Zadius Sky
The Living Force
I grew up remembering most of my childhood. I even recall most of the times that I spent with my sister and mother as they were trying to teach me to talk. It was the most "frustrating" experience because I was trying very, very hard to do what they wanted. The earliest memory that I have is walking towards a grocery store with my father holding my hand (my whole hand was holding his little finger). I remember how small my hand was and how big his hand was. I kept noticing the difference and I was in such awe.
I think what made me to remember most of my childhood was the fact that I got a camera as a kid and I kept taking pictures over the years and I've kept them in my albums. They weren't just "significant" events, just everyday things that caught my attention at the time. I used these as a refresher in preparing my autobiography, however limited. Reading psychology books sure helped brings back few memories that I blocked out that felt "hurtful" or being "stressed."
Eighteen? When did your father died? That could be trauma or some painful and stressful experience that you endured enough that you blocked everything out. It could be any other causes as well. You might want to check out our recommended readings under Psychology section for answers and you can also check out a local therapist to help you to recover your memories.
Since this is your first post, I would like to welcome you to the forum. If you have a moment, please head over to the newbies board to properly introduce yourself, maybe tell us a little about how you became familiar with Laura's work, so we can all get to know you:,39.0.html
I think what made me to remember most of my childhood was the fact that I got a camera as a kid and I kept taking pictures over the years and I've kept them in my albums. They weren't just "significant" events, just everyday things that caught my attention at the time. I used these as a refresher in preparing my autobiography, however limited. Reading psychology books sure helped brings back few memories that I blocked out that felt "hurtful" or being "stressed."
Brenda said:I cannot remember my childhood till I was 18, what is the matter with me, not one Christmas dinner till my father died, what is the matterrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Eighteen? When did your father died? That could be trauma or some painful and stressful experience that you endured enough that you blocked everything out. It could be any other causes as well. You might want to check out our recommended readings under Psychology section for answers and you can also check out a local therapist to help you to recover your memories.
Since this is your first post, I would like to welcome you to the forum. If you have a moment, please head over to the newbies board to properly introduce yourself, maybe tell us a little about how you became familiar with Laura's work, so we can all get to know you:,39.0.html