Cervical cancer-Mich. schoolgirls may need HPV shots

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Mich. schoolgirls may need HPV shots
wire reports
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 09.13.2006
advertisementLANSING, Mich. - Michigan girls entering the sixth grade next year would have to be vaccinated against cervical cancer under legislation backed Tuesday by a bipartisan group of female lawmakers.
The legislation is the first of its kind in the United States, said Republican state Sen. Beverly Hammerstrom, lead sponsor of the bill.
The vaccine was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in June for use in girls and women and has been hailed as a breakthrough in cancer prevention. It prevents infections from some strains of the sexually transmitted human papilloma virus, which can cause cervical cancer and genital warts.
The vaccine is recommended by the Federal Advisory Commission on Immunization Practices for girls who are 11 and 12, and as appropriate for other age groups.
The American Cancer Society estimates that cervical cancer will be diagnosed in 9,700 women nationwide this year, and that 3,700 will die.
"We believe we can save the lives of these girls," Hammerstrom said.
Some critics around the country have expressed concern that schools would make the vaccine a requirement. They have argued that requiring the vaccine would infringe on parents' rights.
"I'm a 'keep your laws off my body' type of person," said Ann Arbor mom Liz Fall, 42.
Fall said she likely will get vaccinations for her four daughters, 6 to 11. But since the vaccine is new, she wants time to consult her doctor.
"They should legislate giving information about it, and then let parents make informed decisions," she said.
As with other vaccines required for schoolchildren, the legislation has a provision allowing parents to opt out of the HPV vaccine requirement for medical, moral or philosophical reasons.
The three-shot vaccination costs $360. Hammerstrom said most Michigan employers will cover the vaccine, and that uninsured girls could be covered through the federal government's Vaccines for Children program.

what is this really going to do to these girls, mutated births, sterilization, new form of cancer. Oh but why worry, we all know that vaccinations are safe, our medical community and the government has told us so.
Yes this is very dangerous. We don't understand the reproductive system that well, and I don't trust the vaccination process very much either. Furthermore, if it's "feminists" who are behind this, population control may be on the agenda of their leaders.

I wouldn't want any girls of mine vaccinated this way. Absolutely not.
I agree, I don't want my daughter, daughters in-laws or grandaughter doing this either. I am sure though, that I will have a fight on my hands with them, when the time comes. The argument will be that it is only for there own good. I am already having trouble with them about vaccinations.
Kat, just state a "religious objection" to vaccination. That's the ticket. Be consistent and always say that your reason for objecting is religious, not health related or anything else. You don't have to define your "religion" any further than that. At least it's worked for us all the time in two different states. -- David
Thanks for the info, I do not do them, it is family members who do. No way to get it through to them just how dangerous it is. I am into Homeopathic medicine and immunizations. At least with some of my family I have been able to prove to them that it is a better method. It is just convincing them about these deadly vaccinations that I seem to have hit a brick wall. It is so hard to get past all of that brainwashing and programming. It is the onion thing, I just have to be persistant and keep peeling the layers away.
Gardasil vaccine Update 02/05/2007
Facts Behind Merck's Mandatory Vaccine Campaign to Help Pay for Vioxx
Condoms remain the safest (and cheapest) method for preventing sexually transmitted diseases. But the pharmaceutical / biomedical industry is Hell bent on marketing more profitable invasive methods.
Merck has financed an aggressive lobbying campaign on behalf of its new Gardasil vaccine for human papilloma virus (HPV), carried out by professional lobbyists and by Women in Government, an organization of state legislators.
Women in Government are trying to pass legislation in every state that would force 11 year old girls to be vaccinated, or be prevented from going to school.
But Merck went one step further: on Friday, Texas Republican governor Rick Perry issued a MANDATORY executive order to force all Texas girls to be vaccinated with Gardasil, completely bypassing Texas' legislative process, overriding parental authority, and ignoring the ethical issues raised by a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease. Perry, of course, is a recipient of Merck largesse.
If one looks beneath the surface, Merck's strong-arm marketing tactics are really a "Do or Die" effort to finance its huge Vioxx litigation costs. Thus, the mandatory HPV vaccine campaign is really a campaign to "Help Pay for Vioxx" losses.
American preteen girls have been designated to pay the price by exposing their bodies to risks of harm.
Below, Meryl Nass, MD,* whose medical expertise includes vaccine safety, epidemiology and biological warfare, provides insight into the medical and ethical concerns--and the unanswered scientific questions about Merck's Gardasil vaccine.

Among the issues addressed by Dr. Nass:
1. Unlike infectious diseases that spread in schools--like polio and measles--HPV is only transmitted sexually. Why, then, is Merck seeking mandatory vaccine orders? Is it deliberately to usurp parental rights and responsibilities?
2. Since boys transfer the HPV virus to girls, why don't boys get vaccinated? Why are only girls being pushed to take the vaccine?
3. There are over 30 HPV viruses. Of these, 10 may cause cancer. Merck's vaccine is effective for only 4 of these potentially cancerous viruses. Therefore, PAP tests are still essential to detect cancer and save lives, as well as condoms, which remain the safest, most effective method for preventing HIV transfer and numerous sexually transmitted diseases.
4. The oversell of Gradasil is likely to mislead those vaccinated to think that they are safe when they are not. This has the potential of increasing both STDs and cancer.
Other questions remain about the clinical trials: How many girls participated in pre-licensure clinical trials and for how long were they followed up? What is the nature of the adverse event reports received by the government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) since its approval in July 2006 and February 2007?
According to the National Vaccine Information Center, between July 2006 and January 2007, there have been 82 reports of adverse events filed with VAERS following receipt of GARDASIL by girls and boys ranging in age from 11 to 27 years. Reaction reports have come from 21 states, including Virginia and the District of Columbia. All but three of the reports were for adverse events that occurred within one week of vaccination, and more than 60 percent occurred within 24 hours of vaccination.

See: National Vaccine Information Center here

The National Vaccine Information Center urges state legislatures to investigate the safety and cost of mandating Merck's HPV vaccine--before any policy is adopted. The Alliance for Human Research Protection joins NVIC in asking for investigations into the vaccine's safety and cost.

*Dr. Nass is a board member of the Alliance for Human Research Protection.
Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav 212-595-8974
Gardasil vaccine: Facts and Implications

Cervical cancer is caused by changes in the cells of the cervix caused by human papilloma viruses (HPV). These viruses can also lead to cancer of the vagina, vulva, anus, penis and scrotum. [1] The cancer-causing viruses are sexually transmitted.
At least 50% of sexually active men and women acquire a genital HPV infection during their lives. The CDC says that by age 50, at least 80% of women will have developed a genital HPV infection.
There are over 30 different HPV viruses that are sexually transmitted. About ten of these have the potential to cause cancer.
The HPV vaccine, Gardasil, contains antigens designed to protect against 4 of the ten dangerous strains of HPV. Three doses are given over six months for protection against these four strains only.
It is estimated that these 4 viruses cause 70% of HPV-induced cancers. The other HPV viruses, not protected by the vaccine, cause 30% of cervical cancers.
The American Cancer Society estimates that 11,000 cases of cervical cancer will be diagnosed in women this year, compared to 178,000 new cases of breast cancer. [2] The Cancer Society says, "mortality rates for cervical cancer have declined steadily over the past several decades due to prevention and early detection as a result of screening." They also note, "Importantly, HPV infections are common in healthy women and only rarely result in cervical cancer" and "fortunately, most cervical precancers develop slowly, so nearly all cases can be prevented if a woman is screened regularly."
Because HPV viruses may live on skin around the genital area, condoms are not 100% effective in prevention. However, condom use is associated with a lower rate of cervical cancer.
What about men? About 1,500 new cases of penile cancer will be diagnosed in men this year, and 1,900 cases of anal cancer, linked to HPV.
What does all this mean to me?
First, the vaccine is at best 70% effective, so you can still be infected with HPV viruses that can lead to cervical and other cancers, even after three doses of this vaccine. You can still get genital warts, but are at lower risk. You will still need yearly PAP smears to protect against cervical cancer. PAP tests are extremely effectively at preventing cervical cancer.
Second, you really should be using condoms for all sexual activity to prevent HIV infection and a number of other sexually transmitted diseases.
Don't get the wrong idea that this vaccine will allow you to safely avoid the use of condoms.
Why don't boys get this vaccine? Good question, since they transfer the HPV virus to girls, and they also can get cancer. If boys took the vaccine instead of girls, you could prevent approximately the same number of cancers.
How safe is the vaccine for me? Because it is a new vaccine and has only been used in a few thousand people during clinical trials, the side effect profile of the vaccine is still not known.
What if I get pregnant after getting Gardasil vaccine? Clinical trials showed that women who became pregnant within one month of vaccination had more birth defects than women who received placebo vaccine and became pregnant. After 30 days, this apparent risk disappeared.
What if you were vaccinated, then learned you were pregnant? It is not known if this is a problem, but it might be. Therefore, Merck, the manufacturer, maintains a pregnancy registry to track the outcomes of pregnancies during which women were vaccinated: call (800) 986-8999 to report any Gardasil vaccinations during pregnancy.
Okay, if I still need to use condoms and get yearly PAP smears, what's the point of getting this vaccine?
* Women who don't get pap smears, who have more partners, or who for other reasons are at higher risk of cervical cancer may benefit from this vaccine. * Women who are monogamous or are not sexually active have a low risk of cervical cancer. * Gay men are at higher than average risk of penis and anus cancers and may desire this vaccine. It is not known why the vaccine was not approved for men.
Therefore, you should be able to choose whether to receive the vaccine. However, if you get yearly PAPs, and practice safe sex, your benefit from this vaccine is greatly diminished, or nil.
Why are governors and legislatures considering forced Gardasil vaccinations for eleven-year-old girls?
Cervical cancer is not spread by casual contact. State governments are not mandating Gardasil to protect students from infectious diseases like polio or measles that can spread in schools. Instead, they are usurping the parental role of determining what is best for their children's health.
The retail cost of the 3 vaccine doses is $360, which will not be paid by the lawmakers. Why not give free PAP smears to all interested women instead, which would cost about the same amount?

Marketing is the answer. Merck developed this strategy to sell the largest amount of vaccine: making every preteen girl get the shots. Year after year, the vaccine market would be guaranteed, with Merck collecting approximately 1 Billion dollars annually from US sales alone.

"At a Wall Street briefing last month, Peter Loescher, president of global human health at Merck, said he emphasizes "speed, speed, speed" in a product launch. Already, he noted, 80 percent of cities and states - including Maryland - have ordered Gardasil to be distributed through Vaccines for Children. The federally funded program provides free vaccines to doctors who serve children with little or no insurance."[3]

Merck provides funding to the organization "Women in Government," a bipartisan group of state legislators, to sponsor its campaign for statewide vaccine mandates.[4]
Women in Government's work has included enacting legislation to require HPV vaccine for school entry, obtaining medicaid coverage for HPV testing, creating cervical cancer task forces at the state level, enacting cervical cancer prevention legislation, and obtaining compulsory insurance reimbursement for HPV testing and HPV vaccinations. Their website has a map with each state tracked as to how far along it is toward enacting the desired legislative mandates.
Bypassing the Texas Legislature altogether, the Republican Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, issued an order Friday February 2, making Texas the first state to require that schoolgirls get vaccinated against the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer.

Why did Merck emphasize speed in this product launch? They wanted to get the vaccine mandates in place before the bad publicity started.

The Associated Press reports that one of Merck's three lobbyists in Texas is Mike Toomey, Perry's former chief of staff. His current chief of staff's mother-in-law, Texas Republican state Rep. Dianne White Delisi, is a state director for Women in Government. The governor also received $6,000 from Merck's political action committee during his re-election campaign.
Instead of trying to prevent cancer, it is starting to look more and more like the HPV vaccine really stands for "Help Pay for Vioxx" - Merck's failed arthritis pain pill that is costing the company several billion in settlements for adverse effects and deaths. Merck's strong-arm tactics for marketing Gardasil are a "Do or Die" attempt to get the company back on a secure financial footing. American preteen girls are to pay the price.
Yet it is not at all clear how long the vaccine will work. Boosters will probably be needed after several years. Will new diseases crop up at higher rates in those who were vaccinated?
The FDA is requiring Merck to gather more safety information: on autoimmune conditions, cancer and possible birth defects.[5] FDA wants to find out how long protection lasts, and whether non-vaccine strains of HPV will "take over" from the vaccine strains, in effect nullifying vaccine benefit.
Unless an eleven year old will begin sexual experimentation in the next couple of years, there is plenty of time to wait and see how this vaccine pans out, once it has been used in larger populations for longer periods of time. Then an informed decision can be made regarding its value for you.

Meryl Nass, MD

1. CDC
2. American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts and Figures 2007.20 [http://www.cancer.org/docroot/STT/stt_0_2006.asp?sitearea=STT&level=1]Link[/url]
3. Laura Smitherman. Drug firm pushes vaccine mandate. Baltimore Sun, January 29, 2007. Link 2725203.story?page=2&coll=bal-mdpolitics-headlines
4. Women in Government's legislative toolkit: Link
5. Link

Merck lobbies states to require cervical-cancer vaccine for schoolgirls
By Associated Press January 30, 2007
I wrote about this dilemma in a paper while studying, which ofcourse led to some thinking about the effects and the cost benefit of launching a vaccine which clearly doesn't protect 100% from cervix cancer. The vaccine wouldn't eliminate the PAP smear test for many years, since a lot of people haven't had the vaccine, however having the vaccine might influence the girls way of thinking of sex, since they think they would either be immune to the disease or be able to cure any sexual transmitted disease by taking a couple of tablets.
The country i am living in has a free programme where women from the age of 23-59 get a free PAP smear every 3rd year, which seems to make sense since it normally takes about ten years to develop cancer cervix uteri. Having the test done every year, as advised in America only brings home a lot of money to the involved parties, wheras it will cause a lot of false positive tests only to create anxiety in the woman having had the test.
Live in country where government don’t get so “concernedᾠ about that kind of cancer (or citizens health all in all) and reading something like that vaccination seems to me horror almost perverse.
discussed also on this thread
Merck - Gardasil update:

By: Devvy
March 16, 2007

© 2007 - NewsWithViews.com

My February 8, 2007 column[TEXAS HPV VACCINATION: PARENTS CAN OPT OUT] resulted in quite a few radio show invitations. During my appearance on Michael Baisden's show, several doctors called in to say the HPV vaccine was safe, it has been tested, and yes, they would get their daughters shot up. One mother who phoned into the show said her daughter has received the first of the three shot series and is now worried and doesn't know what to do. I could give her no advice because I'm not a physician, but she should be worried. On March 15, 2007, the bomb dropped on a cable network show which quickly made the Internet media; see full important column here. Diane M. Harper, a researcher who worked on this vaccine has revealed that it has NOT been tested on young girls and "worst case" scenario: increased cervical cancer rates. As I covered in my February 8th column, Merck needs cash badly. The lawsuits over another "safe" product of theirs, VIOXX, could bankrupt them and they know it; one verdict here. At between $320 - $400 per shot per girl in the U.S., then the world, you can see why Merck has spent millions buying the favors of members of the state legislatures. Now comes the truth from an individual who actually worked on this HPV vaccine and pray to God, enough parents get the truth in time. Stockholders of Merck need to bring down the boom on their CEO and others in that company for such irresponsible corporate shennanigans.

While many of us have been trying to warn parents about this vaccine, competing against the propaganda 'happy ads' for Guardasil targeted at young teen girls on the stupid tube, we have also been urging parents here in Texas to get in the face of the state legislature to over ride Gov. Rick Perry's "mandate" to vaccinate the young guinea pigs, er, girls, in this state. Informed legislators in our state house, most parents themselves, also got up in arms over this blatant move by Perry to bypass the process and fulfill his obligation to Merck for their fat campaign donations. The result: A couple of days ago the house side of our legislature voted to rescind Perry's Executive Order (118-23). Next comes the Texas Senate and I encourage everyone in this state to call your state senator and tell them to vote to rescind Perry's EO. The next question remains is will Gov. Perry do the right thing? Stay tuned.

In the meantime, watch out New Mexico. It appears your governor, Bill Richardson, has said he will sign a mandatory vaccine bill. Man those phones even if you have to do it at lunch time. Richardson's office number is: (505) 476-2200. Call your state rep and senator and let them know how you feel and tell them if they voted for SB 1174, they'll find themselves job hunting next election. Remember this: If your daughter gets those shots and ten years down the road develops cervical cancer, turns sterile or has a baby with defects, neither Richardson or your state legislator/senator can be sued. If Merck's still in business then, you might have an option.

In my previous column, I pointed out Gov. Perry's press release where he came clean by stating, “Finally, parents need to know that they have the final decision about whether or not their daughter is vaccinated. I am a strong believer in protecting parental rights, which is why this executive order allows them to opt out." But, how many parents got that memo? Listen to the "news" on ABC, CBS, NBC and cable networks when they cover this issue. Without exception, they all refer to Texas' plan as "mandatory." Trust "mainstream media"? Hardly. However, as one reader pointed out, opting out isn't so easy, which is why the deceitful Gov. Perry made it opt out v opt in:

Here are four reasons why “opting out
I saw a mumbling about this in my local paper, this was one mention I could find online about expanding the vaccinations to men as well.
The HPV vaccine was made for a woman, but it may strong enough for a man.

"HPV, I know I heard of that. I know its human papillomavirus," said John Kincaid, a sixth-grader. "I learned that it is sexually transmitted."

There's nothing Phyllis Kincaid and her 11-year-old son John can't discuss, including Gov. Rick Perry's recent mandate to give all girls the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer.

"He saw it on the news, and it was about the vaccination. So, he listens," Phyllis said.

Now there's talk of requiring boys John's age to also get the HPV vaccine.

"They can develop warts just like a girl can. They can rarely develop cancer of the penis," said oncologist Dr. Kevin Hall.

More coverage
• KENS video: Boys could be required to get HPV vaccine

If the FDA approves the vaccine, it's expected to protect against infection from four strains of HPV, including the two that cause cancer in men.

"If we are going to inoculate one group, it would be safe to inoculate the other because they will be the vector that will carry it around," Hall said.

Convincing skeptical mothers is going to be hard.

"There's not enough evidence that boys should get it," one mother said.

"I say leave it up to the parents," another mother said.

State Sen. Leticia Van De Putte, D-San Antonio, is in favor of the vaccine.

"This is a vaccine against cancer, not a sexually transmitted disease. Why wouldn't we want to eradicate a cancer? It's a fabulous breakthrough. This is the first vaccine we have for cancer."

The vaccine is controversial, she said, because it affects below the belly button.

"If this were a vaccine for throat cancer, we wouldn't even be having this discussion."

Perry's office says they are waiting until the FDA approves the male vaccine before addressing the issue. Australia is inoculating both girls and boys with the HPV vaccine.

A Texas House of Representatives committee approved a bill to override the governor's order. The full House is still expected to discuss it.
The vaccine is already a requirement in the state of, no surprise, Texas, by the order of the governor. This decision has been heavily influenced by Merck lobbying, directly and through an organization called Women In Politics.

The vaccination is already costing parents and taxpayers double or triple the advertised cost of $360 per series.

Tha vaccine supposedly protects from 'a few' or 'most common' strains of HPV, but there are literally hundreds of varieties of the virus.

Side effects have already been reported.

A woman who takes care of her health will still go the the annual gyn exams and get a pap smear, whteher she has had a vaccine or not. HPV is only one cause of cervical cancer; there are other causes of cancer and otehr things that can happen there.

However, if diagnosed early via pap smear, most cases of cervical cancer, HPV-caused or not, are curable.

Conclusion: the vaccine is completely useless and dangerous.

This situation is a unique oportunity to observe how the vaccine decisions are made, and watch the money flow.
I have been very interested in WHY vaccines are being pushed from vaccinations for infants up to a “shot for everyone� whether you need one for breast cancer, cervical cancer, prostrate cancer, to quit smoking, or to quit drugs, etc., etc.

I kept having this little niggling in the back of my mind that there was a grand purpose for this, other than just to fatten the pharmaceutical purse. Oh, you can argue that having a vaccine for one thing will cause a problem somewhere else, which it obviously does, so then you need medication to fix that problem, which leads to other problems, and then more medication for that problem; and the ball just keep rolling and the pharmaceutical people just keep getting richer.

But, for some reason, that just didn’t stop the niggling in the back of my mind that there was still something else going on here, something bigger. Then, in an article by Laura, somewhere, can’t remember which one, sorry, she quoted the C’s and there was the answer that I was looking for. If I just would have looked there myself, I would have had my answer a lot sooner. The quote is from session 020504:

Q: (B) Well then they were right. Now, there was a
discussion about psychopaths and seemingly being born
that way, and a reference was made to mercury
content in vaccines and Laura said that there is a
distinct possibility that inoculations mentioned may
directly affect the brains of infants and turn them into
psychopaths. Is that a third area that needs to be
pursued in our quest of learning about psychopaths?
A: Such inoculations are designed to make the nervous
system more "appropriately tuned" to 4D STS
"downloads" and manipulation
Q: (A) What inoculations? (L) Childhood vaccinations.
(B) High mercury content in the 18 vaccinations that a
kid gets now in infancy.
So there it is. Well, upon seeing this, I decided to see just what does the googling of “mercury� brings up?

Jefferson Lab


Mercury is poisonous and can enter the body through the respiratory tract, the digestive tract or directly through the skin. It accumulates in the body, eventually causing severe illness or death.
Stuff we already know. And here are some more facts:



2.1 Mercury and its compounds are highly toxic substances for humans. Methylmercury and elemental mercury are of the highest concern. They are poisonous to the nervous system. There is some evidence at present that methylmercury can cause cancer in humans, but it is far from conclusive. However, there is no evidence at present that elemental mercury causes cancer in humans. Moreover, exposure to methylmercury during pregnancy may affect the unborn baby. More...
2.2 Humans are mainly exposed to methylmercury through their diet (particularly fish), and to elemental mercury vapours from tooth fillings and at certain workplaces.

Methylmercury is the most common form of organic mercury found in the environment. Environmental methylmercury arises from the methylation of inorganic mercury by microorganisms in soil and sediments, in air or under water. Some methylmercury compounds are used as pesticides.

Metallic (elemental) mercury has many uses and examples where it is found are thermometers, barometers, dental amalgams, batteries, fluorescent lights and some electrical switches. It is rarely found in nature.
There is more about them at the above site if anybody is interested. But, by golly, elemental mercury in fluorescent lights. Now that picture is becoming clearer what with the making it mandatory in Australia to use fluorescent lighting and all.
Let’s read that 2.2 portion again:

Humans are mainly exposed to methylmercury through their diet (particularly fish), and to elemental mercury vapours from tooth fillings and at certain workplaces.
Hmmm. Because of fluorescent lighting perhaps? Although that is not what I was particularly looking for, it is very timely in coming across it. OSIT.
Back to the vaccine issue. There is this on a Dr. Joseph Mercola’s website:

Dr. Joseph Mercola
Update On Mercury Poisoning From Vaccine
The Dallas-based law firm of Waters & Kraus announced today that it has received documents as a result of the discovery process in the case of Counter v. Eli Lilly & Company, et al, currently pending in Brazoria County, Texas that come from the archives of Eli Lilly & Company.
The documents clearly demonstrate that Lilly's thimerosal product, the mercury-based vaccine preservative implicated in a number of recent law suits as causing neurological injury to infants, was known as early as April 1930 to be dangerous.
In its apparent eagerness to promote and market the product, in September, 1930, Eli Lilly secretly sponsored a "human toxicity" study on patients already known to be dying of meningococcal meningitis. Senior partner Andrew Waters stated that, "Lilly then cited this study repeatedly for decades as proof that thimerosal was of low toxicity and harmless to humans.
They never revealed to the scientific community or the public the highly questionable nature of the original research."
While Eli Lilly made every effort to corrupt the medical and scientific literature, the process of arranging to publish the results of its questionable secret study, other researchers have provided Lilly with numerous articles since the 1930's indicating concerns about thimerosal and its potential hazard to humans who might be exposed or injected with the substance.
The evidence clearly demonstrates that Eli Lilly was advised repeatedly that their conclusions of low toxicity were not warranted and that they failed to pass the information on to appropriate federal and public health authorities. The following time line illustrates some, but by no means all, of the documentary evidence on this point from Lilly's internal files:
1991 Lilly ceases manufacture/sale of thimerosal. Licensing agreements demonstrate continued profits from the product until at least 2010.
For more on Dr. Mercola you can go here:

Now the way I see it is that there is enough Thimerosal to use until 2010. Am I seeing this correctly?

Then, I happened upon the following that takes all responsibility from just about everybody who is associated with vaccines. Any vaccine.

Washington, D.C. - The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is calling the "Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005"(S. 1873), which passed out of the U.S. Senate HELP Committee one day after it was introduced "a drug company stockholder's dream and a consumer's worst nightmare." The proposed legislation will strip Americans of the right to a trial by jury if harmed by an experimental or licensed drug or vaccine that they are forced by government to take, whenever federal health officials declare a public health emergency.
The legislation's architect, Senator Richard Burr (R-NC), Chairman of the HELP Subcommittee on Bioterrorism and Public Health Preparedness, told the full HELP Committee yesterday that the legislation" creates a true partnership" between the federal government, the pharmaceutical industry and academia to walk the drug companies "through the Valley of Death" in bringing a new vaccine or drug to market. Burr said it will give the Department of Health and Human Services "additional authority and resources to partner with the private sector to rapidly develop drugs and vaccines." The Burr bill gives the Secretary of DHHS the sole authority to decide whether a manufacturer violated laws mandating drug safety and bans citizens from challenging his decision in the civil court system.

The bill establishes the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency (BARDA), as the single point of authority within the government for the advanced research and development of drugs and vaccines in response to bioterrorism and natural disease outbreaks such as the flu. BARDA will operate in secret, exempt from the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act, insuring that no evidence of injuries or deaths caused by drugs and vaccines labeled as "countermeasures" will become public.

Nicknamed "Bioshield Two," the legislation is being pushed rapidly through Congress without time for voters to make their voices heard by their elected representatives. Co-sponsored by Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN), Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY), and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Judd Gregg (R-NH), the legislation will eliminate both regulatory and legal safeguards applied to vaccines as well as take away the right of children and adults harmed by vaccines and drugs to present their case in front of a jury in a civil court of law.
As usual, the pharmaceutical companies and the PTB care nothing for the people. I think they see us only as cattle to experiment on and make money off of.

Be that as it may, is there another agenda at work? Could there be a plan to make us more appropriately tuned to 4D STS downloads and manipulation? Maybe the C's would say, "wait and see". ;)

Okay, one more thing that I think ties into all of this, don’t forget, all we are to 4D STS is containers for their future use. There is this from a thread here on Damanhur and the Temples of Humankind

There is a short
discussion on the "graal" as "Container of all containers" and "In
order to obtain an integration among all the different divinities and
by this term we mean the forces of humanity you need a melting pot to
allow this kind of fusion and the only force able to contain this
fusion without losing it is the meaning itself of the Grail."

To me,
this sounds too much like the containers which will create the
playground envisioned by 4D STS controllers who seek to subsume humanity upon graduation to 4D.

Based on this interview and some other links, I have a very distinct
feeling of 4D STS involvement in the Damanhur experience. It seems to
be a very subtle twisting of the Cass site which could appeal to those
who want to work for a different reality based upon egalitarian ideals
without doing the research to understand how those ideals could be used
by hyperdimensional forces.
So there it is, I think that we are being given vaccinations, and maybe in the future even forced, to take a vaccination for something; there are sure enough out there. And if that doesn’t cut it there are the fluorescent lights, which also contain mercury, the kind that has the bad vapors. The quote from the C’s confirming that the vaccinations can change our attunement, and then the curious discussion about containers that is in the thread about Damanhur. So could it all link up to 4D STS trying to get us all wrapped up and ready for their domination? I think there is definitely something going on. And this just might be part of it.

Okay, now the niggling in the back of my mind has stopped. So I will too? ;)
...to add to your pile of data, I just got off the phone with my mother who told me that all the rage at the local senior center is this 'new vaccine' for shingles that has come out - "seniors are prone to shingles, you know, since once you have measles you have the virus for shingles, but it comes out as you age, and they're very painful, so everyone is very excited about this new vaccine."

I just said, "well, I am against vaccines in general due to the mercury preservatives, so please make sure you check what is really in the vaccine" (which she would never do - she doesn't question doctors) - she said, "yes, honey."


So, yes, it makes a complete invasion and take over much more simple when the populace complies by getting their bodies ready for it, eh?
anart said:
.seniors are prone to shingles, you know, since once you have measles you have the virus for shingles
just to clarify quickly that shingles follow chicken pox, not measles; but overall the message and the risks of the vaccine are just as you have stated
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