Celts/Kantekkians and their mysterious stone structures in New England?


Jedi Master
The intent of my question is to dig a bit further into the history of the Celts and the stone structures that they may have built and utilized...in New England.

Growing up in New England, I have been surrounded by mysterious stone structures—stone walls in the middle of the woods that go nowhere and don't seem to demarcate anything (like a former colonial field), stone chambers, boulders perched on smaller stones, stone cairns.
This documentary, "Secrets of the Stones" has a good summary of what these structures look like:

There is even a Stonehenge-type site in rural western Massachusetts:

Burnt Hill Stone Circle

As the video Then there’s a place in Salem, NH that is actually called “America’s Stonehenge:”

Exploring America's Stonehenge in New Hampshire

These all were clearly deliberately built and not by early settlers as some have hypothesized as they pre-date them. Others have attributed these structures to Native Americans. Another theory is that the Celts built them. New England Native Americans deny being the architects.

The below quote is from the following link:
Lost Histories: The Story of New England's… | Winter 2013

“Bart Johnston’s backyard in rural Chittenden County, Vermont, affords an incredible view of Mount Mansfield. On the fine summer day that I visited, Johnston asked me to consider a third possibility – that ancient European mariners were the ones who built these hard-to-explain stone structures. As we walked through the woods behind his home, he pointed out impressive dry-masonry structures with unusual features. The stones were enormous. The largest ones must have weighed several tons each. And they were all meticulously oriented 22° north of east. When we came upon a particularly massive and beautifully crafted stack of stones, he stated passionately, “A bunch of hardscrabble, backwoods farmers did not build this.” Nor did Native American builders, Johnston believes. “I think they’re Celts.”

Johnston’s theory is that thousands of years ago New England was home to groups of ancient Celtic peoples who crossed the Atlantic from Europe, and that the structures near his home represent an ancient ritual site. Johnston is not alone in this belief. In our tour of his property, we were joined by spirited members of the New England Antiquities Research Association (NEARA), an organization dedicated to researching unusual stone sites. Across the Northeast, this community of enthusiasts, intrigued by sites like the one at Johnston’s property, have joined together to identify, document, and try to explain them. Many NEARA members vigorously support the idea that these structures are evidence of pre-Columbian settlers from ancient Europe.

At the heart of this controversial idea is the largest and most impressive stone site in New England – Mystery Hill, in Salem, New Hampshire, also known as America’s Stonehenge. Of all the hundreds of stone ruins across New England, none has garnered more attention. A complex of chambers, walls, and standing stones, this site has attracted visitors for over a century.

I asked Dennis Stone, whose family has owned and managed the site as a museum since the 1950s, who he thought built the structures at Mystery Hill. “It’s not conclusive,” he said, “but we think that the site and other sites in New England suggest Old World visitation to the New World from the Mediterranean Sea and the Iberian Peninsula.” He states that an excavation at one of the America’s Stonehenge chambers unearthed charcoal that was radiocarbon dated to about 4,000 years ago, that a number of stone tools were found there, and that the stones of the chambers were quarried without metal tools, using Stone Age techniques. There are striking similarities with structures in the Old World. “The size, shape, and orientation of these structures look very much like what’s on the other side of the ocean,” he said.

Then there are the unusual astronomical alignments. Inspired by the other Stonehenge (in England), the Stone family began clearing around the large, arrow-shaped, vertical stones at Mystery Hill to find out if, perhaps, they had some astronomical purpose. By 1973, they’d discovered a number of astronomical alignments, and by 1977, they had surveyed so many that they felt that there must be some significance. Various stones through the site could be used to observe the movements of the sun on the solstices, equinoxes, and the cross-quarter days that fall midway between them. Others marked the lunar standstill and the passage of the moon through its 18.6 year cycle. There were 24 different star alignments. “I don’t think they’re coincidental,” Dennis told me. “You can only have so many before it becomes something you have to assume was set up deliberately.”

And Mystery Hill isn’t the only site with these kinds of alignments. In Massachusetts, Byron Dix and Jim Mavor have carefully documented the alignment of stone chambers that observe the rise of the Pleiades over distant cairns. “The odds against random location,” they concluded, “and therefore favoring purposeful design for astronomical purposes are considerably greater than one million to one.”

But astronomical alignments are not the strangest of the mysteries that Stone describes. He also tells of two triangular stones excavated at Mystery Hill and inscribed with text-like markings. These stones sat in America’s Stonehenge’s museum with no explanation until Barry Fell, of Harvard University, visited the site in 1975. Fell, a translator of ancient inscriptions, took an interest in the stone tablets. “His conclusion,” Stone told me, “was that one [of the inscriptions] was Libyan. But it was difficult to make out what the inscription said. Part of it was pretty weathered. It looked like it was partly missing. The other was identified as being Iberian Punic or Phoenician. It said the structure was supposed to be dedicated to Baal on behalf of the Canaanites.

A marine biologist by profession, Barry Fell is best known for his book, America B.C.: Ancient Settlers in the New World, which popularized the idea that ancient mariners crossed the Atlantic Ocean to trade, explore, and settle in the Americas. Fell claimed to have translated inscriptions found across eastern North America, which showed that Iberian Celts had settled New England 3,000 years ago. Here they founded a kingdom named Iargalon, and settlements supposedly continued until the early days of the Roman Empire. Phoenician and Egyptian traders were said to have made regular visits to the American coast and intermarried with Native people to become the Wabanaki of northern New England and the Maritimes. He even claimed to have found inscriptions showing that Egyptians and Libyans penetrated the Mississippi River watershed as far as Iowa, the Dakotas, and Arkansas.”
The name Baal peaked my curiosity. If I am understanding correctly, Baal is the sun god worshipped in Scotland among other histories may be a reference to the ancient goddess Ma-gog, who according to Lethbridge, was the goddess of the Celts. She seems to come in many forms, old woman, fair woman. But it seems that she was essentially the earth mother and was especially important when catastrophe struck. When Christianity came to Europe, she transformed into the Black Madonna.

Laura writes in the thread about The Black Madonna Re: The Black Madonna
Interestingly, in the town of Acton, MA where there is a stone chamber and miles of stone walls there is a "Magog Orchards" a "Nagog Rd" and it is said that "Magog" is the Native American word for water (at least for the tribe that lived there in the past).
Village Story

Laura quotes Lethbridge:
{The ritual's performance} was regarded as necessary to ensure the continual progress of the seasons, which had to be carried out in face of the opposition of the Powers of Darkness. .
In its simplest form, before the sun, as the male god, became of greater importance to the rulers of the land than the moon, the Great Earth Goddess, something had to be done to help the moon past the clutches of the Demon of Darkness, winter and scarcity.
Had Lethbridge been aware of cometary disasters, the literature exposed by Clube and Napier, etc, he might have put a different spin on this; that it was not to "save the moon" so much as it was to save the Earth itself from the darkness of the dust and destruction of comets...
I'm not sure what was bringing the catastrophe, whether the Perseid meteor showers or the passages of Venus.
It's interesting that the feast of the "Ascension of the Virgin Mary" is on August 15th. That generally falls in line with the Perseid meteor shower. In fact, it was while watching the Perseids on August 16 of 1993 that my children and I saw the "Flying Black Boomerang." Eleven months later, to the day, the Cs appeared on the scene on July 16th.
My first question would be: are the Celts the creators of the stone walls, the cairns, the stone chambers, the balanced boulders in New England?

From the transcripts we know that Stonehenge acted as a transducer of information (Session :
Q: (Pierre) It acts a bit like the spiral antenna. Does it attract any kind of information like an amplifier, or does it attract a specific kind of information?

A: It depends on many other factors. The spiral is found in many contexts and in general can be thought of as a transducer.

Q: (L) It would depend on a lot of things it seems. Remember when they talked about spirals and Stonehenge and how its spiraling "slowed down the information" so that it could be received and understood?
From Session 12 July 1997
: Okay! I can accept that! What was Berenger Sauniere collecting all those rocks for?

A: What about conductor?

Q: What do you mean?

A: What conducts.

Q: Was he building a little Stonehenge?

A: Have you researched the power of Stonehenge, and how it relates... where it fits in?
2nd: Were the cairns and stone walls built in New England as conductors of information from a higher source? Or were they used for something else? If so what were each used for?
From Session 19 February
A: Stonehenge used to resonate with tonal rill, teaching the other wise unteachable with wisdoms entered psychically through crown chakra transceiving system.

[Note: the word "rill" is new to me. Webster defines it as a small stream or a little brook; to flow in or like a rill.]

Q: Was Stonehenge ever complete, with all the stones there? This author suggests that it was never completed because there are missing stones...

A: Of course.

Q: What happened to the stones that are missing? The books suggests that it was never finished because the architect must have died.

A: Nonsense. Multiple shocks registered throught the ages.

Q: Was Stonehenge built in stages as this author suggests? Did it start out as a circular ditch, at the time of the so-called Aubrey holes?

A: No.

Q: Was it built all at once, complete?

A: Yes.

Q: The legend was that the god, Phoebus Apollo, danced at Stonehenge every nineteen years. What does this relate to ?

A: Symbolic. Tides, moon eclipses, that sort of thing. Think of Wiccans entubed on the information superhighway!

Q: I mean, there are stones just plain missing! Who could haul off such big pieces of rock?! . (A) You asked about these missing stones, and the answer was the multiple shocks registered. (L) Right. What about these multiple shocks. What, in particular?

A: Some were earthquakes; mini-cataclysmic in nature. Some were EM generated smashes, when terran forces clashed with outside "forces."

Q: Are you suggesting that some of these rocks were vaporized, as it were, by some sort of particle beam weaponry?

A: EM activity.

Q: What was the purpose of the 56 Aubrey holes?

A: Ground.

Q: Why did they bury ashes of dead bodies in them?

A: That was later... fragmented suspicions.

Q: Was Stonehenge once known as the Cloister of Ambrius?

A: Yes.

Q: Who was Ambrius?

A: Druid tradition/cloak.

Q: What was it a cloak for? Who was Ambrius?

A: Not who. What.

Q: What was Ambrius?

A: They would label as a god. You might say otherwise.

Q: What was the meaning of the Sword thrust into the ground that was worshipped by the Scythians; the Scythians being connected with the Hyperboreans and Celts of Britain.

A: Scithe.

Q: Who was that?

A: Scythe.

Q: That was the Sword God? Saturn?

A: No.

Q: That was the meaning of the sword thrust into the ground; it was a scythe?

A: Empowerer, or so they thought.

Q: Which god did this sword in the ground represent?

A: Maybe Zeus.

Q: Did Berengar Sauniere find parchments in a pillar of any kind?

A: Yes.

Q: Were they coded messages?

A: There were/are so many such.

Q: Are these coded messages that he supposedly found, the same ones that are presented in the book Holy Blood, Holy Grail?

A: No.

Q: Are the ones in the book dummied up?
(L) Okay, we've got the soul or mother stone. Or the mother of all stones. Now that we have a definition, what was it?
A: The Matriarch Stone.
Q: (L) Is the Matriarch Stone the one in Mecca?
A: Symbolism reigns supreme here.
Q: (T) Is this also the Philosopher's Stone?
A: "Stone" to those you perceive as ancients symbolized communication from "a higher source."
Q: (L) What is it about a stone that made the ancients associate it with communication?
A: Radio waves.
Q: (L) How did radio waves interact with the stone? Were they recorded by the stone; transmitted by the stone?
A: Transmission.
Q: (T) Crystals are stones. Crystals are used for radio transmissions.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And it was said before that Stonehenge was a giant transmitter and receiver. The original purpose of Stonehenge was to receive communication and to send communication. It wasn't all that Druid HooDoo stuff that people talk about nowadays. It was a machine, so to speak. (J***) Could it be that people who come in contact with a stone in one place, and then they go to another place and come in contact with another stone, transfer something from one stone to another?
A: Well, one strengthens their abilities due to awareness channel grooving.
Q: (L) What gets strengthened from contact with the stones?
A: Your abilities.
3rd: What were the stone chambers used for? Many line up to mark equinoxes but did they have another purpose?

From 15 April 2000:
L) Exactly. This is what I have always thought about these megaliths. They DID things. All of the things we think are the "signs" of civilization were done by the stones. Maybe Terry is right; these people were at some level of density where they could make this work. At some point, something happened, the ability was lost, and then people had to build cities, engage in agriculture, invent the wheel, and develop writing - because they could no longer do it the "easy" way. …
A: Stones were once utilized to provide for all needs, as the energies transmitted connected directly with the pituitary gland to connect spiritual realities with the material realms of 3rd and 4th densities. So you see, the "stone" was viewed as Matriarchal indeed!
Q: (L) Were the beings involved in this type of activity 3rd density, 4th density or bi-density?
A: Originally 4th when home was in other locators.

Last question: What happened to Celts/Kantekkian ability to use stones to provide for all their needs? What degraded it?

Thanks! I don't know if these are worthy questions but I've found the megaliths in New England so intriguing. Feel free to add or critique.
One thing to consider is that Celts don't have anything to do with Stonehenge and megalithic structures in Europe.
These were built a few thousand years before the Celts came from the East... FWIW
One thing to consider is that Celts don't have anything to do with Stonehenge and megalithic structures in Europe.
These were built a few thousand years before the Celts came from the East... FWIW
I'm not sure. There were many waves of migrations, but if I remember well, the Cs said that the word "Celt" was a more recent name used to design Kantekkians descendants. I'm not sure there is proof that the people who built the megaliths were wipped out by newcomers.
The intent of my question is to dig a bit further into the history of the Celts and the stone structures that they may have built and utilized...in New England.

Growing up in New England, I have been surrounded by mysterious stone structures—stone walls in the middle of the woods that go nowhere and don't seem to demarcate anything (like a former colonial field), stone chambers, boulders perched on smaller stones, stone cairns.
This documentary, "Secrets of the Stones" has a good summary of what these structures look like:

There is even a Stonehenge-type site in rural western Massachusetts:

Burnt Hill Stone Circle

As the video Then there’s a place in Salem, NH that is actually called “America’s Stonehenge:”

Exploring America's Stonehenge in New Hampshire

These all were clearly deliberately built and not by early settlers as some have hypothesized as they pre-date them. Others have attributed these structures to Native Americans. Another theory is that the Celts built them. New England Native Americans deny being the architects.

The below quote is from the following link:
Lost Histories: The Story of New England's… | Winter 2013

“Bart Johnston’s backyard in rural Chittenden County, Vermont, affords an incredible view of Mount Mansfield. On the fine summer day that I visited, Johnston asked me to consider a third possibility – that ancient European mariners were the ones who built these hard-to-explain stone structures. As we walked through the woods behind his home, he pointed out impressive dry-masonry structures with unusual features. The stones were enormous. The largest ones must have weighed several tons each. And they were all meticulously oriented 22° north of east. When we came upon a particularly massive and beautifully crafted stack of stones, he stated passionately, “A bunch of hardscrabble, backwoods farmers did not build this.” Nor did Native American builders, Johnston believes. “I think they’re Celts.”

Johnston’s theory is that thousands of years ago New England was home to groups of ancient Celtic peoples who crossed the Atlantic from Europe, and that the structures near his home represent an ancient ritual site. Johnston is not alone in this belief. In our tour of his property, we were joined by spirited members of the New England Antiquities Research Association (NEARA), an organization dedicated to researching unusual stone sites. Across the Northeast, this community of enthusiasts, intrigued by sites like the one at Johnston’s property, have joined together to identify, document, and try to explain them. Many NEARA members vigorously support the idea that these structures are evidence of pre-Columbian settlers from ancient Europe.

At the heart of this controversial idea is the largest and most impressive stone site in New England – Mystery Hill, in Salem, New Hampshire, also known as America’s Stonehenge. Of all the hundreds of stone ruins across New England, none has garnered more attention. A complex of chambers, walls, and standing stones, this site has attracted visitors for over a century.

I asked Dennis Stone, whose family has owned and managed the site as a museum since the 1950s, who he thought built the structures at Mystery Hill. “It’s not conclusive,” he said, “but we think that the site and other sites in New England suggest Old World visitation to the New World from the Mediterranean Sea and the Iberian Peninsula.” He states that an excavation at one of the America’s Stonehenge chambers unearthed charcoal that was radiocarbon dated to about 4,000 years ago, that a number of stone tools were found there, and that the stones of the chambers were quarried without metal tools, using Stone Age techniques. There are striking similarities with structures in the Old World. “The size, shape, and orientation of these structures look very much like what’s on the other side of the ocean,” he said.

Then there are the unusual astronomical alignments. Inspired by the other Stonehenge (in England), the Stone family began clearing around the large, arrow-shaped, vertical stones at Mystery Hill to find out if, perhaps, they had some astronomical purpose. By 1973, they’d discovered a number of astronomical alignments, and by 1977, they had surveyed so many that they felt that there must be some significance. Various stones through the site could be used to observe the movements of the sun on the solstices, equinoxes, and the cross-quarter days that fall midway between them. Others marked the lunar standstill and the passage of the moon through its 18.6 year cycle. There were 24 different star alignments. “I don’t think they’re coincidental,” Dennis told me. “You can only have so many before it becomes something you have to assume was set up deliberately.”

And Mystery Hill isn’t the only site with these kinds of alignments. In Massachusetts, Byron Dix and Jim Mavor have carefully documented the alignment of stone chambers that observe the rise of the Pleiades over distant cairns. “The odds against random location,” they concluded, “and therefore favoring purposeful design for astronomical purposes are considerably greater than one million to one.”

But astronomical alignments are not the strangest of the mysteries that Stone describes. He also tells of two triangular stones excavated at Mystery Hill and inscribed with text-like markings. These stones sat in America’s Stonehenge’s museum with no explanation until Barry Fell, of Harvard University, visited the site in 1975. Fell, a translator of ancient inscriptions, took an interest in the stone tablets. “His conclusion,” Stone told me, “was that one [of the inscriptions] was Libyan. But it was difficult to make out what the inscription said. Part of it was pretty weathered. It looked like it was partly missing. The other was identified as being Iberian Punic or Phoenician. It said the structure was supposed to be dedicated to Baal on behalf of the Canaanites.

A marine biologist by profession, Barry Fell is best known for his book, America B.C.: Ancient Settlers in the New World, which popularized the idea that ancient mariners crossed the Atlantic Ocean to trade, explore, and settle in the Americas. Fell claimed to have translated inscriptions found across eastern North America, which showed that Iberian Celts had settled New England 3,000 years ago. Here they founded a kingdom named Iargalon, and settlements supposedly continued until the early days of the Roman Empire. Phoenician and Egyptian traders were said to have made regular visits to the American coast and intermarried with Native people to become the Wabanaki of northern New England and the Maritimes. He even claimed to have found inscriptions showing that Egyptians and Libyans penetrated the Mississippi River watershed as far as Iowa, the Dakotas, and Arkansas.”
The name Baal peaked my curiosity. If I am understanding correctly, Baal is the sun god worshipped in Scotland among other histories may be a reference to the ancient goddess Ma-gog, who according to Lethbridge, was the goddess of the Celts. She seems to come in many forms, old woman, fair woman. But it seems that she was essentially the earth mother and was especially important when catastrophe struck. When Christianity came to Europe, she transformed into the Black Madonna.

Laura writes in the thread about The Black Madonna Re: The Black Madonna

Interestingly, in the town of Acton, MA where there is a stone chamber and miles of stone walls there is a "Magog Orchards" a "Nagog Rd" and it is said that "Magog" is the Native American word for water (at least for the tribe that lived there in the past).
Village Story

Laura quotes Lethbridge:

I'm not sure what was bringing the catastrophe, whether the Perseid meteor showers or the passages of Venus.

My first question would be: are the Celts the creators of the stone walls, the cairns, the stone chambers, the balanced boulders in New England?

From the transcripts we know that Stonehenge acted as a transducer of information (Session :

From Session 12 July 1997

2nd: Were the cairns and stone walls built in New England as conductors of information from a higher source? Or were they used for something else? If so what were each used for?
From Session 19 February

(L) Okay, we've got the soul or mother stone. Or the mother of all stones. Now that we have a definition, what was it?
A: The Matriarch Stone.
Q: (L) Is the Matriarch Stone the one in Mecca?
A: Symbolism reigns supreme here.
Q: (T) Is this also the Philosopher's Stone?
A: "Stone" to those you perceive as ancients symbolized communication from "a higher source."
Q: (L) What is it about a stone that made the ancients associate it with communication?
A: Radio waves.
Q: (L) How did radio waves interact with the stone? Were they recorded by the stone; transmitted by the stone?
A: Transmission.
Q: (T) Crystals are stones. Crystals are used for radio transmissions.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And it was said before that Stonehenge was a giant transmitter and receiver. The original purpose of Stonehenge was to receive communication and to send communication. It wasn't all that Druid HooDoo stuff that people talk about nowadays. It was a machine, so to speak. (J***) Could it be that people who come in contact with a stone in one place, and then they go to another place and come in contact with another stone, transfer something from one stone to another?
A: Well, one strengthens their abilities due to awareness channel grooving.
Q: (L) What gets strengthened from contact with the stones?
A: Your abilities.
3rd: What were the stone chambers used for? Many line up to mark equinoxes but did they have another purpose?

From 15 April 2000:
L) Exactly. This is what I have always thought about these megaliths. They DID things. All of the things we think are the "signs" of civilization were done by the stones. Maybe Terry is right; these people were at some level of density where they could make this work. At some point, something happened, the ability was lost, and then people had to build cities, engage in agriculture, invent the wheel, and develop writing - because they could no longer do it the "easy" way. …
A: Stones were once utilized to provide for all needs, as the energies transmitted connected directly with the pituitary gland to connect spiritual realities with the material realms of 3rd and 4th densities. So you see, the "stone" was viewed as Matriarchal indeed!
Q: (L) Were the beings involved in this type of activity 3rd density, 4th density or bi-density?
A: Originally 4th when home was in other locators.

Last question: What happened to Celts/Kantekkian ability to use stones to provide for all their needs? What degraded it?

Thanks! I don't know if these are worthy questions but I've found the megaliths in New England so intriguing. Feel free to add or critique.
I have some Argentinian friends who have told me and they claim that the Holy Grail is in Argentina but their access point is the spirit realm the so called twin world or the astral world..... I connect the Holy Grail thing because an Englishman in this forum wrote about the C's saying that the Grail is a mother stone or matriarchal stone and according to the C's someone SAD can access that stone and HERE I HAVE MY IDEA THAT THE GRAIL CAN BE ACCESS IT IN THE DREAMS SINCE ONE IS SLEEPING AND THE CONSCIOUSNESS CAN BE SAD THERE (I SUPPOSE) BECAUSE IT IS NOT WANTED OR THERE IS NO DESIRE TO ACCESS THE GRAIL according to my Argentinian friend (mysterious friend) the GRAIL IS FOUND IN IT IS HIS CRYSTAL.
But according to the C's Laura would be the chosen one to find the Grail I ASSUME THAT THIS COULD ALSO MEAN TO FIND THAT PERSON because if it is true that this stone is fused in that MYSTERIOUS SUBJECT then it is clear.ALERT SPOILERS!!!!
I'm not sure. There were many waves of migrations, but if I remember well, the Cs said that the word "Celt" was a more recent name used to design Kantekkians descendants. I'm not sure there is proof that the people who built the megaliths were wipped out by newcomers.
I don't know about the Kantekkians descendants, but what is officially known is that the Celts arrived in Europe around two thousand and five hundred years ago, when the megalithic structures existed since a long time.
They didn't wiped out the people already there AFAIK, they just took the power as the ruling class mainly composed of warriors and druids...
The intent of my question is to dig a bit further into the history of the Celts and the stone structures that they may have built and utilized...in New England.

I guess that If some of the "Kantekkians who took over the "northern section" (as the Cs called the area they occupied)" of Atlantis (maybe a branch of the 'Clovis people'?) survived and remained in North America and retained some of the technology after the Younger Dryas event, it is possible that they kept in contact with their European cousins and exchanged knowledge about the building of such structures.
More over, Native Americans of that área have a very ancient branch of male haplogroup R, the most common among indoeuropeans, and female haplo X, also present in Europe and middle east.
One explanation could be that the Native Americans that arrived much later, mixed with those few "Celt" stone circle makers that remained alive after the catastrophe.
Growing up in New England, I have been surrounded by mysterious stone structures—stone walls in the middle of the woods that go nowhere and don't seem to demarcate anything (like a former colonial field), stone chambers, boulders perched on smaller stones, stone cairns.
Thank you for bringing up the subject. You are o'so right. There are mounds of stones, large stone "turtles," lengthy curving snake walls with monstrous snake heads constructed along solid ledge, hundreds of cairns, stone buildings built into the earth with windows aligned to solstices and multi-ton slabs comprising the roof, massive stones in rectangular configurations said to be dumped from a quarry 100 miles away, endless perched boulders, lines of stones aligned to specific stars, unknown 1000's of miles of stone walls (beautifully constructed and going nowhere) composed of stones that 4 strong men couldn't lift, and more, in the middle of nowhere all over New England. The Indian 'reservations' and lands used to be riddled with tall stone cairns that people called "ovens", but they were removed by govt. There was a 1000 acre plot filled with caves and relics that Yale stripped clean decades ago, leaving nothing but forest and ledge. Individuals will sometimes hold seminars about the ruins, but the presenter often wastes time trying to convince the audience that the mainstream media has got the story all wrong (farmers piled rocks to clear the land) and they are usually preaching to the choir so not much gets accomplished. One presenter used a satellite Lidar system to identify 'snakes' and ruins worthy of his investigation. He holds walks so people can view his discoveries on foot. Some people think the stone walls were a communication system (think morse code). Another states the stone walls start high and run towards the water (such as an upcropping underwater spring, stream, wetland, pond, etc.), and the stone/water connection is essential to their meaning. There seems to be something to know here. And a 100+ years of deliberate destruction and continued minimizing of the ruins add to that impression. When you walk through the woods in this region, you are surrounded by mystery, and there is nothing to indicate the meaning except intuition.
That is interesting, it reminded me a bit of what Graham Hancock talks about in his book America Before, where he discusses the mounds in the American continent and how, from what he was able to conclude, there must have existed a very advanced civilization in America that predated all the native peoples that encountered the europeans in the 15th century.
This documentary, "Secrets of the Stones" has a good summary of what these structures look like:
The video you posted is the most comprehensive video I have seen on New England structures. It contained information I'd never heard before: the combined length of stone walls is estimated to be a quarter of a million miles -- they could stretch around the earth 10 times, the fact that the stones in New England outweigh and have more mass than all other known stone structures across the world, photos of the plethora of stone chambers in Putnam Cty NY, photos of perched/balancing rocks that are astounding, and the calmly stated but very well reasoned arguments for preserving them and investigating their builders and purposes instead of dismissing them because they are ubiquitous and in the path of "development." Just wonderful. It gives new meaning to the phrase "hidden in plain sight."
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