Haters: Children of Abandonment and Change [Kindle Edition]
Book Description
Publication Date: March 18, 2012
The author describes things done and not done to young children. The dynamics of youth hate are described. Development of hurtful behaviors, including bullying, drug abuse, and suicide, is reviewed. The author offers case histories and references to updated violence assessments.
Bullying (Health and Medical Issues Today) [Hardcover]
Book Description
Publication Date: October 17, 2012
Bullying goes far beyond typical treatments of the topic by presenting an overview of the research concerning the causes, symptoms, and prevalence of bullying to illustrate how it is not simply a social issue but both a genuine medical and health issue. The author draws upon both clinical data and her own extensive experience observing children's interactions on school playgrounds and from interviewing parents, teachers, administrators, and children themselves to reach conclusions about evidence-based prevention and treatment.
The work provides a deeper understanding of bullying by presenting biological and psychological theories of aggression, describing why bystanders who witness bullying react in the way that they do, offering novel ways to deal with the problem, and presenting proven methods that concerned bystanders of all ages can employ to break bullying behaviors—without increasing their own risk. It provides information of great relevance to students, parents, counselors, educators, teaching assistants, and administrators.
Understanding School Bullying: A Guide for Parents and Teachers
Book Description
Publication Date: February 14, 2011
This book provides a rich understanding of school bullying and the many forms it takes. The reader will be left in no doubt as to the serious consequences of bullying for the victims, the bullies, and, indeed, society. Crucial and practical steps are provided, especially for parents and teachers, as to how they can make a real difference in reducing the widespread and serious level of victimization and bullying in our schools today.