The Living Force
Recently, while out dancing, I've had a moment of awareness that is altering my perception of the choices I make, or seem to make, each day. It's in that vein I wanted to share and discuss excerpts from a journal entry I wrote shortly after returning home.
This can be done in a variety of ways, and is the result of our choices. What we choose to wear, how to act, what we do in the presence of others - we pluck ideas from a different level, like the painter's palate - and we manifest them here, on Earth. For example, in high school I conjured Goth, Raver and Prep, alternately, in order to create a 'favorable reaction' from those around me. When Goth, I wanted people to be afraid of me. To avoid me. This was a defense mechanism, programmed as a result of years of daily harassment by other kids. Raver elicited interest, and attraction. I seemed too silly to be a threat and that made people comfortable.
In college I had it down to an art form, I wasn't even conscious of what I was doing - then again, no surprises there. - In all of this I was channeling a certain type of energy, and eliciting same from the environment.
This seems to be something each of us is capable of, perhaps others have perceived it differently and understood it using another metaphor.
Here I use the term to indicate it's transmissive nature, not necessarily having to do with intercourse - but it can.
Never give up aka Don't Drop the Hope aka Even in the Face of Failure, to remain dedicated to an idea because it is in you to do so. To have Faith in oneself, and the creative principle. To do what you can, and let the universe take care of the rest these are ideas or understandings that came to me through movies, through cartoons, through books and stories. To do the right thing, not because it's easy, or because it feels good, but because it's hard and yet so right - these are the lessons I learn from the heroes of 'fiction'. Frodo and Sam, the Jake Sully, Harry Potter, Fox Mulder, etc and I see them represented here by real people as well their Work.
This is something I'd like to dig around, the unique feeling of 'intentional suffering' which is a particular sort of psychological pain. It's hard to describe, similar to boredom, but it also withdrawl. It's an irritation that is difficult to tolerate, for me at least.
It happens to everyone, osit. Some people deal with it via television, I can't tell you how many people I know that like to just 'turn their brains off to some mindless tv' after work. Some do drugs, some focus on social activities, large groups of 'friends', some sports, other's work or school... it seems that when the activity in question becomes a medium for ignoring large portions of reality it becomes a channel for STS energy. This could be due to exterior circumstances - how crappy our planet is and the horrible things that happen daily - or due to internal ones, unpleasant emotional states. But the goal always in mind, or not, is to 'feel good'.
This is so common it's 'normal' imho.
I think it's possible to use the some of the same activities to channel STO energy, but it requires much more Work. For example, external consideration, worked at in any medium is a choice that channels STO energy. It also hurts, and can cause pangs of anxiety from programs and buffers, little I's. I think this is a result of the 3D STS medium in which we live, and the 'gravity' of the 6D STS thought-center towards non-being.
An interesting aside, if we were in an STO realm, would the opposite be true - IE it's 'easier' to make STO choices and 'more difficult' to make STS ones by the very nature of the medium and the inherent pull of the 6D 'gravity well'.
Any activity that is creative/expansive, done because you choose to do it, not because of an expectation of reward or done simply to 'pass the time' - has the potential to be Other-Serving, in a non-linear, outward spiral, sort of way. I think, one must be Consciously choosing the activity in order for it to be STO, merely by the nature of the experience and energies involved. It's like a rule, osit. Like, if it's an easy choice to make, if it doesn't irk you in some way, if it doesn't 'cost more' then a 'default' choice it's probably STS.
Granted, we're aiming for 51% STO, so making 'STS' choices, isn't necessarily a 'bad thing'. It all depends on one's aim, and one's ability not only to See the choice, but to make it.
I'd be interested to hear other people's examples of Seeing the Choice (STS vs STO) and how you made it, one way or the other. For myself, I'm a pretty bad STO conduit. I do have ebbs & flows, a day or a few where I'm on it with the 'reading/networking' and others where I'm totally asleep. It's very similar to a wave function now that I think about it. All feedback welcome. :/
Journal 1.18.10 3:18am said:So it's been a completely STS few days. I've had a hard time reading/networking in my free time. I'm pretty hooked on HoN [video game]. Even when I lose, I still 'have fun' which leads me to an interesting realization I had tonight, while dancing. I'm a pretty good energy conduit. I've always had the ability to conjure/channel/represent a different flavor of 'energy'.
This can be done in a variety of ways, and is the result of our choices. What we choose to wear, how to act, what we do in the presence of others - we pluck ideas from a different level, like the painter's palate - and we manifest them here, on Earth. For example, in high school I conjured Goth, Raver and Prep, alternately, in order to create a 'favorable reaction' from those around me. When Goth, I wanted people to be afraid of me. To avoid me. This was a defense mechanism, programmed as a result of years of daily harassment by other kids. Raver elicited interest, and attraction. I seemed too silly to be a threat and that made people comfortable.
In college I had it down to an art form, I wasn't even conscious of what I was doing - then again, no surprises there. - In all of this I was channeling a certain type of energy, and eliciting same from the environment.
For example, tonight I was serving "Pennsylvania straight-boy who knows how to dance." Which generated a unique reaction from those around me. Namely attraction from another unique set of personality types. All this self-serving energy work is pure STS, I act as a battery absorbing & transmitting this 'stuff' to the moon. It seems to have mass, albeit infinitesimal, and has a distinctly magnetic/electrical feel about it.
This seems to be something each of us is capable of, perhaps others have perceived it differently and understood it using another metaphor.
When absorbing this energy I get a distinct sensation it's coming form the ground. It comes through the floor and from all around me (via people, I think) mainly when I'm dancing. I think the same thing happens during 3D induced adrenaline rushes, but I'm not sure. I do recall the same 'flavor of experience' from snowboarding & martial arts. These are all instances where I absorb/spend this 'sexual energy'
Here I use the term to indicate it's transmissive nature, not necessarily having to do with intercourse - but it can.
When I discharge it, it's like spending a currency. This takes the form of any number of activities. The big one I'm doing now is HoN, and it amazes me how similar the experience is to WoW. I'd be the same is true for all video games. Thus their propagation. As others have discussed, the same is likely true for movies and television. [Sexual activity also seems to utilize this 'stuff']
The amazing thing is that in all these experiences we have the potential to learn 'simple karmic understandings' that can, over time, elucidate a fundamental choice regarding the nature of reality.
The annoying part is the addictive nature of the STS experience. It's a high, a rush, its having fun in its most three-dimensional, ie brain chemically induced [forms of pleasure] naturally or artificially induced. These types of experiences all 'feel good' and even when they go to far and 'feel bad' your still pumping raw sexual energy via the emotional/movement centers.
Never give up aka Don't Drop the Hope aka Even in the Face of Failure, to remain dedicated to an idea because it is in you to do so. To have Faith in oneself, and the creative principle. To do what you can, and let the universe take care of the rest these are ideas or understandings that came to me through movies, through cartoons, through books and stories. To do the right thing, not because it's easy, or because it feels good, but because it's hard and yet so right - these are the lessons I learn from the heroes of 'fiction'. Frodo and Sam, the Jake Sully, Harry Potter, Fox Mulder, etc and I see them represented here by real people as well their Work.
'Reading/networking' has a completely different flavor, which, unlike STS, alternatively feels bad with minor amounts of feeling good, usually coming after the activity has taken place, as if it's 'something to be proud of'. Whereas the STS stuff is 'fun in the moment' but offers no lasting gratification.
'Reading/networking' also can, after awhile, feel 'boring/tiring', as if it drains the energy at a faster rate ---> or costs more in terms of currency.
This is something I'd like to dig around, the unique feeling of 'intentional suffering' which is a particular sort of psychological pain. It's hard to describe, similar to boredom, but it also withdrawl. It's an irritation that is difficult to tolerate, for me at least.
It happens to everyone, osit. Some people deal with it via television, I can't tell you how many people I know that like to just 'turn their brains off to some mindless tv' after work. Some do drugs, some focus on social activities, large groups of 'friends', some sports, other's work or school... it seems that when the activity in question becomes a medium for ignoring large portions of reality it becomes a channel for STS energy. This could be due to exterior circumstances - how crappy our planet is and the horrible things that happen daily - or due to internal ones, unpleasant emotional states. But the goal always in mind, or not, is to 'feel good'.
This is so common it's 'normal' imho.
I think it's possible to use the some of the same activities to channel STO energy, but it requires much more Work. For example, external consideration, worked at in any medium is a choice that channels STO energy. It also hurts, and can cause pangs of anxiety from programs and buffers, little I's. I think this is a result of the 3D STS medium in which we live, and the 'gravity' of the 6D STS thought-center towards non-being.
An interesting aside, if we were in an STO realm, would the opposite be true - IE it's 'easier' to make STO choices and 'more difficult' to make STS ones by the very nature of the medium and the inherent pull of the 6D 'gravity well'.
Any activity that is creative/expansive, done because you choose to do it, not because of an expectation of reward or done simply to 'pass the time' - has the potential to be Other-Serving, in a non-linear, outward spiral, sort of way. I think, one must be Consciously choosing the activity in order for it to be STO, merely by the nature of the experience and energies involved. It's like a rule, osit. Like, if it's an easy choice to make, if it doesn't irk you in some way, if it doesn't 'cost more' then a 'default' choice it's probably STS.
Granted, we're aiming for 51% STO, so making 'STS' choices, isn't necessarily a 'bad thing'. It all depends on one's aim, and one's ability not only to See the choice, but to make it.
I'd be interested to hear other people's examples of Seeing the Choice (STS vs STO) and how you made it, one way or the other. For myself, I'm a pretty bad STO conduit. I do have ebbs & flows, a day or a few where I'm on it with the 'reading/networking' and others where I'm totally asleep. It's very similar to a wave function now that I think about it. All feedback welcome. :/