Canadian Orwellian world: Lockdowns, vaccines passports and more

That's her logic?

As it was back in 2021 - back then for pregnant mothers to be, thus down to the fetus:

As it was back in 2021 - back then for pregnant mothers to be, thus down to the fetus:

I seem to have this thing for transcribing right now. I felt a bit angry doing this one. Thanks for the post.

@ 0:18-1:29

Dr. Lynora Saxinger: "I think that pregnancy is an important time in people really look at the various risks of things during pregnancy with really careful attention and that's completely warranted. At the moment, all of the evidence would really support that Covid-19 risk in pregnancy is a real concern, and that the vaccine safety is really reassuring. And so no one should really hesitate to get vaccinated if they're eligible for vaccination in pregnancy. Based on the way the vaccines work, they really should be as safe as any other vaccine that we give in pregnancy. The mechanisms by which all of the vaccines work would not be expected to be a problem. They're not a live virus vaccine. They wouldn't be expected to cross the placenta. And increasingly we are seeing evidence that the mom's immune response can be protective to baby, and be transmitted to baby through breast milk as well. And so there's kind of a two for one protection, actually, which I think is a really valuable thing to consider. So, y'know, the risk benefits scenario here is becoming clearer that, with the data so far on the vaccine safety, I being very positive that the needle is really switching towards recommending, like actually actively recommending vaccination in pregnancy to protect both mom and baby."
Sept. 1, 2023, Jordan Peterson talks Canada in a bonus episode by The Telegraph. (26:23 minutes)

This portion sounded like a psychological Trojan horse story to me.

@ 13:10 - 14:50
And plus Canadians pride themselves on, you know, being 'nice', let's say, and not being offensive, and just hoping that everyone will get along and...

Y'know, there's nothing glorious about incivility but there's very little to distinguish excessive niceness from weakness. And the problem with being nice- and this is a technical problem because niceness is associated with trade agreeableness- is that agreeable people are cannon fodder for psychopaths. And biologists have modelled this so, for example, if you put together automated communities of reciprocal cooperative traders, they do very well. The whole pot expands. But if you throw one psychopath into the mix, he takes everything. And the reason for that is if you are too agreeable, the dark tetrad types, the predatory parasites, they'll take you out. And they'll use your compassion as a weapon against you. We know that the people who suffer from the psychopathologies, or manifest the psychopathologies that are associated with quasi-psychopathic traits, are very much prone to using victimisation as a weapon. So I don't believe any of the conundrum that we're in, at the moment in the West, is strictly political. I think what's happened is the predatory psychopaths have figured out how to cloak themselves in the guise of compassion and their machinations are enabled online. And this is dangerous beyond belief.

Sept. 1, 2023, Jordan Peterson talks Canada in a bonus episode by The Telegraph. (26:23 minutes)

This portion sounded like a psychological Trojan horse story to me.

Thanks, good talk, it also seems to be part of a documentary (trailer at the end) called Canada's woke nightmare: A Warning to the West.

Here is that version (Edit - I did not see you post the next part, so this is a repeat):

I'm appalled every bit the same as Jordan, and the thing is, I don't know many who are not, even though many pretend and clap and yet they know something is horribly wrong. Things are going to get very interesting in Canada, and no doubt accompanied by much more suffering.

What you posted, Benjamin, called Peterson Off Script said the interviewer, sees Jordan discussing aspects from many times before - Left-Wing Authoritarians, which is interesting in comparison to Robert Altemeyer's The Authoritarians (discussed often on the forum). The latter is more focused on the right-wing authoritarianism scale, and to be fair to Altemeyer's work, the right-wing was one scale part, and he included a left-wing authoritarianism scale, although overall Bob had it fit the right-wing times (Bush et al.). Altemeyer later wrote on Trump in those years, so he fell right into that left authoritarian hole.

Would love to hear Peterson and Altemeyer debate.

Back to your post, near the end, the interviewer brings up climate change (to Peterson he said that in the UK we have this thing called Net Zero):

"Yes, I'm well aware of this, Net Zero means Zero for the peasants"
- Jordan Peterson

It's so sad what Jordan Peterson is going through, so unfair to attack a man like him. It's like attacking Montaigne, or Socrates or Marcus Aurelius. They despise the great sages, the intelligence, but it's also true that in the old days, since the beginning of time, you had to be very, very careful because if you weren't, they'd simply burn you on the scaffold. We're in the middle of the Inquisition, that's obvious. Rabelais wrote his work in the form of a farce because it was the only way to say what he thought, otherwise he too would have been burnt. We're in such a troubled time. also seems to be part of a documentary (trailer at the end) called Canada's woke nightmare: A Warning to the West.

I came at this backwards. The above two videos that feature JP seem to come from a much longer interview, posted a month ago, titled Jordan Peterson: The radical Left is guilt-tripping the West into oblivion (1:26:00). The setting (happens to be Canada) and interviewer are the same so those pieces came from the same interview but were pulled and placed elsewhere later.

Here are just a few selections.

@ 32:25- 33:43
Jordan Peterson: And falsehood cannot withstand the truth. Well, that an axiom of faith. And it's an existential- It's a strange thing, eh? Because this is, again, why, the notion that you can orient your life by mere attention to the facts is erroneous is like- Well, is it the fact of the matter that if you lived your life by truth that that would be optimal? And the answer is, you have to run the simulation to find out. It's not computable, a priori. There's no way of deriving 'the moral' before the story is told. And that's what you do in your life, the existential conundrum, in some ways, that's what you're thrown into existence to determine. Y'know, how do you best make your way forward? Well, you pay your money and you take your chances. And, this is something I'm trying to stress in my new book I'm writing is : you will have faith in something. Now it might be a multitude of contradictory things which just makes you a polytheistic pagan. But there's no non-faith root. And then the question emerges, what would a wise person best have faith in? And, I think it's 'the truth' partly because how are you going to orient yourself to the world with a false map?

@ 37:50 - 38:49
Steven Edginton: Do you see a distinction between those two things, though, y'know, the personal and the political, or are they linked in some way?

JP: Well, you can't be a real leader without having your act together on the personal front. And, for me, the mental theatre of action is the individual, which is why I'm a psychologist and not a political scientist or an economist or a sociologist or a politician, for that matter. Like, I think that, I mean, I was concerned throughout my whole life with the existence of 'malevolence'. And that's a spiritual problem; 'malevolence', 'evil'. And it's addressed at the individual level. And so that's always been my primary focus of concern once I really learned that was a psychological issue rather than a political issue. I think you have to get your psychological house in order before you can be, even remotely, effective politically, in the fundamental sense. Otherwise you're just a tool of ideology or your own ego.

@ 39:52 - 47:48
SE: Isn't it the ironic thing that, throughout this interview, we've talked about dissidence, we've talked about resisting, sort of, woke tyranny. But the woke people see themselves as resistors, they see themselves as dissidence. Maybe you disagree with that, but during the 2016 Trump election, there was this term, "the resistance". That's how they saw themselves. So, do you think they genuinely believe themselves to be resisting against the conservative elite?

JP: Well, I think some of them do and some of them don't. I mean, the real pathological types use all of that as manoeuvring...

SE: Is that a coping mechanism or...

JP: Well, no, I think there's endless reasons for people to view themselves as victims. You know, I mean, we are in the land of corporate giants. Right? In a major way. And they're multi-national. It isn't obvious at all that they act, they often act in, not in our best interests. I mean, that's certainly the case of the pharmaceutical companies obviously. Which is why their alliance with the radical-left is quite the bloody miracle. And it is the case, as I said before, that in the capitalist systems power and wealth accrue in the hands of fewer and fewer people. Now, that's true in every economic system. It's part of a much broader problem then the problem of capitalism. But it's easy for people to feel that they're put at an unfair disadvantage by extant power structures, and to the degree that those power structures are, in fact, corrupt and based on power, they have a valid complaint. Now, the question is, what do you do with that complaint? I mean, you could regard yourself as especially and narcissisticly victimised and therefore deserving of some sort of special redress, or you could try to do something about it, and then, also, understand your own role in propagating that power dynamic.

SE: Well, they hold themselves up against these vast evil concepts like white supremacy and so they say they're fighting white supremacy, they're fighting this homophobia, they're fighting this trans-phobia that is endemic and systemic across society and across the elites. Do you see a comparison between that and how the Soviet revolutionaries, Leninist types, believed themselves to be fighting against that elite and...

JP: Well, if they did believe that, I mean, they were powermongers in the final analysis. I mean, people like Lenin and Stalin said whatever they needed to say to get as firm a grip on power, absolute power, as they could possibly manage.

But, look, one of the canonical variants of the universal hero myth is David and Goliath. Right? And the reason for that is that the hero always does two things. The hero confronts chaos and what is terrifying and generates order, that's one. That's the 'dragon fight' fundamentally. But the hero also slays the oppressive giant and rekindles society. Right? So, takes out the evil king. You see that in the story of the Lion King for example. Right? And takes out the evil uncle which is a very common variant. And the reason for that is that social hierarchies ossify and tilt towards power. And so that's also part of the critique of the Left. Right? But the Left always goes too far. The radicals, they say, "It's nothing but power." It's like, nooo! It's not 'nothing but power'! The fact that power corrupts the social enterprise, and the psyche for that matter, does not mean that power is the fundamental motivating principle. And that's actually of extreme import. I actually think that 'play' is the fundamental motivating principle, not power. I think the antithesis of power is play, and 'free play' in particular. And it's a much more effective means of adaptation, and much more enjoyable, then the naked expression of power. But people are inclined, in their attempts to manifest an unsophisticated heroism- that's a good way of thinking about it- to, y'know, 'oppose the man'. And then to also to assume that the mere complaint, especially public- which is the equivalent to 'praying public', by the way- just the mere public display of your rejection, your objection, constitutes sufficient moral effort. And of course the idiot universities are absolutely complicit in putting that message forward. It's like, "Everybody should be an activist." It's like, really. That's your solution for the worlds woes is to train potentially competent young people to parade their whiny moral virtue publicly. Well, there's nothing in that that's positive. Go out there and do something. Fix something. Fix something. Something real. ...

So the propagandists always subvert the mythological to the ideological. Always. And so there's always the 'ring of truth' about their pronouncements. "I'm standing up against the man!" Well, you should be but... You know, the Judaeo-Christian revolution in many ways, if you think about it psychologically, was the notion that the tyrant you face most morally is the one that lurks in your heart. Right? It's the removal of malevolence from the external world, it's the continual removal of it. So, as the idea of God progresses, you see the idea of God moving from the God whose manifestations in nature produces awe, to the God whose voice is revealed within, primarily in the voice of conscience. So it's a psychologisation of the idea of the divine. Same thing happens on the malevolence front. Well, what's evil? A predator, a wolf, a snake, a raptor. Right? A dragon. That's an amalgam of all those things. That's evil. What's evil? Your tribal enemy. What's evil? Your betraying brother. What's evil? Your self betrayal. What's evil? The spirit of evil that lurks within you. Yeah, that's it. That's the most sophisticated representation. And you could also argue, and it's a debatable point but I think it's true, that the way you fight external tyranny effectively is by having defeated the tyrant that lurks within, and then acting in accordance with that. Because then your words and your actions speak of your having overcome the devil and his temptations in the desert. Y'know, when Christ is in the desert trying to conceptualise the nature of his kingdom, Satan appears to him and says to him, "You can have that world and everything in it. You could be a political master. you could be a king. You could be the Emperor," in the worldly sense. And Christ thinks, what does he think? "That's not good enough." (laughs) "That's not right." You can manipulate 'manoeuvre' on the power front, y'know, and you can end up ruling over Hell, as it turns out, if you do that, but, you can end up ruling. Or you can try to put your house in order and then you inherit the Kingdom instead of the World. Y'know, and people think that's a superstition. But that's because they don't understand what the story means.

@ 49:28 - 51:18
JP: Everyone I know that's truly successful- I'll give you an example. So I saw this in the Professoriate continually. There were two types of professor, especially in relationship to the graduate students. There were the professors who had time for their graduate students and who were extraordinarily generous with their ideas and with publication credit. And so these were people you'd go talk to them; my supervisor Robert Peel was one of these. He always had time and he was never less than forthcoming with his creative ideas and then if we published, he would assign credit where it was due and put himself appropriately in the background, when that was requisite. So what did that mean? Well, first of all it meant that he was a never-ending fount of ideas because he'd give them away and that indicated to himself that he had faith in the source of his ideas and the reward that he received by giving away his ideas produced the flourishing of the system within him that produced ideas. See, because what happens is that, there's a part of you, your neural architecture, that can generate ideas. Well, if you reward that, it grows. So if you give away your ideas and you get positive feedback as a consequence that well will deepen and broaden. Right? And so, what? How could that possibly be to your disadvantage? It’s very different than a narrowly, self-serving “this was my goddamn idea I'm going to be first author on the paper and don't you dare steal my idea”. Well, those people, I just saw them over time. They’d get to the point where they literally wouldn't have an idea. And then they'd even be grasping more tightly to the ideas that they had well that's not, that's not a wise strategy.

@ 51:18- 54:05
Is the theory of 'Great men of history' legitimate?

@ 59:02 - 1:02:59
SE: So I want to ask a question about you for just for a moment. Since 2016, how do you think your life has changed, how do you think you have changed, how has your outlook towards the world changed?

JP: Well, my life was flipped upside down in many ways because I had to give up my professorship and my research enterprise and I'd put a lot of time and effort into those and I would, I like doing them and I was good at it. And I, particularly the research enterprise collapsed entirely. Now, I’ve been able to duplicate the teaching enterprise on a much broader scale so, and that's been extraordinarily useful and fulfilling and much better. So there's no net loss there but the research enterprise, that was a real loss, and then my clinical practice became impossible too and that really still irritates the hell out of me because I knew those people extremely well and we were getting places. You know, we had a real relationship, sometimes one that had lasted a decade and it just blew up. Plus, you know, the College of psychologists has been on my case ever since 2016 and they're costing me ninety thousand dollars a month in legal bills, which I'm also not very impressed by. And every single allegation they brought against me is not only unwarranted but absurd and procedurally incompetent to a degree that's almost unimaginable. So, that was annoying.

There were a lot of harrowing experiences that went along with what's unfolded over the last seven years, particularly in the first four or five years because every week, month, something like that, there’d be some new scandal generally fulminated by some journalist who was narcissistic whose sole goal in interview was to trap me into saying something that would demolish my reputation to their renown, and every time that happened things were unstable for weeks or months even. But it reversed and now we've learned that it reverses. So it's much less worrisome now and so that's one thing. That’s one way I’m different is that, I know now, that if you're careful and you get attacked and you hold fast, that the net outcome will be positive if you can tolerate the intermediary disruption. So that's a very useful thing to know.

So now if, you know, something someone scurrilous says something potentially reputation devastating, my family has learned just to watch and wait and watch it flip around. Because it is the case that the people who went after me most pathologically did me the most good. And that isn't something- I didn't know that. I didn't know that's how the world worked. And that that's part of the reason why you can welcome assault. Y’know. Because you need to know what your attitude is, right? You need to know what your attitude is towards tragedy. And your attitude towards tragedy is that you should bear it with hope because, well, what else are you going to do? You gonna, you gonna descend into the pit of victimhood? I mean, even if the world has been stacked up unfairly on top of you, well, construing yourself as a helpless victim and becoming bitter and resentful, and then murderous, and then genocidal. That's not helpful. It just turns tragedy into hell. So you're called upon to maintain Faith and Hope in the face of the existential catastrophe of existence. And then, with regards to malevolence as well, you know, do you embrace your enemy? I suppose if you were a master you could do that.

@ 1:03:00 - 1:04:18
Are there advantages to suffering?

@ 1:04:19 - 1:06:59
Have you become more cynical and pessimistic about the world, if that was possible?
JP: No. No, I don't think so. I mean, I'm more struck down by amazement with regards to the depths of malevolent stupidity that are possible. The comical, malevolent stupidity is a never-ending source of, like, surreal amazement. ...

@ 1:07:00 - 1:11:02
Should I be censoring my own speech? Is it lying if I don't speak what I feel?

@ 1:07:43 - 1:11:02
JP: If you falsify what you believe explicitly, that's a big mistake. Like, I would say you can make a blanket, you can just lay a blanket prohibition over that. Do not lie. And what, there's a- I could define that. Do not say things that you know according to your own standards of truth are false. Not ‘circumvents all the moral relativistic arguments’. It’s like, everyone knows the difference between saying something they believe to be true and something they know to be false. Okay? So don't do that. Now, there's going to be edge cases when you don't know. … Okay, so if I have someone like that my clinical practice I say, “Well look, you're going to be called upon to make very fine moral judgments. So you better make yourself into the person that can do that.” And how do you do that? Well, you do that first of all by ceasing lying. Right? Because then you sharpen your vision and then you'll be able to be in a situation where you can decide in a given circumstance which pathway forward is the most appropriate morally. Now, part of the reason this is a crucial point is that, part of the reason that you should be careful with what you say is because, well, there's no difference between speaking and thinking, and if you muddy the conceptual waters and you find yourself in a tight spot, you'll be too blind to think. And then you'll be in trouble. And, you know, and not just the sort of trouble that can cause death. That trouble too, but worse. so if you know that and and you've thought that through, it's like, “Oh I see I can't lie because if I lie I falsify the process that enables me to abide by the truth when the challenge arises.” You think, “Oh! That seems rather self-evident. I should be careful because or else.” And I know that. I know that. And I also know that if you are careful with what you say, especially that you don't lie, but also that you practice saying what you have to say when the time is right, then your vision gets sharper and the world improves around you and the opportunities multiply and everything works out for you much better, even though it's complex. And for everyone else, much better. That's how the world works.

@ 1:11:03 - 1:14:50
(Long question) Do we all need a bit of a break from social media?

@ 1:13:35 - 1:13:55
JP: ... Mental health is ill-conceived and the psychologists are partly to blame for that because we think of mental health as something subjective and internal. But it's not. It's the harmonious balancing of a network of relationships, to yourself, but also to other people. It's the 'harmony' that's the 'health'. ...

@ 1:18:20 - 1:18:50
SE: I want to finish the interview, if you don't mind, on one last topic and that is the United Kingdom- we’re obviously a British paper- one of my favourite videos from you as…

JP: Yeah, it’s pretty funny. You guys are over here doing a documentary on Canada.

SE: Well, it seems the Canadian media doesn't want to do it, so…

JP: Hey man! Canada is a way more peculiar place than Canadians think, and it’s- The fact that Canada has become an object of international interest is like, when the hell did that happen? You know the world's upside down when Canada, when Canadian politics are interesting. It’s like, what the hell is going on? ...
Chris Sky interviewed by Mike Adams. Stuff about Canada here...

The last little chunk of the interview:

@ 46:33 - 47:42

Mike Adams: But, from an American's point of view, y'know, we always- at least this is my perspective- we just thought of Canadians as being, like, really, really polite. Like, nice people. Right? Like, friendly people. But, man, the Canadian people sure are compliant.

Chris Sky: But that's what 'nice' means. If you look up the word 'nice', it comes from Latin for 'ignorant' and 'naive'. So of course your government wants you to be ignorant and naive 'cause then you'll comply. And even after you get found out that you got taken advantage of you won't do anything about it!

Mike Adams: That's the thing. Like, the Canadian people want to be so polite that they just go along with craziness.

Chris Sky: Yeah!

Mike Adams: They don't want to resist...

Chris Sky: They don't want to be seen as 'not nice'. It is literally a mental illness. Everyone's suffering PTSD right now, but Canadians are suffering a mental illness of- What's the illness called where they have to be liked by everybody?

Mike Adams: I don't know. [Sociotropy? The opposite of Autonomy. Or perhaps Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD)?]

Chris Sky: There's a name for it. It can't come to my mind right now 'cause I'm not going to be like that in my head...

Mike Adams: I want to call it 'idiopathy'?

Chris Sky: We'll call it 'Canadian Syndrome'. We have Canadians arguing over who gets to say 'sorry' more.

From etymonline. This word did a complete 180°!

Nice (adj.):

late 13c., "foolish, ignorant, frivolous, senseless," from Old French nice (12c.) "careless, clumsy; weak; poor, needy; simple, stupid, silly, foolish," from Latin nescius "ignorant, unaware," literally "not-knowing," from ne- "not" (from PIE root *ne- "not") + stem of scire "to know" (see science). "The sense development has been extraordinary, even for an adj." [Weekley] — from "timid, faint-hearted" (pre-1300); to "fussy, fastidious" (late 14c.); to "dainty, delicate" (c. 1400); to "precise, careful" (1500s, preserved in such terms as a nice distinction and nice and early); to "agreeable, delightful" (1769); to "kind, thoughtful" (1830).
A bit of hypocritical humour.

August 1 report from True North:

Freeland boasts of not owning vehicle while failing to mention taxpayer-funded chauffeur service

“I am right now an MP for downtown Toronto, and a fact that still shocks my dad is that I don’t actually own a car,” said Freeland. “I’m like 300 metres from the nearest subway; I walk, I take the subway; my kids walk and ride their bikes and take the subway – it’s actually healthier for our family.

The expenses indicate the Department of Finance charged $748.77 between July 28 to July 30, 2021 alone for the cost of accommodation and meal expenses of Freeland’s driver in order for her to be chauffeured around her home riding in Toronto.

Freeland has even billed taxpayers to have the chauffeur service drive around
without her when she travels by air from Ottawa to Montreal so that she may be met by her usual driver at the airport. She also uses the service abroad such as in Glasgow, Scotland in April 2022 while attending the COP26 climate change conference. The conference was held in Glasgow but Freeland chose to stay in Edinburgh and used the service to commute back and forth to the conference. The service was billed more than $3,000, according to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

She apparently also flies a lot.

Freeland Hypocrite.jpg

August 23 report.

Freeland apologizes after being caught speeding

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland has apologized after she received a speeding ticket in Alberta on Tuesday.

“So, look, I did get a speeding ticket driving between Grand Prairie and Peace River. I was driving too fast and I won’t do it again,” said Freeland on Wednesday.

As first reported by The Counter Signal, Freeland was charged with speeding while driving a rental car from Grand Prairie to Peace River, Alberta. The Counter Signal reported that she was driving 142 km/h in a 100km/h zone while other reports mention her going a speed of 132 km/h.

“The Deputy Prime Minister was pulled over for driving 132 km/h while traveling between Grande Prairie and Peace River,” said Katherine Cuplinskas, a spokesperson for Freeland. “She received a ticket for $273,”

Freeland was clocked at 142 kilometres per hour in an area where the speed limit was 100 kilometre per hour but it was later knocked down to 132.

The fine was $273, which according to Alberta highway traffic laws, would also come with a penalty of 4 demerit points. Freeland’s office has not commented on whether or not she received the demerit points.

“She has paid in full,” said her office, stating that she did not fight the ticket.

Other reports mention the car was a rental, but none of them say if it was electric or gas... or self driving. I'd like to know what the heck she was doing at a Natural Gas Plant.

WARMINGTON: Deputy Prime Minister fined $273 for speeding in rental car

So what gives? What was she doing on Hwy. 2 in northern Alberta?

Freeland was born in Peace River and has ties there. On Aug. 16, Freeland was reported in local press to be in the area to tour the Tourmaline 3-10 Natural Gas Plant. And it seems she drove there herself.

“She was driving a rental car at the time,” said her spokesperson.

Turns out she was in a hurry.
I'd like to know what the heck she was doing at a Natural Gas Plant.

Ah. Here's why. I found the Aug.15th speech she vomited at the podium. (

August 15, 2023
Peace Country, Alberta

I first want to acknowledge that we are gathered on Treaty 8 Territory.

I am really happy to be back home in the Peace Country today.

It was great to spend some time with the amazing people here at Tourmaline. Thank you for the warm welcome.

I really appreciated learning about the work you are doing to produce the lowest emission natural gas in the world. We talked a bit about how some of the natural gas produced here is helping our allies in Europe and given the Russian invasion of Ukraine, that is really meaningful for me. I know that gives a lot of meaning to you and the work you are doing. [Are you freakin' kidding me?!]

I would like to start by addressing this morning’s inflation numbers and I would like to talk about the underlying strength of the Canadian economy today.

Inflation in Canada last month was at 3.3 per cent—that is down from a high of 8.1 per cent in June of 2022. That is real progress for our country. [She forgot to mention the 10 interest rate hikes since Mar. 2, 2022 bringing it to 5%. More increases are expected.]

Canada had the strongest economic growth in the G7 over the course of 2022, and our real GDP exceeded expectations by growing 3.1 per cent in the first quarter of this year.

943,000 more Canadians are working today than when COVID first hit, and that includes a record high labour force participation rate of 85.7 per cent in July for Canadian women in their prime working years. That labour force participation rate is supported by our Canada-wide system of early learning and child care.

At five per cent, wage growth outpaced inflation in July—just as it has done for the past six months—and at just 5.5 per cent, unemployment is near historic lows.

Since 2015, our government has helped to lift 2.3 million Canadians out of poverty—including half a million children through the Canada Child Benefit and more than 45,000 seniors thanks to the increase in the Guaranteed Income Supplement.

Canada's Official Poverty Line.jpg
[Not updated since 2021 but the page was last modified May 9, 2023. What a surprise.]

Plus, with $10-a-day child care to a new Canadian Dental Care Plan, we have strengthened the social safety net that millions of Canadians count on—all while ensuring Canada maintains the lowest deficit and net debt-to-GDP ratio in the G7.

We do know that there have been real challenges on the path to recovery from the COVID recession and Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. :headbash:

We know that we are not all of the way there yet. That’s why our government is supporting the hardworking Canadians who need help the most.

In July, we provided a new Grocery Rebate to more than 11 million Canadians and Canadian families, and we delivered the first enhanced payments of the Canada Workers Benefit to 4.2 million low-income Canadians. Thousands of Canadians have already opened a Tax-Free First Home Savings Account to save for that first down payment. ["Really, they're one-stop shopping for money laundering," Schneider said.]

Those measures do not make up for all of the challenges of course, but for those who need help the most, this new support is really important. Inflation is coming down, jobs are being created and the Canadian economy is strong and resilient.

Our economic plan is fiscally responsible—and it is working. [Just search for: 'Summer of strikes']

And that is really important as we deliver major investments to build Canada’s clean economy and create great middle-class careers for people here in the Peace Country, across Alberta, and from coast-to-coast-to-coast. [Gotta make sure people know their place in the world. Right?]

The race to build the global clean economy is the most significant economic transformation since the Industrial Revolution—and it is an incredible opportunity for people here in Alberta.

That is why our $120 billion clean economy plan was built with Alberta at its heart. [It sounds like punishment, actually.]

That is because Alberta has the resources, the very smart, hardworking, and innovative people, and the expertise that Canada—and the world—needs. [Virtue signalling... and true.]

Clean LNG and natural gas are very much part of that equation.

Tourmaline, here in the Peace Country, is producing some of the cleanest natural gas in the world—and as the biggest producer in the country, this important work is creating thousands of great careers for Canadians.

Our government understands the importance of clean LNG and natural gas in the world today—for Canadians, for the Canadian economy, and for our allies around the world. [Except Germany and Japan.]

We know that Canada’s energy producers are committed to reducing their emissions and I heard a lot about the hard work people here are doing every day to bring your emissions down. [Virtue]

I am grateful to you for showing me what you are doing, the work it takes and for talking about the innovations you have planned in the future. I want you to know that our government is committed to helping you do that work. [Virtue and creepy.]

That’s why, for example, our government is delivering a generous refundable tax credit for investments in carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS). [It's such an appropriate acronym.]

CCUS is going to be important for the energy industry, and it’s going to be important for industries like cement and steel production that also need to reduce their emissions. [So all new buildings are going to be hand made out of mud brick and sticks because the cost of cement and steel are going to skyrocket?]

There are companies here in Alberta who are already leading the way on innovative emissions reduction. That innovation is already creating great jobs for people here in Alberta and across Canada.

Canada and Alberta are leading the way on CCUS. We believe in supporting LNG terminals and working together on more opportunities in the future. And there are opportunities for us to work together supporting abated natural gas.

Alberta’s prosperity is central to Canada’s prosperity. And that prosperity is built by the outstanding, very smart, very hardworking people of Alberta and by the people I met here today. [Oooh, enough already!]

I am a proud daughter of Alberta. [I just don't know what to say.]

I know Canada needs Alberta to be at the heart of a strong, growing, and clean economy—one that powers Canada and the world and creates great careers for people across this wonderful province for generations to come.

It was wonderful to talk about all the opportunities, about all the work being done today with the hardworking people of Tourmaline. [One more time.]

Thank you very much, and I’m happy to take your questions.
@ 1:04:19 - 1:06:59
Have you become more cynical and pessimistic about the world, if that was possible?
The comical, malevolent stupidity is a never-ending source of, like, surreal amazement.

Yes, "surreal amazement," a good way to put things, although fast becoming more dangerous to health etc, and that is not surreality, it's reality.

By the way, thanks for the transcribing.

Ah. Here's why. I found the Aug.15th speech she vomited at the podium.

She/Her, deputy PM and Maiden apartment owner, was speaking to Tourmaline i.e., Tourmaline Oil - TO (and Natural Gas), which is a fully compliant ESG firm. Unknown to the press lens, and purely as speculation, might have been pitchforks at the gates, scowls and slurs in the lunchroom trailers, rolling eyes and raised eyebrows of those who had to endure her double natured spectacle (which seems to have been a take the knee pep talk). Yet otherwise, there is a big line up of owners and investors partial to Ottawa, and behind them the old Davos crowd.

As for TO, the Rose Foundation has also been steadily buying up stock. The usual players are also there in a big way; Blackrock, Vanguard, Power Corporation (interesting corporation), the Capital Group of course, and many others, includin a province and probably pension and teacher funds. All in all, a nice fit easily green-washed into the reset order of things. No wonder the western whistle-stop by Chrystia, and in a fairly large Ukrainian community backdrop - safe and effective.

In a way, these big companies were sitting ducks when the ESG guns came out, and to navigate and conduct their corporate charter, which they have to do, they would need to play with the likes of:

“If some companies and industries fail to adjust to this new world, they will fail to exist.”

“There will be industries, sectors and firms that do very well during this process because they will be part of the solution. But there will also be ones that lag behind and they will be punished.”

"Companies that don’t adapt will go bankrupt without question.”

- Mark Carney


Before that Carney was governor of the Bank of Canada, becoming the youngest central bank governor in the G20 nations. And before that he was 13 years at, guess where, Goldman Sachs, where he played a prominent role in advising the black majority government of South Africa on issuing international bonds and he was active for the company during the Russian debt crisis of 1998. Goldman Sachs made billions from these activities as the South African and Russian economies dived. And Carney made a fortune at Goldman Sachs. When asked recently whether he considered working for this investment bank ‘built a better world for all’, given its reputation as the ‘vampire squid of finance’, he responded “It’s an interesting question. When I worked for Goldman Sachs it wasn’t the most toxic brand in global finance, it was the best brand in world finance.” So he left just in time, it seems.

TO financial map:

The CDN gov't has introduced new regulations for VOCs in household products, which lead to the outrage that WD-40 would be banned for environmental reasons.

IS NOTHING SACRED?! What's next - duct tape? Red Green would NOT be happy.

Apparently WD-40 will change its mixture to meet the new regs. I'm guessing all these other products will have to follow suit:

Aside from spray lubricants, the new regulations will also impact health and beauty products such as aerosol deodorant, hair spray and perfumes, household products including air fresheners, dusters, disinfectants and floor and carpet cleaners, and industrial chemicals like brake cleaner, paint remover, cleaners, lubricants and spray paints.

Trudeau travel troubles keep him grounded in India​

A malfunction keeps them on the ground. This is a good metaphor for the present state of Canada at the moment. Maybe JT could take a sailboat back to Canada. It would help reduce those "carbon footprints" he keeps on about.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is stuck in India due to problems with his plane following the G20 leaders summit. 'These issues are not fixable overnight, our delegation will be staying in India until alternate arrangements are made,' PMO spokesperson Mohammad Hussain said.
A malfunction keeps them on the ground. This is a good metaphor for the present state of Canada at the moment. Maybe JT could take a sailboat back to Canada. It would help reduce those "carbon footprints" he keeps on about.
They are busy calculating his carbon footprint, but there is a catch... India doesn't allow division by zero, which is an integral part of JT's logical foundation. :lol:
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