Cane-wielding passenger comes to aid of Kansas City bus driver being attacked


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
These articles made me sick to my stomach imagining the kind of filth people deal with on a daily basis. The world is a dark place, save for the few people who will still come to another's aid. A reminder of the need for constant vigilance, especially for those of us who work with strangers on a regular basis.

In the first article a Kansas City bus driver is attacked and, thankfully, rescued by a Good Samaritan.

Cane-wielding passenger comes to aid of Kansas City bus driver being attacked

Driver Lynne Judge was dealing with a confrontational passenger when he suddenly attacked her early Saturday morning.

A cane-wielding passenger, later identified as Rodney Goldman, came to her rescue, striking the suspect several times, allowing Judge to escape the suspect's grasp. Rodney Goldman kept the suspect down while Judge was able to call for help. But Goldman's cane eventually shattered and that's when the suspect ran off.

This got me looking into more articles. The man who helped the bus driver, Rodney Goldman, is quoted telling officials he helped her, ""Because I look at that as being my sister or my mother or my grandmother and I just, you know. I was glad I was there."

In Portland Oregon it's just as bad:

The attack, which broke Day's cheekbone in four places, is one of at least nine violent attacks on TriMet employees documented this year. At least 17 more have been shoved, grabbed, kissed, threatened or spit upon.

Reported crimes against TriMet employees jumped 46 percent last year, even as overall crime on the system fell. The number of assaults through October has already topped 2015 totals.

And here's yet another story from Cincinnati about a mother who attacked her child's school bus driver:

Shannon, 28, parked her car in front and forced it to stop, according to police. She then pried open the doors, shouting at the Martin, and attacked her.

"She tried to smother me," Martin said. "She tried to bite my ear off. She was scratching my face. She spit on me twice and she tried to puncture out my right eye as well."

The attack left the Martin with injuries to her face, police said, which were treated at a nearby hospital after Shannon's arrest.

With the political scene exploding it's more important than ever to be vigilant and cautious when out and about. It seems that knowing how to handle a volatile situation, being impeccable and exercising self-mastery, are more important than ever.
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