Thank you folks for keeping this thread going. Ya, it's really not the Work but as we mentioned before some (sheep) might have been rocked (or not) by the fall of their news anchor. Whom ever said, "there are three kinds of people in this world, the wolves, the sheep and the sheep dogs", should be participating here at this wonderful forum.... The sheep aren't that aware of the wolves until it's curtains for them. The sheep are aware of the sheep dogs however and they detest them as they are just a nuisance in their daily lives.
We are the sheep dogs, along with many others. I usually listen to the following sheep dog (Clyde Lewis ), while driving home from work.
It has been a few days since the NBC-Brian Williams scandal broke in the national news media. NBC Nightly News anchor, Brian Williams’ credibility plummeted after he acknowledged that he exaggerated his role in a helicopter incident in Iraq.
He has now been suspended for six months without pay.
Some are demanding blood. Others don’t see the big picture.
It needs to be pointed out that just before a major event happens that needs to be watered down by the state department you begin to see anchors stepping down, editorialists taking leaves of absence or retiring to make way for the new agents that have no choice but to push the propaganda for the Pentagon.
As I have said before, in a dirty war you begin to see journalists and editorial cartoonists, comedians and artists being told to back off or face some serious threats and consequences. In the dirty war in South America many journalists were either killed, suicided, or were disappeared.
Jon Stewart host and editorialist of the “Daily Show” on Comedy Central told his audience at a taping on February 10th, 2015 that he's stepping down from the Comedy Central news show he's hosted since 1999. He'll exit the show sometime later this year; no word yet on who might replace him. The Comedy Central show while being a comedic view of the news was considered a credible alternative source for editorialized and satirized news.
As you can see bit by bit, we watch as any opposition to what our government does, any criticism by media hosts or artists will slowly be removed.
The United States will see more casualties in the so called “brain drain” that occurs just prior to a major event that needs loyalty from the media to keep the “big lie” secure and efficient.
Be ready for an Invasion of disinformation that will further divide the people as the media will be propagating some of the biggest lies of the decade.
Jim Clifton, the Chairman and CEO of Gallup, told the media that he was worried he might “suddenly disappear” and not make it home if he disputed the accuracy of what the U.S. government is reporting as unemployed Americans.
Clifton had penned a gutsy opinion piece on Gallup’s web site, defiantly calling the government’s 5.6 percent unemployment figure “The Big Lie” in the article’s headline. He then appeared on the network news to apparently to walk back the “lie” part of the title and reframe the jobs data as just hopelessly deceptive. Clifton said:
I think that the number that comes out of BLS [Bureau of Labor Statistics] and the Department of Labor is very, very accurate. I need to make that very, very clear so that I don’t suddenly disappear. I need to make it home tonight.
After getting that out of the way, Clifton went on to eviscerate the legitimacy of the cheerful spin given to the unemployment data, telling network news viewers that the percent of full time jobs in this country as a percent of the adult population “is the worst its been in 30 years.”
This story of course while being a network story was buried later, and the networks were back to business as usual talking about Obama’s speech at the prayer breakfast and stirring up controversy amongst Christians in order to distract them from the encroaching war in Eastern Europe.
The U.S. news media has failed the American people often in recent years by not challenging U.S. government falsehoods, as with Iraq’s WMD. But the most dangerous violation of journalistic principles has occurred in the Ukraine crisis, which has the potential of a nuclear war.
The mainstream U.S. media has simply regurgitated the propaganda from the U.S. State Department and other entities favoring NATO and its movements, and the European Union continuing to swallow up countries for their personal empire.
The whole thing smacks of New World order, but of course the new enemy of Vladimir Putin is far more evil than a worldwide state socialist government employed without your choice or sovereignty let alone the choice and sovereignty of Western Ukrainians and ethnic Russian Ukrainians.
Recently, CNN labeled Ukrainian forces involved in Kiev’s deadly military operation in the country's southeast as “pro-US troops.” This unleashed a mountain of criticism claiming that this slip of the lip unmasks the true agenda behind the conflict.
The headline appeared in the crawl during a CNN statement, dedicated to talks between Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the resolution of the Ukraine crisis, and it read: “Obama considers arming pro-US troops.”
In the propaganda machine we have only been hearing about how there are good guys and bad guys, when in the middle of the massive civil war, both greedy powers of empire are out to create a conflict that can potentially spin into a nuclear confrontation.
What might appear to an objective observer as a civil war between western Ukrainians, including the neo-Nazis who spearheaded last year’s coup against Yanukovych, and eastern Ukrainians, who refused to accept the anti-Yanukovych order that followed the coup, has been transformed by the U.S. news media into a confrontation between the forces of good which are the western Ukrainians and the forces of evil the eastern Ukrainians with an overlay of “Russian aggression” as Russian President Vladimir Putin is depicted as a new Hitler.
Sunday night while the US was mesmerized with the ritual of the Grammy Awards, a massive explosion was detected by satellite and picked up by security cameras in Donetsk. The flash and the mushroom cloud was so big many people feared that it was a tactical nuke going off.
The report of the massive explosion was limited to one or two sentences in the western media merely pointing out that bomb went off at a munitions plant.
The corporate media again is failing us, the mainstream media from its high unimpeachable perch has once again give us reason to question its credibility and he credibility of those who do the reporting of the script provided by the state department.
We all know that the media is a mouthpiece of the government, however we now can observe that their minions become confused, hostile and can even lie about certain events when they see fit.
I wish that there was one day out of the year that politicians, government officials and news commentator would turn purple if they have ever mislead the American people. This way we would know for sure when we are being hoodwinked by disinformation provided by the networks.
The truth is a lie can be told over and over again until the people believe passionately about that lie even when there is tons of information outing the lie.
For example, when future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official temperature records -- on which the entire panic ultimately rested -- were systematically “adjusted” to show the Earth as having warmed much more than the actual data justified.
Of course we will all have to agree that the climate changes, but it always does, and this is the half truth that can now be told in order to save the bad reputation that the first lies of global warming brought forth into the cultural panic.
To the believers it will be justifiable to make policies and introduce taxes and regulations based upon unreliable data that is wrong. Why should anyone demand that the lies stop and that the dialogue be withdrawn until we have a unanimity of views that we are acting according to indisputable facts?
For now no one can say the climate change is not happening and that is the beauty of Orwellian double speak and the lie that has been told so many times that the people will believe.
World events are not simply circumstantial, but the result of an organized campaign by an elite group of unseen and widely unknown world leaders. Their beliefs in ancient symbolism, secret societal occultism, and ritual magic affect us all regardless of our individual religious beliefs or practices. Those in power obviously answer to other philosophies secretly. Outwardly, our leaders use new age and biblical symbolism to exercise absolute dictatorial control over the world.
They create a blueprint and approximate where they would like to conduct their matters of business, and they use the media and highly paid parrots to speak and repeat the propaganda and lies to an already attentive and gullible audience.
It seems that the majority of the American people are being easily held in a cage of guilt, grief, and self-absorption. They want to point fingers at those who speak out against the dangerous game that is being played now with the collective mind.
Many people are aware of the infamous quote by Hitler’s master of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, where he speaks of “the Big Lie:”
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.
All things we see and perceive are electric stimulus and light that transmits information that we can pay attention to, and then of course there are those details that we don’t.
This is where I have spoken before about a temporal blind spot where events happen or we perceive they do and then later we are schooled on the idea that everything we have perceived is wrong, that what we think we know is not exactly what is and that somehow we reach a point where we are satisfied with our opinion and even then all that it is based on is once again nebulous stimuli that we agree to.
The process of selective perception is necessary because if we did not do this we would be transfixed by the hyper reality and sensory overload. Today our brains are being filled with all sorts of sensory overload. Think about it, we have simple perceptions of life, light, love, survival, spirituality, God, etc. Then we are exposed to media, print, television, internet, video games, telephony, and many other things that is pushing the brain further and all of that stimulus is placed in a limited area known as the brain.
We do not know if the brain is limitless and we have learned that in old age we begin to lose memory and our perception of time.
If our model for perceiving our environment and time is limited or if we happen to perceive something while in crisis or after a traumatic experience, we run the obvious risk of missing important information that may be crucial for our well-being and survival; or conversely of hallucinating imaginary information that may be misleading or hurtful.
Think of those moments in your life where your perception of time has slowed down. Many people tell the story of missing time, or time that has slowed down just before the impact of an automobile accident or a fall.
With this in mind let us think about world events and how we all have an opinion on what is going on based on the narrative provided by the media. There have been several events in history that have been traumatizing to the nation as a whole. So traumatizing in fact that people are confused about what really went on and rather than overload with details are satisfied to the watered down explanations provided by the media that is under the direction of corporate interest and quite frankly produces news that is sanitized by the Pentagon and in some cases the executive branch of government.
Very few average people have the discipline to check their views and beliefs with the criteria of consistency. The average person when listening to proposed authority needs to also internally decide if any claim that has been made provides verifiable documentation to your satisfaction. Do all of the pieces of information provided fit the dialogue and time line provided?
If they do not then do you reject the claim or do you investigate further? The average person will not even go that far. While the experiences of the world differ do you still decide that what you have seen in the narrative is reality?
Who in the world has the ambition to weigh everything based on what is really transpiring and not what the narrative provides or what the inner core belief you possess tends to cloud?
Problems in any of the traits I have described go ignored by the average person. They are also forgotten and are replaced by emotional belief and not on anything dealing with fact with respect to time or environment.
If there is an extreme break with the reality and the world view, there is always the consensus opinion that the mental health of the person is under suspicion. However, there has never been a consensus opinion that the breakdown of reality is happening and that people now are not exactly privy to harsh realities that are creating that blind spot in time and that selective reality that seems to be a refuge for the person in denial.
Social engineers or master magicians have more power over us than we realize. It is uncomfortable to think that governments have spent billions of dollars to ring sophisticated Pavlovian bells to get their dogs to do tricks without being told.
Those who rob us of our cognitive liberty see it as some sort of human alchemy, where they wish to change us psychologically. The reasons are not quite clear. However the prevailing theory is that we are being programmed to accept a new philosophy or ideology that will save us from the pratfalls of a so called “flawed world.”
One can argue that the world today is flawed; however, the flaws may be the result of mixed messages and sophisticated mind control that is effective in generating a schism meant to obfuscate the knowledge and information that we have obtained.
The media is no longer dependable in many respects. Their agendas and spin have become political fodder which in my opinion taints the news in a negative way.
The internal dynamic that is being presented in the media is that anyone who questions their Newspeak, any outspoken independent reporter or activist is a target that should be maligned and viewed as a tinfoil-hat-wearing crank.
When I point out the propaganda that is being produced to incite us into war, I get accused of being a traitor, or a supporter of Putin or Islam. I have to assume that those who do this are paid to do so and I hope that they are not successful in presenting a case that would diminish or otherwise ruin my attempts at independent new san thought.
Anyone who participates in the ritualistic destruction of my freedom of the press for the sake of their own immoral, xenophobic, unrealistic, unconstitutional agenda is on the high road to becoming my enemy.