Car chases that are excellent in two movies


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Here are two quite extraordinary car chases in two films by William Friedkin . Let's just say that these two car chases are the icing on the cake of these two movies. They are impressive, especially the one in To Live and Die in LA. Both films, The French Connection and To Live and Die in LA are interesting in their genre, the story of two policemen (in both films) who try to catch gangsters, in one case dealing in drugs and in the other dealing in counterfeit money. This last one is based on a book by Gerald Petievich that was former USA secret service agent.

The two car chases are the hallmark of both films. The stuntmen are always forgotten in these films. And in these two scenes there are a lot of them. We also forget the editing, which was done by hand by people who really had the talent to do it. A film is a team effort, and a good film has a good team… and money! In both these cases, the editing is excellent, the cream of the cream.


The French Connection is a great car chase scene, probably the one most film buffs cite as being the best on film and also for influencing future filmmakers. There's two others that come to mind for me as being absolute standout car chase scenes, both from more modern films. There's the spy thriller Ronin that starred Robert DeNiro:

And then of course there's the Bourne trilogy. The best of all the car chases in the series was in the first film.

Interestingly both were filmed on location in France. Those trim French streets sure do make the chases even more gripping!
Holy moly, even I could feel as tired as the lady driver by the end of it. I am surprised the BMW couldn’t outrun what looked like a Peugeot chasing after it.
It is a movie, german cars have much better quality from parts to chassis, better saftey because strong chassis, french cars are cheap plastic. You can see from accidents and damage done to them about quality of production but that is why there is much difference in price. Only way for low quality car to be that fast is by mapping it and adding horsepowers but it is a modern twitch.

I like scene from movie Drive:

My favourite car scene - although it is technically not a chase - is I think in Luc Besson's 1998 movie "Taxi", where the driver showcases his skills driving around poles inside a factory. It's like a dance!

Unfortunately I searched youtube for the last hour but was unable to find the scene - maybe I got the movie wrong ...
My favourite car scene - although it is technically not a chase - is I think in Luc Besson's 1998 movie "Taxi", where the driver showcases his skills driving around poles inside a factory. It's like a dance!

Unfortunately I searched youtube for the last hour but was unable to find the scene - maybe I got the movie wrong ...
Talking about taxis, there is a cute scene in a taxi in the film “After Hours” by Martin Scorsese. It is not, also like yours, a car chase but we can see the skills of the taxi driver also!

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