Brightest Galactic Flash Ever Detected Hits Earth


A Disturbance in the Force
I wonder why this is making news again since it happened over a year ago - this flash occurred in 2004 in December. While reading it, I felt like I was experiencing deja vu - but then there was a comment about how the flash may have interacted (if at all) with the earthquake and tsunami, so it clicked in that I had read it before, sometime last year. Any ideas why this is popping up again as if it just happened?
Its not. the dateline is: "By Robert Roy Britt Senior Science Writer posted: 18 February, 2005 2 p.m. ET".

So its not new, it's old. It's not making news again, it just never got deleted from the web site.

If you look at the web page source all of the links point to a '/2005/' directory, so this is clearly an old article. Thus the date.
Right - that's my point - it was linked through, so I was wondering why they linked it again. =)
Ah, a missing detail... ""...

If I were to guess someone was trying to somehow tie it in with the next two articles on Space Tornados in a similar way that SOTT ties historical articles together with current events with the "Flashback" thingy.

Only they forgot to write "Flashback".

or something... ;-)
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