I have not, but I read "The Sorcerer's Apprentice: My Life With Carlos Castaneda" By Amy Wallace. It is a "insider-tell all" that clearly intends to give a not too flattering view of Castaneda and some of the apparently dysfunctional social dynamics going on in his personal life. Interesting to a point, but the book becomes repetitive, too shallow, and boring--needs editing to tighten it up and eliminate some of the unnecessary details. But, I think it is a useful book to help us see that good teachers with important messages are still human and remain STO as long as they are in 3D. Books like this, while they are suspect due to the author's own biases, help check the tendency toward hero-worship that can happen when we greatly admire the teachings or talents of a person.
I will be interested to see this film and get back to you--thanks for the reference.