Can I use my Real ID in the UN compound in Utah?

And although the bank did some shady things with the Nickersons, Bundy concludes that the sheriff's actions were legal.
Like you, I initially thought this was another Bundy case. But when I read the whole story in the paper, it wasn't at all. The Nickersons were the shady ones.

On another note, came across this comment to a Mike Adams piece on Intellihub - FWIW:
You are the slave property of a corporation called the United States of America – must watch
By Natural News -
  • SupremeLaw19 days ago
    I have a lot of respect for Mike Adams. However, in the interest of
    diving deeper into this rabbit hole, please know that we have already
    litigated the issue of whether or not the Federal government
    incorporated. It has not: see U.S. v. Cooper Corporation. We traced
    "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" to two Delaware corporations; but, when we
    attempted to serve their Agent for Service of Process, the Delaware
    Secretary of State revoked both corporate charters. So, I ask Mike
    Adams openly and honestly here to provide proof that "UNITED STATES OF
    AMERICA" is a valid American corporation in good standing somewhere in
    one of the 50 States, D.C., Guam, Virgin Islands, American Samoa or
    Puerto Rico. If he cannot produce this proof, then he should stand up
    and admit that he failed to perform due diligence in this matter. It's
    not all that difficult to perform due diligence: each State's Secretary
    of State has a website with an on-line registry of corporations
    chartered under the laws of that State. Similarly, if Congress ever
    incorporated "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA", then the proof will be
    published in the Statutes at Large where all Acts of Congress must be
    published even before they are codified in the United States Code.
    Further reading:
On another note, came across this comment to a Mike Adams piece on Intellihub - FWIW:


I suppose many know about the "fiat" money system/systems, Agenda 21 and related secret organizations almost too numerous to mention. I was tempted to post something about Agenda 21 but it seems like most here should already be aware of such things.

The bottom line seems to be that humans at the grass-roots levels are just the cattle being used as food for the elites/deep state/PTB/illuminati/Masonic brotherhood/satanists/MK-Ultra/Mossad/MI6/CIA/NSA/UN/BIS/World Bank/MIC/EU/Trilateral Commission/Council on Foreign Relations/blah, blah, etc...

With the details we now have it becomes more clear what the Cs where trying to say about the 4D STS levels and their goals. Here in 3D the secret plans have been arranged by a "Consortium".

I don't think they will succeed but they sure are making it miserable for us humans.

Session 16 July 1994:
Q: (L) Bob Lazar[5] referred to the fact that aliens supposedly refer to humans as containers. What does this mean?
A: Later use.
Q: (L) Use by who? How many:
A: 94 per cent.
Q: (L) 94 per cent of what?
A: Of all population.
Q: (L) What do you mean?
A: All are containers; 94 per cent use.
Q: I don't understand.
A: Will be used. 94 percent.
Q: (L) Used for what? You mean eaten?
A: Total consumption.
Q: (L) What do you mean by consumption? Ingested?
A: Consumed for ingredients.
Q: (L) Why?
A: New race. Important. 13 years about when happens.
Q: (L) Why are humans consumed?
A: They are used for parts.
Q: (L) We don't understand. How can humans be used for parts?
A: Reprototype. Vats exist. Missing persons often go there and especially missing children.
Q: (L) Do we have any protection?
A: Some.
Q: (L) How can we protect ourselves and our children?
A: Inform them. Don't hide the truth from children.
Q: (L) How does truth protect us?
A: Awareness protects. Ignorance endangers.
Q: (L) Why tell children such horrible things?
A: Need to know.
Q: I don't know how knowing this helps. This is awful. Why tell children such things?
A: Must know - ease pain with meditation.
Q: Why are you telling us this? It's awful!
A: We love you.
Q: Are we supposed to tell others?
A: Don't reveal to public. You would be abducted.
Q: (L) What is the purpose of this project?
A: New life here.
Q: (L) Are the aliens using our emotions and energies?
A: Correct; and bodies too. Each earth year 10 percent more children are taken.
Q: (L) Do they suffer?
A: Some.
Q: (L) Do they all suffer?
A: Some.
Q: What happens to souls? Is this physical only?
A: Physical - souls recycled.
Q: Where do the souls go?
A: Back here - most.
Q: Do some go elsewhere?
A: And go out of planet human.
Q: Who is responsible for this?
A: Consortium.
Extremely disturbing development:

Don't see how it is. UN property/buildings all around the world are considered international territory and have been since 1945. This is with the agreement of the host nations. 18 acres in NYC that house the UN HQ is international territory. Why hasn't everyone been screaming about that, especially since the only reason it landed there was due to a multi-million dollar Rockefeller donation. If the US govt. wanted rid of the UN it could easily do so. They obviously are happy that UN HQ is in the USA, after all, Murica is the HQ of the world anyway, right?

There's too much conspiracy nuttery around the UN for my taste.
Last edited:
Don't see how it is. UN property/buildings all around the world are considered international territory and have been since 1945. This is with the agreement of the host nations. 18 acres in NYC that houses the UN HQ is international territory. Why hasn't everyone been screaming about that, especially since the only reason it landed there was due to a multi-million dollar Rockefeller donation. If the US govt. wanted rid of the UN it could easily do so. They obviously are happy that UN HQ is in the USA, after all, Murica is the HQ of the world anyway, right?

There's too much conspiracy nuttery around the UN for my taste.
The bottom line seems to be that humans at the grass-roots levels are just the cattle being used as food for the elites/deep state/PTB/illuminati/Masonic brotherhood/satanists/MK-Ultra/Mossad/MI6/CIA/NSA/UN/BIS/World Bank/MIC/EU/Trilateral Commission/Council on Foreign Relations/blah, blah, etc...
Yeah, I get it. It's just hard to sit by and not react to the obvious 3D/4D STS gameplays. Paying attention right and left has its downside in that ignorance is bliss doesn't apply at all. It is becoming more and more clear that 'sit back and enjoy the show' is really the only intelligent thing to do - and sitting on my hands is key. 🤐
Yeah, I get it. It's just hard to sit by and not react to the obvious 3D/4D STS gameplays. Paying attention right and left has its downside in that ignorance is bliss doesn't apply at all. It is becoming more and more clear that 'sit back and enjoy the show' is really the only intelligent thing to do - and sitting on my hands is key.


We should keep watching the show but there are many other things to do besides "sitting" that are probably more productive once we "get it" with all the secret Consortium and Quorum issues.

We need to be preparing some base within ourselves so that we can be what others may need from us to survive.

Session 18 May 2019:
Q: (Joe) Is it that people who have a certain awareness which is equivalent to information or ideas or conception of the world in their mind, that this contributes building blocks for a new reality?

A: It is not that those who endure to the end will be saved, but that those who endure to the end shall save others. It is your choice to be among those who choose to be a part of the vanguard of the new reality!!!


(L) So that is basically being addressed to anybody who reads this session.

(Andromeda) It's not just surviving or enduring that's the point.

(L) It's to survive and serve others!


It is a much more hopeful practical "choice" and as Joe put it "this contributes building blocks for a new reality".
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the elites/deep state/PTB/illuminati/Masonic brotherhood/satanists/MK-Ultra/Mossad/MI6/CIA/NSA/UN/BIS/World Bank/MIC/EU/Trilateral Commission/Council on Foreign Relations/blah, blah, etc...

There's one much more accurate phrase that you can use to replace all of the above monikers (and any others along that line): "STS thought center"
It is a much more hopeful practical "choice" and as Joe put it "this contributes building blocks for a new reality".

Or perhaps more specifically, the goal appears to be to make yourself into as good a 'vehicle' as possible for certain 'ideas' (from an STO "thought center") that are floating around. That means ridding yourself of opposing ideas/attitudes/beliefs. The first step in that process is to stop acting on those negative ideas/attitudes/beliefs, then you can begin to replace them with, or open yourself up to, opposing ideas, and act on those instead.
Thanks Joe and goyacobol for those insights - exactly what networking here is all about.
A: We once said that 4D STS will become desperate for control as the changes approach. They perceive that control is being undermined thus making them more desperate.

Q: (L) What's undermining their control?

A: Why you, yes! Collectively, that is.

Q: (Allen) So we do it by things that we're publishing, or just by being who we're being and working on things for ourselves?

A: All and more coming down the creativity pipeline.

Q: (L) Could it be said that what we're doing is actually inducing these controlling actions?

A: Yes but that is actually good because it means that their desperation is being driven and they will make more mistakes and turn the masses against them sooner.

Q: (L) So the more positive things we do, and the more creative we become, the more it drives them to try to suppress and repress things in indirect ways to try to suppress and repress us without suppressing and repressing us directly - because that would be too obvious - and by so doing, they show their hand so to speak?

A: Yes
By posting articles here and commenting on them, I feel that I'm not only "doing what is in you to do", but sending a vibe out to the collective unconscious saying, "Yeah, look at this - it's so wrong and unjust - and I'm not going to turn a blind eye to it and neither should you". And sometimes what I post shows up on Sott, which makes it seem worthwhile and not a waste of time or effort.

Of course, there's always room for improvement and that's something to strive for as the desperation by the STS thought center careens toward total meltdown. One has to think the masses are getting a clue and realizing just how corrupt and wicked their leaders/the system is. Epstein's 'suicide' and Prince Andrew's interview certainly provided a gigantic boost.
One has to think the masses are getting a clue and realizing just how corrupt and wicked their leaders/the system is. Epstein's 'suicide' and Prince Andrew's interview certainly provided a gigantic boost.


Seeing some change in mass awareness makes it worth watching the show I think.

Session 22 July 2019:
Q: (Andromeda) That's an interesting... (L) Way to look at it. (Burma Jones) So then back to what Galaxia was wanting to know, is there going to be a revolution? Are people actually going to wake up and start... (Galaxia) And do something about it?

A: Oh indeed!

Q: (Galaxia) Now that's what I like to hear! (Andromeda) Is it going to be a very bloody revolution?

A: Yes.

Q: (Galaxia) On both sides?

A: Yes.

Q: (Galaxia) More for the evil side, or more for the good side?

A: Wait and see.

Q: (Perceval) Is it gonna be more concentrated in one particular area of the globe, for example in the US, as opposed to world-wide?

A: Yes. We have mentioned a 5D city on a hill.

Q: (Perceval) Is this in reference to the ice age in terms of the blame that people give to the government and that causes the revolution?

A: There are a few more steps before an ice age. Some of them not very pleasant.

Q: (Perceval) Earthquakes, volcanoes, economic collapse...(Burma Jones) Mass starvation. (Perceval) Plague. (L) Crop failure.

A: All of those and more.

Q: (Andromeda) Great! (Perceval) On that topic, is one of those steps that could happen to cause a revolution...

(L) Well, actually they're talking about steps to an ice age, not steps to a revolution.

(Ailén) They said before the revolution would start, people would only see the oil as a reason to start a revolution.

(Perceval) Yeah, I asked if the ace age was going to cause a revolution. (L) I don't think there's going to be a lot left to have a revolution once the ice age has begun! {laughter} Okay, so all that stuff like crop failure is going to lead up to the ice age.

(L) I would say that if there were crop failures, economic collapse, and so on, that those things would bring about a revolution and while you're in the middle of the revolution THEN everything goes kaflooey. That would be my guess.

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) So they said "all of those and more". Could one of those "more" things be any revelations about 9/11?

A: That may come too, but don't hang your hopes on "revelations". Rather it will be a change in perception by the public.

Q: (L) Okay. Well, all of that is very, very cheerful. So what are we supposed to do?

A: Continue to spread the truth and program that will unite all people of good will.

Q: (L) So uniting people of good will...

A: Remember we once told you that people would unite against the "invasion" at the time just before the earth changes?

I would say keep your observation goggles on, do your best to stay alive and safe (sorry I don't have any detailed advice).

It's hopefully not going to be just a spectator series of events like:

Spectators Witness History at Manassas | American Battlefield ...

Guess it should not be surprising that many around the globe will not be cheering for "Murica" but karma is karma I suppose.

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