Canada Revenue Agency - Propaganda Alert !!!

I would encourage all of our Canadian readers to check this LOVELY piece of propaganda put out by the Canadian Government.

This is almost to lame to be "what it is" so other options must be explored...

This little video is NOT SO cleverly stuffed with DIS-INFO and lies... REVENUE TAX is separate from other taxes but the video does not explain this. IN FACT CANADIAN SCHOOLS AND PARKS ARE PAYED FOR IN MUNICIPAL PROPERTY TAXES, AND ROADS ARE PAYED FOR IN GAS TAXES ... It is a real shame that they would openly deceive Canadians and invite them to spy on each other.

Anyways... My suspicion about this video is that they may be trying a new media subversive "poison pill" concept to see a) who responds b) how many people respond and or take it seriously c) Track how many hits and criticism's this video get on sites such as SOTT as well as personal blogs across the web ( Hello CRA - SOTT IS TOO SHARP FOR YOU :) )

Anyways... The contest is only open to Canadians so any are so inclined I leave you with a FREE pitch... Jimmy turns in his older sister who is a prostitute, and cannot afford to feed her 3 children with her inadequate social assistance. Of course Jimmy's sister does not claim her income, does not collect federal sales tax, issues no receipt to her customers and ONLY accepts cash... Jimmy feels compelled as a good Canadian citizen to squeal on his sister who then goes to Jail while her 3 kids go into foster care and grow up to have mother issues... Oh yeah - Jimmy gets a job with Revenue Canada!!!

Just as a reminder the G-20 meetings are this weekend and instead of pushing for real reforms of the financial system at the meeting, the leaders of the G-20 will be discussing further ways to regulate the global financial system including ways to stifle swiss (offshore) banking rules, financial secrecy, and tackling the "underground" economy. Perhaps Canada will share it's cool video contest idea with the other G-20 leaders :P

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