Canadian Orwellian world: Lockdowns, vaccines passports and more

A group in Ontario has put this link together.
A bunch of Parents got together and formed a research and push back group, when their children were harassed and banned from playing road hockey, how much more Canadian can it get, eh?

We are known to be all nice and polite and “sorry”, but get between our kids and hockey, then it’s “Game ON!”
Which just so happens to be the name of the website.

There are downloadable, printable forms as well as scripts and well worded statements that one could commit to memory, or print out out to have on hand.
Knowing and having the ability to cite our Canadian laws and personal rights, is empowering at a fundamental level of being.
That gap, that vulnerable place, between knowing and not knowing is where one is weakened, hesitant and caught off guard, at least that’s how I see it.
A group in Ontario has put this link together.
A bunch of Parents got together and formed a research and push back group, when their children were harassed and banned from playing road hockey, how much more Canadian can it get, eh?

We are known to be all nice and polite and “sorry”, but get between our kids and hockey, then it’s “Game ON!”
Which just so happens to be the name of the website.

There are downloadable, printable forms as well as scripts and well worded statements that one could commit to memory, or print out out to have on hand.
Knowing and having the ability to cite our Canadian laws and personal rights, is empowering at a fundamental level of being.
That gap, that vulnerable place, between knowing and not knowing is where one is weakened, hesitant and caught off guard, at least that’s how I see it.

Awesome resources. Viewing that website, I noted in the Toronto constable’s letter to her employer that she included Bill S-201 among her legal arguments for not having to disclose her vaccination status nor covid-testing. Hurrah!

Just last week I was pulled aside by the senior manager where I work, who asked me about my vaccine status. I politely declined to share that information. He then stated that, by not answering, that must mean I am not vaccinated. I replied that he could believe whatever he wanted. That ended the conversation. I have heard since through another source that this manager is working on a new policy, possibly organizing for regular onsite rapid tests. I will not comply. We already sign in each day declaring we are free of a list of covid symptoms. If that isn’t enough, well...
A group in Ontario has put this link together.
A bunch of Parents got together and formed a research and push back group, when their children were harassed and banned from playing road hockey, how much more Canadian can it get, eh?

We are known to be all nice and polite and “sorry”, but get between our kids and hockey, then it’s “Game ON!”
Which just so happens to be the name of the website.

There are downloadable, printable forms as well as scripts and well worded statements that one could commit to memory, or print out out to have on hand.
Knowing and having the ability to cite our Canadian laws and personal rights, is empowering at a fundamental level of being.
That gap, that vulnerable place, between knowing and not knowing is where one is weakened, hesitant and caught off guard, at least that’s how I see it.
That's why I despise Canadians. Not the actual physical persons. But the personality. "Our laws?" No. The Crown's law. You are a slave. A subject. Nothing, of no sovereignty, of no value and no concern. Chattel.

Especially if you claim those 'laws' as your own. Have you not noticed the corruption in every ministry, provincial and federal? Have you not noticed how the entire people can vote against a prime minister, and the Queen can dismiss your vote and keep him anyways?

If you identify as Canadian, if you identify with those laws, you are just as much part of the problem as the average German factory worker during the 2nd. At this point, I'm pretty sure the only solution goes through the demotion of the authority of the Crown at every scale. But Canadians are scared authoritarians, so they'll hang themselves to their institutions.

That's my guess, anyways.
Well, well, ...​
Just happen to have the very book (don't ask me why), and further along on page 41, she says (and I'm not biased against her; well perhaps just a bit on account of her associates actions) with her further words - [ ] mine:

For many issues in public health, knowing when to push - and when to keep the [solution] in your back pocket until the political and societal moment arises -is a skill.​
I'm sure she could write another book on what it means today to live in a medical democracy, just ask any BC'ites facing her orders for near the last 20 months. ;-)
Just happen to have the very book (don't ask me why),
Lol, not letting you off that easy, why? And geez, and did you buy it full price?

and further along on page 41, she says (and I'm not biased against her; well perhaps just a bit on account of her associates actions) with her further words - [ ] mine:
And, you’re Not Biased against her?
I guess you score higher than I do on that scale of moral measurement.
How does that old saying go? “l don’t think I could even p!$$ on her, if I saw her on fire.”
[…], just ask any BC'ites facing her orders for near the last 20 months. ;-)
Yeah, I see it first hand, every day.
I live on Van Island, B.C. in the heart of what formally was known as Canada’s elderly retirement “paradise”.
The catastrophic damage and deaths to the elderly in retirement/care homes here on the island that Bonnie Henry, Adrian Dix, and John Horgans “mandates” have tallied up is truly horrific.

I spent several hours yesterday witnessing and listening as a woman I have recently met ranted and raged.
For the past 7 years,she has been in a nursing management position for several of the long term care homes in the area.
4 months ago, she was proud of how successful the injection program had been accomplished and content with the kudos she had received.
Now, it’s all the side effects and deaths, sudden and extreme onset of violent dementia, body covering shingles, blood clots and collapses, and it’s overwhelming her.
She appears to be in extreme cognitive dissonance, insisting that it’s the variants “delta” and “Mu” causing the devastation.
Yet, still maintaining her beliefs, her “programming” in the “medical democracy” as you referred to it.
I prefer the term “Medical Mafia”.
That's why I despise Canadians. Not the actual physical persons. But the personality. "Our laws?" No. The Crown's law. You are a slave. A subject. Nothing, of no sovereignty, of no value and no concern. Chattel.

Especially if you claim those 'laws' as your own. Have you not noticed the corruption in every ministry, provincial and federal? Have you not noticed how the entire people can vote against a prime minister, and the Queen can dismiss your vote and keep him anyways?

If you identify as Canadian, if you identify with those laws, you are just as much part of the problem as the average German factory worker during the 2nd. At this point, I'm pretty sure the only solution goes through the demotion of the authority of the Crown at every scale. But Canadians are scared authoritarians, so they'll hang themselves to their institutions.

That's my guess, anyways.

Yes, Canadians live in a constitutional monarchy. Yes, there is a prevalent numbness to the Canadian population - they are in a drugged sleep. We could call it polite, or meek, docile, deferent. But is there any good reason to 'despise' them for it? Or, if not them, then their 'personality'? Every nation has its own particular form of national sleep. Do you despise most of the world, then? And I ask these not as rhetorical questions, but because I wonder about your thinking here, and your internal state...

Throughout Lobaczewski's book Ponerology, he warns against 'moralizing interpretations' of psychopathy, ponerogensis, and pathocracy. He states very clearly, again and again, that moralizing interpretations serve to do one main thing - completely eradicate any objective understanding of evil phenomena.

Why? Moralizing interpretations assume an 'equality of bio-social-psychologial state' - an equality that does not in fact exist. The brains and behaviour of psychopaths is factually different. It is a mistake, then, to look at the whole population of humans on the earth and assume that they may all be judged by the same moral standards. Gurdjieff can help us understand why this is problematic:
"People understand what knowledge means and they understand the possibility of different levels of knowledge. They understand that knowledge may be lesser or greater, that is to say, of one quality or of another quality, but they do not understand this in relation to being. Being for them means simply existence, to which is opposed just non-existence. They do not understand that being or existence may be of very different levels and categories.

Take for instance, the being of a mineral and of a plant. It is a different being. The being of a plant and of an animal is again a different being. But the being of two people can differ from one another more than the being of a mineral and of an animal. This is exactly what people do not understand and they do not understand that knowledge depends on being. Not only do they not understand this latter, but they definitely do not wish to understand it, and especially in western culture it is considered that a man may possess great knowledge, for example he may be an able scientist, to make discoveries, advanced science, and at the same time he may be, and has the right to be, a petty, egoistic, mean, envious, vain, naive and absent-minded man. And yet it is his being.

So people on this planet can be as different in terms of 'level of Being' as a rock is from a plant. Assuming the equality of bio-social-psychological state between all humans - and then using that as a template for judgment - is like despising a rock for not growing edible fruits, or a grizzly bear for not following the rules at the food court in the mall. We're talking about very different beings with very different cosmic functions. And yes, the sleeping do have a cosmic function.

Another key point from Lobaczewski - psychopaths make deliberate use of this 'we are all equal' atmosphere. The assumption that evil doesn't factually exist allows them to blend invisibly into society. They can find victims in the way they do because most of the population is unsuspecting that there are dangerous beings who are walking around in human skin. Moralizing interpretations function to hide the truth of their predatory natures. This can also lead to improper treatment of the ones who are caught. Only an objective Knowledge can suffice to provide the clear picture of psychopathy, and come up with effective responses.

It's fine to blow off steam once in a while - maybe this is where your post is coming from? The challenge seems to me that it is increasingly important to be careful that we are fully conscious about what exactly it is we're saying. Our words, after all, indicate the state of our thoughts, and our thoughts indicate our levels of Being and of Knowledge.

On that note, following along with Lobaczewski, isn't it just as erroneous to moralize the those who are caught up in evil schemes? To despise them? Take the widespread tendency to call people 'sheep' or 'zombies' or whatever else. What is that? Where does it come from? It can be blowing off steam, it can be a sharp objective discernment, a black-humour kind of sad-laughter... or it can come straight out of self-importance. 'Look at all those dumb sheep, just waiting to be slaughtered! But not me - I am a Seer.' And meanwhile, it's the Predator who has convinced this one that he's a Seer. He's also 'on the menu'.

There is one way of tracking 'Canadogenesis' that shows quite clearly that Canadians have been very deliberately stunted - culturally, technologically, and creatively - for generations. It may be easy to look at Libya, for instance, and see a 'failed state', rife with tribal wars and human slavery, recently destroyed by NATO. It's less easy to look at a supposedly 'developed' nation like Canada and understand that there has been a campaign aimed at the destruction of human potential running here, too. And for a long time. And it's not just the Crown. Some food for thought regarding the national personality that you despise:

Lol, not letting you off that easy, why? And geez, and did you buy it full price?

And, you’re Not Biased against her?
I guess you score higher than I do on that scale of moral measurement.
How does that old saying go? “l don’t think I could even p!$$ on her, if I saw her on fire.”

Yeah, I see it first hand, every day.
I live on Van Island, B.C. in the heart of what formally was known as Canada’s elderly retirement “paradise”.
The catastrophic damage and deaths to the elderly in retirement/care homes here on the island that Bonnie Henry, Adrian Dix, and John Horgans “mandates” have tallied up is truly horrific.

I spent several hours yesterday witnessing and listening as a woman I have recently met ranted and raged.
For the past 7 years,she has been in a nursing management position for several of the long term care homes in the area.
4 months ago, she was proud of how successful the injection program had been accomplished and content with the kudos she had received.
Now, it’s all the side effects and deaths, sudden and extreme onset of violent dementia, body covering shingles, blood clots and collapses, and it’s overwhelming her.
She appears to be in extreme cognitive dissonance, insisting that it’s the variants “delta” and “Mu” causing the devastation.
Yet, still maintaining her beliefs, her “programming” in the “medical democracy” as you referred to it.
I prefer the term “Medical Mafia”.
It's more like cognitive dissonance. They've been literally brainwashed so contrary evidence will be rejected to maintain the illusion. How would ones Egoic Mind deal with the trauma that they were to blame? That they fought against and called all sorts of names to people who saw through the illusion from the beginning..

The hubris in medicine is beyond measure. There is no true scientific inquiry, method or the neutral position required

SHA (SK gov) ignores natural resistance / rights of the recovered. They stick to a single CDC article to prop up their position when places like the UK, Israel and others are 6-9 months ahead of our curve/new policies. They show that this by itself is not a solution. Waves still happen. The backlog of undiagnosed and untreated disease of all types will crush the system. Their policies stopped/limited so many services & protocols slowed down whatever was being done. 14 day lie for potential infectious state sent capable healthy people home for 2 weeks. We've never had a deep bench of casuals & even unfilled positions for the last 6 years
For anyone in British Columbia.
Here is the list of local chapters for Action 4 Canada. Email them to see what you can do to help!
British Columbia

Campbell River
Dawson Creek
Fort St. James
Fort St. John
(Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows)
Prince George
North Okanagan—Shuswap (Salmon Arm)
Tumbler Ridge
North Vancouver
Lol, not letting you off that easy, why? And geez, and did you buy it full price?

Opened myself right up with that 'don't ask me why' bit, so the why of it is, er, it was a gift - and a so called joke, as it was inscribed on the front page with an endearment to the Bonnie fan club. :cheer:

The book (written by the two sisters actually), as read, is full of self-aggrandizing statements while mentioning many who indeed, horribly died (many helped directly to their deaths by health policies - articles of evidence aplenty). The book also pretends to love (with a little virtue signalling to the down trodden and culturally unique) to all who face the authoritarian realities of these covid-days, while offering up empty platitudes of be 'calm, kind and safe' - which near the end of the book these words were said to have been well studied to be effective. All the while there was lock-step planning of things that where being kept in one's "back pocket" (as she mentions) to be incrementally applied, or pulled out in force for a later date.

People could see it coming, with many, if not the majority demanding it, and some see the reality of it, or they don't see it at all.

It is easy to get lit up seen the reality and reading these pages - looking for the ultimate villain, however in reality a person like Bonnie is a usefully trained and programmed lieutenant that receives and issues orders from afar.

The fact that issued orders have had a hand in thousands that have died of suicides, of overdoses (interrelated in some cases), was always overshadowed and driven with the continued PCR covid case accounting system. Continued in predictable cycles, have been the carrot and stick emergency orders (EO's), and now the sledgehammer vax-mandates, and all dominate the news, news that seems to have nothing else much to do than paint covid headlines.

EO's ensured that the ill were, and are, being bumped (often to their death) from their critical medical treatments to ensure standby empty ICU beds were/are at the ready. Mandates have ensured that front line nurses who once saved the day, are now no better than throwaway objects if they don't comply. EO's and mandates ensure that populations are willingly - after having been manipulated, forced to take a manufactured jab offered up by the fancy name-branded vaccine gods®, and now they have issued passports for the many. Their passports are issued with the understanding that they are now 'safe' with special privileges, and yet is it not just a yoke, a form of slavery wherein they will be told more and more what to do and what they are allowed to do - is free will is in the back seat.
EO's and mandates ensure people are further stripped of their work, stripped of their businesses and their churches, while their families and friends are locked in-place or broken apart - brother from brother, sister from sister and from their parents, while their children are forced to wear masks until they gag and cry and will undoubtably suffer later trauma.

The book is all but a facade, a screen over reality that has been sold with nice sounding empathetic words.

Bonnie brings up some of these difficult aforementioned realities, though, in at least one paragraph in her book, however by the second sentence in the paragraph it is as if she forgot the first.

So, to spearhead this Health covid-campaign as being something well thought out, along comes this magical written book to be reflected upon and clapped. Many a reader, or from best seller lists, seem to worship her book along with her public orders as if it is all just Health manna send from the heavens that will help to keep them safe.

It should be noted that that book, as indicated above, was co-written with her sister, Lynn, and Lynn is the publishing director at Knopf Canada, which is "an imprint of Penguin Random House Canada."

At the time of writing, Bonnie was a civil servant of the people's trust, with implications that are (cough) rather astronomical, socially and economically. At the same time, there seemed to be no conflict of interest that she could provide an inner narrative of the so called pandemic from A to B, with how to get to C and possible D. There has been some criticism as discussed here, and yet the press provides a great deal of Teflon to deflect. The conspiracy theory words are also useful to deflect, as this earlier 'virtual' Penticton Town Hall was invaded by anti-vaxxer phone calls:

When another man, a caller from Kamloops, accused Henry of being a “strategically placed agent of the United Nations and the Rockefeller Foundation working for Bill Gates and big pharma,” he was cut off by Dix, who defended Henry as an outstanding leader in public health who has demonstrated that throughout the pandemic.

“We don’t need personal attacks,” he said.

In response to the negative claims, Henry said it's clear some are trying to undermine science and people’s confidence in the vaccines, which she said are safe.

More recently, and in support of lieutenants such as Doc. Henry, Dr. Fauci provided a talk on CBC Radio in effort to enlighten all who might hold separate thoughts.

The danger of COVID-19 misinformation is 'mind-boggling,' says Dr. Anthony Fauci | CBC Radio

Of course, legal suit has been filed with the Crown against her and others who wear suites, so will see what happens if it ever even is ruled upon in court - thus, she may or may not have her day in court:

Legal Case:

I just received this open letter from some RCMP who oppose the tyranny. It's long, but quite good, and very easy to read. It doesn't contain much new information, per se, but is useful in that it gives us a look through the eyes of certain law enforcement officers in Canada who are deeply troubled by what's going on in this country.

Highlights for me include a brief discussion of the Charter, the methodology of objective investigation when there is conflicting evidence or stories, and a warning about what happens when law enforcement as an institution undergoes a loss of Faith, and also a call for a cross-country investigation.

An example quote:
"The RCMP has taught us the importance and severity of domestic violence. Domestic violence is centred around power and control between an abuser and a victim. One of the biggest problems with domestic violence is there is often an escalation in the severity of abuse. RCMP members have been taught how to identify the signs that someone is involved in an abusive relationship. There are different types of abuse the abuser may engage in to keep control over their victim: Physical, Financial, and Emotional.

Emotional abuse is quite complex and will often include a variety of tactics such as socially distancing the victim from friends and family, discrediting the victim so they have difficulty obtaining support from others, and making the victim believe that their thoughts and beliefs are wrong – to the point the victim thinks they must be insane. When it comes to finances, an abuser will withhold money and assets from the victim. This ensures the victim cannot survive without remaining in the abusive relationship with the abuser. When an abuser feels they are losing control over their victim, it is quite common for them to escalate their tactics to maintain control.

The federal government is currently displaying several of those traits with its own employees, including the RCMP."
So this screen shot, and several others like it, have been showing up in fb feeds and Telegram.
Irks me to no end when people do stuff like this, information gets distilled down to memes, one liners and pictures, without context or links.

So, for what its worth, here is the excerpt, it is at the very last of the article, and link to the article:
"The federal Justice department has cautioned the Trudeau government that zero-tolerance vax mandates are unconstitutional; tests must be offered as Plan B.

The federal Transportation department quietly announced that the vaccine mandate for air and rail travellers would have to be put off until December, and even then domestic passengers can probably not be forced to be vaccinated. Negative tests likely will have to be accepted in lieu.

And there is almost certainly no legal way the House of Commons’ board of internal economy can compel MPs to get jabs, and probably not their political staffs, either. The MPs work for their constituents, not the board or the House. And it’s important that voters retain ultimate authority over them.

The Trudeau government knows all of this, of course. But it assumes many Canadians don’t. So all it’s tough talk about MPs getting vaccinated is nothing more than virtue signalling for political gain – just like its vaccine mandate for “all” civil servants that lets 70 per cent of federal employees quietly skirt the requirement."
They knew it was illegal. I knew it was illegal. As always, they use the media to say its going to happen (scare/force people into taking it) then quietly go with the real Plan A which is vaxx/test. Coercion via illusion. Free Will is always ours. They've made so many feints to get certain demographics to consent ...

Sickening. My Dad took this shit due to travel when I knew he just needed to wait it out
Yes, Canadians live in a constitutional monarchy. Yes, there is a prevalent numbness to the Canadian population - they are in a drugged sleep. We could call it polite, or meek, docile, deferent. But is there any good reason to 'despise' them for it? Or, if not them, then their 'personality'? Every nation has its own particular form of national sleep. Do you despise most of the world, then? And I ask these not as rhetorical questions, but because I wonder about your thinking here, and your internal state...

Throughout Lobaczewski's book Ponerology, he warns against 'moralizing interpretations' of psychopathy, ponerogensis, and pathocracy. He states very clearly, again and again, that moralizing interpretations serve to do one main thing - completely eradicate any objective understanding of evil phenomena.

Why? Moralizing interpretations assume an 'equality of bio-social-psychologial state' - an equality that does not in fact exist. The brains and behaviour of psychopaths is factually different. It is a mistake, then, to look at the whole population of humans on the earth and assume that they may all be judged by the same moral standards. Gurdjieff can help us understand why this is problematic:

So people on this planet can be as different in terms of 'level of Being' as a rock is from a plant. Assuming the equality of bio-social-psychological state between all humans - and then using that as a template for judgment - is like despising a rock for not growing edible fruits, or a grizzly bear for not following the rules at the food court in the mall. We're talking about very different beings with very different cosmic functions. And yes, the sleeping do have a cosmic function.

Another key point from Lobaczewski - psychopaths make deliberate use of this 'we are all equal' atmosphere. The assumption that evil doesn't factually exist allows them to blend invisibly into society. They can find victims in the way they do because most of the population is unsuspecting that there are dangerous beings who are walking around in human skin. Moralizing interpretations function to hide the truth of their predatory natures. This can also lead to improper treatment of the ones who are caught. Only an objective Knowledge can suffice to provide the clear picture of psychopathy, and come up with effective responses.

It's fine to blow off steam once in a while - maybe this is where your post is coming from? The challenge seems to me that it is increasingly important to be careful that we are fully conscious about what exactly it is we're saying. Our words, after all, indicate the state of our thoughts, and our thoughts indicate our levels of Being and of Knowledge.

On that note, following along with Lobaczewski, isn't it just as erroneous to moralize the those who are caught up in evil schemes? To despise them? Take the widespread tendency to call people 'sheep' or 'zombies' or whatever else. What is that? Where does it come from? It can be blowing off steam, it can be a sharp objective discernment, a black-humour kind of sad-laughter... or it can come straight out of self-importance. 'Look at all those dumb sheep, just waiting to be slaughtered! But not me - I am a Seer.' And meanwhile, it's the Predator who has convinced this one that he's a Seer. He's also 'on the menu'.

There is one way of tracking 'Canadogenesis' that shows quite clearly that Canadians have been very deliberately stunted - culturally, technologically, and creatively - for generations. It may be easy to look at Libya, for instance, and see a 'failed state', rife with tribal wars and human slavery, recently destroyed by NATO. It's less easy to look at a supposedly 'developed' nation like Canada and understand that there has been a campaign aimed at the destruction of human potential running here, too. And for a long time. And it's not just the Crown. Some food for thought regarding the national personality that you despise:

Which brings up another point to ponder. With roughly 50% of the population being in the OP category, meaning at the level or state of being of animals, there is a lot to consider.
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