFOs, even if couple of pictures hint at it. It's amazing to see how except for John Keel (and maybe few others), no other researchers talked about it. It's always about aliens living on a planet thousand of light years away, etc.
Keit said:
Dave_posse said:

Very interesting, thanks for sharing. I think that he was genuine, but not sure about those who supplied him with the pictures. Though the pictures are interesting too. But, again, no mention of the hyperdimentional nature of UFOs, even if couple of pictures hint at it. It's amazing to see how except for John Keel (and maybe few others), no other researchers talked about it. It's always about aliens living on a planet thousand of light years away, etc.

I am thinking the same as Keit concerning the source of the pictures and no mention of hyperdimentional/densities. I think maybe they were feeding Boyd Bushman all along with bits and pieces of what he sometimes wanted to believe and were able to use him for one final disinfo/distraction event before he passed on in August 7, 2014.

I always like to look back at things the C's say about these "alien" phenomena. It is their clues that help put things in perspective for me many times.

Session 08/09/1997:
Q: Did Isabella and Mortimer have a child while they were in hiding in France?
A: No. Here is something for you to digest: Why is it that your scientists have overlooked the obvious
when they insist that alien beings cannot travel to earth from a distant system???
Q: And what is this obvious thing?
A: Even if speed of light travel, or "faster," were not possible, and it is, of course, there is no reason
why an alien race could not construct a space "ark," living for many generations on it. They could travel
great distances through time and space, looking for a suitable world for conquest. Upon finding such,
they could then install this ark in a distant orbit, build bases upon various solid planes in that solar
system, and proceed to patiently manipulate the chosen civilizations to develop a suitable technological
infrastructure. And then, after the instituting of a long, slow, and grand mind programming project,
simply step in and take it over once the situation was suitable.
Q: Is this, in fact, what has happened, or is happening?
A: It could well be, and maybe now it is the time for you to learn about the details.
Q: Well, would such a race be 3rd or 4th density in orientation?
A: Why not elements of both?
Q: What is the most likely place that such a race would have originated from?
A: Oh, maybe Orion, for example?
Q: Okay. If such a race did, in fact, travel to this location in space/time, how many generations have
come and gone on their space ark during this period of travel, assuming, of course, that such a thing
has happened?
A: Maybe 12.
Q: Okay, that implies that they have rather extended life spans...
A: Yes...
Q: Assuming this to be the case, what are their lifespans?
A: 2,000 of your years.
Q: Okay, assuming such a bunch have traveled...
A: When in space, that is...
Q: And what is the span when on terra firma?
A: 800 years.
Q: Well, has it not occurred to them that staying in space might not be better?
A: No. Planets are much more "comfortable."
Q: Okay... imagining that such a group has traveled here...
A: We told you of upcoming conflicts... Maybe we meant the same as your Bible, and other references.
Speak of... The "final" battle between "good and evil..." Sounds a bit cosmic, when you think of it, does
it not?
Q: Does this mean that there is more than one group that has traveled here in their space arks?
A: Could well be another approaching, as well as "reinforcements" for either/or, as well as noninvolved,
but interested observers of various types who appreciate history from the sidelines.
Q: Well, SWELL! There goes my peaceful life!
A: You never had one!
Q: Well, I was planning on one! Is this one of those items we should NOT put on the net, or are you
addressing it because you want it on the net?
A: We will leave that until a bit later.
Q: Any other comment?
A: You chose to be incarnated now, with some foreknowledge of what was to come. Reference your
dreams of space attack.
Q: Okay, what racial types are we talking about relating to these hypothetical aliens?
A: Three basic constructs. Nordic, Reptilian, and Greys. Many variations of type 3, and 3 variations of
type 1 and 2.
Q: Well, what racial types are the 'good guys?'
A: Nordics, in affiliation with 6th density "guides."
Q: And that's the only good guys?
A: That's all you need.
Q: Wonderful! So, if it is a Grey or Lizzie, you know they aren't the nice guys. But, if it is tall and blond,
you need to ask questions!
A: All is subjective when it comes to nice and not nice. Some on 2nd density would think of you as "not
nice," to say the least!!!
Q: That's for sure! Especially the roaches! Maybe we ought to get in touch with some of these good
A: When the "time" is right.

I am not saying that none of the evidence depicted in the video is accurate but maybe only some of it is true with a little disinfo-twist.

It is a subject that is worth paying attention to but always difficult to sort out I think. We might know more as the C's say "A: When the "time" is right."

goyacobol ;) :cool2:
Keit said:
Dave_posse said:

Very interesting, thanks for sharing. I think that he was genuine, but not sure about those who supplied him with the pictures. Though the pictures are interesting too. But, again, no mention of the hyperdimentional nature of UFOs, even if couple of pictures hint at it. It's amazing to see how except for John Keel (and maybe few others), no other researchers talked about it. It's always about aliens living on a planet thousand of light years away, etc.
I call materialistic''evidence''-only seeking ufology: ufauxlogy. ;)

While aliens may have origin/home in some distant parts of our galaxy (other galaxies), their ''hide and seek'' game between dimensions is their modus operandi.
UFOs seem more likely to be ''entry portals'' than ''space ships for long journeys''.
Keit said:
Dave_posse said:

Very interesting, thanks for sharing. I think that he was genuine, but not sure about those who supplied him with the pictures. Though the pictures are interesting too. But, again, no mention of the hyperdimentional nature of UFOs, even if couple of pictures hint at it. It's amazing to see how except for John Keel (and maybe few others), no other researchers talked about it. It's always about aliens living on a planet thousand of light years away, etc.
Jacques Vallee too spoke of ''parallel worlds'' in Passport to Magonia and Richard M. Dolan said ''hyper-dimensional theory cannot be discarded'' in a recent interview.

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