BREAKING: Soldier shot at War Memorial in Ottawa Canada

This is a long article and takes a minute to load - due to several screen shots of published news articles and their alterations.


Some quotes:

At 10:13am EDT, The Globe and Mail‘s Josh Wingrove reported that tactical officers were pointing guns at every parliamentary journalist on site. (Post since removed from Twitter.) (Copy retrieved)

At 12:11pm EDT, The CBC’s Kady O’Malley reported her group was ordered to leave a local rooftop by police, as they continued to search for a culprit and attempted to secure the area. (Screenshot)

By 1:14pm EDT, Ms. O’Malley reported a continuing lockdown that blanketed Ottawa. She was unclear if the event was over, as no further information was available. (Screenshot)

While Canadian news personalities were at police gunpoint, American outlets like CBS News and the Associated Press had a full story to sell, complete with the dead shooter’s name.

Before the scene was secure at 10:54am EDT, a joint release was published to identify the culprit. It stated,

“The gunmen has been identified by U.S. officials to CBS News as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian national born in 1982.”

(CBS News link)

By 4:58pm EDT, the story was edited to remove the shooter’s name, or any mention of the U.S. government’s knowledge.

The only problem is no one could update the Google database quick enough with these changes, so the original information still appeared with general search results. (Screenshot of article)

The story was altered again in the evening, when the Canadian government allowed the name of a shooter to be released and American media added law enforcement to their list of official sources. They also added a middle name, Abdul, to emphasize the suspect’s Islamic ties with an accusation of terrorism. (Screenshot of article)

As members of parliament begin to piece this tragedy together, they’re advised to inquire how American intelligence knew the name of a ‘possible terrorist’ as the mayhem was still unfolding. How did Americans know when Canadians didn’t, and how was this information so widespread that American media and Google had access to distribute, but domestic reporters on the scene did not.

Canadian parliamentary bureau chiefs didn’t posses the same information as their U.S. counterparts and faced the barrel of police guns as a press narrative was provided on their behalf by another country. If this is dubbed an act of terrorism that American sources had knowledge about to pre-report, then why weren’t steps taken to prevent the violence?

Many have questioned how a gunman could enter parliament with a rifle unnoticed, in spite of the massive security and busy lineups. Some are calling for greater state police control and warmed to relinquishing their Charter rights, in an effort to fight the new war on domestic terrorism. Something has to justify police militarization since the War on Drugs has been transformed into a lucrative product of capitalism.

All Canadians who pay attention to the news are acutely aware of a creeping police state and the loss of privacy rights in the tradeoff. In fact, one Liberal MP, Joyce Murray, proposed Bill C-622 to gain oversight of CSIS and CSEC, so Canadian law enforcement can’t overstep its bounds to the degree that’s been revealed through Snowden leaks.

This shooting event also occurs at a time when the Mayor of Ottawa is seeking re-election, with a history of accommodating CSEC as a business partner.

The journalist who brought these Snowden leaks to light is in town to promote his new book about the overreaching powers of a surveillance state. Glenn Greenwald will be speaking just a few blocks from Parliament Hill, in the same neighbourhood that’s under lockdown. It’s purely coincidental that he wrote a scathing piece about the Canadian government and co-dependent media’s abuse of the word “terrorism” a day earlier.

Meanwhile, the NDP noticed a different terrorism anomaly regarding the violence in Quebec on the day before as well. The Prime Minister’s Office was accused of planting a foreboding comment in Question Period, that preempted police reports of a “possible terror attack against soldiers”.

Public Safety Minster Steve Blaney reported the Monday event was “clearly linked to terrorist ideology”, but the Toronto Star reported multiple witnesses saw the suspect with his hands in the air, when at least one police officer opened fire. They also say a knife was “lodged into the ground near where the incident occurred”.

Well, that’s what the original story by Allan Woods, Bruce Campion-Smith, Joanna Smith, Tonda MacCharles and Les Whittington stated. A syndicated copy had to be located at the Cambridge Times, because a newer, edited version at the Toronto Star appeared dramatically altered by Tuesday.

If the U.S government could assess a terrorist attack on Canadian soil before the Canadian government was aware, then why was it not prevented? On the same token, if the Canadian government was in the middle of mayhem, then how did Americans obtain information that wasn’t available to affected bureaucrats from their own intelligence and law enforcement agencies? What powers does America have over Canada that Canada doesn’t have itself? If a shooting on government property can be solved before it’s even finished, then why wasn’t CSIS, CSEC, DHS and the NSA capable of early intervention? After all, the Wednesday shooter was already placed on the government’s watch list.

The timing is incredible and may very well be motivated by the war against ISIS/ISIL. Canada shed its peacekeeping status for more aggressive combat that generates profits for the Canada Pension Plan and Nigel Wright, with the potential to invite ideological backlash. This is not disputed. An unbiased investigation is required, but the public should be patient for confirmed, judicial facts; bearing in mind political motives, various narratives and the race to sell fear.

Article continues ......
angelburst29 said:
This is a long article and takes a minute to load - due to several screen shots of published news articles and their alterations.


Article continues ......

Yes, caught this by Amy MacPherson earlier.

A little further:

We’re talking about public data surveillance, or what closely resembles stalking.

There are plenty of ambiguous words used to describe big data monitoring, but few understand what it means or how deeply it’s abused behind the sealed doors at CSEC. Warrantless internet surveillance has the potential to track a target’s GPS movements with updating by the minute. It can penetrate the entire chain of communication between an individual and their contacts, including strangers who make reference to the target by any degree of separation across the world wide web. The technology has predictive behaviour capabilities. Every citizen caught in this widespread dragnet is psychologically assessed through language semantics and assigned a persuasion, to determine if any of them presents a public relations issue, or if the original target has too much influence to garner support for their business, political and/or social beliefs.

Five Eyes governments have established media surveillance programs specifically. They surveil news topics and journalists, to monitor the reporter’s effect on public perception. When anyone posts a news link on any form of social media, all comments are collected and ranked for government and law enforcement dissemination. Canada spent $20 million and hired 3,300 staff to spy on journalists and political opponents since 2012. The European Commission and United States does the same, in this vacuum of nonexistent legislation to protect the public’s privacy in the modern age. Instead of updating constitutional rights to reflect modern technology, they’ve crafted legislation like Bill C-13 that revokes those rights entirely.
Perhaps lawyers have been quiet about this issue because one of the government surveillance contractors also controls their Quick Law program, as well as court and university databases. Perhaps professors have been quiet because they hire these surveillance companies to monitor their science and research fellows at a prominent Canadian university that partners with CSEC.

Was reading from this site about Canadian internet traffic "boomerang" routes. Much of the work is by Andrew Clement, PhD, Professor, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto. If Canadian's have not checked it out, it is worth viewing. Although this is 101 stuff for many here, it was interesting from within this countries place of origin. There is a more complete film of this by Clement and Ixmaps, yet can't find it (I'll show a shorter version below). Basically, routed information is moved south and is spliced off or mirrored from one of the U.S. hubs for much of Canada's internet traffic, where they can than decide to play with it, manipulate it, blackmail with it or generally fill their boots with it. They may even have foreknowledge of information in this way to have done what MacPherson suggests in the above thread, manipulate it and leak it to the media before even the Canadian media knew what was going on.

I don't know, yet this seems to have been going on for a long time and information has been inspected and stored at the whim of the PTB whenever and wherever they see fit. We may scream for civil liberties and privacy, yet now they may only be making it official in Canada (new bills) that we don't have any, while not saying that as technology grew we never did, we only thought we did.

Perhaps the Sun has something in store for them, and us, like a large X28 class or greater that will make it all for not.
Now that the dust has settled and things are getting back to normal in Ottawa, I finally have the time to sit with my thoughts. I live and work in Ottawa. My office building was on lockdown throughout the day, even though we aren't downtown. I had never experienced a lockdown and I have to say its traumatic effect isn't easily noticeable. I noticed my anxiety was rising in the early afternoon, which I attributed to the shock of the shooting (we rarely have such brazen events in Ottawa, aside from the occasional shooting or stabbing in high crime areas) and my lack of nicotine (we weren't allowed out to smoke - mental note: get patches or gum in case I am ever stuck in the office for an extended period of time). But by the time we were finally allowed out, I smoked three cigarettes in a row and felt my nerves coming back to normal.

However, days later I started having intense emotions coming to the surface that were a mix of anger and fear (mostly directed at concerns of how this event would be used to further embolden the security and military establishments) and deep sorrow, as if I had lost something. As well, I was certainly empathizing with the victims, the shooter (who was clearly suffering from mental health issues), his family and my fellow citizens. Generally, I was impressed with the humanity many had expressed in their concern for, and support of each other. But overall, the emotions displayed by fellow Ottawans were a strange mix of grief, compassion, confusion, anger, indignation, nationalism, pride and xenophobia. While many took the higher path, it wasn't uncommon to hear anti-Muslim or anti-immigrant sentiments from a few. I was surprised to hear that children nowadays are accustomed to lockdown drills and that many spent the entire day in lockdown as well. Heck, I never experienced lockdown in 48 years until this event and I found it compounded the effects of the shooting considerably. So, I can only imagine what effects such drills can have on kids, stressing them while also desensitizing them.

I'm not sure about the multiple shooter scenario, as I can come up with equally (if not more) likely explanations. The Rideau Centre,Chateau Laurier and War Memorial are quite close to each other. And since the area is quite open, sound travels quite a bit there. So, I don't have difficulty believing that shots reported at the Rideau Centre and Chateau Laurier weren't simply the shots fired at the war memorial. As well, the description of a second shooter fits perfectly with the attire of one of either the RCMP or Ottawa Police tactical response teams, who were wearing jeans and black jackets or vests. Since the RCMP were in hot pursuit, some on foot, it is entirely feasible that the armed person seen jumping the fence onto Parliament Hill was actually one of the RCMP chasing on foot (Image from Ottawa Citizen:

As well, while we are all astounded that someone could run up to the front of the Peace Tower with a rifle and actually make it to the inside without being stopped, in practice it's actually quite simple. It seems the shooter entered in front of the east block and highjacked a car, driving it to the centre block. Had he ran across the front lawn, he probably would have been much more visible (Map from Ottawa Citizen: The entrance to the centre block isn't as secure as one would think, although one can be certain that will change. So, it's not difficult to rush security at the entrance. Although he was able to get past the first line of security greeters, he didn't get very far before being killed.

Having said that, I remain open to the possibility of multiple shooters. I am also open to the notion of a monarch-like mind control subject. By all accounts, the shooter seemed to have psychological problems and severe drug addiction, both which could be symptomatic of programming or simply demonstrate a higher vulnerability to programming. While this government is notorious for pushing through legislation without public consultation or scrutiny, they perhaps see value in securing public support for certain bills. The timing of the shooting is far too convenient, considering the amendments to security legislation this government intends to pass. The fact that the US seems to have had the media machine primed and ready to go with information before the Canadian media could add veracity to the notion of a US operation and could indicate that Canadian security officials were out of the loop.
Thanks for sharing your experience, Gonzo. Yeah, a lot of it sounds like 9/11 (the people's reactions, your feelings, etc.). I was in NYC that day and had move 9 months earlier from just a few block north of the WTC to way uptown. It's really amazing that this incident in Ottawa, which is WAY smaller scale than the 9/11 false flag can have the same effects on the people using the media hype again, to ram through tyrannical laws they wanted to pass before the event. And (try to) get more support for increasing their warmongering.
It would be interesting to think how the tiny Canadian nation might actually be a linchpin in the agenda of the global cabal. Harper hasn't completely destroyed Canada's reputation. Our history of strong diplomacy and peace keeping, though erased in recent years through policy shift, may still be strong enough to engender similar global support as 9/11 had for the US. In reality, Canada's potential military contribution to overseas wars will never match that of much larger nations. So, while the events may help sell the war at home, I suspect it was designed for a much greater purpose. Perhaps it simply serves as a catalyst to get hesitant nations on-board with the current war plans.

I also wonder about the spiritual level. If Canada truly was a model for diplomacy and peacemaking/keeping, then one has to wonder what happens in a metaphysical sense, both to Canada and the world in general, when it's citizens sell their souls out of spite, vengeance or simply to save their skins.
Gonzo said:
It would be interesting to think how the tiny Canadian nation might actually be a linchpin in the agenda of the global cabal. Harper hasn't completely destroyed Canada's reputation. Our history of strong diplomacy and peace keeping, though erased in recent years through policy shift, may still be strong enough to engender similar global support as 9/11 had for the US. In reality, Canada's potential military contribution to overseas wars will never match that of much larger nations. So, while the events may help sell the war at home, I suspect it was designed for a much greater purpose. Perhaps it simply serves as a catalyst to get hesitant nations on-board with the current war plans.

I also wonder about the spiritual level. If Canada truly was a model for diplomacy and peacemaking/keeping, then one has to wonder what happens in a metaphysical sense, both to Canada and the world in general, when it's citizens sell their souls out of spite, vengeance or simply to save their skins.

Gonzo, what do you mean by "Canadian nation". Do you mean natives or Canadians (immigrants from many many countries,) or aboriginals? Canada is a melting pot and a domestic market for USA. Also with a big sioniste influence, like everywhere. I think the idea that Canada is symbol of peace is a myth. A myth that Canadians believe but the reality is other. But I think also they utilize this myth of peaceful country to participated in wars. So in the name of Peace and because we believe in Peace, we will go to war (with the USA). We will occupy other countries, in the name of Peace...
Hi Loreta,

Sorry if I wasn't clear. I meant nation as a country and its people, not a specific subgroup of people.

Interesting you refer to Canada as a melting pot. We've tended to refer to it as a cultural mosaic as a distinctly separate social arrangement than the US'. This term arose through the Trudeau era, as our nation attempted to define itself beyond it's British colonial origins.

The alleged difference being that a melting pot is a society that slowly becomes and averaging of all of its cultural component contributions and a mosaic being a society that allows, encourages and celebrates the cultural elements of its citizens. Of course, all of this gets thrown out the window when the xenophobia button gets pushed and, in many ways, is part of the Canadian myth. While my country has certainly embraced cultural contributions and worked against assimilation more than the US, we never achieved the success envisioned in the 60s/early 70s.

I certainly agree that part of our mythology is our peacefulness. While we have certainly been lauded for our peacemaking and peacekeeping efforts (it was Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson who convince the UN to move into peacekeeping in the 50s) any old soldier from any other country who served next to Canadians would tell you how fierce we can be on the battlefield, not to mention our human rights violations going back to WWI (summary execution of prisoners in both great wars come to mind, not to mention the killing of civilians in just about every conflict we've been involved in). So, we live a paradox and tend to focus on the positive and ignore the negative. In fact, one would think our school curriculum would contain a lot about atrocities committed against our aboriginal population and yet it simply gives a superficial nod to broken agreements, unsettled land claims, and instead focusses on how well we crushed "Indian" uprisings.

Heck, we can't even agree on details on the war between the French and English, with textbooks in Quebec telling a slightly different story than English Canada's history textbooks. The suffering experienced by my Irish ancestors when they came to this land is all but erased from history.

By most country's standards, Canada is a young nation, entering into confederation in 1867. Although first settled by the French, and then by the English, the country was quickly populated by a wide variety of European immigrants, which might explain why it tries so hard to encourage cultural diversity. But history has also shown that living next to the US has a price on our domestic and international policies. Eventually, American power corrupts Canada and absolute American power will corrupt us absolutely.

I love Canada, specially Quebec. I think Quebec, compared to Spain, is at light years more evolve as a society and I miss a "certain" protection that the individual has. I miss this side of Canada. Meltin pot for me means a multicultural society. Maybe a too multicultural society, in fact.

There is another myth about Canada: that it is a non-racist society. And we can see that is another lie. Even if it is a very multicultural country, racism is very strong, even now specially I can imagine against Muslims. This multi-culturalism can be a knife with two sides that the politicians use to divide. They do that outside the country, they do the same inside. Give voice and power to every culture not because they are gentle and accept the differences, but because they love to see separation, ghetositation. This is something that is real. Et bon, the propaganda against Arabs is there and it works. My sister is a racist, not because some Arabs did something to her but because she does not understand that the government is hypocrite and likes to see and provoke conflict outside as inside, so they are happy when people are afraid of Arabs for any kind of reasons: they have to much rights concerning their religion, or they have more rights then the natives, or because there are too many arabs, etc. And it works...

I am sorry, my English is so bad.
loreta said:
I love Canada, specially Quebec. I think Quebec, compared to Spain, is at light years more evolve as a society and I miss a "certain" protection that the individual has. I miss this side of Canada. Meltin pot for me means a multicultural society. Maybe a too multicultural society, in fact.

There is another myth about Canada: that it is a non-racist society. And we can see that is another lie. Even if it is a very multicultural country, racism is very strong, even now specially I can imagine against Muslims. This multi-culturalism can be a knife with two sides that the politicians use to divide. They do that outside the country, they do the same inside. Give voice and power to every culture not because they are gentle and accept the differences, but because they love to see separation, ghetositation. This is something that is real. Et bon, the propaganda against Arabs is there and it works. My sister is a racist, not because some Arabs did something to her but because she does not understand that the government is hypocrite and likes to see and provoke conflict outside as inside, so they are happy when people are afraid of Arabs for any kind of reasons: they have to much rights concerning their religion, or they have more rights then the natives, or because there are too many arabs, etc. And it works...

I am sorry, my English is so bad.

On the one side, Canadians pride themselves on multiculturalism. See Surrey, Richmond, Quebec as a whole, German communities in the prairies, etc. On the other side, Canada is institutionally racist. See natives, Surrey, Richmond, and Quebec again. When it suits the Canadian elite they pretend to be a melting pot, and when it doesn't they ruthlessly cut down ethnic opponents. See the institutionalized destruction of native communities.

It's the way Canada has always been. The new trend of multiculturalism has done them a double benefit. They can poison actual Canadians, deny them a national identity and weaken the bonds between countrymen by proclaiming that all cultures are welcome to be Canadian culture (whatever that means, totally contradictory) and being anti-racist while smashing down on ethnic groups they don't like. It weakens ethnic resistance and breaks the back of the domestic 'Canadian' resistance, as we see with the horribly low youth participation rates and the complete lack of youth political engagement in general.

Canada has been morally neutered. Carefully planned, implemented over a great deal of time, too. Also notice how racism never applies to Israel, and the Canadian state never dares talk about it although it would suffer virtually no backlash by doing so and has historically been anti-jew. A two-faced country if ever there was one.
Here is a video featured on whereby Glenn Greenwald is speaking to a large group in Ottawa late last October during this post event (he was there during the eveny also). It is a long interview (2 hrs) with many from journalist groups, along with a question and answer period. Skip ahead to a least 12 - 14 minutes when he is introduced. Greenwald speaks a fair bit about this event and his observations of the headlines and in conversation with people in Ottawa.

You may or may not also have noticed on SoTT this day the following very good article from Barrie Zwicker: The Ottawa false flag attacks have all the fingerprints of U.S. involvement

You are absolutely right Wu Wei Wu.

Racism is something that I saw and lived personally being an immigrant and later living with a Senegalese. And seeing how they treat the Indians (and also how the Indians accept to be treated by the government.) Always racism: between French and English (Two Solitudes). Between Canadians and Italians. Then Canadians and South Americans, or Canadians and Pakistanis, always racism, against blacks, yellows, against Arabs, Muslims, never Jews, that's for sure. And always this fantastic image of multi-culturalism. It is a duality.

Never mind, I miss Canada. But we always miss something that is not real.

(And racism is everywhere, come to Spain and you will see how we treat the Africans that arrived from the African coasts. Shameful.) But that's another story.
This is an article that a friend in FB posted some days ago. It says about the possible implication of the Harper Government in a sect that made sacrifices of children, related to the Vatican. It is a very interesting article but I would like to know if it is from a secure source because the implications are very hard. I put this article here because they say that what happened in Ottawa was also a "distraction" concerning this implication of the Harper government in the killing of two children during a ceremony in Italy. There is a video in the article that explains everything.

Child Sacrifices Tied To Vatican, Mafia, Canadian PM Stephen Harper (Video)

Ottawa police, Interpol operatives, journalists in Rome and members of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, European Parliament and Jesuit Order, plus investigators for the International Common Law Court in Brussels have contributed to this article.

Two children were raped and killed as part of Pope Francis’ Feb.22 Cardinal inauguration of Quebec Archbishop Gerald Lacroix according to a report filed yesterday at the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. Eyewitnesses claimed Cardinal Lacroix, Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s senior cabinet minister Denis Lebel participated in the rape and human sacrifice of a five or six year-old boy and a small girl.

The killings were said to take place after midnight in the basement chambers of Jesuit Headquarters next to the Church San Lorenzo Piscibus in Rome. The Italian mafia Ndrangheta supplied children for these Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifices through an office at the Vatican according to documents filed at the ICLCJ Court.

“We received a report that the children were murdered in the Catholic Jesuit headquarters” stated Kevin Annett of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State which assisted prosecution for the ICLCJ Court.” One source said a boy was sacrificed around midnight in the presence of Cardinal Lacroix and Denis Lebel. Evidently later that evening ‘the top guy’ killed a small girl. By that we assume he meant Jesuit Superior Adolfo Pachon.”

“Cardinal Lacroix, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Denis Lebel, the Ninth Circle and it’s mafia arm Ndrangheta are already under investigation for the planned sacrifice of two children in Westmount Quebec on Aug. 15, plus the Sept. 28 death of Head of Ottawa’s Human Trafficking Division Kal Ghadban and were considered prime suspects in the October 22 shooting of soldier Nathan Cirillo in Canada’s capital,” said Annett. “Our sources come from the Ottawa police, Interpol operatives, journalists in Rome and members of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, European Parliament and Jesuit Order in Rome.”

In Quebec last Aug. Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members appeared to be preparing for human sacrifices of two children when they were arrested by deputies from the ICLCJ Court assisted by Montreal police including the now-deceased Head of Ottawa’s Human Trafficking Division Kal Ghadban. Evidence collected at the scene included blood samples from a stone altar, metallic torture devices, ceremonial swords and sophisticated film equipment containing child pornography. One of the suspects later confessed that the two children to be killed were being held in a special facility at McGill University in Montreal. The informant was granted protective custody and flown to the ICLCJ Court in Brussels.

In a Sept. nine-day sting 30 Romanian children targeted for human sacrifice were rescued and over 2 tons of drugs seized by European INTERPOL police. Evidence from recent pedophilia and murder cases of the ICLCJ Court helped the INTERPOL police arrest 1027 suspected Ndrangheta mafia and Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members from six countries.

The INTERPOL arrests and Canadian and Rome child sacrifices received little or no media attention in Canada or the US. News of the Ndrangheta mafia’s role in inspector Ghadban’s death and their supply of children for the Montreal and Rome child sacrifices where Lebel and Lacroix were present could easily topple the Harper government. An ITCCS release stated, “The Canadian government’s talk of new police powers and the media hysteria that followed Cirillo’s shooting were an obvious distraction. Denis Lebel is crucial right now in Harper’s upcoming election hopes to win Quebec for his party.”

Influence of the Vatican and Canadian government-directed Ndrangheta appeared to play into not only the Canadian and Rome Ninth Circle child sacrifices, but the recent deaths of two Canadian policemen. “Our Unit Commander in Brussels believes that the head of Ottawa’s Human Trafficking Division Kal Ghadban was killed due to his willingness to investigate Ninth Circle rituals in Canada. On Monday, Oct. 20 ITCCS Directors received evidence of the Feb. child sacrifices in Rome involving Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s senior cabinet minister Denis Lebel and Quebec Archbishop-now-Cardinal Gerald Lacroix. The staged killing of policeman Nathan Cirillo occurred two days later.

“Ultimately this is all about covering for the big money, which means the Italian criminal syndicate Ndrangheta that provides children for Ninth Circle rituals” stated Annett. “We suspect a Ndrangheta member killed Ottawa police inspector Kal Ghadban on September 28 after he’d helped stop the Montreal child sacrifices in August. Apparently, Ghadban knew of Denis Lebel’s and Gerald Lacroix’s involvement in the Ninth Circle ritual and he planned to bring charges against both men. To me the death of Ghabdan confirms that federal politicians in Canada are linked to the Catholic Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult and Harper’s government couldn’t have an honest cop tied to ITCCS working to expose their crimes.”

Along with the criminal syndicate Ndrangheta, the ICLCJ Court was also considering Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult connections to Pope Francis, food giant Cargill, Sinclair Oil, Cameco Uranium Corporation and Europe’s convicted mafia money-laundering bank HSBC. An ITCCS press release stated: “Big money” includes as well Minister Lebel’s ties to those global resource companies affected by his decisions as federal Transport and Infrastructure minister: companies like Power Corporation, Cargill, Sinclair Oil and others whose officers have been named as participants in child trafficking and Ninth Circle child sacrifice rites.”

Children across the globe appeared to be regularly kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered by the Vatican-directed Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members according to over 60 eyewitnesses who since 2011, have testified before the ICLCJ Court. “The Rome child sacrifices happened in the San Lorenzo Jesuit-run International Youth Center on the same day Lacroix was inaugurated a Cardinal by Pope Francis” claimed the eyewitness informant to the event. “And that wasn’t the first child sacrifice at San Lorenzo. February 21 and 22 are the ancient Roman festivals of Feralia and Terminalia when animals and children are sacrificed in memory of the dead.”

Cardinal Lacroix was a member of Catholic Archbishop Bernard Fellay’s notorious St. Pius X Society. The SSPX, a Catholic cult connected to the Ndrangheta crime syndicate, remained in negotiations with Pope Francis to be readmitted into the Roman Catholic Church.

The ITCCS and its Canadian affiliates planned to establish an ongoing inquiry into the Lebel – Lacroix connection, the murder of Officer Kal Ghadban and the role of Ndrangheta and the Vatican in Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper government operations. “We will be seeking a new round of trials of those connected to these killings and the Canadian government’s involvement with Ndrangheta and the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult” Annett stated.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Pope Joseph Ratzinger were among 30 global elites found guilty in the first ICLCJ Court that addressed 50,000 missing native children. See this video. A few days later Pope Ratzinger resigned from office. In August the ICLCJ Court found Jesuit Superior Aldofo Pachon guilty of Crimes Against Humanity, along with Pope Francis and Archbishop of Canterbury Jason Welby. A few days later Pachon announced his resignation.

loreta said:
This is an article that a friend in FB posted some days ago. It says about the possible implication of the Harper Government in a sect that made sacrifices of children, related to the Vatican. It is a very interesting article but I would like to know if it is from a secure source because the implications are very hard. I put this article here because they say that what happened in Ottawa was also a "distraction" concerning this implication of the Harper government in the killing of two children during a ceremony in Italy. There is a video in the article that explains everything.

This was also discussed here,34569.msg487428.html#msg487428 in part.

I also received a number of days ago a similar email link _ concerning the serving of warrants upon the Queen of England and Prince Phillip of the disappearance of native children: strange, imo. Here is a brief quote:

On February 25th, 2013 arrest warrants were served. Catholic Pope Joseph Ratzinger immediately resigned from office. David Compan served Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip’s arrest warrants and he was arrested and drugged. He can be lucky he is alive. The 2 who had witnessed the 10 children leave with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip are said to have died mysteriously. Harry Wilson died of brain injury in 2012 just before giving evidence against the Queen while the other is said to have committed suicide.

Seems fantastical, imo, it also seems much of this is related to similar posts here and tend to link via Kevin Annett's site in many articles. I've quoted Annett before on residential schools, however, I'm just not sure exactly what's going on with him in more recent times. There is a great deal of circulation of his messaging at the moment, not that there are not serious historical and present pathological events and lies going on against Canadian Indians. Nevertheless, just not exactly sure of Annett's role as he will tend to be discredited, which is perhaps the point?
Thanks Voyageur, I was not aware about the threat about this subject. I am sorry for the noise.

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