CERN - Large Hadron Collider Experiment

Having been on ATS, I continue to get their email newsletters despite being completely deleted out of their database. Clearly they missed a spot. Anyway, usually I am in the habit of just deleting them without even looking, but something in the last one caught my eye so I checked it out. In the spirit of Aussie Bloke disinfo, there appears to be a similar activity going on lately:


This "Area-51 worker" brought up the LHC collider that is mentioned by the above article. Most likely it is just another in the long line of cointelpro "(dis)information releases" to vector people's attention and keep them busy worrying about all the wrong things.

But in the spirit of keeping track of such activities if only to see where "they" are going to go with this new one and whether there's anything more to it, I thought I'd document it. Random thought - could there be any connection between this and the recent fiber-optic cable cutting? Could be just routine cointelpro distraction that has nothing to do with anything, but ya never know what they got up their sleeves.
Perhaps it stands to reason, that if the 'Doomsday' LHC collider machine is
dangerous as we hear from various sources, is near Lyons, France, then why
is L/A there? If my memory serves me right, in my reading of the C's transcripts,
perhaps L/A and the team's "mission" is to avert the impending "disaster"?

Somehow, I am reminded of "The Fifth Element"?

Just a thought.
You know what annoys me, that the world is split up into its self serving countries with its silly wars and everyone individually serving themselves and their families, and with leaders and their agendas laughing all the way to the bank, we will never have a proper democracy, and we can't really get the education to be able to have that either. And on top of that our brains aren't really powerful enough anyway, and/or we don't live long enough to learn enough, and also, we have too much pressure from work and the obsession over stupid little trinkets and worthless things, to be able to get anything productive done. And so really I find it hard to blame any particular group, I just see the whole situation as kind of sad and things like this LHC going ahead (which at least from what I can see could be very dangerous), without a proper decision/vote made by a world full of well educated people, is kind of inevitable given our situation.

So my statement becomes more like, whatever, it should be an interesting way to die if it happens. If that doesn't get us something else will ;) . Thats just tounge in cheek, but you know, it just looks like one of those things which is going to go ahead no matter what - someone has decided its going to happen and no way are they having their toy taken away from them.

If we had more sense we might understand what they're trying to do a little better, or we might be able to decide to put it on hold at least until we can get on another planet, and do it there, or at least have some humans on another planet so we don't all get wiped out. But not many people are interested. You've got gangs forming all over the world, psychos in power, longer working hours, economic crisis, people who are scared for their lives and livelyhood, they don't have time to consider things like this. Isn't it convenient.
dant said:
perhaps L/A and the team's "mission" is to avert the impending "disaster"?
Well, I certainly hope something is being done about this by someone. The hubris of this kind of experiment is simply breath taking.

This experiment that has the possibility of effecting all of our lives is undergoing a dry run today and tomorrow -

May 2008 is the tentative date for the actual experiment - said:
“We’ll be starting up for physics in May 2008, as always foreseen, and will commission the machine to full energy in one go.” The new schedule foresees successively cooling and powering each of the LHC’s sectors in turn this year. Throughout the winter, hardware commissioning will continue, allowing the LHC to be ready for high-energy running by the time CERN’s accelerators are switched on in the spring.
But this is what has been recently made known to taxpayers about an impending experiment tinkering with cosmic forces -

Just a word of caution that using information found on ATS and on 'mistunderstood universe' as a reason to become alarmed, or even vaguely concerned, is most probably quite misguided. From my perspective, these articles are alarmist and severely lacking in any data whatsoever to back up any of the claims they are making.

Perhaps someone with more depth of knowledge about particle accelerators can chime in, but all I see in these articles, and this thread, is alarmist, fear based and misinformed thinking - due mostly to the startling lack of data to back up these alarmist claims. Of course, I could be mistaken, but that's my take on it. fwiw.
anart said:
but all I see in these articles, and this thread, is alarmist, fear based and misinformed thinking - due mostly to the startling lack of data to back up these alarmist claims.
I appreciate the word of caution regarding 'alarmist' websites...however a 17 mile particle accelerator that is scheduled to go online in this summer, with the intention of creating matter and energy present during the formation of our universe is certainly something we should be concerned about. Why wait for a cyclical cataclysm? The idiot savant scientists can bring it to our doorsteps!

I cannot speak for ATS as I don't know that site at all however misinformedscience is not nearly as, umm, quirky as ATS. The information on misinformedscience can be backed up with 'hard' scientific facts and actual real life events that are not drug induced.

misunderstood science said:
On Tuesday, March 27, 2007, there was a devastating explosion deep in the tunnel at the CERN particle accelerator complex that actually blew a 20 ton magnet right off its mountings. The explosion filled the tunnel with helium and forced a mass evacuation of the facility...An investigation by the researchers found that basic math flaws had caused the explosion -- which gives one pause in contemplating how much faith can bestowed upon 6,000 scientists who can overlook basic math mistakes. Not only was this mistake made in the original design phase, but it was also missed on four engineering reviews carried out over a period of four years. The director of Fermilab, Pier Oddone, blithely wrote about the disaster stating that they had caused "a pratfall on the world stage". A pratfall ? Should these Keystone-scientists be entrusted with the fate of the world in their hands?
No, they should not. We don't even have gas efficient cars and we're going to be fooling with anti-matter and black holes? :/

Here are a few articles meant to help us all sleep better and trust the scientists who know what they're doing -


_ said:
If the Large Hadron Collider does create black holes, not only will it prove that extra dimensions of the universe exist,but the radiation that decaying black holes emit could yield clues that help finally unite all the current ideas about the forces of nature under a "theory of everything."
hmmm....and of course nothing could possibly enter from one dimension into another, so I feel so much safer now. Not.
Telperion said:
I appreciate the word of caution regarding 'alarmist' websites...however a 17 mile particle accelerator that is scheduled to go online in this summer, with the intention of creating matter and energy present during the formation of our universe is certainly something we should be concerned about.
Is there any evidence for this, or is it just your opinion?

Telperion said:
misunderstood science said:
On Tuesday, March 27, 2007, there was a devastating explosion deep in the tunnel at the CERN particle accelerator complex that actually blew a 20 ton magnet right off its mountings.
We don't even have gas efficient cars and we're going to be fooling with anti-matter and black holes? :/
But where is the evidence that this is not safe, or at least, that it has any potential to harm anyone but the scientists? You've been putting your fate in the hands of scientists all your life - starting with hydrogen weapons that were theorized to cause a chain reaction in all the hydrogen atoms in the atmosphere and basically "light us up", and continuing to this day with all the new public and secret (which are far ahead of anything we know) technologies they've been fooling around with. If you're going to worry about this latest gizmo, why not worry about all the other gizmos, most of which you do not know about, as well? If they're doing this publically, you can bet they've already done this in secret.

As for things "coming from other dimensions" - who says this hasn't already been happening left and right? Starting with our hyperdimensional overlords and ending with all sorts of window fallers, evidence suggests it has. It hasn't always been "kosher", but Godzilla never crawled out of it either.

Also, you may want to consider this - if it really had the danger of creating a black hole that sucks everything into it (or some other form of planetary destruction), would the PTB, who really value their own existence and personal plans for this planet, allow such an experiment to take place? Would this experiment get all this funding? Not a chance. We just don't get to mess with anything this dangerous.

Knowing what we know about the state of the planet, I just don't think it makes any sense to worry about some scientific experiment blowing everything up. If we were really "on our own" with no highly-advanced 3d and 4d "overlords" controlling everything, then your concern might make more sense. But right now we have comets, climate change, mind control/ponerization/ignorance, and impending total overt fascism to worry about - those are real problems with overwhelming data that supports them.

Just to clarify - I do think serious planetary destruction is coming our way, just not in the form of a black hole - not from some mainstream scientific experiment gone "awry". Unless it's some guy in his basement with no PTB oversight. Although then again, I don't know the full extent of PTB oversight, not to mention 4th density oversight - maybe a guy in his basement is also on "candid camera" and won't be allowed to come close to making any black holes.
Telperion, your reaction to this reminds me of people who were terrified that a camera would steal their soul. You have yet to present any DATA at all that suggests this article, worthy of Weekly World News, even approaches the truth. I am not saying such data doesn't exist - I'm just saying that your emotional reaction to things you read and then identify with and defend on this forum is pure noise.

I know we have several physicists on the forum, so perhaps one of them can chime in at some point with data - instead of this endless fear based conjecture.

~sigh~ and as I said on another thread...

You still have not grocked the fact that just because you read something does not make it true - just because you think something or feel strongly about something does not make it true. You do not question yourself or your thinking at all and that is why you are introducing so much noise to the forum. If something crosses your mind, it must be true and you must set everyone straight about it - when in fact, the exact opposite is almost always the case.

If you are to participate on this forum, you must learn to doubt your own thinking and beliefs and search - first and foremost - for data and not just instantly believe, and then defend, everything you read and identify with.
Just my two cents...the problem here is simple. When the atomic bomb was first tested, over half of the scientists involved with the experiment were extremely worried that once an atomic reaction was begun, they might not be able to stop it. So what did they do? They tested it anyway. Whew! What a relief. The idea is, if you suspect this experiment might destroy the planet, is it wise to just go ahead and test it to find out? We got lucky that time, but what if the next leap of technological gadgetry really is unstoppable?
I think so far that I have read, especially coming from Ark, the articles posted on
SOTT does not seem to advocate any HLC experiment going south as if to cause
planet Earth and it's inhabitants to become extinct.

Rather, instead, SOTT provides current events as it is, and at times points out certain
questionable subjective claims if and when it presents itself. The most current article
talks about time-travel and some questionable claims such as "quantum gravity" and
Ark points out his thoughts on it. Doing a search on the SOTT forum: "HLC Hadron
Collider", where in these link are their any claims of a 'Doomday Machine', if it exist
and with supported facts?

Since when, can we as 3D entities predict 'future events' with absolute certainty? Not
even STO can do that; all they can do is to provide 'probabilities' and also state when
they do not know certain things and yet they KNOW at LOT more than us 3D types?

Do you think perhaps, as 3D types, that most of our 'fears' are based on ignorance
because we cannot know or control the 'unknowns'? Would it be better for us to be
observers rather than try to subject all that is before us to our whims, rather than to
leave it leave it alone until we learn more, or otherwise keep our subjective thoughts
to ourselves?

Let's assume for a moment, if the HLC did create a black hole, the Earth and maybe
our galaxy gets "sucked in", does this mean the end of civilization? Perhaps OUR
civilization/space-time, but may not affect other civilizations? What about parallel
worlds, parallel futures - which are infinite?

I think the bottom line here, is that it is not the body/physicality that counts, rather
it is our souls. I think physicality will take care of itself. Isn't the 'playground' quite
vast, continually being created and destroyed and for our benefit?

As the C's say" 'Learning is fun!"
The key words from Ark's time machine article applies here too as in teeny-tiny. The LHC is very very likely not going to produce a black hole but if it did it would be teeny-tiny and not suck in anything.
John G said:
The key words from Ark's time machine article applies here too as in teeny-tiny. The LHC is very very likely not going to produce a black hole but if it did it would be teeny-tiny and not suck in anything.
Based on what I know about black holes, they need a tonload of mass and energy to get created - something a huge star can provide. So unless they can pull crazy amounts of mass/energy out of nowhere, I don't see how they're going to create a black hole of any significance.

For a great example of alarmist fear-mongering pseudo-scientific bunk that is designed to manipulate those who are not critical into baseless panic and fear, check out this video:


It's trying to use some pseudo-scientific jargon to convince people that TU-24, an asteroid that passed close to earth (actually very very far) on Jan 29 2008, could cause some insane amount of chaos on the planet because of the asteroid's supposed "charge".

Anyway, there are 2 ways to know it is nonsense. One, you can wait till Jan 29 2008 (which has already passed, so we know nothing happened). Or you can critically examine what is being said and see it for the baseless manipulative crap that it is, no waiting required.

Here's an astronomer that does a nice job debunking it:


And he seems to not be aware of the general imminent asteroid threat, but we can't really expect him to - you gotta pay attention to the signs and study historic records among other things to find out about this. So while I think he should take his own advice and go out and "do research" and see what's out there, that's beside the point. He does make good points with respect to the disinfo video and does demonstrates that a little THINKING and asking questions goes a long way.

He made a logical observation - "It's easier to find the correct information than it is to make a Youtube video with misinformation on it". And that's just it, when you see people making such huge articles or videos and making all these pseudo-scientific assumptions and subjective nonsense, that in and of itself is evidence that this is not just ignorant panic or assumptions - but deliberate disinformation, cointelpro. It would actually be easier for them in most cases to ask questions and find the truth than spend all this effort repeating and expounding on garbage.

This is not the first nor the last such disinfo, and it's a good idea to get into the habit of approaching it critically and with a hammer every single time, instead of being bedazzled by all the "theories" and baseless assumptions. This habit will serve us well to weather the real storm.
Tical1207 said:
Just my two cents...the problem here is simple. When the atomic bomb was first tested, over half of the scientists involved with the experiment were extremely worried that once an atomic reaction was begun, they might not be able to stop it. So what did they do? They tested it anyway. Whew! What a relief. The idea is, if you suspect this experiment might destroy the planet, is it wise to just go ahead and test it to find out? We got lucky that time, but what if the next leap of technological gadgetry really is unstoppable?
Yes, this is exactly what I'm saying - is this wise? I'm not proposing fear mongering or being alarmist at all. Have nuclear weapons been a great boon to humanity? Has nuclear power removed the need for fossil fuels and propelled us into a glorious clean energy future? Do scientists need to perform every experiment that comes to mind even if the harm/benefit ratio is wildly imbalanced or totally unknown? Apparently they do. Should people know about experiments such as the 17 mile long $800 million a year CERN Large Hadron Collider? Yes. But do they? For the most part, no they do not. Strange...

ScioAgapeOmnis said:
As for things "coming from other dimensions" - who says this hasn't already been happening left and right? Starting with our hyperdimensional overlords and ending with all sorts of window fallers, evidence suggests it has. It hasn't always been "kosher", but Godzilla never crawled out of it either.
Following this line of reasoning, what if there are entities/dangers even more sinister than the 'hyperdimensional overlords' unknown even to the Cassiopians? Should we chance opening a doorway of our own making for such a possibility? And what does Godzilla have to do with anything?

ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Also, you may want to consider this - if it really had the danger of creating a black hole that sucks everything into it (or some other form of planetary destruction), would the PTB, who really value their own existence and personal plans for this planet, allow such an experiment to take place? Would this experiment get all this funding? Not a chance. We just don't get to mess with anything this dangerous.
Well, the PTB aren't exactly renown for their prudence and forethought. A stupid angry monkey playing with a gun is just as likely to shoot him/herself as someone else. If the human branch of the PTB feel the urge to create a weapon of some sort, then sure of course they would do it because their hubris knows no bounds and because self destructive impulses enable everyone in accordance with their own personal power/means. And in case of emergency the lucky few behind the scenes will simply skedaddle on up to the 'space station' or whatever escape plan they have. And your idea that some force is ''not letting'' us do this or that is built upon the assumption that we're even that important to them. The PTB at the highest level may only view us as one midnight snack among many, not the sole sustaining buffet of negative energy in the entire universe. If we blow ourselves up, they probably won't care all that much, and simply move on to greener pastures.

anart said:
Telperion, your reaction to this reminds me of people who were terrified that a camera would steal their soul. You have yet to present any DATA at all that suggests this article, worthy of Weekly World News, even approaches the truth. I am not saying such data doesn't exist - I'm just saying that your emotional reaction to things you read and then identify with and defend on this forum is pure noise.
......comparing my reservations about synthetically created black holes/barely understood cosmic particles here on earth to the fear of a camera? :/ In short, my reservations and the reason for my post were these - the theories/assumptions scientists are working with currently hypothesize that black holes are unstable on the sub-atomic level, making them "less dangerous" and amenable to observation in a tightly controlled setting. This assumption is based largely on a theory proposed by Stephen Hawkings in 1975, a theory he corrected and revised in 2004. Hawkings, like Einstein is not infallible yet experiments tinkering with primordial, elemental universal forces have been formulated working with his theories which can only be described as a work in progress at best.

dant said:
Since when, can we as 3D entities predict 'future events' with absolute certainty? Not
even STO can do that; all they can do is to provide 'probabilities' and also state when
they do not know certain things and yet they KNOW at LOT more than us 3D types?
Who is predicting anything? I'm certainly not. Raising the possibility of the CERN LHC experiment going south is just that, raising the possibility. There is also the possibility that STO beings do not know everything pertaining to human beings even if they do know much more than we do as only the One has access to all information at all times.

dant said:
Do you think perhaps, as 3D types, that most of our 'fears' are based on ignorance
because we cannot know or control the 'unknowns'? Would it be better for us to be
observers rather than try to subject all that is before us to our whims, rather than to
leave it leave it alone until we learn more, or otherwise keep our subjective thoughts
to ourselves?
I think most of our fears are based in large part on knowing for a fact that human beings have a tendency to screw things up, and that as technology becomes more advanced, the stakes get higher. Subjective private thoughts and multi-billion dollar experiments bringing a potentially destructive subjective reality from the realm of thought into our 3D realm are two very different things. Official history tells us that the Manhattan Project which brought the atomic bomb from a few imaginations into reality took only six years of development, all during a time of war. If greater consideration could have been given to whether or not the bomb should have been built in the first place, who knows how differently history might have been. Perhaps one of those vaporized in Hiroshima or Nagasaki would have come up with the cure for cancer or something equally great, who knows. And this was sixty years ago. Prudence by the scientific community is needed today more than ever and should be forced upon them if they can't control themselves. Not everything needs to be observed or studied.

By the way if I really intended to be fear mongering I would have compared this LHC experiment to the the happenings in the sci fi film 'Event Horizon'. Now that was a freakin scary (and not entirely irrelevant) movie. As for evidence as to the danger of black holes...umm, do you need to be in the sharks' mouth to know that it's a place you'd rather not be? Black holes are forces of entropy and destruction and synthetically creating them here on earth is a really not smart idea.
My cousin works at FNAL, or well, I guess he is moving now, and probably going to the LHC, since FNAL is shutting down. I don't keep in touch with him that much, but I would be surprised if he didn't go there. I could send him this link and see what he says about it, but then, as if I would trust him if he said it was all OK :) I would still think "what if you're wrong?".

If someone is pointing a gun at you, you don't think its OK just because the safety is on, do you? Lets face it, it sounds very dangerous, and they do it without asking the rest of the world if its OK. You may think thats alright, scio and anart, but actually I think thats just one of the things thats wrong with the world, people thinking its OK for this to happen.

As for secret technologies, how can you say someone is making "assumptions" and then mention that? I dunno, I reckon its not a clear cut thing, but I wouldn't say being concerned about it is wrong, and you haven't convinced me that people shouldn't be concerned. Also, even if a physisist came on here and said theres nothing to worry about, like I said, why should we believe them?


Didn't realise this had gone on for two pages. But anyway, I just want to expand on what I'm saying, we can't know for sure that black holes need to be huge to grow, maybe they don't - then what? No one has done it before, thats the point, and until they do we don't know. And if people don't want to take the risk, they shouldn't have to.
The C's repeatedly tells us that everything is one giant playground, and this is a
freewill universe. In short: 'anything goes'. They also remind us that is it not
where you are that is important, but rather, who you are and what you do?

Finally, in a round-about-way, they tell us, that it is the soul that is
important, not the body.

Many References, but here is a few:
940730 said:
Edit: << found actual quote, added. >>

Q: (L) Are we going to be wiped out by aliens as part of this natural progression?
A: Maybe. What makes you think you are special?
Q: (L) Jesus told us God loves us. Is this true?
A: But it is the soul that matters, not the body. The body dies not the soul.
941016 said:
Q: (L) Are there any exercises we can use to help our bodies transform
into fourth density?
A: Not necessary. It is the soul that matters.
941022 said:
Q: (L) Can a spiritual being become entrapped in physical matter?
A: It's possible but very unlikely.
Q: (L) Are human beings entrapped in physical matter?
A: By choice.
Q: (L) Why did they make this choice?
A: To experience physical sensations. It was a group mind decision.
Q: (L) Who was in charge of the group?
A: The group.
Q: (L) Does the interaction between the spirit/soul and the body physical produce
some by-product that is desirable to other beings?
A: Well, all things have desirable consequences as well as undesirable consequences,
but it must also be mentioned here that everything that exists in all realms of the
universe can experience existence in one of only two ways. That would be defined
as a long wave cycle and a short wave cycle. Going back to your previous question
about why humans are "entrapped" in physical existence, which, of course, is voluntary
and chosen, this was due to the desire to change from the long wave cycle experience
of completely what you would call ethereal or spiritual existence, to the short wave
cycle of what you call physical existence. The difference is that a long wave cycle
involves only very gradual change in evolution in a cyclical manner. Whereas a short
wave cycle involves a duality. And this is the case with souls in physical bodies as is
experienced on this earth plane because the soul experiences an ethereal state for
half the cycle and a physical state for the other half of the cycle. While these halves
are not measured in time the way you measure time, the totality of experience is
equal in each half. The necessity to form the short wave cycle was brought about
through nature through the natural bounds of the universe when the group mind
of souls chose to experience physicality as opposed to a completely ethereal existence.
Q: (L) Does this interaction produce a by-product?
A: It produces equal by-products of a positive and negative nature.
Q: (L) And what are these by-products?
A: Which one first?
Q: (L) Positive.
A: Positive by-product is an increase in relative energy which speeds up the learning
process of the soul and all of it's one dimensional and two dimensional interactive
partners. In other words, flora and fauna, minerals, etc. All experience growth and
movement towards reunion at a faster rate on the cycle through this short wave
cycle physical/ethereal transfer. Of a negative nature, it also produces many
negative experiences for these very same entities which otherwise would not
exist because being of a first level and second level nature, flora and fauna
would ordinarily experience a long term or long wave cycle on the physical plane
as opposed to a short wave cycle physical and ethereal, as they do now because
of their interaction with the human species in its short wave ethereal/physical cycle.
941107 said:
Q: (L) Are there any other physical creatures on planet earth which have souls?
A: All do.
Q: (L) Is the human soul different from, say, animal souls?
A: Of course.
Q: (L) Are there any other physical creatures on the earth which have souls like human
souls? On the same level, so to speak?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, I have heard that dolphins, porpoises and whales have very advanced souls.
Is that true?
A: All souls are advanced.
Q: (L) But are whales sentient, thinking, self-aware as humans are?
A: Apples and oranges.
Q: (L) Well, since whales are so big, do they have bigger souls?
A: Irrelevant.
941116 said:
A: There is no time as you know it; its all just lessons for the collective consciousness.
Q: (L) So at the closing of this grand cycle everything will just start all over again?
A: Not exactly; you see, there is no start.
Q: (L) Are a lot of souls on the earth going to recycle into these new bodies coming onto the earth?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) As ancient mankind?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And do the whole thing all over again?
A: Yes.
941124 said:
Q: (L) So we just have to stay on our toes at all times?
A: Absolutely don't let others distract you. You have suffered many attempts at
distraction away from truth. Now follow some proclamations: Pause. All there
is is lessons. This is one infinite school. There is no other reason for anything to
exist. Even inanimate matter learns it is all an "Illusion." Each individual possesses
all of creation within their minds. Now, contemplate for a moment. Each soul is all
powerful and can create or destroy all existence if know how. You and us and all
others are interconnected by our mutual possession of all there is. You may create
alternative universes if you wish and dwell within. You are all a duplicate of the
universe within which you dwell. Your mind represents all that exists. It is "fun"
to see how much you can access.
Q: (L) It's fun for who to see how much we can access?
A: All. Challenges are fun. Where do you think the limit of your mind is?
950107 said:
A: Souls are not "born" into this planet. Souls were never born! And, will never die!
950114 said:
A: It will speed up dramatically, so be patient. Send the little one away, please.
Q: (L) Why do the children have to be kept at a distance?
A: As protection against possible psychic damage as soul is not yet fully blossomed!
Q: (L) Does this mean that when a person's soul comes into their body at birth that
it is kind of like reduced to a seed form or like the bud of a flower, and that the
growing up years are either the rooting or...
A: It is a reawakening period.
Q: (L) Does that mean that when the soul comes into the body that it cannot, at
that point, remember any of it's past experiences...
A: Cycle.
Q: (L) So it cycles like ebbing and flowing and that is the ebb point where there
is very little awareness?
A: Something like that.
950422 said:
Q: (L) The reason she is concerned is because she read a book that says it takes
a while for the soul to completely separate from the body and that there is a
"cellular" consciousness that might experience pain for some time after death
at least until every little cell dies individually. Is any of this true?
A: No. When the soul leaves, it leaves instantly. There is no body consciousness
that remains and dies "slowly." Once dead, dead.
950610 said:
Q: (T) I have not done a lot of research on walk-ins, what is the definition
of a walk-in?
A: A walk-in, as described by Ruth Montgomery, is a soul that has chosen to take
over the body that was vacated by another soul that has chosen, at some level
of awareness, to depart for varying reasons. In this way, a higher level entity
can enter into the body that was previously occupied by a different level entity,
in the form of a soul, that is to say.
Q: (T) A fourth level soul can then enter the body of a third level?
A: Or perhaps a fourth level soul... remember, as we have described to you before,
levels one through four, more appropriately density levels one through four, all
involve short wave cycle recycling, or, as you refer to it, reincarnation. Because,
each and every one of these density levels has a soul and a physical body marriage,
as it were, in progressive life experiences. Each and every one of these density
levels involves movement to the fifth level of density for contemplation during the
cycling process. It is level six, which is the first level where short wave cycle recycling
is no longer necessary because there is no more physical orientation. Therefore, all
levels, one through four have a soul reflection of the physical body at all times when in
physical state. And, therefore, reincarnation of various types, is at various points on the
short wave cycle always possible, and, in fact, quite probable.
Do you understand?
Q: (T) Somewhat. That's a lot to digest. (J) So, physicality is involved in levels one through
four short wave recycling. (L) So, this means that a fourth density being can recycle
through fifth density into a third density body?
A: That is one method that can be used, yes.
Q: (L) Can it also be that they can come directly from fourth density into a third density
body, just as one of the options?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) As a walk in. (L) And either could be considered a walk in?
A: That is correct.
Q: (T) I'm going off on a tangent on what we have been discussing here... what happens
to the soul that's in the body that the walk in takes over? Where does that go?
A: Most likely to the fifth level for recycling and contemplation.
Q: (T) And then returns?
A: Returns, yes.
The consistent factor in the quotes above is that soul are all powerful, are
not physical, can do anything - if one is aware. Physicality, itself seems
to be the the "playground" where we learn our lessons and perhaps this
"playground" is continually being created and destroyed?

Oh, did you get that part that physicality is an "Illusion""?

But just as important:

020928 said:
A: Life is religion.
Q: (L) What does that mean?
A: Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep
are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some
people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut
out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly
what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past."
People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become
the reality of the "Future."
Do we choose to believe there is potential danger lurking in every corner,
or is it really a figment of our imagination? If there is perceived danger,
what can one do about it when there is no proof? In some cases, where
there are potential dangers such as asteroids, comets, some idiot with the
finger on the nuclear button, your neighbor fiddling with a natural gas
furnace, a drunk driver, what are you going to do about it? Perhaps you
won't even know what you will do until that every moment, presents itself?

Is it better to "jump the gun", or better to wait for more information,
before acting?

We all know what happens when one decides to take preemptive action
into their own hands, especially when there is no direct hard proof in
doing so.

I think the C's says it best: "Knowledge Protects, Ignorance Endangers"
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