Canadian Orwellian world: Lockdowns, vaccines passports and more

There was also this bit that is making the rounds. In reading the comments to the following video, many people mention that there is a difference between Sikh and Khalistani and that the two are being mixed together when they shouldn't be.

Indian prime minister scolds Trudeau over Sikh protests

Sept. 11, 2023

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi conveyed strong concerns about protests in Canada against India to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the sidelines of the G20 summit in New Delhi, according a statement by India.

New Delhi has been long sensitive to Sikh protesters in Canada. In June, India criticized Canada for allowing a float in a parade depicting the 1984 assassination of Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi by her bodyguards, perceived to be glorification of violence by Sikh separatists.

"They are promoting secessionism and inciting violence against Indian diplomats, damaging diplomatic premises and threatening the Indian community in Canada and their places of worship," the Indian statement said.

Relations between India and Canada remain tense, and Ottawa this month paused talks on a proposed trade treaty with India, just three months after the two nations said they aimed to seal an initial agreement this year. Modi, who held bilateral meetings with many world leaders during the G20 summit, did not hold one with Trudeau.

Indira Gandhi was assassinated in 1984 by two Sikh bodyguards after she allowed the storming of the holiest Sikh temple in northern India, aiming to flush out Sikh separatists who demanded an independent homeland to be known as Khalistan.

Canada has the highest population [750,000+ apparently] of Sikhs outside their home state of Punjab in India, and the country has been the site of many protests that have irked India.

Canada will always defend "freedom of expression, freedom of conscience and peaceful protest," Trudeau said at a press conference in New Delhi.

"At the same time as we are always there to prevent violence, to push back against hatred," he said, adding that the actions of the few "do not represent the entire community or Canada."

Trudeau's departure from the G20 summit was delayed on Sunday by a technical problem with the Canadian delegation's aircraft, a statement from the prime minister's office said. The delegation will stay in India until alternate arrangements are made, it added.
From the Epoch Times report Sept 7, 2023, Jeffrey A. Tucker founder of the Brownstone Institute. He's hopeful now and it's heartening.

Here are a few short excerpts from the article.

"Lockdowns were a coup d’état against democracy. It empowered a scientific elite—very likely backed by the intelligence community—to run roughshod over the whole idea of freedom and popular government. To make it stick, elite planners enlisted the media and large tech companies to echo its unscientific justifications, while suppressing information that contradicted the designs of the coup plotters."

"There are several data points out over the past week that suggest to me that the resistance might be bigger than I’ve assumed. Several institutions imposed mask mandates last week only to repeal them when faced with a backlash. "

And this, which is a bit stunning from CNN:

"Another fascinating data point is the sudden shock that CNN has given a tough interview to Dr. Anthony Fauci. He has been extremely careful for years about only granting interviews with trusted sources. He hardly ever makes a mistake. He figured that he would be in safe territory."

Instead, reporter Michael Smerconish confronted Dr. Fauci with actual science. He asked about the definitive study on masks that shows that they aren't effective in changing the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fauci was a bit stunned but responded that masks are great for individuals but far less so for society at large." (huh?) And Tucker aptly wrote: "That makes no sense, but he said it anyway."
It is funny at about the 1:40 mark to see all the health gurus wearing masks at their press conference. A just not so subtle message? Idiots!
Great to see that "Dr." Tam developed an immune response to breathing fresh air during the little Covid 'intermission.' Mask shortages won't be a problem this year; you can pick one up from the sidewalk—they come in different colors depending on their dirtiness efficiency. Some are so 'colorful' that even viruses ask for permission before passing through.
"Dr. Tam, why don't you try this mask? It would fit you very well."
From Sept. 7-9, The Conservative Party of Canada held it's 2023 convention. I didn't watch much of it but I paid attention to their constitutional amendments and policy changes. I thought it was interesting to see what was coming down the pipe. Here is a list of what they voted on. Only one policy failed to pass. I don't think the wording of these have been 'solidified' yet, and may get tinkered with. I'm not sure.

Anything crossed out, means it is obsolete. Anything underlined is new.

Conservative Constitutional Amendments:


Proposal Text:

2.1.8- A belief in the freedom of the individual, including freedom of speech, worship, and assembly and association.


Included freedom of association, also a fundamental freedom denoted in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Y: 88%, N:12% - PASS

[Jurisdictional overreach (taxation, eg: Carbon Tax (2:06:40)), keep governments operating in their own jurisdictional lanes. Provincial sovereignty acts not needed because of this amendment. But, as is seen later, encroachment creeps in.]
C-18 (2:1:10) - AMENDMENT

There has been regular conflict among federal and provincial governments regarding authority and governance with the result being accusations of overreach, countering protectionist legislation and unequal treatment of provinces, creating division. This proposal is to enshrine the belief that there should be collaboration between federal and provincial authorities and every attempt made to ensure all provinces are treated fairly and equally on similar issues.

Y: 86%, N: 14% - PASS

Conservative Policy (Some of the Power Point policies were longer then a page but only the first page was shown in the video.):

Submission #1356 - Compensation of Indigenous Veterans who lost Indian status following service. (NEW)

In recognition of the service of Indigenous Veterans, a Conservative Government will provide due compensation to Indigenous Veterans - including their spouses, widows, dependants, or estates - who lost Indian status following their return from service overseas. Compensation will take into consideration benefits and settlements to which they are entitled.

Submission #1257 - China (MODIFICATION)

164: China

The Conservative Party will adopt an assertive foreign policy toward authoritarian dictatorships, including the Chinese Communist Party, focused on upholding Canada’s values respecting human rights and democratic principles. We will expand trade and military alliances in Asia and strengthen our relationships with like-minded democracies to counteract government aggression.

To combat China’s adversarial behaviour, the Conservative Party will:
  • Cease Chinese military cooperation
  • Deny China’s participation at sensitive Canadian research facilities
  • Ban Chinese government aligned entities ownership in Canadian companies or sale/purchase of sensitive technologies
  • Advocate China’s removal from WTO until equitable economic reforms are implemented

Y: 80%, N: 20% - PASS

Submission #1055- Protecting Arctic Sovereignty and Continental Security (NEW)

A Conservative government will engage with the United States to develop and implement a strategic plan for NORAD modernization. We will upgrade the North Warning System, expand our Forward Operating Locations, construct a new Arctic naval base and procure military equipment and air-defence systems that better protect Canada.

Y: 97%, N: 3% - PASS

Submission #931- Cybersecurity (NEW)

The Conservative Party fully recognizes the importance of cybersecurity as part of our national defence strategy for public and private entities.

We would work with our allies to establish a national standard for cybersecurity and reporting of intrusions, and to be sure our infrastructure is protected.

Y: 94%, N: 6% - PASS

Submission #913- Veterans (MODIFICATION)

166. Veterans

We will take steps to reduce the excessive wait times Veterans can face in having their disability claims processed, and going forward, to ensure these wait times meet or exceed the service standard of 16 weeks.

Y: 97%, N: 3% - PASS

Submission #1213-171- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (MODIFICATION)

171. Deterrence and Strength through Collective Defence

The Conservative Party of Canada supports Canada’s membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the principle of collective security. A Conservative Government will work towards spending at least the NATO recommended two (2) percent of our GDP on National Defence. As an Indo-Pacific nation, Conservatives support Canada joining the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD Group) for strategic military cooperation, as well as charting a path to membership in the new elite defence pact AUKUS.

Y: 87%, N: 13% - PASS

Submission #1066- Unfair Hiring Practices (NEW)

A Conservative government will restore merit in Canada’s innovation by directing hiring practices associated with federal research funding away from ideology and instead emphasizing first and foremost, supporting and retaining Canada’s top research talent, irrespective of personal immutable characteristics.

Y: 95%, N: 5% - PASS

Submission #911- Defending Canada from Foreign Interference- BC Regional Priority (NEW)

The Conservative Party of Canada will uphold uphold Canada’s sovereignty and democracy by supporting robust measures to counter foreign interference in our elections, democratic institutions, and with Canadian Citizens.

Y: 98%, N: 2% - PASS

[Jordan Peterson, Dr. Kenneth Zucker, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Fadi Tarazi were used as examples.]
Submission #1342-18 - Free Speech (MODIFICATION)

The Conservative Party recognizes that open dialogue is the basis of any democratic society vital to resolving conflicts. For this reason, the Conservative Party supports freedom of speech for all Canadians. The Conservative Party will promote policies and legislation designed to protect freedom of speech and freedom of speech expression (Speech) in Canada the public square, including media and internet platforms in accordance with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We will safeguard Canadians’ Rights to create and access content on the internet without government sanctioned censorship, and nullify unconstitutional restrictions.

Y: 95%, N: 5% - PASS

[Jordan Peterson and the College of Psychologists was used as an example.]
Submission #998 - Protecting Workers: Those in Unions, Public Sector, or in Self-Regulated Trades or Professions (NEW)

The Conservative Party does not support forced political, cultural or ideological training of any kind as pre-condition of employment or practice. Those employed in the public sector, unions or self-regulated trades/professions should not be forced to make affirmations, or participate in ideological programs, as a condition of employment or practice.

Y: 81%, N: 19% - PASS

Submission #1781 - Adjustment to the dollar sales threshold for mandatory GST/HST registration (NEW)

We believe in increasing the small business revenue threshold for registering and charging GST/HST, from the original 1991 rate of $30,000, to its current inflation adjusted value, and then have it indexed yearly based on the Statistics Canada All-items Consumer Price Index at the All-Canada level.

Y: 92%, N: 8% - PASS

Submission #1253 23 - Debt Repayment - Ontario Regional Priority (MODIFICATION)

The Conservative Party believes the government should implement a sustainable fiscal policy to eliminate the deficit and steadily repay continue to pay down the national debt, thus stabilizing growth in interest charges and reducing inter-generational inequity from the debt burden passed down to future generations. the interest payment which is the single largest federal budgetary commitment.

We support the introduction of a debt repayment plan with the main part of the any budget surplus being allocated to debt repayment, in order to achieve a declining debt-to-GDP ratio.

Y: 91%, N: 9% - PASS

Submission #1070 - Natural Resources policy (NEW)

The Conservative Party will build a natural resources framework that reconciles resource development with defined consultation timelines and access to international and domestic markets. It will enable governments to reach agreement on resource development to attract domestic and foreign investment and reduce reliance on oversees components for domestic needs.

Y: 85%, N: 15% - PASS

Submission #1063 - Resources to Market - Alberta Regional Priority (NEW)

A Conservative government would place primacy across every federal ministry on getting Canadian natural resources to international and domestic markets. A Conservative government will use every tool in the national interest toolkit to get our natural resources to market.

Y: 89%, N: 11% - PASS

Submission #1254 - Passenger Rail (NEW)

We support improved passenger rail infrastructure across Canada, including innovative high-speed passenger rail where warranted. This would ease conflicts between passenger and freight trains, reduce highway congestion and GHG emissions, and promote national unity and inter-provincial trade.

Y: 69%, N: 31% - PASS

[Argued that this is an encroachment into provincial jurisdiction.]
Submission #1205 - Rail Transportation - Saskatchewan Regional Priority (NEW)

The Conservative Party supports the capacity expansion of existing rail-based transportation infrastructure across Canada in order to secure tidewater port access and increase international market access for Canadian manufacturing, processing, agricultural, and natural resource exports.

Y: 94%, N: 6% - PASS

Submission #1018 - Energy Security Via Innovation (NEW)

In order to ensure a consistent energy supply, a Conservative Government will encourage innovation in research and development aimed at creating diverse, safe, dependable, and economical energy options, including renewables and other carbon and non-carbon based energy sources that function well in Canada’s climates and geography.

Y: 95%, N: 5% - PASS

Submission #900 59 - Environmental Principles - British Columbia Regional Priority (MODIFICATION)

In order to have a strong economy and maintain good health, Canada must have strong, coordinated and achievable environmental policies. The Conservative Party believes that responsible exploration, development, conservation, and renewal of our environment are vital to our continued well-being as a nation and as individuals.

To achieve this, a Conservative Government will protect through policies:

  1. Clean air and Climate
  2. Clean Water and Land
  3. Biodiversity

These policies will be firmly based on the best scientific and technological information currently available concerning both the issues involved and our best response to them.

Y: 73%, N: 26% - PASS

Submission #1710-61 - Alternate Energy and Transitional Fuels Energy Transition (MODIFICATION)

In pursuit of a purposeful, gradual transition to a lower carbon-use future, a Conservative Government will support the continued use of oil and gas while encouraging research and development aimed at creating safe, dependable and economical options, including carbon capture technology, battery-based storage, small modular reactors, and hydrogen-based generation.

Y: 84%, N: 16% - PASS

[Argued that this is an encroachment into municipal jurisdiction.]
Submission #1043-66 - Aquifer Mapping Water Supply (MODIFICATION)

A Conservative Government will establish a priority inventory of natural surface and ground water systems that are to be protected and, where necessary, restored to states that ensure clean water supplies to all Canadians, also maintaining healthy populations of fish and wildlife.

Y: 48%, N: 52% - FAIL

Submission #1887 - Eliminate GST on Essential Maternity and on Newborn Products- Quebec Regional Priority (NEW)

The Conservative Party supports the elimination of the GST on so-called essentials for motherhood and the arrival of a newborn baby, just as it is for food products.

Y: 78%, N: 22% - PASS

Submission #1279-118 - Child Protection (MODIFICATION)

The Conservative Party supports stronger legislation against sex-offenders, pedophiles, human traffickers, and child pornography for the protection of children through the elimination of all defences that are used to justify both the possession of child pornography and engaging in predatory conduct to prepare a child or young person for sexual activity at a later time (‘grooming’).

We will oppose any effort to lower the age of protection below 16 years of age.

We believe that government should fight the cyber-stalking of children by allocating more resources for internet monitoring, by increasing the penalty for cyber-stalkers, and by taking measures to raise awareness among all Canadians (particularly young Canadians about the importance of protecting their your online privacy.

We support legislation to ensure that any child born alive shall receive the full benefits of life-saving care, and neo-natal intensive care to give every opportunity possible for the child to sustain life.

Y: 86%, N: 14% - PASS

Submission #1268 - Protecting Children’s Mental and Physical Health (NEW)

A conservative government will protect children by prohibiting life altering medical or surgical interventions on minors under 18 to treat gender confusion or dysphoria, and encourage positive mental and physical health supports for all Canadians suffering from gender dysphoria and related mental health challenges.

Y: 69%, N: 31% - PASS

Submission #1858 - A National Uniform Right to Informed Consent and Bodily Autonomy (NEW)

Every Canadian is entitled to informed consent and bodily autonomy. Health professionals must disclose an uncensored risk benefit analysis for any treatment (including vaccines) while protecting patient privacy. No constitutional right shall be restricted for refusing medical treatments or disclosure. Our country shall promote a scientific, unprejudiced, balanced, open disclosure.

Y: 66%, N: 34% - PASS

[Argued that this is an encroachment into provincial jurisdiction.]
Submission #1020 - Drug and Substance Abuse (NEW)

The Conservative Party supports drug prevention and substance abuse programs to provide persons with addictions long-term mental and physical health care and supportive social services to address their underlying problems, such as, mental illness, family instability, trauma, poverty or homelessness.

Y: 93%, N: 7% - PASS

[Argued that this modification overwrites provincial jurisdiction.]
Submission #1178 - Palliative Care (MODIFICATION)

68. Health Care

The Conservative Party believes all Canadians should have reasonable access to timely, quality health care services, regardless of their ability to pay.

The provinces and territories should have maximum flexibility to ensure the delivery of medically necessary health services within a universal, public health care system. We support adding a sixth principle to the Canada Health Act to provide stable and transparent federal funding.

The government should work with the provinces in a cooperative and constructive manner.

The Conservative Party supports amending the Canada Health Act to recognize palliative care as a separate and distinct right for all Canadians.

Flexibility for the provinces and territories in the implementation of health services should include a balance of public and private delivery options. … … .

Y: 69%, N: 31% - PASS

Submission #914 - Pharmaceuticals - Vaccine Mandates and Production (MODIFICATION)

The Conservative Party believes that Canada’s pharmaceuticals legislation must strike a balance between encouraging the development of new drugs and ensuring that those drugs are available to Canadians at affordable prices. We believe that part of this balance is achieved through adhering to the international standard of 20 years patent protection for pharmaceuticals.

We believe no one should lose their life savings because of unexpected health problems or as the result of the costs of prescription drugs.

We support faster processing of drug approvals without compromising patient safety.

We support domestic research development and production of vaccines, using a variety of traditional and new technologies, including options for vaccines that do not violate religious beliefs or ethical values of Canadians.

We affirm Canadians have the freedom and the right to refute vaccines for moral, religious, medical or other reasons.

Y: 68%, N: 32% - PASS

Submission #908-77 - Euthanasia - MAID, protecting the vulnerable - Ontario Regional Priority (MODIFICATION)

In principle, the Conservative Party opposes euthanasia and assisted suicide. Furthermore, we oppose the extension of euthanasia and assisted suicide (MAID) to minors, to people who are not competent, and people who live with psychological suffering (mental illness), and people not terminally ill (their natural death is not foreseeable).

We oppose MAID for people living with disabilities or mental illness seeking to die based on poverty, homelessness or inability to receive medical treatment. Euthanasia must not be an abandonment of people living with genuine needs.

Y: 71%, N: 29% - PASS

Submission #999-8g - Women- Protecting Female Sports, Intimate spaces and Women’s Rights (MODIFICATION)

For clarity, the term ‘woman’ used throughout this CPC Policy Declaration means ‘female person’.

The Conservative Party supports the full participation of women in the social, economic, and cultural life of Canada, and believes their unique identity and contributions should be celebrated and supported.

The Conservative Party of Canada believes that women are entitled to the safety, dignity, and privacy of single-sex spaces (e.g.. prisons, shelters, locker rooms, washrooms) and the benefits of women-only categories (e.g.. sports, awards, grants, scholarships).

Y: 87%, N: 13% - PASS

[Argued that this is an encroachment into provincial jurisdiction.]
Submission #943-90 - Seniors - National Senior Care Strategy (MODIFICATION)

The conservative Party recognizes that those over the age of 65 are becoming a dominant segment of our population. We are committed to ensuring that seniors continue to have quality of life, accessible health care and the ability to stay in their homes longer.

Through a National Senior Strategy, provinces and territories should be encouraged to collaborate and agree on minimum service standards for home, community and long-term care, to determine and share best age-friendly initiatives and practices.

Many Canadians… .

Policies must be developed in order to We support enabling a greater number of Canadian seniors in need of care to remain in their own homes, rather than in more expensive institutional accommodations where their independence suffers and costs are higher to the taxpayer, by maintaining GIS/OAS/CPP combined income at sufficient levels.

We support tax incentives and job protection for non-professional caregivers to look after the elderly or disabled in the home. We favour tough measures to prevent elder abuse, and more severe punishment for those who commit this crime.

Y: 70%, N: 30% - PASS
There was also this bit that is making the rounds. In reading the comments to the following video, many people mention that there is a difference between Sikh and Khalistani and that the two are being mixed together when they shouldn't be.

So after Justin gets scolded by Modi at the G20 in India on the 9th, nine days later:

Trudeau accuses India's government of involvement in killing of Canadian Sikh leader

Sept. 18, 2023

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is accusing the government of India of involvement in the fatal shooting of a Canadian Sikh leader — a claim that will have seismic effects on an already shaky bilateral relationship.

Canadian citizen Hardeep Singh Nijjar was brazenly shot dead outside a Sikh temple in Surrey, B.C. on June 18.

Nijjar, a supporter of a Sikh homeland in the form of an independent Khalistani state, had been branded by the Indian government as a "terrorist" and accused of leading a militant separatist group — something his supporters have denied.

Now, Trudeau said, Canada's national security apparatus has reason to believe that "agents of the Indian government" carried out the killing of this Canadian citizen, who also served as the president of Surrey's Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara.

So after Justin gets scolded by Modi at the G20 in India on the 9th, nine days later:

I found it interesting that India was indicated as being one of the countries most likely to interfere in Canadian politics. All of that is a drop in the bucket compared to US and Israeli backdoor pressure. Of course that makes me no less happy about the foreign influence here.

Modo/Trudeau, both beholden to particular electoral groups, don’t waste opportunities to grandstand for their client voters, even if that means appearing to butt heads. All the psychoanalysis behind a grasp vs handshake just seems like fruitless Ton-tier gossip (something something unconscious settler-colonial racism). The somewhat tepid reception the Ukraine issue had at the G20 was a positive sign at least.

the re-education of Dr Peterson has been covered in other threads, notable the Jordan Peterson thread, but below that, the nature of the re-education of physicians is rather chilling.

from Robert Malones substack​

Physician "Re-Education" in Canada

Totalitarian staple adopted by WEF client state. Will lawyers be next?​

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) regulates the practice of medicine in Ontario. Physicians are required to be members to practise medicine in Ontario. The role of CPSO and its authority and powers are set out in the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA), the Health Professions Procedural Code under the RHPA and the Medicine Act.
Mission: Serving the needs of the people of Ontario through effective regulation of medical doctors.
Today I returned from lecturing on Fifth Generation Warfare in Toronto, Canada. This was my second invited lecture to a group of Toronto “resistance” members, the first being almost exactly one year ago. Excellent talks were provided by Drs. Jill Glasspool-Malone, Mark Trozzi, and Byram Bridle. At the theater I had the opportunity to meet with many old friends and newly found ones, including both Tammy Peterson (Mrs. Jordan Peterson) and various anonymous physicians who I have been in contact with since the very beginning of my journey objecting to the mismanagement and rampant ethical breaches associated with the COVIDcrisis.

Frankly, I was shocked by what I learned from talking with these colleagues.

Many are already aware that the World Economic Forum client state formerly known as “Canada” (managed on behalf of the WEF and it’s corporate members by their “young leader” program graduates Justin Trudeau and Christina Freeland, who were placed by the WEF into this position to do its bidding), and specifically the Provence now generally known as the Peoples Republic of Ontario, is now requiring that Dr. Jordon Peterson atone for his thoughtcrimes by participating in a mandated and court-ordered reeducation program.

What few are aware of is that this thoughtcrime punishment is being visited on many other Ontario physicians who had the temerity to provide early treatment for COVID disease, particularly those administering the forbidden treatments of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc and other inexpensive, off patent repurposed drugs or over-the-counter supplements.

Additional speech- thought- and medical practice crimes include failure to properly employ worthless cloth or paper dust masks to prevent coronaviral transmission, as well as granting medical and religious exemptions from receipt of toxic COVID “vaccines” which an abundance of data indicate are neither safe nor effective at preventing infection, replication, spread, hospitalization or death from disease associated with SARS-CoV-2 positive PCR tests.

The aim of totalitarian education has never been to instill convictions but to destroy the capacity to form any. —Hannah Arendt
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between true and false no longer exists. —Hannah Arendt

A brief history of Authoritarian State-mandated “re-education” during the 20th and 21st century

Viet Nam:

“Re-education” camp, also known as the forced labor camp, is a shortened term referring to the system of prison camps that was planned, advocated and operated by the Vietnamese Communist government right after the end of the Vietnam War in May of 1975. Its purpose was to detain former military officers, former government employees at all levels of the Republic of Vietnam in the South as well as civilians.
Reeducation Through Labor in China:

Reeducation through labor (laodong jiaoyang or laojiao), according to the Ministry of Public Security, is an administrative measure of reform through compulsory education designed to change offenders into people who "obey law, respect public virtue, love their country, love hard work, and possess certain standards of education and productive skills for the building of socialism." The term refers to a system of detention and punishment administratively imposed on those who are deemed to have committed minor offenses but are not legally considered criminals. Reeducation through labor —sometimes labeled rehabilitation through labor— is not to be confused with reform though labor (laodong gaizao or laogai), the complex of prisons, labor camps, and labor farms for those sentenced judicially.

Russia plans to send delinquent youngsters to military-patriotic re-education camps and to install special software blocking banned websites in schools, the head of Russia’s Security Council has said.
President Vladimir Putin created a patriotic directorate inside the Russian army last summer, evoking memories of a Soviet practice that once taught soldiers the tenets of Marxism. Observers noted that Putin's move could signal the start of a wider renaissance in ideological education that would spread to schools and colleges.
“Juveniles prone to committing offenses will be sent to military-patriotic camps in 2019,” Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev was quoted as saying by the state-run TASS news agency on Tuesday.
“Re-Education Camps” for Doctors?: published by “Alliance for Natural Health” 05/10/2022

“More than 2 years into this pandemic, the largest threat next to the spread of the virus itself is the spread of disinformation and misinformation.” These words were spoken by the CEO of the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), Humayun Chaudhry, DO. The statement is emblematic of the wave of censorship that has been building since the beginning of the pandemic. It is also in line with other attempts at the federal level to gag free speech about natural treatments for COVID prevention and treatment. We cannot allow these efforts to stifle the speech of doctors to succeed.
Dr. Chaudhry was referencing the FSMB’s recent approval of a medical misinformation and disinformation policy. The policy encourages state medical boards to “consider the full array of authorized grounds for disciplinary action” and not to be “dissuaded from carrying out their duty to protect the public by concerns about potential challenges to disciplinary decisions.” But don’t worry: FSMB recommends that state boards should also “consider whether there are options that do not involve disciplinary action that could help a licensee understand the ethical basis of their duty to convey accurate information to patients and the public.” This is eerily reminiscent of authoritarian “re-education” camps for doctors.
As we’ve said before: We’ve learned from the pandemic that available information can change, often quite rapidly, as with the CDC’s masking guidelines. We were also told that the virus could be spread on surfaces, then subsequent investigations revealed that the virus mostly spreads when aerosols and droplets containing the virus are inhaled. Often the “misinformation” of today becomes the established facts of tomorrow.
Further, there is a massive problem with encouraging state medical boards to initiate a campaign against “disinformation” because what constitutes “disinformation” is in the eye of the beholder; any definition will likely be vague enough to encapsulate any health information the government or state medical boards don’t like.
We believe that Congress should pass a bill protecting doctors’ free speech rights. Just as professors are protected after they get tenured, doctors’ free speech rights should be protected after they receive their medical license.
There are certainly bad actors out there that try to make a quick buck by peddling outright falsehoods. But the many efforts at censorship seem to be geared at a subset of doctors that buck the status quo when it comes to COVID-19—either those who don’t believe in vaccinating everyone under the sun with multiple COVID vaccine shots, those who recommend common-sense vitamins and minerals for immune support, or those who believe the voluminous scientific literature on the benefits of medicines like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and others for the early treatment of COVID patients. We would like to think that science-based medicine can accommodate a diverse array of views, but powerful forces like the FSMB, the American Medical Association, and others seem dead-set on a one-size-fits-all approach. Deviate from their orthodoxy as a doctor, and you risk your license being suspended or revoked.

Canadian Court Orders Jordan Peterson to Take Re-education Program

Posted by Daily Citizen Staff | Aug 30, 2023

In January of this year, best-selling author Jordan Peterson was told by Canada’s College of Psychologists of Ontario to undergo re-education therapy for his very public statements, not on professional psychology and science, but politics and culture. The Canadian College of Psychologists holds Peterson says things they don’t care for and feel they have the duty to fix his beliefs. Peterson took his case to court because the College’s order threatens his professional licensure.

The Ontario Divisional Court dismissed Dr. Peterson’s claim in late August and upheld the College of Psychologists’ demand. The Court’s ruling admits its concern is “language used by Dr. Peterson in public statements” made in 2022. The nature of these statements?

The Court explains Peterson’s words were “degrading, demeaning and unprofessional.” So the author and wildly popular commentator must undergo, at his own expense, a “coaching program” directed by the Canadian College of Psychologists so that he might “reflect on, and ameliorate (his) professionalism in public statements.”

Peterson responded to the ruling by saying, “Bring it on” in a social media post, telling his fellow citizens, “If you think you have a right to free speech in Canada, you’re delusional.”

Here is a link to the court’s decision.

Peterson stated he will make his forced re-education process very public so that everyone can see exactly what he is being subjected to, explaining “we will see what happens when utter transparency is the rule.”

The Court’s ruling admits that Dr. Peterson has confessed that he has, by his own will, established a thorough accountability group to ensure his public communications are in line with his status as a public intellectual and clinician. This includes his “expert editorial teams at Penguin Random House” who publish his books, members of his immediate family “who work professionally with me,” and “a very wide network of expert thinkers from the world of theology, psychology, politics and business.”

The Court also included this confession from Peterson, seasoned with a dash of sarcasm, of violating the delicate speech ordinances of current Canadian politics.

I would say, then, in my defense, that I have already undertaken the remediation of my actions in a manner very much akin to what has been suggested … and would like to therefore submit … that I have already and plan to continue to atone for what are no doubt my multiplicity of sins in relation to my interaction with the public audience I have the privilege to serve.
The National Post, Canada’s national newspaper, editorialized that “Professionals everywhere should be watching this case” because it “could have a chilling effect on people in other regulated professions, like doctors, lawyers, teachers and accountants.” They add,

Professionals should not have to soft pedal their speech for fear that activists will weaponize regulatory bodies so that unpopular speech or an unpleasant tone is penalized, even when there is no connection between that speech and the profession.
The Financial Post lamented, “The impact of this decision is to empower woke bodies everywhere to discipline members who express unpopular opinions that cause someone ‘offence.’”

They continue,

This decision will inevitably motivate political enemies of any member of a regulatory body — whether it be one of lawyers, osteopaths, engineers or, well, psychologists — who have no legal basis for any claim otherwise, to harass that person by filing complaints about their expressed opinions or writings.
Free speech used to be a deep value to many so-called “free-thinking” progressives. The evidence continues to mount that this is sadly no longer the case. Speech control, fueled by the powers of the Left, is gaining increasing steam.

Everyone, regardless of political beliefs, should be greatly concerned.

What is the “Re-Education” process which the College of Physicians and Surgeons of (the people’s republic of) Ontario is imposing on apostate physicians who refuse to accede to the local High Priests of the approved COVIDian narrative?

Below is an actual (but anonymized) finding of sin and the atonement required by the “College” regarding one of their own who has strayed from their flock.


Source: Member
Active Date: <Early Fall> 2023
Expiry Date:

Summary of the Undertaking given by Dr. XX to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, effective <Early Fall> 2023:

A College investigation was conducted into whether Dr. XX engaged in professional misconduct and/or is incompetent in his family medicine practice and in his conduct, including his care and conduct in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic and prescribing and promotion of ivermectin for COVID-19, and the completion of COVID-19 vaccine exemptions. As a result of the investigation:

Dr. XX will restrict his practice as follows:

Dr. XX will not provide medical exemptions in relation to vaccines for COVID-19;

Dr. XX will not provide medical exemptions in relation to mask requirements for COVID-19;

Dr. XX will not provide medical exemptions in relation to diagnostic testing for COVID-19; and

Dr. XX will not prescribe ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine in relation to COVID-19.

Dr. XX will engage in professional education including in respecting CPSO policies, public health guidance, and Ministry of Health directives during a declared pandemic, misinformation and evidence-based decision making, the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 in an outpatient setting, and medical record keeping.

Furthermore, Dr. XX is required to agree to and sign the following confession and terms, and to show a high level of contrition in a statement to be written after having completed (at his own expense, including the enrollment fee) the mandated re-education curriculum:

As from <Early Fall> 2023, the following are imposed as terms, conditions and limitations on the certificate of registration held by Dr. XX in accordance with an undertaking and consent given by Dr. XX to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario:



("Dr. XX")


(the "College")


(1) In this Undertaking:

"Code" means the Health Professions Procedural Code, which is Schedule 2 to the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, S.O. 1991, c. 18, as amended;

"Discipline Tribunal" means the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal of the College;

"ICR Committee" means the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee of the College;

"OHIP" means the Ontario Health Insurance Plan;

"Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal" means the Discipline Committee established under the Code;

"Public Register" means the College's register that is available to the public.

(2) I, Dr. XX, certificate of registration number NNNNN, am a member of the College.

(3) I, Dr. XX, acknowledge that the College conducted an investigation bearing File Number CAS-NNN (the "Investigation") into whether I engaged in professional misconduct and/or am incompetent in my family medicine practice and in my conduct, including my care and conduct in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic and my prescribing and promotion of ivermectin for COVID-19, and my completion of COVID- 19 vaccine exemptions.

(4) I, Dr. XX, acknowledge that I signed an interim undertaking in lieu of the ICR Committee making an Order under section 25.4 of the Code on <Spring>, 2022 (the "2022 Undertaking").

(5) I, Dr. XX, acknowledge that this Undertaking replaces the 2022 Undertaking.

(6) I, Dr. XX, acknowledge that, in addition to accepting this Undertaking, the College will also deliver a caution in person.


(7) I, Dr. XX, undertake to abide by the provisions of this Undertaking, effective immediately.

(8) Practice Restrictions

(a) I, Dr. XX, undertake to restrict my practice as follows:

(i) I will not provide medical exemptions in relation to vaccines for COVID-19;

(ii) I will not provide medical exemptions in relation to mask requirements for COVID-19;

(iii) I will not provide medical exemptions in relation to diagnostic testing for COVID-19; and

(iv) I will not prescribe ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine in relation to COVID-19.

(9) Professional Education

(a) I, Dr. XX, undertake to participate in and successfully complete all aspects of the detailed IEP, attached hereto as Appendix "A", including all of the following professional education (the "Professional Education"):

(i) The following learning modules in Evidence-Informed Decision Making in Public Health, National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools, McMaster University:

1. Introduction to Evidence-informed Decision Making;

2. Searching for Research Evidence in Public Health;

3. Critical Appraisal of Intervention Studies;

4. Assessing the Applicability and Transferability of Evidence.

(ii) Review, reflection, and a written summary of the following policies and other self-study:

1. The College's Practice Guide: Medical Professionalism and College Policies;

2. Social Media, CPSO Policy;

3. The Spread of Misinformation, Dialogue. 2023., College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario;

4. Murthy V.H. Confronting Health Misinformation: The U.S. Surgeon General's Advisory on Building a Healthy Information Environment. 2021;

5. The following sections from McIntosh, K. COVID-19: Epidemiology, virology, and prevention. UpToDate. Retrieved August 8, 2023:

(i) Prevention; and

(ii) Post-Exposure Management.

6. The following section from Cohen, P., Gebo, K. COVID-19: Evaluation of adults with acute illness in the outpatient setting. UpToDate. Retrieved August 8, 2023:

(i) Therapies that we do not recommend.

7. Medical Records Documentation, CPSO Policy.

(iii) Review, and reflection of the following self-study:

1. Pasquetto I.V., et al. MisinfoRx: A Toolkit for Healthcare Providers.

(iv) PROBE: Ethics & Boundaries Program, by receiving a passing evaluation or grade, without any condition or qualification. I, Dr. Bernstein, will agree to abide by any recommendations of the PROBE program.

(b) I, Dr. XX, undertake to complete the Professional Education within three (3) months, or, if no satisfactory program is available by that time, by the first possible opportunity thereafter.

(c) I, Dr. XX, undertake to provide proof to the College of my successful completion of the Professional Education, including proof of registration and attendance and participant assessment reports, within one (1) month of completing it. I acknowledge that the College will determine, in its sole discretion, whether I have successfully completed the Professional Education.

(d) I, Dr. XX, acknowledge that a report or reports may be provided to the College regarding my progress and compliance with the Professional Education.

(e) I, Dr. XX, acknowledge that if any of the programs or resources listed above become unavailable, substitution requests will be reviewed by the College and the College will determine in its sole discretion whether substitution is appropriate.

(10) Monitoring

(a) I, Dr. XX, undertake to inform the College of each and every location at which I practise or have privileges, including, but not limited to, any hospitals, clinics, offices, and any Independent Health Facilities with which I am affiliated, in any jurisdiction (collectively my "Practice Location" or "Practice Locations"), within five (5) days of executing this Undertaking. Going forward, I further undertake to inform the College of any and all new Practice Locations within five (5) days of commencing practice at that location.

(b) I, Dr. XX, undertake that I will submit to, and not interfere with, unannounced inspections of my Practice Locations and patient records by a College representative for the purposes of monitoring my compliance with the provisions of this Undertaking.

(c) I, Dr. XX, give my irrevocable consent to the College to make appropriate enquiries of OHIP, and/or any person who or institution that may have relevant information, in order for the College to monitor my compliance with the provisions of this Undertaking.

(d) I, Dr. XX, acknowledge that I have executed the OHIP consent form, attached hereton as Appendix "B'.


(11) I, Dr. XX, acknowledge that all appendices attached to or referred to in this Undertaking form part of this Undertaking.

(12) I, Dr. XX, acknowledge and undertake that I shall be solely responsible for payment of all fees, costs, charges, expenses, etc. arising from the implementation of any of the provisions of this Undertaking.

(13) I, Dr. XX, acknowledge that I have read and understand the provisions of this Undertaking and that I have obtained independent legal counsel in reviewing and executing this Undertaking, or have waived my right to do so.

(14) I, Dr. XX, acknowledge that the College will provide this Undertaking to any Chief of Staff, or a colleague with similar responsibilities, at any Practice Location ("Chief of Staff" or "Chiefs of Staff").

(15) I, Dr. XX, acknowledge that a breach by me of any provision of this Undertaking may constitute an act of professional misconduct and/or incompetence, and may result in a referral of specified allegations to the Discipline Tribunal of the College.

(16) I, Dr. XX, acknowledge that this Undertaking constitutes terms, conditions, and limitations on my certificate of registration for the purposes of section 23 of the Code.

(17) Public Register

(a) I, Dr. XX, acknowledge that, during the time period that this Undertaking remains in effect, this Undertaking shall be posted on the Public Register.

(b) I, Dr. XX, acknowledge that, in addition to this Undertaking being posted in accordance with section (17)(a) above, the following summary shall be posted on the Public Register during the time period that this Undertaking remains in effect:

A College investigation was conducted into whether Dr. XX engaged in professional misconduct and/or is incompetent in his family medicine practice and in his conduct, including his care and conduct in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic and prescribing and promotion of ivermectin for COVID-19, and the completion of COVID-19 vaccine exemptions. As a result of the investigation:

Dr. XX will restrict his practice as follows:

Dr. XX will not provide medical exemptions in relation to vaccines for COVID-19;

Dr. XX will not provide medical exemptions in relation to mask requirements for COVID-19;

Dr. XX will not provide medical exemptions in relation to diagnostic testing for COVID-19; and

Dr. XX will not prescribe ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine in relation to COVID-19.

Dr. XX will engage in professional education including in respecting CPSO policies, public health guidance, and Ministry of Health directives during a declared pandemic, misinformation and evidence-based decision making, the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 in an outpatient setting, and medical record keeping.


(18) I, Dr. XX, give my irrevocable consent to the College to provide the following information to any person who requires this information for the purposes of facilitating my completion of the Professional Education:

(a) any information the College has that led to the circumstances of my entering into this Undertaking;

(b) any information arising from any investigation into, or assessment of, my practice; and

(c) any information arising from the monitoring of my compliance with this Undertaking.

(19) I, Dr. XX, give my irrevocable consent to the College to provide all Chiefs of Staff with any information the College has that led to the circumstances of my entering into this Undertaking and/or any information arising from the monitoring of my compliance with this Undertaking.

(20) I, Dr. XX, give my irrevocable consent to any persons who facilitate my completion of the Professional Education, and to all Chiefs of Staff, to disclose to the College, and to one another, any of the following:

(a) any information relevant to this Undertaking;

(b) any information relevant for the purposes of monitoring my compliance with this Undertaking;

(c) any information which comes to their attention in the course of providing the Professional Education and which they reasonably believe indicates a potential risk of harm to my patients.

Closing with good news from California, USA courtesy of a Liberty Council press release

I am told that crow tastes better with ketchup. So please send a bottle to WEF-trained “young leader” CA Governor Gavin Newsom.

CA Repeals “Medical Misinformation” Law That Censors Doctors

Sep 20, 2023

SACRAMENTO, CA – California lawmakers have repealed the state’s controversial “medical misinformation” law meant to silence and punish physicians and surgeons who communicate and treat their patients in a way that deviates from the “official government position” regarding COVID-19. Assembly Bill 2098 (AB 2098) aimed to empower the state’s medical board to revoke the medical licenses of any health care professional who spread what the state deemed as “misinformation” about the safety, efficacy, and development of the COVID -19 shots, as well as alternative treatments to the virus.
However, four lawsuits have challenged the law as unconstitutional for violating doctors’ First Amendment rights, and a federal judge issued a temporary injunction in January 2023 blocking it from taking effect during ongoing litigation.
Senate Bill 815, which passed with a 35-1 vote, primarily makes reforms within the California Medical Board. However, a one-line provision added two weeks before the vote without any legislative discussion specifically repeals AB 2098. The repeal comes before any potential court rulings on the law’s constitutionality.
AB 2098, enacted in September 2022, was the first state law in the nation attempting to regulate the doctor-patient relationship regarding COVID-19. The bill defined “misinformation” as anything “false” that contradicted “contemporary scientific consensus” – namely that of the FDA and CDC. The bill cited the FDA and CDC as confirming the “safety and efficacy” of the shots. The bill then declared doctors would be guilty of “unprofessional conduct” for disseminating anything contrary or deviating from the federal agencies’ “consensus” on virus risks, prevention and treatments, and the shot’s “development, safety, and effectiveness.” Under the law, doctors could lose their licenses to practice medicine for using the available scientific data to question the shot’s safety record, or for discussing with their patients scientifically-studied alternative treatments that the FDA and CDC have scorned but could not prohibit, such as Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
A legislative analysis conducted by the Californina legislature in August 2022 determined AB 2098 would “probably not survive a 1st Amendment challenge in court.”
Governor Gavin Newsom is expected to sign SB 815 and the repeal will take effect January 1, 2024.
Attorneys involved in the lawsuits stated that while the law’s repeal is good for the doctor-patient relationship in the near term, preventing a similar law in the future is the next challenge because courts are usually hesitant to make constitutional rulings on a repealed law. The attorneys indicated that several lawsuits are moving forward aiming to get favorable rulings that preserve the First Amendment rights of doctors from viewpoint censorship by state governments and state medical boards.
In granting the injunction already in place against AB 2098, Judge William B. Shubb of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California wrote a 30-page opinion in favor of the plaintiff doctors.
In Tracy Hoeg, M.D., PhD., Ram Durisetti, M.D., PhD. et al., v. Gavin Newsom, Governor of the State of California, et al., Judge Shubb noted that the First Amendment applies to both majority and minority opinions alike and the bill infringed on doctors’ “First Amendment rights because it impedes their ability to communicate with their patients in the course of treatment.”
The Court indicated that this impediment comes from the imposition of the board’s viewpoint on what constitutes “contemporary scientific consensus.”
Judge Shubb wrote, “…it appears that the primary term at issue—'contemporary scientific consensus’—does not have an established technical meaning in the medical community. Physician plaintiffs provide declarations explaining that ‘scientific consensus’ is a poorly defined concept… And what source or sources should physicians consult to determine what the consensus is at any given time (perhaps peer-reviewed scientific articles, or clinical guidelines from professional organizations, or public health recommendations)? The statute provides no means of understanding to what ‘scientific consensus’ refers.”
In addition, the Court wrote, “AB 2098 does not apply the term ‘scientific consensus’ to such basic facts, but rather to COVID-19—a disease that scientists have only been studying for a few years, and about which scientific conclusions have been hotly contested. COVID-19 is a quickly evolving area of science that in many aspects eludes consensus.
“Drawing a line between what is true and what is settled by scientific consensus is difficult, if not impossible,” concluded Judge Shubb.
Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver wrote, “Attempting to silence and punish doctors for what they say in the doctor-patient relationship is unconstitutional. The First Amendment specifically prohibits the government from censoring viewpoints. A wealth of scientific data shows the COVID shots are not safe nor effective rendering the government’s ‘scientific consensus’ notion meaningless. Moreover, so-called ‘scientific consensus’ has frequently been wrong. It is not the gold standard of truth. Throughout history, consensus has often been the excuse to censor ideas that later displace the former consensus. Doctors should never be muzzled in treating their patients.”

We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end.
George Orwell
“… [T]he passion for power is one of the most moving passions that exists in man. And, after all, all democracies are based on the proposition that power is very dangerous, and that it’s extremely important not to let any one man or any one small group to have too much power for too long a time. After all, what are the British and American constitutions, except devices for limiting power? And all of these new devices [television, radio, etc.] are extremely efficient instruments for the imposition of power by small groups over larger masses.”

Aldous Huxley, 1958 Interview
“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.”

― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited
I posted about C40, and the mayor of Phoenix Arizona banning meat, cars, etc (or wanting to, as a C40 member), and thought I would point to that post
while mentioning that Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal are also 'C40' members.
The National Post, Canada’s national newspaper, editorialized that “Professionals everywhere should be watching this case” because it “could have a chilling effect on people in other regulated professions, like doctors, lawyers, teachers and accountants.” They add,
Professionals should not have to soft pedal their speech for fear that activists will weaponize regulatory bodies so that unpopular speech or an unpleasant tone is penalized, even when there is no connection between that speech and the profession.

Moreover, there are moves afoot to create more association bodies (they 'are' being weaponized) - right down to trades that are not already unionized. All this is right to be pointed out by Peterson et al., as it is precisely what one would expect of a ponorization process. As discussed in the covid thread - or maybe it was here, the Ministry of Health in BC amalgamated all the associations (20 or something) under one umbrella in the Act, and within each there will be appointed czar's, so to speak, to keep members in line. So, it is looking like engineers through the the rest of the A-Z of association, is the same or fast becoming.

Bruce Pardy spoke of this in law societies, the possibility of being canceled for one's words. And recall Lobaczewski in class as the new, so-called professor walks in and took control, creating silence and subject obedience.

What can be seen today is massive in scope, and history has helped pave the way to accomplish it, although hopefully in the long run it will fail, yet with much damage being done.

As an aside - sort of, as it is on the Nazi subject, one is reminded of Dorothy Thompson's Who Goes Nazi article (1939). And think of a few changed descriptors i.e., Who Goes..... (pick one):

Mr. G is a very intellectual young man who was an infant prodigy. He has been concerned with general ideas since the age of ten and has one of those minds that can scintillatingly rationalize everything. I have known him for ten years and in that time have heard him enthusiastically explain Marx, social credit, technocracy, Keynesian economics, Chestertonian distributism, and everything else one can imagine. Mr. G will never be a Nazi, because he will never be anything. His brain operates quite apart from the rest of his apparatus. He will certainly be able, however, fully to explain and apologize for Nazism if it ever comes along. But Mr. G is always a "deviationist." When he played with communism he was a Trotskyist; when he talked of Keynes it was to suggest improvement; Chesterton's economic ideas were all right but he was too bound to Catholic philosophy. So we may be sure that Mr. G would be a Nazi with purse-lipped qualifications. He would certainly be purged.

There is also a good talk (great talk if missed) that seems to capture much of what is going on, which is unpacked by Michael Rectenwald - in his book he discussed what will replace this new narrative if it fails with a "grand refusal" (and it needs to fail), which is also tricky as it will never be what it was no matter what happens, and who is left to try and put it back together. One thing, like a binder, has been the ability to have the press dominate, for which their plans could never be realized if not having them under their thumb:

Speaking of Pardy, he puts together a little article using animal analogies this week:

Bruce Pardy: Woke wolves dominate the culture war ecosystem — for now​

Bruce Pardy, Special to National Post
Published Sep 20, 2023

Residents participate in a counter protest to stop vehicles from driving in a convoy en route to Parliament Hill, on the 17th day of a protest against COVID-19 measures that has grown into a broader anti-government protest, in Ottawa, Sunday, Feb. 13, 2022.
Residents participate in a counter protest to stop vehicles from driving in a convoy en-route to Parliament Hill, on the 17th day of a protest against COVID-19 measures that has grown into a broader anti-government protest, in Ottawa, Sunday, Feb. 13, 2022. PHOTO BY THE CANADIAN PRESS/JUSTIN TANG

Canada is unravelling. Culture wars are making the country stupid, poor and fractured — and according to Angus Reid, these fractures have produced five distinct groups.

Last week, the Angus Reid Institute released a study on the bubbling, sometimes boiling, political conflicts in Canada. The study characterized five culture war factions that comprise the country: the “zealous activists,” the “quiet accommodators,” the “conflicted middle,” the “frustrated skeptics” and the “defiant objectors.” They make up the political ecosystem, which is why they are perhaps best recast as members of the animal kingdom.

“Zealous activists,” according to the Angus Reid study, make up 17 per cent of the population. They are ardent social progressives who believe that cancel culture is about “accountability.” I think of them as wolves. They travel in packs. These are woke mobs pushing the social justice revolution. They hunger to rip to shreds the reputation of anyone who defies progressive agendas.

Although they sometimes attack big targets, wolves prefer to hunt the vulnerable. They dress in sheep’s clothing, pretending to protect the weak and the downtrodden. But when the weak or downtrodden step out of line, wolves turn on them without a moment’s hesitation. Wolves appear to be more numerous than they really are, perhaps because they howl incessantly. They are proud virtue-signallers. Some truly believe in the cause, but activism is also a means to professional and social standing: they compete with one another for status within the pack.

Just over one quarter of Canadians are “quiet accommodators.” Like wolves, they are progressives, tending to agree with safe spaces and trigger warnings — but they lack the intensity of a predator. Let’s call them sheep. They are the foot soldiers of the culture wars; they believe in social justice dogma because that is what they have been fed. They crave approval and belonging.

Some sheep don’t understand social justice ideology beyond catchphrases and knee-jerk reactions, but they know those very well. Sheep can be found in positions of authority, where they enthusiastically enforce woke policies. They can be primary school principals, CEOs and even premiers. They seek to preserve their status by supporting the “correct” attitudes; in doing so, they willingly follow wolves, failing to understand that wolves are their greatest threat.

The “conflicted middle” makes up 18 per cent of the population. They are ostriches who stick their heads in the sand, divided on culture wars and politics. Ostriches are ambivalent about social justice agendas and cultural revolutions; they comply to avoid any unwanted attention. Like sheep, ostriches seek to preserve their professional or social status. Unlike sheep, who want to belong, ostriches obey to avoid trouble. They tend to abhor politics and prefer not to think about ideology, even when ideology won’t leave them alone. Ostriches just wish the whole thing would go away.

Nineteen per cent of Canadians are “frustrated skeptics.” They view culture wars as tiring and unproductive. Imagine them as leopards, aware and poised, but camouflaged against the scrubby savannah. Leopards object to woke agendas but keep their opinions to themselves. Some feel vulnerable in their jobs or social relationships. Others hide their opposition strategically, believing they can resist more effectively from the inside. Like ostriches, leopards are careful not to provide wolves with a reason to attack. Unlike ostriches, leopards are not ambivalent, but are waiting for the right moment to pounce.

A fifth of Canadians are “defiant objectors.” They oppose cancel culture, safe spaces and censorship. These are the lions, who openly roar in disapproval at the progressive transformation of their society. Lions are the only animals in the kingdom who say “hell no” out loud. Some have prominent public profiles, but most lions are simply fearless ordinary people. They sometimes gather in prides, like the truckers and their supporters, but they are naturally inclined to be independent. When lions roar, wolves howl that they are bigots, populists, or members of a fringe minority with unacceptable views.

Missteps are dangerous in a culture war. The pack will devour those who commit wrongthink. The most susceptible are sheep and ostriches, who, despite submitting to the regime, are apt to utter inconvenient truths. Social justice ideology is tricky. It contains incoherent positions, changes the meanings of words and constantly moves the target. “My body, my choice” is a rallying cry when it relates to abortion, but racist and misogynist when it applies to vaccine mandates. Sheep and ostriches must navigate an ever-shifting landscape of rules and political correctness.

Leopards can misstep and blow their cover, but sometimes that works out for the best. Once revealed, they may find that they were meant to be lions after all. Lions can’t misstep, at least in the sense of accidentally outing themselves. Out is where they mean to be.

An activist minority is setting the agenda in Canada, but only for as long as Canadians allow it. Be a lion.

Bruce Pardy is executive director of Rights Probe and professor of law at Queen’s University.

National Post
Here are two reports from RT that are part of the Nazi Hunka fallout that are not related enough for the Putin Donbass thread.

I also came across a PDF from 1986 Commission of Inquiry titled "War Criminals in Canada?" (It's the second PDF: (https:// It specifically mentions the Galician Division. The last PDF in the list is the Findings and Recommendations, of which Finding #14, I thought, was interesting:

Even in the absence of a bilateral treaty, requests for extradition of war criminals from Canada may be entertained under the 1949 Geneva Conventions relative to the treatment of prisoners of was, provided the requesting state be a party to the relevant convention (as are Poland and the USSR) and the charge constitute both one of the "grave breaches" described in such convention and a war crime. (p.105)

It's known that Poland is seeking extradition of Hunka, but Russia is also looking into it, which are the two countries specifically mentioned in the above quote. Will Canada extradite?

Russia may seek extradition of Canadian-Ukrainian Waffen SS veteran – ambassador

Moscow is considering launching a probe into potential war crimes by Yaroslav Hunka, celebrated in Ottawa as a Ukrainian “hero”

27 Sep, 2023

Moscow may request the extradition of Yaroslav Hunka, a 98-year-old Ukrainian-Canadian veteran of the Waffen SS, Russia’s envoy to Ottawa, Oleg Stepanov, suggested on Wednesday.

“Russia is reviewing the Hunka story. May open a criminal case and subsequent extradition request,” the diplomat said in a statement.

The remarks come amid the fallout of Hunka’s appearance at Canada’s House of Commons, where he was touted as a Ukrainian “hero” who purportedly “fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians.”

The veteran – who fought for the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, also known as the 1st Galician Division, formed by Nazi Germany from mostly western Ukrainians during WWII and known to have committed atrocities against Jews and Poles – received a standing ovation at parliament, with PM Justin Trudeau and Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky in attendance.

The controversial honoring of the Nazi veteran triggered a major political meltdown in Canada and sparked anger in multiple other countries. Thus far, the scandal has led to the downfall of now-former House Speaker Anthony Rota, who resigned on Tuesday while expressing “profound regret” for his “error” to host Hunka at the legislature.

The Canadian prime minister apologized for the Hunka debacle on Wednesday, yet shifted the blame onto parliament’s now-former speaker for inviting the Nazi veteran. The whole scene was “deeply embarrassing for parliament and Canada,” Trudeau stated, as he offered “parliament’s unreserved apologies for what happened on Friday.”

“The speaker was solely responsible for the invitation and recognition of this man, and has wholly accepted that responsibility and stepped down,”
Trudeau stated.

Apart from Russia, Poland, which has been among the top backers of modern-day Ukraine in its fight against Moscow, has also urged a probe into potential war crimes committed by Hunka.

On Tuesday, Polish Minister of Education Przemyslaw Czarnek said he has “taken steps towards the possible extradition … in view of the scandalous events in the Canadian Parliament.” The minister also called upon Poland’s Institute of National Remembrance to “urgently examine the documents whether Yaroslav Hunka is wanted for crimes against the Polish nation and Poles of Jewish origin.”

The SS as a whole was declared a criminal organization by the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg in 1946, while multiple senior members of the paramilitary group were tried and executed for their atrocities.

Canada must face up to Nazi legacy – minister

It was “easier” for an SS member to enter the country than a Jew, Immigration Minister Marc Miller told the National Post

28 Sep, 2023

Canada may declassify records of Nazi war criminals admitted to the country after the Second World War, Immigration Minister Marc Miller said on Wednesday. Ottowa’s liberal government is currently mired in controversy over the veneration of a Ukrainian veteran of the Waffen SS in parliament last week.

“Canada has a really dark history with Nazis,” Miller told the National Post. “There was a point in our history where it was easier to get in as a Nazi than it was as a Jewish person. I think that’s a history we have to reconcile.”

A report [PDF #2] commissioned by the Canadian government in 1985 found that there were almost 900 Nazi soldiers, scientists, and their associates living in Canada at the time, including around 600 members of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS. Also known as the First Ukrainian or First Galician Division, this unit was formed in 1943 and staffed by Ukrainian volunteers, and is known to have committed atrocities against Jews and Poles during its campaign against the Soviet Union.

The report recommended that individual members of the division not be prosecuted for their unit’s war crimes. It also stated that members of the division should not be deported, as “Canadian authorities were fully aware” of their wartime activities when they entered the country after the conflict.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish organization that tracks down fugitive Nazis, claimed in 1997 that the true number of war criminals hiding in Canada was closer to 3,000 than 900. While Jewish immigrants were detained as “enemy aliens,” Nazis could freely enter Canada “by showing the SS tattoo,” historian Irving Abella told ‘60 Minutes’ in 1997, explaining that this distinguishing mark proved that its bearer had served in the elite outfit and was a committed “anti-Communist.”

Miller, a member of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party, suggested that the government could declassify the names of Nazis known to have entered Canada after the war. Justice Minister Arif Virani, however, refused to say whether he backs this idea. Instead, he told the National Post that Canadian war crimes investigators should only prosecute those who committed “crimes like genocide.”

Canada’s relationship with the Third Reich made international news last Friday when 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka, a veteran of the First Ukrainian Division, was invited to a meeting of parliament with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and given a standing ovation. House Speaker Anthony Rota, who invited Hunka to the event and introduced him as “a Ukrainian hero, a Canadian hero… who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians,” resigned on Tuesday, and Trudeau offered “unreserved apologies” on Wednesday for applauding the Nazi veteran.

Canadian university ‘regrets’ fund named after Ukrainian Nazi

The University of Alberta has closed an endowment amid controversy over a Waffen SS fighter who was honored in Ottawa’s parliament

29 Sep, 2023

Fallout over the Canadian parliament’s veneration of a Ukrainian Waffen SS veteran has spread to the University of Alberta. Thje institution has apologized and shut down an endowment fund named after the Nazi collaborator just hours after Russian diplomats exposed his connection to the school.

The university admitted on Wednesday night that it held an endowment named after Yaroslav Hunka, the 98-year-old Ukrainian native who was given standing ovations by Canadian lawmakers during President Vladimir Zelensky’s visit to parliament on Friday. Upon teh publication of Hunka's Nazi past, the incident became an international embarrassment for Ottawa, leading to the resignation of House Speaker Anthony Rota, a public apology from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and an admission from Germany that its ambassador had applauded a former member of the Waffen SS.

Hunka’s family donated $30,000 in 2019 to establish an endowment, named after him and his wife, at the University of Alberta’s Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. Russia’s ambassador to Canada, Oleg Stepanov, told RIA Novosti that the embassy discovered Hunka’s link to the university and publicized the fact. A few hours later, the institutionl announced the cancellation.

“After careful consideration of the complexities, experiences, and circumstances of those impacted by the situation, we have made the decision to close the endowment and return the funds to the donor,” university provost Verna Yiu said in a statement. “The university recognizes and regrets the unintended harm caused.”

The school is now in the process of revising its general naming policies and procedures, including those for endowments, “to ensure alignment with our values,” Yiu added.

The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) welcomed the announcement that the Hunka endowment was being shut down. “Unfortunately, this is only one example of endowments at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies named after members of the Waffen SS,” FSWC official Dan Panneton said.

Hunka was a volunteer in the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, a Ukrainian unit that committed atrocities against Jews and Poles on the Eastern Front. Russia may request extradition of Hunka, based on an investigation of his potential involvement in war crimes, Stepanov said on Wednesday. Thousands of Ukrainian Nazi fighters were allowed to emigrate to the UK and Canada after World War II, despite their possible participation in atrocities.

However, the Hunka fund was only the “tip of the iceberg” in terms of the University of Alberta’s Nazi connections, Panneton told Canada’s CTV News on Thursday.

Panneton claimed that even a former chancellor of the university, Peter Savaryn, [That link picks up his life emigrating to Canada in 1949. But says nothing about his Waffen SS service between 1943-45.] was a member of the notorious Ukrainian Nazi unit. “We’d like to see them acknowledge that this history is real, that they had people tied to the Waffen SS unit involved with their university for many, many years,” he said.

A monument at an Edmonton, Alberta, cemetery honors the Waffen SS. Also in Edmonton, a bust of Roman Shukhevich, a Ukrainian nationalist whose Nazi unit massacred Jews during World War II, is displayed at the Ukrainian Youth Unity Complex.

The FSWC, which has long lobbied for the Edmonton monuments to be removed, renewed those calls after last week’s Hunka debacle. “We believe that both monuments in question are monuments to people who are complicit in the genocide of six million Jews and millions of other victims of the Nazi regime and their collaborators,” Panneton told Canada’s Global News.

And here's two articles from SOTT.

I also came across a PDF from 1986 Commission of Inquiry titled "War Criminals in Canada?" (It's the second PDF: (https://

Could not find that publication from link, not sure why.

Viva Frei jumps on with Levant (see 2 min mark). Freeland is targeted here for her past family skeletons, including this:

More on Freeland's family tree with uncle, Dr. Myroslav Shkandrij:

How are politician in Ottawa going to lay wreaths on WWII monuments this November? Moreover, the imbeciles in Ottawa just kicked the teeth of every Canadian family ancestral memory they have honored - family who had been lost or shed their blood over 78 years ago. What the heck to you tell the kids? How will they work to revise and repackage - the PR firms are no doubt busy. Houston, we have a problem.

There are faceless forces that have set this whole mess up that does not yet make sense, although they also harbored the elephant in the room in parallel to clap over, that no one talks about, even Levant et al.

As for not knowing the Hunka fella, here is a Ukrainian wayback machine page from the recently created wiki Hunka page (all references relate to September 2023, except this one):

Wayback machine from Wiki (its the only older article as everything else has been constructed since the debacle).

Почесні громадяни м.Бережани


Deeple translated:

Yaroslav Gunka

The title of "Honorary Citizen of Berezhany" was awarded by the decision of the session of Berezhany City Council on 20.08.2004 №534

Born in 1925.

Secretary of the main committee of the publishing house of Volume II of "Berezhanska Zemlia".

Until June 1943, he studied at the Berezhany gymnasium. In September 1943, he joined the ranks of the Galicia Division - the First Division of the Ukrainian National Army. In 1954, he moved to Canada, where he became a member of the brotherhood of soldiers of the First Division of the UNA, affiliated with the World Congress of Free Ukrainians.

In 1994, he was an observer at the elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in Mykolaiv. In 2003, he was a delegate from the UCC to the World Congress of Ukrainians in Kyiv.

A sincere patron of many cultural projects in Berezhany.

He currently resides in Toronto, Canada.

From Pierre Poilievre, not sure when, on "Day of Dignity and Freedom" discussing Ukraine. He ends with “Slava Ukraini!” like he knows what it means. What a guy, the opposition guy. Good luck with him.

The last links are from the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC), and if interested one can read how they have tracked this beginning and ending, and deflected or ignored:

Leading up to the big day:

Prime Minister, Let’s Stand With Ukraine! - The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) official website

The big day:

President Zelenskyy’s historic visit to Canada - The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) official website

Their statement:

UCC Statement Sept 28, 2023 - The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) official website

Hunka's wife was British, married in 51. When she died she was burred in the Waffen-SS Oakville, Ontario cenotaph, which bears witness to fallen hero's, such as either Bandara or Shukhevych, or both and others.

The monument to Ukrainian SS volunteers at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Cemetery, in Oakville

The Hunka two sons (seem like decent guys), are Peter and Martin, with the latter a leader of some type in the Ukrainian Association. So it is not like they, or at least one of them, was unknown (will also have to find that link). All have gone into hiding.

Interesting times.
I used the same manual link I used last night and was able to open the page. Don't know what happened there, but it works, so, yay!

More on Freeland's family tree with uncle, Dr. Myroslav Shkandrij:

For those who want to read it, if they haven't, here is a quick link to the article "Chrystia Freeland’s uncle, Dr. Myroslav Shkandrij, defended Ukrainian Nazi volunteers as fighters against Russian Bolshevism" that was featured in the posted video.

The idea of 'Ukrainian nationalists fighting for independence' sounds much more noble then 'Nazi's are freedom fighters'. But Nazi's fight to free the world of freedom.

Those UCC statements are unbelievable. :rolleyes:

I don't hold out a lot of hope for Pierre Poilievre right now. He may yet turn his mind and heart around but I'm doubtful he's gonna get there; not with the 'Arctic/NORAD' policy voted in place a few weeks back, of which one of the arguments in favour was:

Thank you, mister speaker. Yeah. Bob Zimmer. I'm the shadow minister for Arctic Sovereignty and Northern Affairs. And the one thing that I've seen, first-hand, is Justin Trudeau has completely abandoned the Arctic. We need a policy that respects NORAD and really recognizes NORAD for the importance that it is. We have folks from the Territories [here?]. Russia coming across, over the top, is a big deal to them. Please support this motion. Thank you.

There was no one that spoke against it, and it passed with a 97%. There's just too much hate for Russia in Parliament. And, really, if Russia is going to "come over the top", (but why would they?) it's not going to be 1950's style.

I really hope this gets exposed further. I wonder if Tucker Carlson or Jordan Petersen will make a vid.
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