You said that you don't see anything special with the quaternion algebras of which
I agree by itself but perhaps used in the context as Maxwell did, perhaps there is
something else to consider here?
There was a "big fight" regarding Maxwell's use of quaternions in his "A
treatise on Electricity and Magnetism", 1873 release (1st release) as started
by Heavyside, Gibbs, and also opposed by Lord Kelvin (?).
From what I have read - some are saying that the vector form has diluted some
of the properties of the 20 equations of 20 unknowns into a "neat" 4 vector equations
by use of arbitrary forced guage conditions? I also read that quaternions are best used
when working with spatial/rotational bodies in space and it being used today for solving
issues regarding satelites which are more difficult and error prone in other forms. A link
is provided. Please understand that I am a novice so I do not have a full background of
the all the technical stuff to be in the know, so I am learning as I go.
Here are the following claims or statements by others regarding the
Heavyside-Gibbs v.s. Maxwells quaternion based equations regarding
EM theory:
[links of no particular order]
This domain may be for sale!
links: [google search: quaternion rotational dynamic]
The last link in particular had me interested because it seemed to me that maybe
there is a sychroncity (or pattern) that since EM travels in spiral/helix/rotation path,
then perhaps the quaternion form is the best form to use rather than that of vectors
and will result in no loss of [or hidden] properties?
Do you believe that Maxwell's quaternion based forms are fully/accurately represented
today by use of the Heavyside/Gibbs (vector notiations) form used by many EE's today
and that nothing was "lost in translation"?
Kind regards,