Brazil Elections

voyageur said:
Thanks to the above for finding a link.

Also, thanks to Bev and co. for there work, really, not many were doing anything and these few people worked hard. If this was translated for the people in Brazil, they would be very concerned in the upcoming final election. Since Scotland and many others, it seems that whether paper or electronic, it really does not matter, if the outcomes are banked upon, all trickery will be employed. Thus, what a ruinous system that gives people the manipulated feeling of their right to choose, yet behind their backs it is all just election malfeasance - and they get away with it, especially with a press that bows to commands. :(

There are some resources in Portuguese dealing with lack of security and fraud with voting machines.

These are analysts speaking about the technical problems. The first three are videos and the last one an article:

A verdade sobre urnas eletrônicas! (eng. Amílcar Brunazo)

Confiabilidade das Urnas Eletrônicas

Fraude nas URNAS? Especialista e professor da UNB, Diego Aranha diz que urna eletrônica é insegura

O Homem Contra a Urna Eletrônica

Here is a congressman speaking against voting machines: Fraude nas Urnas Eletrônicas - Deputado Federal Fernando Chiarelli

The website is dedicated to this issue, it has a lot of articles and some case studies. I was surprised by their list of cases of suspicion of fraud, there are over ninety cities listed!
There's so much at stake in the upcoming second round of the Brazilian elections. To be sure everything will be tried by the PTB/Empire to get the results they want. At least it's good to know that there's lots of information on the easy possibilities of stealing elections via electronic voting (easier than paper ballots).
Ok, let's spread this information around!! Someone will read it out there! It can be our little contribution against lies and propaganda.
Found this article on Twitter. Don't know whether it is also suitable to share?
I know little about South-America, let alone Brazil, but I think what is happening over there is very interesting.


Brazilian economists also announced their support for Rousseff today with the release a manifesto entitled “Brazil Does not Want to Turn Back,” suggesting that a vote for Neves is a step towards policies of the past that respond to the interests of a limited sector of the population.

"What is at stake in this election is a return to the past or the continuity model that opens the doors of the future. It's a choice between the policies that served to perpetuate inequalities and model who has contributed to the deepening of democracy, bringing light to millions of new citizens, "says the document.

The manifesto states that over the years the PT party has assured economic stability, guaranteed employment and better pay for Brazilians since it became the ruling party in 2002 with Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

The document was signed by renowned Brazilian economists and professors Marina Tavares da Conceisao, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Marcio Luiz Gonzaga Belluzzo Pochmann, both from the State University of Campinas, among others.
I think this is from the latest poll, and the difference is so small that it doesn't bode very well...

Brazil President Dilma Rousseff and pro-business challenger Aecio Neves are running neck-and-neck ahead of a runoff election on Oct. 26, a poll showed on Monday.

The survey by research firm Vox Populi found 45 percent of voters favoring Rousseff and 44 percent for Neves, within the margin of error of 2.2 percentage points. Excluding undecided voters and spoiled or blank survey responses, Rousseff had 51 percent of valid votes against 49 percent for Neves.

Vox Populi is one of Brazil's smaller pollsters, but its survey backed up the findings of larger polling firms Datafolha and Ibope, which also found the race too close to call in their polls last week. [ID:nL2N0S41ER]

Neves has gained ground since his surprise performance in the first-round vote on Oct. 5, when he bested environmentalist Marina Silva to place second behind Rousseff.

On Sunday, Neves secured Silva's endorsement, increasing the odds of winning a crucial majority of her 22 million votes to unseat Rousseff and end 12 years of rule by her Workers' Party. [ID:nL2N0S70I9]

Yeah Chu, two other different polls were published today and they are toe to toe on both, Dilma with 43% and Aécio with 45%. Yesterday was the first televised debate between the two and Dilma actually stood up pretty well. One poll mentioned that 23% of Marina's voters would follow her recommendation for the second round.

There has been a frontal attack against the Worker's Party recently (link, in Portuguese), including the 'timely' release by the judiciary of the audio recordings of the Petrobras corruption scandal (promptly uploaded to youtube by one of Globo's magazines), which implicates several political parties and all major constructors in the country, but of course everyone is focusing on the Workers' Party as the epitome of corruption (not true, just as corrupt as the others).

As the Workers Party has a lot of militants, the leftist alternative media is doing a decent job of counteracting the defamation (for instance, _www.brasil247.com_ and, but television has a much broader impact and the major network Globo is favoring Aécio (as they favored the military regime and other candidates that were running against the Workers Party), having fired two journalists for clearly expressing opinions in favor of Dilma. Globo is the same network that fired journalists and even its director in Minas Gerais during Aécio's years as governor to avoid any news against him. A curious fact, Dilma actually won in Minas Gerais in the first round, so maybe the people are not so stupid as he thinks.

Also, on the same day that Marina Silva announced her support for Aécio (it seems she will be his Foreign Affairs Minister - shivers!), Globo aired a new and exclusive audio from the blackbox of the Eduardo Campos accident in its primetime Sunday night news-entertaiment show. Nevermind that no one had mentioned the accident anymore in the last two months and that no one explained where the hell that recording came from since the black box had already been fully analyzed by the Air Force and nothing was found.

Much of the printed press also seems to be favoring Aécio, so indeed it is a tough job for Dilma. The Workers' Party is so low in popularity that she has been avoiding mentioning the party and instead focusing on herself and Lula.

Just a note, some claims by international news outlets that Aécio going for the second round was completely unexpected are not true. Aécio and Dilma's party (PSDB and PT, respectively) have been the only two parties in the final round of presidential elections since 1994. PSDB won the first two with Fernando Henrique Cardoso and PT won the last three with Lula and then Dilma.

Regarding Fernando Henrique (FHC), I found a reference somewhere about his involvement with the CIA through the Ford Foundation (can't find the link now). FHC's organization named CEBRAP undoubtedly received some significant funding from the Ford Foundation in its beginnings in 1969, as told by Peter Bell, the Foundation's president at the time (link, in English). However, Bell says in the linked article that the CIA actually did not want him to give the grant to FHC because he was associated with the left. The link between CEBRAP, Ford Foundation and the CIA was supposedly made in the book Who Paid the Piper? CIA and the Cultural Cold War by Frances Stonor Saunders, but I couldn't find any good evidence. Actually, this article says that the book doesn't even mention CEBRAP (link, in Portuguese).
Thanks for those explanations, CIS! Very interesting and instructive.

I was just reading an article (link, in Spanish) which talks a bit more in detail about what Neves routes for, and it's pretty scary. He would be a big blockage for Latin America, he threatens to give the US even more power, and to destroy what various leaders have accomplished throughout the years to prevent the US from taking over (namely Chavez - and then Maduro-, Morales and Correa). It would be a disaster, I think.

It's not surprising, then, that there is so much bias in favor of Neves in the media. Very sad...
Chu said:
These are in Portuguese, but form what I can understand, could be good to spread around. Yes?

About CIA funding of A. Neves to support the 1964 coup:,o.html

About Neves' privatization ideas:,3324771/dilma-questiona-aecio-neves-sobre-privatizacoes.shtml

And this one, but I can't quite understand what it says:

A good one in English:
I saw couple of articles in western MSM is supporting Neves. I googled for CIA Neve's connection, couldn't find any thing. It looks google translate is decent with minor modifications.

I was wondering whether it is possible to modify it and publish it in english SOTT and spread it in social media. Here is one with minor changes ( with some minor guess work).,o.html
Brazil's Presidential Candidate's CIA connections: Father of Aetius Neves received money from CIA to support the 1964 coup

Today, the toucan senator is the main spokesman of imperialism in the presidential elections of October

On the 50th anniversary of the military coup, the PSDB presidential Aecio Neves, attended an event with a series of entrepreneurs in São Paulo. Many of them even helped finance the 1964 coup What many do not know, however, is that the connection between the family of the current mining senator and scammers is old.

Besides being the grandson of Tancredo Neves, through his mother, the toucan is also descended from another political oligarchy mining by father. Tristan da Cunha Ferreira, his grandfather, was a deputy for the PR from 1946 until 1963 and supported the 1964 coup His father, Aetius Ferreira da Cunha, in turn, also supported the military regime being deputy for ARENA, PDS and PFL on a period spanning 1962-1986.

After the coup his grandfather became president of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE).

Before the coup, the father of Aetius Neves benefited from the money of those who, years later, would assume power. In the 1962 elections, he was funded by American companies. Funding was through the IBAD, a linked OnG the CIA (Espionage Agency of the USA).

Aetius Cunha appears in a list of 111 MPs who had their campaigns financed by the intelligence agency of imperialism. The case gave rise to a CPI at the time. Besides Cunha, rightists were on the list as Plinio Salgado, Padre Godinho and Amaral Neto.

Currently Aetius Neves promotes a campaign that, with faixada of "fighting corruption", want to install a CPI Petrobras and thus had increased foreign participation in domestic oil exploration. In this case, history repeats itself and the family of imperialist interests back to be the voice in the country.
I am not sure what the faixada means, - Probably slogan. We can do the same with the other articles too.
Seek10, here is an amended translation based on your post. I think google would never find the translation for faixada because I think the author should have used fachada instead. I'm not sure if scammers is the best translation for golpistas. Golpistas would be those that carried out the coup.

Brazil's Presidential Candidate's CIA connections: Father of Aecio Neves received money from CIA to support the 1964 coup

Today, the senator from the Social Democratic Party (PSDB) is the main spokesman of imperialism in the presidential elections of October.

On the 50th anniversary of the military coup, the PSDB presidential candidate Aecio Neves, attended an event with a series of entrepreneurs in São Paulo. Many of them even helped finance the 1964 coup. What many do not know, however, is that the connection between the family of the current senator for the state of Minas Gerais and the scammers is old.

Besides being the grandson of Tancredo Neves, on his mother side, the senator is also descended from another political oligarchy from Minas Gerais from his father side. Tristão da Cunha Ferreira, his grandfather, was a congressman from the PR party from 1946 until 1963 and supported the 1964 coup. His father, Aecio Ferreira da Cunha, in turn, also supported the military regime being in Congress for ARENA, PDS and PFL parties on a period spanning 1962-1986.

After the coup his grandfather became president of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE).

Before the coup, the father of Aecio Neves benefited from the money of those who, years later, would come to power. In the 1962 elections, he was funded by American companies. Funding was done through the IBAD, a NGO linked to the CIA.

Aecio Cunha appears in a list of 111 congressmen who had their campaigns financed by the intelligence agency of imperialism. The case gave rise to a Parliamentary Inquiry Commission (CPI) at the time. Besides Cunha, other right-wingers were on the list such as Plinio Salgado, Padre Godinho and Amaral Neto.

Currently Aecio Neves promotes a campaign that, with the facade of "fighting corruption", really wants to install a CPI regarding the state owned Brazilian oil company (Petrobras) and thus increase foreign participation in domestic oil exploration. In this case, history repeats itself and the family once again is the spokesman of imperialist interests in the country.

If you guys think is helpful I can translate other articles that have been posted or try to put together an article compiling the basic information. I'm having some trouble with my internet connection so I may not be always up to date with the thread.
Chu said:
Thanks for those explanations, CIS! Very interesting and instructive.

I was just reading an article (link, in Spanish) which talks a bit more in detail about what Neves routes for, and it's pretty scary. He would be a big blockage for Latin America, he threatens to give the US even more power, and to destroy what various leaders have accomplished throughout the years to prevent the US from taking over (namely Chavez - and then Maduro-, Morales and Correa). It would be a disaster, I think.

It's not surprising, then, that there is so much bias in favor of Neves in the media. Very sad...

Thanks, Chu. That article is a good summation of many issues. As we can see by some words used and then by who signs it, it clearly comes from a communist point of view, and these are basically the people that are making the connections of Aécio and PSDB with the US.

The problem is that many in Brazil have become kind of fed up with the communist rhetoric even though they are pretty much spot on in this case. Worse still, many don't even acknowledge the mere possibility of American influence in the crises in the EU, Ukraine, Venezuela etc. So saying it is happening in Brazil is like saying you saw a unicorn or, for those who know the words, you are a conspiracy theorist. Once again, the local commies are the only ones pointing this out.
Courageous Inmate Sort said:
If you guys think is helpful I can translate other articles that have been posted or try to put together an article compiling the basic information. I'm having some trouble with my internet connection so I may not be always up to date with the thread.

If you are up to translate it, I can review for any errors. I think it would be helpful for the upcoming week, being the last week before the elections on next Sunday.
If you guys think is helpful I can translate other articles that have been posted or try to put together an article compiling the basic information. I'm having some trouble with my internet connection so I may not be always up to date with the thread.

If you are up to translate it, I can review for any errors. I think it would be helpful for the upcoming week, being the last week before the elections on next Sunday.

I could help translating too. Also, a friend of mine wrote a very good review of the situation and I'll ask him if I can translate it and post it here. We're planning on doing some "street work" today, try to talk to people and affixing some Dilma's posters. Not much time left.
latulipenoire said:
If you guys think is helpful I can translate other articles that have been posted or try to put together an article compiling the basic information. I'm having some trouble with my internet connection so I may not be always up to date with the thread.

If you are up to translate it, I can review for any errors. I think it would be helpful for the upcoming week, being the last week before the elections on next Sunday.

I could help translating too. Also, a friend of mine wrote a very good review of the situation and I'll ask him if I can translate it and post it here. We're planning on doing some "street work" today, try to talk to people and affixing some Dilma's posters. Not much time left.

Great, I'll do a first translation and post it here later today.
Here is one:

Oligarch in double dose: father of Aecio in the list of those funded by the CIA before the coup of 1964

Senator Aecio Neves (PSDB-Minas Gerais) is a descendent not only from the Neves political oligarchy of Minas Gerais, through his mother, daughter of Tancredo Neves.

By his father side, he descends from the Cunha oligarchy. His grandfather Tristão Ferreira da Cunha was a Congressman from 1946 to 1963, at the PR party at the time, of conservative ideology.
In 1962 he passed his political inheritance to his child, electing Aecio Cunha to Congress, father of the current PSDB Senator.

Tristão supported the coup of 1964 and won the Presidency of CADE (Administrative Council of Economic Defense) where he stayed until his death in 1974.

The father of Aecio Neves also joined the military dictatorship and he was a Congressman for the parties ARENA, PDS and PFL between 1962 and 1986, during six legislatures, when he passed the baton to his son so he could get elected Congressman.

So far this is another case of oligarchies in Brazil that seek to maintain political power for generations in a row, including through coups and dictatorships.

The bigger problem is that the United States decided to clandestinely finance, with millions of dollars, the 1962 Brazilian election campaign of candidates docile to its interests and "friends" of American companies installed in Brazil.

Through an NGO called IBAD, the CIA financed several candidates of its choice. And in the list of candidates from Minas Gerais is the name of Aecio Cunha together with exponents of the extreme right such as Amaral Neto, Plinio Salgado, Padre Godinho, Herbert Levy.

The case was a scandal at the time, reason for a Parliamentary Inquiry Commission (CPI), because foreign financing of elections was already forbidden at the time.

Making an analogy with the present day, it is as if American oil companies used a shell entity to receive money and pass it on to the campaign of politicians willing to detonate Petrobras and dismantle the pre-salt oil sharing scheme which gives more money for education, returning to the scheme at a bargain price concessions of the Fernando Henrique Cardoso era. In fact that's what Aecio Neves has promised to an audience of entrepreneurs.

Original at: _

edit: spacing
Another one:

Original at (Portuguese version of the link posted by Chu):_


The electoral situation became dangerous. The comfortable position "it’s all the same" does not help to solve the dilemma: one of the candidates will win the election.

The beginning of a new cycle of struggles since the June 2013 Journeys should be understood as long term, and does not yet have a completely predictable outcome. What will result from this new moment, undoubtedly depends on the level of organization of the workers and popular masses and the ability to submit proposals to unify the people towards structural changes in Brazilian society. Therefore, we must make it clear: the scope of these proposals for transformation depends on more favorable conditions in the present, which also include defensive considerations on electoral tactics: it is a serious political mistake betting on "the worse the better".

It is clear that we are facing a world wide offensive from international financial capital (on the landmarks of the structural crisis of capital) and there is a clear predominance of preventive counter-revolution, of counter-reform and of social regression. The candidacy aimed at fulfilling these anti-national and anti-popular measures in the next period with most efficacy is undoubtedly the Social Democratic Party (PSDB) of Aecio Neves.

He represents the right-wing radical opposition, which has direct links with mega-speculators like Soros, foreign investment banks (Merrill Lynch) and retail banks (Santander), oligarchs of the national bourgeoisie most integrated to American imperialism with a tougher and more ideological right-wing identity (as most groups linked to Millenium Institute, directed by Armínio Fraga, chosen by Aecio to coordinate the Ministry of finance if elected, and who has been complaining that the "minimum wage has grown a lot in the last few years"). The candidacy of Aecio thrills and excites the reactionary sectors, as already demonstrated by racist, fascists, homophobic and xenophobic manifestations, such as against Northeasterners and the reduction of the age of criminal responsibility. Aecio’s candidacy represents an extreme pro-imperialism, even promising to fully deliver the command of the Central Bank (now subordinate to the Ministry of Finance) to unelected technocrats at the behest of international financial capital. Aecio Neves represents the return to the "FHC era", which they now try to paint in golden colors: under Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC), legislation had already eliminated legal distinctions between domestic and foreign companies (facilitating the support of public institutions as the BNDES to transnational companies). The three largest companies in the country – Petrobras, Vale do Rio Doce and BR Distribuição (16.1% of sales among the 500 largest) suffered deep and growing privatization. After the Oil Law of 1997, the two giant ‘State’ companies suffered strong shareholding stake (and consequent influence) of international financial capital. In the process of privatization Vale was sold, in a criminal and fraudulent manner, by the FHC government for a tiny fraction (R$ 3.1 billion) of its value, since at the time it was estimated at more than R$ 1.5 trillion. In 2010 the Vale's net income was R$ 30 billion, almost 10 times the price paid in the privatization; the company's revenue in 2013 totaled R$ 104,25 billion. While employees pay up to 27.5% Income tax, Vale pays 0.12% of its turnover. This transnational pays in Brazil one of the lowest tax rates and royalties of the world; Despite being the second largest mining company in the world, largest iron ore producer and second largest of nickel.

But we want here to underscore a crucial issue. The main international task of Aecio Neves, if elected, is to dismantle the experiences of Latin American integration which Brazil participates as Mercosur, Unasur and Celac, and to act as an internal agent on the continent in the offensive against the revolutionary Government with broad popular support of Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela, Evo Morales in Bolivia and Rafael Correa in Ecuador. The American project of the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas) was shelved, due to the struggle of the Latin American peoples, articulated in an international campaign led by Hugo Chávez; in Brazil due to the resistance of popular movements, having in front the MST (Landless Workers Movement). However, the American annexationist strategy continues to seek new means of implementation. The FTAA would mean much more than the deepening dependence on imperialism. The implementation of this Treaty would mean a radical neo-colonial regression for the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean and would lead to balkanization of Brazil. In this decisive aspect, there was a positive movement of Brazilian diplomacy under PT Governments, guiding it to give more weight to the South-South relations. This change is explained by the favorable international situation with the election of anti-imperialist and progressive Presidents in several neighboring countries. Domestically, it was significant the growing pressure of certain bourgeois fractions with large investments in fixed capital in the country, defending the local industry against American crushing. We should also highlight the struggle of the then Secretary-General of Foreign Affairs (2004-2009) Pinheiro Guimarães. At the Summit of the Americas in Mar le Plata (November 2005) Lula aligned with Chavez, Morales, Correia, Néstor Kirchner and other Latin American Presidents and stopped the FTAA; in opposition to to Baby Bush and his minions, Vicente Fox (former President of Coca-Cola and then President of Mexico) and the fascist Uribe (then narco-President of Colombia).

It is not a question of apologetically defending the Dilma Government nor of having the illusion that transformations will occur in a new mandate, but instead to not disregard facts that have a significant weight on the struggles in the country and abroad. We know that the Dilma candidature is closer to the interests of the domestic financial capital: fractions of the grand internal bourgeoisie (generally associated with imperialism, but which claim protection from the State to improve its position), the monopolist capital interested that the State prioritizes purchases of local production (construction, naval industry, etc) or a South-South foreign policy, with the interest of building more favorable trading zones.

It is clear that the PT Governments moved away from the best aspects of the party’s history, program and discourse, frustrating the expectations of their popular bases. In a 'transformism' that led to the demobilization of the proletarian and popular masses, emancipatory policies were emptied and the means of struggle and of formation of class consciousness were blocked. This is why the PT has a larger responsibility regarding an electoral performance below previous elections (in the first round of 2002, 2006, 2010, the PT received, respectively, 45.4%, 48.6% and 46.8% of the votes), in the first round of 2014 it was 41.5%. The priority given to the maintenance of 'governability' blocked the necessary confrontation with imperialism, monopolies and large estates, which engender the power block responsible for the dependent character of the monopolistic Brazilian capitalism, increasingly subordinated to international financial capital and, therefore, dominated by the imperialist powers, which makes the Brazilian people suffer before a chronic social inequality.

So, if on one hand the PT Governments made a move in the direction of making differentiated arrangements of fractions of the bourgeois class that eventually integrated it to the capital management itself, on the other, Aecio Neves is the most organically linked to fractions of pro-imperialist, pro-privatization, elitist and fascists classes of the dominant power block. This analysis can only lead to the political position of defeating the PSDB's candidacy: the only anti-Aecio position is to vote in Dilma. The situation is grave, voting null, although legitimate, is misleading, because it will not contribute to address specifically the difficult dilemma in which we find ourselves.

It is necessary to defeat Aecio Neves and regroup the people to build the Block of popular forces capable of performing the deep longing of changes that include deep and urgent measures in the sectors of transportation, public health, education, public safety, labor rights, as well as construction of participation and popular sovereignty in decision-making, land reform and urban reform.


Luís Carlos Prestes Communist Pole-PCLCP
National Direction
October 12, 2014
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