Can the Banksters Take Down Russia?

Bobo08 said:
axj said:
I disagree. While learning our lessons is the primary goal, contributing towards change in the world can be an important part of what we are doing here. Otherwise why talk about how our "butterfly wings" can bring change in the world or why set up for that matter? Just to learn lessons or to try and bring some needed change as well?

I would say that "learning our lessons" includes acting as necessary. It's similar to how information only becomes our knowledge when we act on it. So yeah, we do act to contribute towards change in the world as part of our learning, but don't get identified with the outcome. The world will be what it will be. It's what we learn and DO in the process that matters.

Yeah, it seems to be that acting on principle with non-anticipation is the key to the soul's lessons here. In other words, learn as much as you can, and based on that knowledge do what in your heart you know is right, simply because it is right.
Scottie said:
Skyalmian said:
"destined to go" / "pre-determined finale"?
That makes me wonder at what is the point of so much work and effort to change things ('timelines' ala. "Bringers of the Dawn") and then to "settle for" what amounts to the same prophecy and programs, things that machines operate by?

(Biblical / 'Revelations' content reads like code for machines to execute, and which they seem to be trying for, not knowing how to do much of anything else.)

In 20 years, how much / what percent change of the global timeline(s) has Cassiopaea changed via its presence, from what was said / predicted back at its beginning?

The current "banking show" is one among many. When events like this happen and things start to "look up" a bit, I think we tend to latch onto it, and think that if only this one thing could be fixed, then everything would be fine. That is, of course, not true at all. Fix the banking system, and you still have a million and one other problems. Besides, even when there wasn't such a blatant one-world system in place, there was still corruption, psychos, war, suffering, etc.

When you think about it, we're hoping that we can have a "better banking system". Isn't that kind of like choosing between a Republican or a Democrat in a US election?

I don't know what effects our collective actions may have, but I've also seen enough to realize that they DO matter. I often remind myself of what the C's once said: Learn to think in unlimited terms. That doesn't mean you stop eating, stop paying bills until they turn off the electricity, and so on... It means that all the time, you should remember the bigger picture, and always do what you can to move in the direction of standing up for the truth to the best of your ability.

It also means that "timelines" and all that kind of thing may not work at all like we think they do. So, we do what we can do, practically, one day at a time... And wait and see.

This came to mind, especially in regards to a 'cashless society' and Russia.
Q: (L) On the subject of the 666, I was given an insight into this several years ago as to another meaning of it, is that interpretation also correct?

A: Maybe. VI is 6 in Roman Numerals. S was 6 in ancient Egypt. A was 6 in Sanskrit. VISA, see, is 666. Interesting that to travel for extended periods one needs a "visa" also, yes?

Q: (L) The other parts of chapter 13... Verse one says, "I stood on the sandy beach I saw a beast coming up out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads. On his horns he had ten royal crowns and blasphemous titles on his heads..." What does this verse mean?

A: Many meanings. Monetary control. 10 represents universal control of whole units of value.

Q: (L) So, the ten horns represent units of value, so we are talking about money here. What are the blasphemous titles on his heads?

A: In God we trust.

Q: (L) "And the beast that I saw resembled a leopard..."

A: New World Order.

Q: (L) "And to him the dragon gave his might and power and great dominion..." Who is the dragon?

A: Read again please.

Q: (L) "And the beast I saw resembled a leopard..." What does the leopard signify?

A: Leopard is fast moving and distinctly patterned.

Q: (L) "His feet were like those of a bear..." what do the feet represent?

A: Russia.

Q: (L) Why are the feet like those of a bear?

A: Hidden power center in that geographic location.

Q: (L) What nature this power center?

A: Same as USA. Feet are not so easily seen.

Q: (L) Does this mean that Russia and the US are secretly united?

A: Under same control.

Q: (L) Are these the Lizards?

A: At the root.

Q: (L) "His mouth was like that of a lion..." What does mouth represent and why is it like a lions?

A: Noisy and boastful.

Q: (L) Who is noisy and boastful and how is this going to manifest?

A: Economic power structure. Lion is powerful and commands attention by roaring. Who has been speaking loudly about a new world order?

Q: (L) The United States?

A: Close. Elements of same.
[quote author= C's]
Q: (L) "And to him the dragon gave his might and power and great dominion..." Who is the dragon?

A: Read again please. [/quote]

I suppose the dragon is China.

added: the answer was given further down in the transcript

Q: (L) "They fell down and gave homage to the dragon because he had bestowed on the beast all of his dominion and authority..." Who is this dragon?

A: World Body Politic.

Q: (L) And who is this Beast?

A: New World Order aka Brotherhood aka Lizzies aka antichrist.
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