Can certain sound frequencies carry information?


I'd like to know whether sound can carry subtle information. Does it carry intention, is most particularly the focus I'm concerned with.

With the history of music with voice, it seems like this should be a given.

I've considered the idea before and actually take the action of consciously putting it out into the musical environment, that the frequency of everyone in the room should positively rise, when I'm playing with my band. I've been doing this for years. I always figured if it didn't raise the consciousness of those who were open to it, it wouldn't be bad for my own state of being. Though that, by itself could drive the energy up a notch, couldn't it? But, I've always felt that the music is instrumental (excuse the pun) in carrying the intention.

Bells and singing bowls...there are many devices that people around the world use to enhance their spiritual experience. But, are these vehicles that carry information.

I seem to remember the Cs saying something, not too long ago, about how Laura's voice itself would enhance the carrying of subtle information to people listening to her, as in the videos, etc. Is it the sound quality of her voice that would do this? Is it certain frequencies, or combinations of frequencies that would be instrumental at doing this? Do certain frequencies resonate to truth?

I guess I should find the passage in that session that talks about Laura's voice and add that, when I have a chance.
Hi weasel3d,

I've found the session you are alluding to:

Here is the relevant snip out of it - starting with part of a snip from the 9 December 95 session which was quoted there (I italicized that part, bolds are in the original):

session 4 July 2009 said:
Q: (L) What are the objectives of this attack aside from
crushing me?

A: Secession at an inappropriate juncture to throw plans

Q: (L) What plans would be thrown askew by secession at this

A: Voice.

Q: (L) What?

A: And all other.

Q: (L) Well, I just feel that I would plunge into a pit if I
had to secede, as you put it.

A: Suggest ignoring "snipes" and other unpleasantness, as it
is not of your being, thus should not be taken "to heart,"
and when taken thusly, causes emotional disturbances which
manifests as depression and related maladies. These
ailments tend to grow in scope and intensity, thereby
causing severe damage to plans and activities aimed at
executing ones "mission."

Q: (L) That's all fine and good. But, just exactly what is
the mission?

A: You are awakening to it just fine, thank you!}

Q: (L) Okay, I found the one that I thought it was, which was something about a voice being a part of some plan or destiny. Is that it?

A: Yes but not only. The point is this: when you speak while merged, cosmic elements are transmitted via your voice. More than this, it has the power to heal those of similar goals who are not yet at the correct frequency. In short, through your voice we can set frequency resonance for those of "the blood."

Q: (A**) Wow. (L) What does "while merged" mean?

A: When you speak to aid others, we are able to merge with you.

Q: (J) So, merging is whenever you...

A: We are merging with you right now!

Sound waves do indeed have all sorts of amazing properties, some of which have been discussed here:

As for the possibility of sounds carrying intentions, that becomes exceedingly clear when comparing different executions of the same piece of music (especially classical compositions or jazz pieces) by different performers consecutively in a short amount of time. The musicians don't even have to use different instruments for reaching rather dissimilar results just in accordance with their true intentions while playing. The better performers are those who consciously know which skills and nuances to use for projecting unto the audience their take on the true intentions of the composer. There are several radio shows wholly dedicated to this type of comparison in order to decide who does best according to some guests or panel of experts or measured with whichever criteria one might have chosen. I've listened to many of them not just to know which performance to favor over others and which one to buy - but also to understand why and how these differences occur and why they are important to know and how one can learn to discern them. Takes a lot of practice, I found out. Interesting subject, to say the least...
weasel3d said:
I'd like to know whether sound can carry subtle information. Does it carry intention, is most particularly the focus I'm concerned with.

With the history of music with voice, it seems like this should be a given.

I seem to remember the Cs saying something, not too long ago, about how Laura's voice itself would enhance the carrying of subtle information to people listening to her, as in the videos, etc. Is it the sound quality of her voice that would do this? Is it certain frequencies, or combinations of frequencies that would be instrumental at doing this? Do certain frequencies resonate to truth?

I guess I should find the passage in that session that talks about Laura's voice and add that, when I have a chance.

Having the ability to tune into the correct frequency.

Frequency Resonance Vibration
FRV stands for Frequency Resonance Vibration and is a term specific to the Cassiopaea material.

The term frequency generally means the number of repetitions of a repeating event within a period of time. The word vibration generally refers to an oscillating, repeating motion. Resonance occurs when a vibration in one system triggers a vibration of the same frequency in another system. Systems can have one or more 'resonant frequencies' at which frequencies they have a tendency to vibrate.

In common New Age parlance, vibration or vibe means a sort of psychic impression, the feel of a person or situation. High frequency connotates goodness or spiritual value, low frequency is dirty, unclear, sticky, vulgar, maybe violent and selfish. One feels a resonance or resonates with something when this something, whether person or information, somehow feels right or true or personally relevant.

In the Cassiopaea material, FRV is a property of a person that has to do with the person's alignment or intrinsic nature. FRV can tend towards service to others or service to self.

FRV is itself not immutable. The FRV of a person may change as a result of influences. If a person is in proximity to another who has a different FRV, there can occur forced resonance where the two start resonating at the same frequency. Still, one has a constitutional predisposition to resonate at some frequencies more than at others.

FRV is not directly coupled to knowledge or intellectual capacity. Still, knowledge and intellectual capacity facilitate work on one's FRV. They allow one to discern between STS and STO and to make corresponding choices, thus heading towards one or the other end. FRV is essentially an indication of an emotional path.

It is possible that the terms of frequency and vibration have a literal meaning in a hyperdimensional context involving a person's alignment with a thought center. If this is so, the phenomenon is not perceived by us in this manner, except allegorically.

Conceptual Physics Demo Of Resonance
weasel3d said:
I'd like to know whether sound can carry subtle information. Does it carry intention, is most particularly the focus I'm concerned with.

This is not related to intention but the C's had this to say about sound waves
[quote author=C's]

Q: (L) Do any of the STS beings have the ability to cause us physical problems, or mental or emotional problems when not in direct contact with us?

A: Certainly.

Q: (L) How is this done?

A: A number of different methods used.

Q: (L) So any and all methods may be used at any given time?

A: That is correct.

Q: (L) Could you give us one or two examples of how this is done?

A: There are many: sound wave manipulation of the ultra high frequency range would be one.

Q: (L) What do these sound waves in the ultra high frequencies do?

A: They can alter chemical balances within the body of the subject, thereby also the brain, using the physical path to cause distress by altering these chemical imbalances into place.

Q: (L) Do these ultra-high frequency sound waves ever carry messages in terms of pre-coded suggestions that are triggered by these waves?

A: Messages are not carried in ultra-high frequency sound waves. Now, you are talking about an entirely different method.

Q: (L) Can messages be sent via sound-wave focusing ?

A: No, sound wave focusing is designed to alter body and brain chemistry in order to alter such things as feelings, emotions and so forth, which then may lead to altering of mental thought patterns. But messages are not sent by ultra-high frequency sound waves.

Most assuredly, the Swiss yodel, the angels sing, and mankind to contact God, only need to play the Hebrew 22 stringed harp, each string equals a word or statement that is designated by the Hebrew alphabet , Dovid the giant slayer utilized it to soothe an angry king, and to communicate with God of The Universe. sounds have effects, movie peoples use them, for happiness or sorrow or to cause panic and great fears.. sound is the Giant manipulator , crying is also a control sound waves, as is laughter, and deep angry tones, or soft gentle ones, also someone who is utilizing soft sounds with illintent gets their negative meanings across easily under such disguise. The wicked evil laughters, ie . your own body emits sounds, everything you stpe on emits tones you may not hear but is felt and heard from a blade of grass being crushed to stones grumbling for being walked on, thrown about , or tossed into the earth or across the wtaers, and in response the waters ring outwards, sending tones of rippling sounds like a pinging sound each skip of the stone. all things have life in them or on them, that is how the angels know where we are, by the ways we make sounds , or cause them. Sound is a permanent imprint , and is logged in time , in the heavens. If there were only mankinds/womankinds voices , there would be more harmony, but now there are such LOUD sounds, and the weeping and wailings from miseries is out done by the so-called musics of the times. Your messages you try to send are more than likely being pushed out of alignment by another stronger tone of vibrations. but your trying will catch up with itself in time , maybe not this era, but it is traveling until it is heard. If you can hear someone writing , you can make out every letter they write, because the "sounds" emitted for each is different in its' structure and dimentions. Morse code is one such type of sound that utilizes segments of only 2 types the dash or the dot, and if you were to hear them , ie knowing each one, you could converse with someone in another room. a drum also can beutilized by a dot and dash sound vibrations, and reach further distances.. history proves a lot about sound, there calls and whistling, and folks who use clicks and clacks sounds to speak with, discovery channel has a lot of methods of communicating. also plants recievinf musics can either grow casually or speed up or die, depending on the music or the story tellers voice patterns. Before the government was able to send out sound waves we had a natural vibration , for realignments in our body and mind. WE are sound waves of electricities.. and natural vibrations occur if you lay still and relax. You have forgotten how to accept that you already know these things I have written, and it is because you have no sounding board to respond to your questions, you need to make friends with those who understand you, we are all soundinfg boards.

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