Candace Owens


Jedi Master
there has been some comments about Candace on he Forum but not for awhile..
I like her and I don't think she is going away ..
her recent voice in DC .. IS INTERESTING
Candace Owens TORCHES the Democrat Party in front of House Judiciary Committee!!
6 minutes
and this shorter excerpt
Dem Rep Smears Candace Owens, Her Response Was Fiery
4 minutes
TheDC Shorts
Published on Apr 9, 2019
Rep. Liu tried to use an out of context statement by Candace Owens against her, she came back at him hard leading to an uproar at the hearing.
here is more from that testimony .....
Candace Owens: 'There Is No Skin Color In Patriotism'
Breitbart News
Published on Apr 9, 2019
Ken Buck questions Candace Owens at the House Judiciary Committee Hearing on "Hate Crimes and the Rise of White Nationalism."

5 minutes
I like Candance Owens, for one she has misspelled the myth that there’s a direct relation between liberalism and being black, which I think is logical but most people don’t consider.

Most of her arguments are logical but every now and then she falls into a bit of an ideologically conservative arguing, which to me takes points away from her. As she seems to miss some of the nuance from time to time.

I saw part of her interview with Joe Rogan, and she came across as a young conservative who’s still trying to explain to herself why she picked that side of the argument.

She is very sound and has made very good arguments over time. Me thinks she will eventually seek a public office of some sort, she certainly has the popularity to do so.

I’m not sure how everyone here feels about or thinks of Candace Owens, but this podcast is in my opinion essential. I don’t know how long it will stay up, but she really breaks down the whole Frankist, Baphomet cult’s origins in Ukraine (remember the Cs talking about the portal over that area in Galicia?) and France, and how it all goes back to Jacob Frank, pedophelia, sacrifice on Passover, its moves from the French Revolution to the US. Basically it boils down to the Olympic ceremony being the Satanist’s coming out party. Crazy stuff that is even crazier because it’s all true.
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