Shared Joy said:
The problem isn't uncertainty itself. The problem is our rejection of it.
Perhaps we don't need to solve Soft Uncertainty by finding the answer. Maybe the ability to comfortably hold a paradox in our mind is the better answer.
Perhaps we can't control Hard Uncertainty. Maybe we ought to position ourselves to actually benefit from things out of our control.
I just want to add here that nowadays Russia is a good example of handling uncertainty, changes and hindrances to her benefit.
Also is a good example of how a good leadership-crew can work to bring synergistic effects for the whole society.
I was trained in paradox therapies, and I know how powerful this interventions can be if you are inspired enough to catch the speck of chance you have been offered by the very context you are in.
It is not a matter of learning by heart some strategies, but to act along a line of judgment contrary to routine thinking and acting, in order to interrupt a malfunctioning living/thinking/feeling habit. It's about inspiration: in-spirit-creation. The butterfly effect.
Here's an example from the book Change, authors P Watzlawick, R Frisch, which show how to master an impossible situation with subtle re-framing:
During one of the many nineteenth-century riots in Paris the commander of an army detachment received orders to clear a city square by firing at the canaille (rabble ). The commander was fed up by these repeating patterns of futile bloodshed, so that time he acted differently:
He commanded his soldiers to take up firing positions, their rifles levelled at the crowd, and as a ghastly silence descended he drew his sword and shouted at the top of his lungs:
Mesdames, m'sieurs, I have orders to fire at the canaille.
But as I see a great number of honest, respectable citizens before me, I request that they leave so that I can safely shoot the canaille. "
Lo and behold - the square was empty in a few minutes.
Nobody seems to remember the officer's name, but what he did worked and served as a good example.