[quote author=anart today] Just because you perceive someone to be 'empty' or you don't 'like' them or what they're doing does not indicate they are an OP. [/quote]
Understood. It was just following along with the thought of the forum member(s) who suggested that the fact that some people seem to be 'empty behind the eyes'
might be an indication. It's always easy to say that the people we don't like on a personal level 'have no soul', osit. As you point out, anyone can be an OP. And equally, those of us on this forum who know about OPs sincerely hope that we ourself are not an OP (at least, I do. Hope I'm not, that is). And so, because we each hope we are not an OP, it is inevitable, osit, to fall into the trap of trying to spot OPs. Does that make sense?
There is the danger of labeling anyone 'unpleasant' or 'negative' as an OP, when the more likely fact of the matter is that most, if not all, OPs are quite 'pleasant'
Yes, that's what I meant when I speculated that Brown might have been a different person if he'd had a different upbringing. But that could apply equally to every one of us also, I now realise. Guilty as charged, m'lud.
What I did realise, in between these postings, is that perhaps it is the 'national leader' thing with me and Brown, the same as it is with Americans and Bush, or Canadians and Harper; a
political thing. In other words, these national leaders committed themselves to courses of action which were opposed by a majority of their own citizens - that it's a 'Not in my name' kinda thing. GB is the British PM, he 'speaks' for Britain. He could have reversed much of Blair's damage (not likely but possible), instead he just carried on with Blair's policies, much to the detriment not only of the Brits, but also of people in other parts of the world. He is, in my mind, a traitor to Britain, because he has placed the needs of a foreign entity before the welfare of the very people he claims to represent.
Yes, I will re-read 'OPs; the Other Race', as soon as I've re-read 'The Wave' (which I've already started doing), 'Adventures with the Cassiopaeans' (which I haven't read yet

), 'Bringers of the Dawn' (first time), and made sure I'm up-to-speed' with all the forum topics.