Hi, i agree, it's irresistible and quite funny....here goes some more:
Nephalim -> Help! I'm an
Annunaki -> annunaki (i don't know what happened here):/
Terry Rodemerk -> Dry meek terror
Jan Rodemerk -> Jerk on dream
Frank Scott -> Fonts track
Tom French -> Fetch norm
Wilhelm Reich -> Well! I'm rich he
Fulcanelli -> Flail Uncle
Casiopea (in spanish) -> I ace soap
Kasjopea (polish) -> Joke a sap
Gurdjieff -> Jug Differ
ouspenski -> in so pukes
shaikh ibn al arabi -> Ha! Rakish labia bin (?)
External consideration -> Intoxicate on slanderer
Who you are and what you see -> Yo-ho-ho! Sweaty, unaware due
the wave -> Wet have
Adventures with Cassiopaea -> Suavities separate cow hand
The grail series -> It is large sheer
who else...the lizzies! -> Hell! Toes whiz seize
cassiopaeans once said(as a clue): we be berry berry goood to lawra -> Weary body blow or greater bore
life is religion -> Lingerie if soil
metonic cycle -> My! On eclectic
Fourth Density -> So thrifty nude
Mother Cassiopaea -> I am a cheapest or so
Predator mind -> Droned armpit
Graduation -> To guardian
my account: knowlaw777 -> Walk now (well in this case the universe says that to me):p
The nickname I use in forums: Glif (is too short so i wrote twice(glif glif) -> Fill if GG
my complete name gave: Large-hearted, botchier
Sing of the times forum -> Softer, tough feminism.