As Denis Rancourt has been well feathered on the covid thread(s), he does enter into the NCI as a "expert witness" - see here:
2023-04-25 BOOK OF EXHIBITS of expert witness Denis Rancourt - National Citizens Inquiry - Denis Rancourt
Listened to Rancourt's testimony at the inquiry tonight, which includes a lengthy Q&A from the commissioners.
Denis does tackle some stand alone issues, such as the global hot spots (Italia, Madrid etc.), and what 'variants' really meant, the pre vaccine mortality rates (he is still looking at particular drugs used alongside ventilators), and poste vaccine all cause mortality.
Over the years have listened to many people, and Denis is one to not avoid (imo). The Inquiry was fortunate to have him.
Dr. Denis Rancourt Unveiling All-Cause Mortality: A Critical Analysis of the Pandemic Declaration and Vaccination Rollout | Ottawa Day One | NCI

Dr. Denis Rancourt Unveiling All-Cause Mortality: A Critical Analysis of the Pandemic Declaration and Vaccination Rollout | Ottawa Day One | NCI
Dr. Denis Rancourt, an esteemed physicist and researcher, presents a stunning analysis of worldwide "all-cause mortality." Delve into his thought-provoking examination of the pandemic declaration and

Edit: Oh, and Catherine Austin Fitts spoke on the same day:
Catherine Austin Fitts: COVID Crisis, Global Financial Reset, and Individual Empowerment | Ottawa Day 1 | National Citizens Inquiry
Catherine Austin Fitts: COVID Crisis, Global Financial Reset, and Individual Empowerment | Ottawa Day 1 | National Citizens Inquiry (