Bramley's Book, "The Gods of Eden"



I have almost finished reading the "Secret History of the World". I had just read about a conversation between Laura and the C's, who mentioned William Bramley's book, "Gods of Eden." So I decided to check it out online.

While reading Laura's book, I often checked some of her references, not because I doubted her, but because I had never heard of much of what she was writing about. Indeed, it was interesting how one thing led to another; I could find other "evidence" existed from other sources to confirm the "gist" what she was saying.

My purpose was not check on the validity of alternate sources, but simply to try to find out what alternate sources were out there. So I did not try to check for COINTELPRO.

If we "mere mortals" are talking more and more about UFO sightings and alien abductions, and the US Government continues to resort to cover-ups, denials, disinformation and debunking, then I figure the government and its military/industrial/occult complex have probably been secretly funding UFO research for at least the last 75 years (and certainly after Roswell).

So it was interesting to see what a "Google" search will reveal when I typed in "Gods of Eden" and what could see some interesting connections between I had read in the "Secret History of the World" and the "Gods of Eden."


The above link describes "new evidence" for a sonic technology having been used by the Egyptian pyramid builders. The Egyptians claimed they had inherited their advanced culture from a race of Elder Gods.


Zeta Talk, however, says that Bramley is essentially correct because he points to alien entities as influencing human history. However, Zeta Talk believes Bramley is "incorrect" because he gives too much power to the alien entities and almost none to the humans "at the helm."

"The process is that humans give The Call, and thus may receive advice and counsel
from alien entities, but it is by human hands and human hands alone that human history is affected."


This was an interesting site in terms of where it lead me.

"Asking the question, 'Why should learning knowledge be a sin?' (the original sin) and comparing it to modern day observations ought to wake you up to the fact that you live within societal system that was engineered by the members of "God" to empower themselves while keeping those who live within it ignorant. Do you want to test this theory?

"One sure way is to keep knowledge away from the human race. The information they do not want you to learn however is not of the technological kind, it is The Forbidden Knowledge. Methods used to control an entire world and to keep the personalities who live in that world spiritually ignorant and unaware of the prison system they are caught in. Did you learn anything about Freemasonry's dominating presence on earth in grade school?

"The Custodial-designed societal system includes an education sub system that produces robots, people who all think the same way and an employment sub system which furthers that robotic behavior. This makes it easier for them to control the people because a robot never questions authority and does what everyone else does. Bramley's book reveals that Satan traded places with God in Eden and fooled the human race. Modern day observations prove this.

"If Christians were to study the Hebrew bible, which is the ORIGINAL, they would discover that, first of all, the creative act is attributed to a certain ELOHIM ---- a plural term that at the least should be translated as "gods," not "God". "God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." Then the suggestion was carried out: "And God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them." The suggestion originates from a plural entity who addresses a plural audience. And second, Christians would become aware that the quoted verse also explains why "The Adam" was created: "For there was no Adam to till the land." These are two important --- and unsettling --- hints to who had created Man and why.

"Bramley refers to the creators of Mankind as "Custodial gods". That term can be safely interpreted as the biblical Elohim/modern day Elite Freemasons because of their occultic signature they encoded within human DNA: (

"The word "God" has to be a plural entity because the usage refers to more than one individual. Studying the Hebrew bible, which is the ORIGINAL, reveals that the creative act is attributed to a certain ELOHIM---- a plural term that at the least should be translated as "gods," not "God". You need to be aware that the quoted verse also explains why "The Adam" was created: "For there was no Adam to till the land." These are two important --- and unsettling --- hints to who had created Man and why.

"Man was created by the Elohim as a slave. They are the ones spoken of by ancient civilizations as being "the gods".

(However, it gets more interesting when they start to discuss the occult Masonic numbers of 11, 22, and 33, which led to a page devoted to 9/11.)"


Bramley talks about the Plague in Europe:

A great many people throughout Europe and other Plague-stricken regions of the world were reporting that outbreaks of the Plague were caused by foul-smelling "mists." Those mists frequently appeared after unusually bright lights in the sky. The historian quickly discovers that "mists" and bright lights were reported far more frequently and in many more locations than were rodent infestations. The Plague years were, in fact, a period of heavy UFO activity.


Lastly, there is an interesting site called "Gnostic Friends Network" who wrote a book review of "The Gods of Eden" and commented as such:

"Human beings appear to be a slave race languishing on an isolated planet in a small galaxy. As such, the human race was once the only source of labor for an extraterrestrial civilization and remains a possession today."

If you click on the link above, you can read their review of "The Gnostic Gospels:"

"An in-depth analysis of the behind the scenes power struggle between Gnostic Christians and the early Catholic Church! Someone else decided that YOU would only be allowed to learn ONE version of Jesus' message - 1600 years ago! Find out why the Gnostics believed that most Christians are praying to the WRONG GOD"

And lastly, their book review of the "Gnostic Bible":

"The biggest, fattest collection of insane-sounding ancient Christian scriptures you'll ever see! Well worth the price - I was hooked! Includes the infamous "Reality of the Rulers," the Gnostic answer to "Genesis" which makes the "X-Files" seem like a boy-scout manual! God is the Devil! We are the Aliens! No wonder this stuff didn't make it into the Bible!"
gritzle70 said:
While reading Laura's book, I often checked some of her references, not because I doubted her, but because I had never heard of much of what she was writing about.
Doubt: uncertainty about the truth or factuality of existence of something

I think you should doubt everything! This includes Laura, the C's, your friends and family, everything! Do not assume anything is right, but do not assume it is wrong either - check!

My purpose was not check on the validity of alternate sources, but simply to try to find out what alternate sources were out there. So I did not try to check for COINTELPRO.
Why not? What if Laura's book is cointelpro and we're all victims of it? I'm not saying we are or aren't, just that if you wanna learn truth, you must always consider the possibility of anything and everything being a potential lie or distortion.

You seem very quick to assure us that you do not doubt the information, and so also you wouldn't check its validity or maybe see if it is cointelpro. It seems to me that you may be operating under the impression that we (meaning, the group, or Laura the author of the books, etc) will get defensive and take offense at your questioning of whether the material is COINTELPRO or whether the sources are valid. This is the impression I got. If I am right, I just want to let you know right now that ALL questioning of ALL material is not only welcome, but it would be your duty as a truth seeker, and the duty of each of us if we ever wish to know the truth. So in the future I'd suggest you do check for cointelpro and for possible fake sources and invalid info and distortion and so on - if you yourself wish to know the truth, you have no choice!

And any group or individual that takes offense at you doing this, is not interested in truth, osit. But be careful not to make baseless accusations either - if you have any reason to think that something is wrong, please say so, but also say why and what evidence/reason you have.

I just wanted to comment on that part of the post. I hope it made sense and helped.
gritzle70 said:

Lastly, there is an interesting site called "Gnostic Friends Network" who wrote a book review of "The Gods of Eden" and commented as such:

"Human beings appear to be a slave race languishing on an isolated planet in a small galaxy. As such, the human race was once the only source of labor for an extraterrestrial civilization and remains a possession today."
For even more fun, there's ALIENS: The Final Answer? by David Barclay. It's the same "human slave race" theme we've heard from nearly everyone, with a twist beloved of those who don't like the "aliens from space" hypothesis.

Barclay takes a point well known to students of industrial history: It took less than 2 centuries for humans to get from Thomas Newcomen's steam pump to Apollo moon rockets. Dinosaurs were around a whole lot longer than humans, how much more might they have done?

Barclay says they did lots more, for starters they bred us (from a type of dinosaur that resembles us quite a bit anyway) and left us on the surface to do the donkey work. Now and then we get uppity and they slap us down. More often we don't ask questions.

It's a fun book, mainly because Barclay is a classic misanthrope who thinks humans are slighlty less better than a pack of rabid mongrel dogs anyway. (Think of Ambrose Bierce offering HIS opinion on aliens and you can get an approximation of Barclay's style.)

Can he be correct? The thing about it is, we cannot prove life exists elsewhere in the universe but we can prove it literally clogs up this planet. If we share it with a Master Race that can pass unnoticed among us how could it be proven? Barclay's genius is there's no way to check his facts, the evidence by definition is unavailable by ordinary means of investigation.

ALIENS: The Final Answer? is fun to read because you'll never look at Bush or Blair again without wondering if they're really dinosaurs passing as humans, getting us to butcher each other and reporting to Secret Dinosaur Central while we do their bidding. But it's also a bummer at the end for the same reason Charles Fort was a letdown: Any theory that answers ALL the questions without the ability to be proved or disproved isn't science or history, it's religion. In the end you have to take something on faith.

Stick to Bramley (I liked it) but if you can sneak a peak at Barclay, it's a hoot.
This book of Bramley's, The Gods of Eden, was actually the first piece of literature that nudged my inner being to search for the "truth", whatever that may be. Interestingly, during the period of "time", just after my mental/emotional breakdown due to my father passing away, in which I was trying to find myself, I was looking into acting as a new occupational field. The coach running these workshops mentioned the book and that it was "banned" in the USA. It turned out that she was full of **it. I found it at the local B&N's. Very good read

The Gods of Eden is an excellent book IMO. On pages 450-451 Bramley writes to future investigators regarding psychopathy:
Bramley said:
Books, movies, and other art forms tend to give a
romantic twist to UFOs, spies, assassination conspiracies,
and so on. As we are perhaps beginning to realize, behind
the "romance" there lie some cruel and brutal psychoses.
A significant problem in any society geared for overt and
covert warfare is that sociopathic personalities tend to find a
home in government. Sociopaths are not affected by qualms
of conscience and often delight in harming others. They
are frequently promoted to high positions within agencies
engaged in warfare because such personalities are able
to attack and harm others repeatedly without it adversely
affecting them emotionally. Sociopaths with high IQs can
be quite clever in how they harm others; this deviousness
is often valuable to intelligence agencies. As history has
shown, the more that a nation is oriented towards war, the
more it will become dominated by sociopathic personalities.
This domination, in turn, leads to a rapid decay of a nation
and will eventually cause its ruin. This is one of the great
dangers any nation faces when it becomes involved in
long-term conflict, no matter how democratic and humane
that nation might otherwise be.
Questions to be researched might include: to what extent
are true sociopathic personalities dominating governments
today? Why do people tolerate them? Have those Custodial
religions which demand the worship of criminally insane
beings as "angels" and "God" perhaps blinded many people
to being able to see sociopathology for what it is?
Bramley covers a broad range of topics in a fresh and clear way that I found very helpful.
Yossarian said:
The Gods of Eden is an excellent book IMO. On pages 450-451 Bramley writes to future investigators regarding psychopathy:
I concur, just read enjoyed reading it, it is excellent support material for secret history with excellent economic explanations about our illusionary inflatable paper economy. I thought there was a contradiction with his writing about psycopathic personalities and his seemingly wishful thinking that the these people are reachable:
bramley said:
Perhaps the greatest hope lies in the fact that all spiritual
beings, whether they animate human bodies, Custodial
bodies, or none at all, appear very similar in basic
emotional make-up. There seems to be a core of good
and decency within every individual, including within the
most malevolent despots, that can ultimately be reached,
although reaching it in some people can admittedly be a
difficult undertaking! With persistence, intelligence, and
compassion, it may yet be possible to bring a resolution
to all that we have looked at in this book in a manner that
will leave everyone happy
He does admit that these areas require further research.

His ideas in chapter 40 about the nature of a supreme being are particularly thought provoking.
great stuff and can see why it is recommended QFS reading.
Re: Bramley's Book, \

I really enjoyed this one. As tired as I am of reading about masonic orders, he tied it all together so seamlessly with one long thread. So many other works like this will just focus on a few groups and then turn that into their "theory of what is wrong with everything." So much of it was familiar or rehash, and even more was new and enlightening in particular, the views on how the core human power centers transfer from religions to secret orders to financial institutions and back and forth.

Through most of the book my mind kept sliding back to Gurdjieff explaining that any event takes a third power or force to create an event. All the while in the back ground there was that third power/custodians making that formula unfold over and over. When they weren't involved Bramley even notes an odd calm and peace between waring factions.
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