Cassiopaean Session Transcripts Search Website

Sorry about spamming with ChatGPT thing, but I've asked it about VISA in the context of the 16th of October 1994 session:
In the context of the conversation you described earlier, "VISA" doesn't refer to the credit card company or any financial entity. Instead, it's used as an acronym for "Visitors from Interstellar Space Association," a hypothetical name for an organization or group related to cosmic visitors or beings from outer space. It's part of the imaginative discussion about the potential for interstellar visitors and their impact on human consciousness or societal evolution.

When queried about the acronym:
Apologies for the confusion earlier. In our conversation, "Visitors from Interstellar Space Association" was used as a creative term, but it doesn't represent any formal organization or documented concept. It was introduced in our discussion as an imaginative name to represent a group or association that could theoretically study or engage with visitors from outer space in the context of a transition period.

The acronym "VISA" was used in a playful manner to suggest an organization that might handle interactions or understandings related to potential encounters with beings or entities from interstellar space. However, it doesn't correspond to any established entity or official group in reality.

This thing is of no use :nuts::mad:
Sorry about spamming with ChatGPT thing, but I've asked it about VISA in the context of the 16th of October 1994 session:

When queried about the acronym:

This thing is of no use :nuts::mad:

Haha interesting, I wouldn't jump to that conclusion without testing it with different prompts though. I'm not sure what the prompt was for this reply. Also I would probably upload all the transcripts and then use the ChatGPT for executing search queries without letting it use any other literature that it has access to, except for the transcripts.
Thanks for the transcripts site, @Pecha ! Here are a few usability/accessibility issues I noticed, FWIW.
- The Search button (magnifying glass icon) has no tooltip.
- Enter key (tested only Windows, Brave browser) is not bound to Search button, which would be convenient for those who avoid the mouse.
- Space bar or Enter key will "click" Search button if it is focused, but it has no focus highlight.
- It looks like nothing on the page except for the Search text field has a focus highlight.

The typical use case for me is to start pressing Tab until focus lands on the UI element I want, then use Enter to click it, but I do not see the focus moving here except on the Search text field. Please ignore if these issues were spotted or raised previously.

Thanks again!
Thanks for the transcripts site, @Pecha ! Here are a few usability/accessibility issues I noticed, FWIW.
- The Search button (magnifying glass icon) has no tooltip.
- Enter key (tested only Windows, Brave browser) is not bound to Search button, which would be convenient for those who avoid the mouse.
- Space bar or Enter key will "click" Search button if it is focused, but it has no focus highlight.
- It looks like nothing on the page except for the Search text field has a focus highlight.

The typical use case for me is to start pressing Tab until focus lands on the UI element I want, then use Enter to click it, but I do not see the focus moving here except on the Search text field. Please ignore if these issues were spotted or raised previously.

Thanks again!

Admittedly, I don't have a good eye for these things and I appreciate your testing and collating your findings in this area @PopHistorian ;-). I'll add this to my todo list.
I had a similar thought. With a human checking the results, it could be quite interesting and jog the mind about some forgotten references. Coincidentally, just the other night I asked ChatGPT about the concept of densities. It summarized the Law of One briefly, and then I got it to compare that with Meade Layne's earlier discussion of densities (which may have been the first, but I can't be sure - ChatGPT failed me there!).

Been thinking about something similar with the material. With ChatGPT, you can “create a GPT” and upload docs, like PDFs of books, and it uses them to answer questions. I've done it with a few books and it's pretty good.

Mike Adams over at is making a localised LLM that runs on your own desktop. It's all about alternative health and diet, packed with the info he's gathered, minus the “official” narrative trained on info like Wikipedia. He’s going to be offering it free in the coming March he said.
Been thinking about something similar with the material. With ChatGPT, you can “create a GPT” and upload docs, like PDFs of books, and it uses them to answer questions. I've done it with a few books and it's pretty good.

Mike Adams over at is making a localised LLM that runs on your own desktop. It's all about alternative health and diet, packed with the info he's gathered, minus the “official” narrative trained on info like Wikipedia. He’s going to be offering it free in the coming March he said.
I just uploaded the docx file of the session transcripts to ChatGPT-4 as an experiment, here's its answers to a couple of prompts -

Sample 2.png
Added some new changes to the site:

Hi Pecha,
The new updates really make a difference, thank you again.
Searching and quoting the sessions is an integral part of a forum member's life. 😉

I have two more suggestions to improve user experience:

Suggestion 1: The right scrollbar (the one used to browse the contents of a particular session) is very thin and can get pretty small if a session contains a lot of text. As a result, the scrollbar gets harder to locate and click. Is there a way to make the scroll bar thicker and/or longer?
For example, here is how the scrollbar looks for Session 22 October 2022:

View attachment 75275

Suggestion 2: When users search for keywords in a session, they often end up far away from the session's original link (added at the top of each session in the last update). If they want to click on the session's link leading to the forum, they need to scroll all the way to the top of the page. Is it possible to add a "back to top" arrow, similar to what we have here on the forum?
View attachment 75573

Again, these are just "micro" suggestions—feel free to ignore them. We are getting into micro-adjustment territory, which is already an indication of the site's great overall usability. :thup:
Both of your suggestions are in @Natus Videre!

This is amazing, Pecha! I have found it super helpful. Love the clean interface.

One suggestion: When I click on a search result and then go back, it automatically scrolls back up to the top of the search page. It would be great if, when I go back, the scroll stays in the same location as it was when I clicked on the search result.

As an aside, I was thinking of using a generative AI (like the paid version that includes ChatGPT-4) and training it on the transcripts. The trained model could then be used to execute even more complex searches in a Q&A format. So I could ask the model to write a paragraph on the concept of densities without having to search for the word "density" or "4D" everywhere in the transcripts. This could be helpful as an additional search tool, assuming the output is faithful to the transcripts.
I added a way to save the window position of the previous page, so the back/forward methods will take you to the previous scroll position @DiscoveringTruth ;-)

Thanks y'all, will be adding more stuff in the future!
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The French translations are now up! On the left sidebar at the top, there is a select menu where you can choose either English or French.


Cassiopaean Session Transcripts Search

Let me know how it goes and if there are any bugs in the search that I may have missed. In my testing, it's all working though! As is noted in the home page text, not all of the French sessions have been translated, but I'll check periodically on the forum if I can add any more.

The Spanish translation and other updates are in the works!
Thank you @Pecha and the whole team for this incredible breakthrough that you are presenting here. It’s an amazing opportunity you are offering. I am very grateful :love: :flowers: :thup:
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