Calleman and the Conscious Convergence

There is light and dark within us. I mentioned balance because I often see posts talking about
fighting the dark or struggeling with the dark aspects in one self.
At the beginning one can only observe and get to know the machine.
It helps to refer to Gurdjeffs three forces, affirming, denying and neutral.
It is a problem of energy use.
The universe contains light and dark and when the energy is balanced something new arises.
imo STS is unbalanced, STO is balanced.
This is a difficult topic and I am still meditating on it.
Only one thing is for sure: anything you fight you give your energy to it.
Leo40 said:
Only one thing is for sure: anything you fight you give your energy to it.

I think this is a very fine line, Leo40. You have a tendency to lean toward a rather new age slant when it comes to this topic, as if not looking at the dark means it's not there. You did so when you mentioned traveling in Europe and "having no problems because you didn't expect any", as well as in other posts.

The reality of the situation is that ignoring the dark aspects of one self or of reality in general is not beneficial. Learning about, seeing and understanding the dark aspects of oneself and the Universe does not mean one becomes them, or even identifies with them. Knowledge is protection and that applies to the dark aspects of ourselves as well as the Universe. So, I'd be careful with equating the inner battle with 'giving energy to' - there is a very real difference and the devil is in the details. This world (and ourselves) is not here to shut out or ignore - it must be understood, deeply, before one can move on to the next level.
Leo40 said:
There is light and dark within us. I mentioned balance because I often see posts talking about
fighting the dark or struggeling with the dark aspects in one self.
At the beginning one can only observe and get to know the machine.
It helps to refer to Gurdjeffs three forces, affirming, denying and neutral.
It is a problem of energy use.
The universe contains light and dark and when the energy is balanced something new arises.
imo STS is unbalanced, STO is balanced.
This is a difficult topic and I am still meditating on it.
Only one thing is for sure: anything you fight you give your energy to it.

When you speak of light do you remember what light is:

941022 said:
Q: (L) So acquiring knowledge includes adding substance to one's being?
A: Indeed. It includes adding everything to one's being that is desirable. And also, when you keep invoking the light, as you do, truly understand that the light is knowledge. That is the knowledge which is at the core of all existence. And being at the core of all existence it provides protection from every form of negativity in existence. Light is everything and everything is knowledge and knowledge is everything. You are doing extremely well in acquiring of knowledge. Now all you need is the faith and realization that acquiring of knowledge is all you need.

Now if light is knowledge and darkness is abscence of knowledge, how are we suppose to balance those two?
It is not about acquiring knowledge?
Patience said:
But then there seems to be another duality in which we seek an "alchemical" balance if one is seeking the STO path: male vs. female, night vs. day, etc. STS seems to exalt one over the other, for example, the oppression of women in most if not all modern societies that is present to some degree or another. STS seems to encourage division while STO seeks an "alchemical balance."

I think we are mixing apples and oranges here.
STO path has nothing to do with working on balancing but on the emotional path or vibrational frequency.

950808 said:
Q: (L) There was a discussion the other day and it made me curious. It seems that some people simply do not have the capacity to understand certain concepts. Is this a function of
vibrational frequency?
A: That is not quite hitting at the subject matter in the way in which you desire to answer the question. In other words, it is a parallel understanding pattern. It is not vibrational frequency that determines ability to conceive of any particular notion.
Vibrational frequency involves the groove, or pattern, that one has chosen in general terms. But, to give you an example, there are those who are of very LOW, as you would
measure, vibrational frequency, who are able to conceive of extremely complicated issues and have also discovered extremely precise, complicated, and intricate answers to very
complex notions and problems from your standpoint in the illusion. But, the frequency vibrational level has more to do with the emotional path that leads either to Service to Self at its greatest possible expression, or Service to Others at its greatest possible expression, not with intellectual capacity. So it is possible for a completely STS individual at any density level to be completely cognizant of all existence, just as it is possible for a completely STO individual to be completely cognizant of all existence.It has nothing to do with vibrational frequency because that is the emotional pathway.

Now, balance is the natural result of progression towards STO because you
serve self trought others.

941210 said:
Q: (T) You talk about both STO and STS. Yet you tell us that we need to learn to be STO. Why is there a difference between what we have to do and what you are doing?
A: STO is balance because you serve self through others.
Q: (T) You have said a couple of times that you are STS by being STO. Is this not true?
A: Yes. Already answered.
Q: (T) Kind of like: what goes around, comes around?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Is STO a means to an end for STS?
A: No. STO is balance. STS is imbalance.
Q: (T) How can you be STS through STO if STS is imbalance?
A: STO flows outward and touches all including point of origin, STS flows inward and touches only origin point.
STO in turn serve self in an effort to grow in the vibration on STO, so you could call that STS. i.e. I see my vibration is STO so I work in STO and advance myself. The process of serving others which in turn assist self perpetuates like a spinning top generating enough energy to continue spinning. (So maybe we can say STO is balancing STO&STS) Happy to give, happy to receive.

STS doesn’t replenish energy to the system (it doesn’t give to other, in only takes from other) and the top spins down to a wobble then stop at some point. I think it was Laura that said STS isn’t really STS because they are always severing someone or something else to get what they want. Ultimately the energy runs out.

I’ve written down a quote from somewhere “silence is the negative, musical notes are the positive, the blank canvass is the negative and the painting is the positive, so sing and paint and thank the negative for its use”. How do we paint with out a do we work witout STS?

Don Juan Matus said how “lucky” he was to find such a petty tyrant (a blank canvass). He treasured STS tools and said we need them. In this context it is good to have knowledge as to what the darkness is. Is it a canvass or a coffin lid? Is that person really a narcissistic OP, or I’m I internally considering, or am I just overly tired?

So, maybe balance is working in STO in an effort to also advance self (STS), and identifying and using the STS/entropy material as tools in acts of creation.

Identifying a paint brush from a blow dart, a canvass from a coffin lid would be part of the work. Here we would part ways with the new agers. As part of their training they would never look into a silent dark room and examine coffin lids and poisonous blow darts, and they would never have knowledge of what is dangerous and should be avoided, and what is useful in the acts of creation.

This is a working theory, anybody see any obvious misunderstandings or have any criticisms feel free to comment.
Adobe said:
STO in turn serve self in an effort to grow in the vibration on STO, so you could call that STS. i.e. I see my vibration is STO so I work in STO and advance myself. The process of serving others which in turn assist self perpetuates like a spinning top generating enough energy to continue spinning. (So maybe we can say STO is balancing STO&STS) Happy to give, happy to receive.


This is a working theory, anybody see any obvious misunderstandings or have any criticisms feel free to comment.

I think sometimes it is useful to have things in simple terms. I was having a conversation with my 8 yr old son the other day about so called 'good and evil', after watching Star Wars. We were examining the dynamics in the film (in 8 yr old terms, sure) and I pointed out that the 'evilness' of the Emperor was because he was all about "controlling others", whereas the opposite of that would be... and then my son piped up and said "controlling yourself".

Which I thought showed great insight, and is a nice way to explain 3D STS vs STO in a nutshell. Overly simplistic, maybe, but it gets the point on a certain level.

It also reminds us that the fight is through us and within us, and complements nicely this quote from Theodore Illion:

Darkness Over Tibet said:
Let me say, then, in this connection, that real understanding in spiritual matters is the result of much bitter fighting, of suffering, spiritual agony and soul passion. Life itself would have no meaning if there was no fighting on all planes, if all was smooth and monotonous. Everything fights in nature. Every plant fights to get more sunshine, every animal fights for food; the angels themselves fight. Constant struggle on all places to which it has access is the birthright of the creature. Woe to him who wants to put himself on a level with the Creator and escape fighting!
Nomad said:
I think sometimes it is useful to have things in simple terms. I was having a conversation with my 8 yr old son the other day about so called 'good and evil', after watching Star Wars. We were examining the dynamics in the film (in 8 yr old terms, sure) and I pointed out that the 'evilness' of the Emperor was because he was all about "controlling others", whereas the opposite of that would be... and then my son piped up and said "controlling yourself".

Which is what being a Jedi is all about :) That's a great anecdote Nomad, and thanks for sharing it -- it does boil the whole idea down nicely.
Adobe said:
STO in turn serve self in an effort to grow in the vibration on STO, so you could call that STS... So, maybe balance is working in STO in an effort to also advance self (STS), and identifying and using the STS/entropy material as tools in acts of creation.

I think you might be wandering off into left field a bit with this thinking.

First, STO is creativity and STS is entropy. A lot is said with that simple sentence if one truly delves into what creativity is - and what entropy is. As 3D STS beings, it is almost impossible for us to truly and completely conceptualize an STO way of being or mindset; it's so foreign to us. We can intellectually, and even emotionally, conceptualize the concept of being an STO candidate, though even that is much more of an inclination - a leaning with the weight of a feather - of an internal disposition; of what is in us to do.

I think you are correct that 'an effort to advance self' is STS, so, it cannot be STO - if you're doing or thinking anything in order 'to get' something, it cannot be STO - so it would follow that this is not part of the STO reality. This, again, highlights our inherent limitations for conceptualizing the STO reality, since to our STS minds, it's just logical to think that one must always do or think things 'to get' something, not simply because that is what is within one to do, with no thought or concern for self or what one 'receives'.

It's my understanding that where we are now, the most we can do is to increase our knowledge, of ourselves most importantly, and of this reality, in order to learn enough to no longer 'fit' here, as it were. Once we no longer 'fit here', we will be able to move forward to make the choice between STO and STS as we understand it to be manifested in ourselves and our reality at that point, a point where such things will be more clearly evident, if only by a matter of degree (I think).

To talk of being STO at this level of reality is to dream - we can't get there from here - but to continue to increase our knowledge of ourselves and this reality (almost always through suffering, effort and paying in advance) is to strengthen what is in us to do - to build that part of ourselves that will be able to choose and that will no longer 'fit here' - what comes after 'here' is, I think, very much up to us - which is where the real work comes in. Just some thoughts - apologies for the length - it's a complicated subject - and this is just my current understanding, which is subject to change!
I have enough new parts and pieces of understanding now to go back and work on these subjects. Thanks everyone for your assistance!
Anart said
I think you are correct that 'an effort to advance self' is STS, so, it cannot be STO - if you're doing or thinking anything in order 'to get' something, it cannot be STO - so it would follow that this is not part of the STO reality. This, again, highlights our inherent limitations for conceptualizing the STO reality, since to our STS minds, it's just logical to think that one must always do or think things 'to get' something, not simply because that is what is within one to do, with no thought or concern for self or what one 'receives'.
Yes, I thought that I could increase my knowledge, and by showing others helping them--the process of my poneriztion humiliation and self pity--but really its just the process of getting comfortable of being side my own egg and bring the predator with me. I still have a lot to learn conceptualizing the STS reality--how it works, just observing the predator.
I mean I am embarrassed by my posts, even ashamed--but I post because it is the only way to learn.
And I know that over time--fear melts. And then the truth comes rushing in.
It is the self-control by posters that is helping me.

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