Channeled Message of Imminent Solar Flare + Negative Reptilians

Hey guys, I came across this channel of Shawna L Frances, a few years ago. I understand that everyone should be taking everything we hear and see with a pinch of salt for want of a better expression. I believe I was guided to see her channel for a reason. That reason being that Shawna had made a soul contract with the former late Queen Elizabeth of England, who was of Reptilian heritage as is Shawna. Both have moved to working for the Light. They made a contract to make this move to shed light on the Royal family's connection to the Negative Reptilians and the influence that the Royal Family have on the world. Shawna channels Elizabeth in a series of videos that she transcribes and reads out.

How these messages were important for me to hear is because since I was a child, I had always, for no fathomable reason, intensely disliked the Queen and the Royal Family in general and even as a child when they came onto our 3 channel TV, in either a documentary of news report, I would find it difficult to watch and felt uncomfortable looking at them. I invariably changed the channel, or if my parents were watching, I wold go out of the room. I remember my mum was laughing at my cross face and my folded arms when she asked to watch it. I As I grew, I always wondered what that was all about but never had an idea. Then in 2010 when I had the last part of my awakening, I found out about the Reptilians. David Ickes info seemed to be the missing piece of the puzzle and did not seem fanciful or far fetched at all! So when I came across Shawna's videos about the Queen and the Reptilians, it was very cathartic. My intense dislike for her and the Royal Family (and the many stories about them including the missing kids in Cananda), I was able to understand their perspective, being born into a particular bloodline, and having the things that you love and treasure above all else, your children, threatened, would make even the most hard core of us tow the line I suspect. It is fascinating and eyeopening, and for me personally, I was able to let the Queen know that I was sorry for all of my anger and animosity towards her. I put myself in her shoes and in her scenario, if my child was threathened, I believe I would have done the same. The Reptilians have used the most powerful energy that we have, against us and that is why they have managed to secure so many puppets to do their dirty work. I have posted the link to Shawna's Queen Elizabeth Channeling below. Shawna gives some revelations about her own journey and is given images of her own Reptilian soul's incarnations where she herself is sacrificing/consuming another human. It is not for the feint hearted by any means as some of the channeling are graphically detailed, but what I gained from this is a zero point perspective on the fact that they are what they are just as we are what we are. No judgement....least we condemn ourselves in a past lifetime. Our soul heritage is dynamic and none of us can know what we have been or in fact are unless you have had an Akashic reading or are able to remote view your own lifetimes!!

Anyhow, that is that and now to the Imminent Solar Flare.......I will link the channeled message below. So many people have been saying that there is going to be an event, so this comes as no surprise at all, but perhaps it will give us a chance to just take some precautions and prep. Forewarned is forearmed!

QE Channeling, Channeling Queen Elizabeth - Shawna L. Frances
Solar Flare Channeling, WORLD-STOPPING EVENT: Massive Solar Flare Predicted 2024/2025 | Weekly Briefing Shawna L. Frances - Shawna L. Frances
About fifteen years ago I started reading about new age stuff and there is always a forecast for a solar flare for the next year or two.

And a detail about these gurus with soul contracts to do this and that which they make public very proudly.

I have not read any of the people on this forum saying that they have a soul contract or that they have a mission for this or that thing.

Do you understand?

A geo-effective solar storm on our planet is something well studied and known.
About fifteen years ago I started reading about new age stuff and there is always a forecast for a solar flare for the next year or two.

And a detail about these gurus with soul contracts to do this and that which they make public very proudly.

I have not read any of the people on this forum saying that they have a soul contract or that they have a mission for this or that thing.

Do you understand?

A geo-effective solar storm on our planet is something well studied and known.
Yes I understand! Salute! With all due respect, my perspective is that I am STO, and that is what STO do, they have information and they share it. The disclaimer on most if not all of the genuine ones, is that take what resonates and leave the rest behind. Most would not call themselves "Gurus" they are simply sharing what they feel will help others, they are usually compelled. the whole of this Forum is based on channeled messages!! We are all here to learn lessons, expand and experience, and sharing is the way we do that. How any of us get our information is via that which is what is your point here.......or are you insinuating that I am on the wrong forum?
For some reason I put this notification on my Google Calendar that there would be an X-50 class solar flare around August 10th.

I can't remember, but I think I created the notification about a year ago because I was watching this crazy old Jew named Douglas Voght of the Diehold Foundation, but I'm not sure. My short-term memory was destroyed by Hypoxia in 2019 during a heart attack.

Voght was into Torah Numerology, but stopped making videos about 10 months ago because he died. I have all his videos saved locally. He was very interesting. He must have mentioned something about August 2024 for me to do this.

Doh! Sychromystic! I just (like 10 seconds ago) got an email from my Daughter responding to a my query as to when. She says I added her to this Google Calendar event about two years ago.

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