Channeled message from ET - Sirius (March 2011)


A Disturbance in the Force
Hi everyone

I would be very interested on your thoughts on this channeled message from an ET who identifies himself/herself as Red Seed. This message was sent out for the general populace to pick up, it is currently unknown if anyone else picked up on this open message.

I would be grateful for your thoughts on this. The video itself is very amateur, this is due to my total lack of decent media skills. If you can overlook the poor presentation and comment on the content, that would be great.

If it doesn't show as a link below, please copy and paste onto browser to view.

Thank you.
Aristotle Hit The Bottle said:
Why was my thread moved to cointelpro from psi????? Does that mean you think Im deliberately posting misinformation?


Have you read the forum guidelines yet?
Aristotle Hit The Bottle said:
Why was my thread moved to cointelpro from psi????? Does that mean you think Im deliberately posting misinformation?

Not necessarily deliberate, but misinfo nonetheless. Read through some of the other threads on channeled messages (the Channel Watch series would be a good start) to get an idea of how the 'program' runs'. And if you haven't read Laura's Wave Series, check it out. There is a ton of information on channeling and how to weed out the good from the bad.
Aristotle Hit The Bottle said:
Okay. I obviously missed something. Im new here so I don't know the ropes here yet. Could you tell me?

Nienna Eluch showed you the ropes here. We advice all new members to read through all the links included, so that they have a better understanding of what this forum is about :cool2:
My main thought about it was, "wow, a heck of a lot more spelling errors than usual." I guess the typist didn't think it was a message important enough to spell-check. :P

Other than, unfortunately, nothing new. It seems to be the nth restatement of, "we're super-evolved good guys of your space family, here protecting you from the mischief of the bad guys, and you're all about to experience a great leap forward in consciousness, and you don't have to do anything at all."
PopHistorian said:
My main thought about it was, "wow, a heck of a lot more spelling errors than usual." I guess the typist didn't think it was a message important enough to spell-check. :P

Other than, unfortunately, nothing new. It seems to be the nth restatement of, "we're super-evolved good guys of your space family, here protecting you from the mischief of the bad guys, and you're all about to experience a great leap forward in consciousness, and you don't have to do anything at all."

In other words, no one, be it a guru, channeled messages, or space brothers, is going to haul us out of the fire.
It's up to us. ;) ;) ;)
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