Canadian Orwellian world: Lockdowns, vaccines passports and more

So they decided to get an even bigger piece of sh*t than Trudeau and are now almost openly going to rig the election.

I didn't have much hope for Pierre, but I think it would have been a better outcome than another Liberal reign.

This country continues to mortify me. When you factor in that Canada has a very old population, and a huge amount of its young are not even Canadian, the situation looks very grim.

I am pretty sure at this point, I will be choosing to leave Canada when and if I can. This place is fundamentally broken. It will only get worse.

When you try to talk about these things to your average Canadian, you are met with "But remember Harper".

I think at its core, one of the biggest issues with Canada is that there are an absurd amount of people working for / dependent on the government for survival. This is in lieu with the obvious immigration issues, cost of living issues, etc. How can you be passionate about being anti-government when you work for them?

I am pretty sure Canada is looked at as a money cleaner by the global elite. It is the easiest place in the world to get in to, you can own land here as a non citizen, our punishment on crime is an absolute joke, our cultural mood is to be "polite" and turn a blind eye to everything. We produce almost nothing, so trading houses to each other like sports cards is the only form of economy we have. It is a criminals wet dream.

They are also loving funneling a boatload of fentanyl through the Vancouver port, so they can continue keeping Canada's actual citizens hooked on drugs while they steal everything else and replace workers with international "students".

This place is an actual joke.
This place is an actual joke.
I remember how it was when I was young in the 1980's... It was such a nice place back then!

I grew up in a small city that was still like being in the countryside with lots of natural space. There was even a small farm in a field with a horse behind the houses bordering the main boulevard. I would feed it apples and carrots while taking a walk to visit my grandmother. I would pick up wild raspberries along the way. I remember kids being free; playing outside all the time, biking all around the place, visiting friends, going to the river to find frogs or crayfish under the rocks.

Over the last 40 years, this has all been destroyed, and not just the physical part of it, but people's minds as well (think Nintendo in 1989, then the internet in 1995, and the list goes on exponentially after that). They have densified so much the population that there is no more space. They have managed to destroy every square foot of free natural space to build condos. They have destroyed the economy. They have flooded the population with immigrants to dilute our nationalism and destroyed family values with brainwashing techniques.

Thinking about all this makes me feel really bitter.
Oh, I forgot to post the photo shown in the video (@ 21:29) of Trudeau and his trophy like he's just stolen an ash tray from the lobby of a hotel.

View attachment 106620

He doesn't look very sad and emotional to be leaving. I picture him in a curly, rainbow coloured wig, a big red ball for a nose, titanium white face, big red lips and eyebrows, and size 30, flared red shoes. 🤡

This is the same face he made during the "blackface" scandal from a few years ago. In true psychopath fashion, he seems to be saying "I got away with it all suckers!" (and he took a chair).

I am pretty sure Canada is looked at as a money cleaner by the global elite. It is the easiest place in the world to get in to, you can own land here as a non citizen, our punishment on crime is an absolute joke, our cultural mood is to be "polite" and turn a blind eye to everything. We produce almost nothing, so trading houses to each other like sports cards is the only form of economy we have. It is a criminals wet dream.
Each time I read about Canada, it reminds me of Switzerland (the country I am in); I would be sure that people have a positive feeling about it (etc) when it's not that great. Here, it's a bit the same phenomenon as Canada, but in a different way. I am sorry about Canada, because it's a place I always wanted to visit, and I hear and read things.
When you factor in that Canada has a very old population, and a huge amount of its young are not even Canadian, the situation looks very grim.

one of the biggest issues with Canada is that there are an absurd amount of people working for / dependent on the government for survival

so trading houses to each other like sports cards is the only form of economy we have
And the Californication of Canada is what you describe. 6 out of 10 people in California derive their paycheck from a taxpayer sourced funding source, the citizen wealth is the gamification of the 11 year real estate bust/boom cycle, everyone is on some form of drugs which is heralded as an example of 'liberty'.

So if you leave O' Canada be careful you don't jump from one frying pan to another!
Each time I read about Canada, it reminds me of Switzerland (the country I am in); I would be sure that people have a positive feeling about it (etc) when it's not that great.
15 years ago, a friend from Switzerland who was visiting Canada told me Switzerland was a boring place and that people were gray. I wondered why, so I took it with a grain of salt. When I think Switzerland, I think of beautiful post card style mountain scenery, or the story of Heidi. I bet it was a nice place to be in the 1980's, same as the story I just told.
15 years ago, a friend from Switzerland who was visiting Canada told me Switzerland was a boring place and that people were gray. I wondered why, so I took it with a grain of salt. When I think Switzerland, I think of beautiful post card style mountain scenery, or the story of Heidi. I bet it was a nice place to be in the 1980's, same as the story I just told.
The country has a high access to things - but the world view does not feature, for example, concepts like:

the anthropocosmic connection
knowledge about the existence of psychopaths, in society

and so, with a high access to much, they develop something else, believing it's "the real deal". It amounts to some waste, all is useless (for now). It's like "a giant library without the good books".

yes it's like the postcards ☺️ at least this but spending your first 30 years makes it disappear progressively from the mind. It's "studies, work, buy-house" and "I will enjoy later". But later, they have forgotten how to enjoy.

Technically, people here are not "more human" than anywhere else - it does not make them better (all the big access to things).
Technically, people here are not "more human" than anywhere else - it does not make them better (all the big access to things).
I totally understand: one must experience the "lack" of something in order to appreciate it afterwards. It's the concept of "suffering" which helps people to grow.

And as you said "later, they have forgotten how to enjoy", or they are too crippled to be able to enjoy, or they already died
I totally understand: one must experience the "lack" of something in order to appreciate it afterwards. It's the concept of "suffering" which helps people to grow.

And as you said "later, they have forgotten how to enjoy", or they are too crippled to be able to enjoy, or they already died
I see a shocker event as susceptible to wake people up, only. If not, the trajectory will remain as it is. Or a new technology good for humans. Something really innovative, a cure for cancer. Or something in regard of psychopathology - some really huge step in understanding.

How is it where you are?
This is the same face he made during the "blackface" scandal from a few years ago. In true psychopath fashion, he seems to be saying "I got away with it all suckers!" (and he took a chair).

View attachment 106704

The Turd seems to enjoy sticking his tongue out for photographs (not unlike certain legless reptiles)...

Turd tongue 2.png

Turd suit tongue 3.jpg

Turd blackface tongue 7.png

Turd tongfue 6 young.png

Wonder where he gets it from?

Turd Pierre tongue 5.jpg
More like "how are things" "where you are? (The country you are in - in term of the above - Is it like in Canada, etc?) :-)
I'm sorry, but this does not help. I do not understand what you want to know.
"How is it where you are?" or "How are things where you are?" is the same vague question. I asked you to elaborate if you want a more precise answer. Also, I'm not sure what you are referring to when saying "in terms of the above"

You need to understand that Canada is a big country, each province having a different climate, policies, mentalities, and background history. So one cannot write a simple answer to a question such as "How is it where you are?". Take the province of Quebec for example, its superficy is huge and people's behavior/mentality differs greatly from the cities vs countryside, the English vs the French, etc.

If you want to know more about Canada, reading this thread might help answer your questions. There are 50 pages of discussion/information. I'm sure it will give you a general idea of what it is like in Canada.
I'm sorry, but this does not help. I do not understand what you want to know.
"How is it where you are?" or "How are things where you are?" is the same vague question. I asked you to elaborate if you want a more precise answer. Also, I'm not sure what you are referring to when saying "in terms of the above"

You need to understand that Canada is a big country, each province having a different climate, policies, mentalities, and background history. So one cannot write a simple answer to a question such as "How is it where you are?". Take the province of Quebec for example, its superficy is huge and people's behavior/mentality differs greatly from the cities vs countryside, the English vs the French, etc.

If you want to know more about Canada, reading this thread might help answer your questions. There are 50 pages of discussion/information. I'm sure it will give you a general idea of what it is like in Canada.
When I reached this thread, the top message was from a Canadian user and I did not know that you were in Canada too ☺️ The second message is you relating about the situation in Canada but it wasn't explicitely stated that you were in, too. I thought to ask... "In which country are you"? Really like a casual chit-chat. But now that I see that you are, in Canda, too, no need to tell me anything! I got ample description of things (and it's so depressing that I prefer to hear positive things about Canada).

Well, hum, I wish you, Maple leaf people, just good things. I think that even if the situation is decayed, that there are still people. I see some angry Canadians, people are speaking out, and they are not okay with many things. You exist and there is a way, from where you are.

This being said, if you would like to express anything about Canada, I will be listening with attention. Otherwise, yeah I will browse the thread!

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