Can someone explain "Knowledge protects"?


The Force is Strong With This One
How does knowledge protect?

What type of knowledge?

Does this include knowledge gained from school, internet, encyclopedia??

I need more light on this.
Relaxation said:
How does knowledge protect?

What type of knowledge?

Does this include knowledge gained from school, internet, encyclopedia??

I need more light on this.
Hi relaxation. The best way for you to understand that is to read the entire Wave and Adventure Series. It is available online for free here -
This thread is also dealing with this question:

Knowledge Protects?

But reading the Wave and Adventures will certainly make it clearer what this knowledge is, like anart says.
Relaxation said:
i have read the entire wave 1.
Great - Wave 1 is just the very beginning, however. To really start to grasp concepts, the entire series should be read.
Relaxation said:
How does knowledge protect?

What type of knowledge?

Does this include knowledge gained from school, internet, encyclopedia??

All knowledge ;D

The other advices are really good to read the entire wave and adventure series, to gain knowledge and also to develop an understanding what the C's are meaning with it and how it can protect.
What I understand is Networking, recommended readings by members of the forum and other readings that you can find on your own as well as,be aware , practice meditation, diet. Impressions for the soul (listen to music, see art, nature, gardening, fitness , etc.? and also seek the objective truth in the end IMHO
Be careful. What do you call learning?
If it means storing up experiences and beliefs It will tie you like a cord that prevent you from learning
Knowing happens directly when not even a thought stands between you and the thing you know And you see yourself as you are, not as you would like to be
-- Prince Lubovedsky--
Transcribed from the 1979 British film Meetings with Remarkable Men directed by Peter Brook
I think what irritates most people is that original sentence does not accord with most experiences we make.
As in, applied knowledge protects. That's the empirical evidence we gather everyday. Unchecked ignorance endangers.
But, seeing as the C's likely had intention behind this phrasing, they could have alluded to something else found in another part of the transcripts, the notion that knowledge protects because it gives "psychic defense".
Think of it as loopholes in your awareness that can be stitched together with gained knowledge so that no more risk of "leaks"(=open to attacks of the psychic kind) are possible. Since this is metaphysics, it is hard to convey this with metaphors, but I hope this helps.
Medhavi said:

I think what irritates most people is that original sentence does not accord with most experiences we make.
As in, applied knowledge protects. That's the empirical evidence we gather everyday. Unchecked ignorance endangers.
But, seeing as the C's likely had intention behind this phrasing, they could have alluded to something else found in another part of the transcripts, the notion that knowledge protects because it gives "psychic defense".
Think of it as loopholes in your awareness that can be stitched together with gained knowledge so that no more risk of "leaks"(=open to attacks of the psychic kind) are possible. Since this is metaphysics, it is hard to convey this with metaphors, but I hope this helps.

Knowledge must be applied to be useful. It will become clear as you finish reading The Wave. Lets take a look at what is meant by knowledge from the Cass glossary:

In general usage:
1. The state or fact of knowing.
2. Familiarity, awareness, or understanding gained through experience or study.
3. The sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned.
4. Learning; erudition: teachers of great knowledge.
5. Specific information about something.
6. Carnal knowledge.

In an esoteric context, knowledge as opposed to information means that what is known is known in context and in an applicable form. Knowledge implies having assimilated the information and having made it a part of oneself.
Knowledge does not automatically imply that the knowledge in question correspond to reality. One may believe and act on false information which one has mistaken for knowledge.
Knowledge is tied to being. A certain level of being, or cohesion of parts of self will be required before information on a particular subject becomes knowledge.

knowledge strongly suggests an element of skill or know-how, of capacity of application. Information may turn to knowledge by being applied.

Knowledge often suggests a meaning of first hand knowledge, acquired by experience. Not all knowledge requires direct experience of the object of knowledge, for example one does not have to be persecuted in order to know about the possibility of being persecuted. There the criterion of knowledge is applying the knowledge of the danger for avoiding directly experiencing this same danger.

Gurdjieff tells us that esoteric knowledge is like a material substance. There is only a certain amount of this substance allotted to the world at each time. If this stuff of knowledge is spread too thin, it does nobody any good. In great condensations, when a large amount is shared between relatively few, knowledge can produce great change and benefit.

While this may sound unfair, this is not so: The majority of people have no interest in claiming even their due amount of knowledge, hence much stuff of knowledge goes unclaimed. This is specially so in times of turmoil. Thus an aspect of esoteric work is gathering this knowledge.

When in possession of such knowledge, groups become, as it were, more intelligent, they can do at a level that surpasses their individual or collective 'regular' intelligence. The concept may relate to the 4th Way notion of higher 'hydrogens' and to the ideas of 'intelligent energy' as explained by Ra. At any rate, substances (hydrogens) are seen to be endowed with a certain 'intelligence' or 'vivifyingness' proper to each level of hydrogen.

The Cassiopaea material speaks extensively of knowledge. The key idea is that assimilation of knowledge, then understood in an applied esoteric sense, is an intrinsically limitless concept capable of providing one with all understanding as well as protection one may need. Knowledge and love are related, in the sense of facets of a whole: One may only love that which one knows and will naturally seek to know that which one loves. Otherwise the 'love' is an internal attachment to imagination.

The New Testament parable of the talents probably refers to esoteric knowledge. See Matthew 25:14:

25:14 For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.

25:15 And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.
25:16 Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.
25:17 And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.
25:18 But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money.
25:19 After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them. 25:20 And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.
25:21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
25:22 He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.
25:23 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
25:24 Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed: 25:25 And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.
25:26 His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed: 25:27 Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.
25:28 Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.
25:29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. 1111

Knowledge has 'negative entropy.' This means that an accumulation of knowledge, when this knowledge is put to use, as suggested by the investing of money above, causes more knowledge to accrete around it. This is in a sense true of learning in general but considering Gurdjieff's idea of knowledge as a substance which when concentrated opens qualitatively new possibilities, we suspect there is more to the matter.

The presence of knowledge in a system decreases its entropy and adds order to the system. In this sense knowledge, when it is objective, i.e. corresponds to the system which it concerns, is creative.
Daenerys said:
Medhavi said:

I think what irritates most people is that original sentence does not accord with most experiences we make.
As in, applied knowledge protects. That's the empirical evidence we gather everyday. Unchecked ignorance endangers.
But, seeing as the C's likely had intention behind this phrasing, they could have alluded to something else found in another part of the transcripts, the notion that knowledge protects because it gives "psychic defense".
Think of it as loopholes in your awareness that can be stitched together with gained knowledge so that no more risk of "leaks"(=open to attacks of the psychic kind) are possible. Since this is metaphysics, it is hard to convey this with metaphors, but I hope this helps.

Knowledge must be applied to be useful. It will become clear as you finish reading The Wave. Lets take a look at what is meant by knowledge from the Cass glossary:

It's really very simple. It's not knowledge if it's not applied, it's merely information. There is an enormous difference between information and knowledge. Knowledge changes level of Being, information usually just feeds the ego and powers the delusion of waking sleep.
I think after reading the wave series and most other material highlighted here, I have come to an understanding what this could mean. I was going to write a contrast on the meaning and use of of this statement and the other one commonly used: "Knowledge is Power".
In short, Knowledge protects is when there is nothing hidden from the awareness of all. And when knowledge is power, it is when you and a few others have an awareness and will not share it for all or give partial knowledge to have your opponent make improper decisions or play both sides as in game theory.
With this baseline, you can see how this can be... If all are aware with equal knowledge, you will understand psychopathy, you will understand how others can manipulated by deception, you will understand the good and bad in the food you eat and why your body reacts in certain ways, you will understand of higher densities and who we are in creation. Nothing is hidden, but know this, it also requires work! When knowledge protects, we can make our reality as STO beings.
When knowledge is power; for me, is viewed as an STS idea. You can control others with this knowledge, you will find it easy for deception, those ideas can build institutions of separations between all and those that have it will always be in control. Why do you think our world spends a lot of energy to hide UFT, higher level communications, various densities and dimensions?...For control.
In summary, when knowledge protects it tends to move souls to realities of STO existence.
All knowledge is good. Ignorance and especially lies (false knowledge) endangers.

When you go through let's say the lesson of burning yourself on the stove as a kid, you gain the knowledge that it is hot and that too much heat can hurt. Then from now on you apply this knowledge to your life and eventually you avoid getting too close to intense heat sources automatically without having to review the knowledge or past lesson.

Now immagine that but with virtually all knowledge. You gain it through various lessons and when applied, you grow as an individual. You become more aware of your reality and thus are less likely to endanger yourself or get endangered by other individuals and/or other things.

Ultimately, only when sufficient knowledge has been gained in this 3D school, we are ready for 4th grade (4D) and ''graduate'' naturally (no forcing here or free tickets). So as long as we remain on 3D, it means we haven't 'completed all the lessons'.

My thoughts.
I agree that knowledge is KNOWLEDGE only when it is applied.

As Daniel Jackson said in Stargate SG-1 episode "The Powers That Be": Knowledge is power, but how you use that power defines whether you're good, or evil.

It's true that information usually just feeds the ego, but not in all circumstances. If I, for example, warn others of the incoming tsunami in my town (given that I have somehow attained this information from somewhere/someone) then the sharing of that information can potentially save many lives, and if I were self-centered, selfish and uncaring bastard I couldn't care less what happens to anyone else, except maybe for those that I consider useful in some way- solely in terms of personal interest of course.

As always, it is easier to say that knowledge is useful and that it's good to learn, but in reality it is really hard to actually DO it, because most of us (me included- I have my own struggles to fight and programs to overcome- limiting software installed from my immediate environment to my mind) do not want to step out of their zone of comfort- it's always easier to be at home with your feet up, than it is to actually be on the "battlefield".
I think that is because most folks really fear the change, fear paralyzes us so we feel helpless and useless and only a few are brave enough to face their fears, in order to understand them and overcome them eventually. And because most people tend to give up too early in the process, they usually learn things the hard way, through shocks that will inevitably come for all to shake them out from their cozy sleep state.

Well, suffering is a fact of life. Either we learn how to deal with that, or we go under.
That knowledge protects (assuming it is used), in a general and specific way, is pretty obvious if you think about it. Think about any experience in your life that was a problem for you, or that you would like to have done differently and you'll find that a lack of appropriate knowledge at the time was the root cause of the problem and negative consequence. It stands to reason then that sufficient knowledge about any given situation can prevent the problems that lack of knowledge cause. Ergo "knowledge protects".

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