Chemical attack in Syria


Jedi Council Member
William Hague, UK foreign secretary:

"... we need UN investigators on site of this horrific attack, so that those that doubt it was committed by the Assad regime can see the evidence..."

Are the control system puppets becoming sloppy? Or just more arrogant?
Vic said:
William Hague, UK foreign secretary:

"... we need UN investigators on site of this horrific attack, so that those that doubt it was committed by the Assad regime can see the evidence..."

Are the control system puppets becoming sloppy? Or just more arrogant?

More desperate perhaps. He seems to be saying that the UN investigators need to go there to find out what happened, presumably because no one knows what happened, but they are only allowed to conclude that Assad did it. How's that for impartiality! "Fixing the facts around the policy" part deux
Today I was tired to listen all the lies in the radio. And the voice of Obama. Because here in Spain Obama is someone who needs to be listen. The image that they give about him is completely false, they show a man that is just, calm, right. He is waiting patiently the verdict of UN. As if the UN were good people.

Today was the day where they talk a lot about Syria. Oh, suddenly we are concerned by Syria and Syrians. Suddenly it is very important to talk about Syria. What a beautiful day of propaganda was today.
I think it goes slightly further than that, Perceval. Hague et al know full well that Assad didn't do it, because they know exactly who did it because they were part of the planning of it.

I think this attack took place on the day UN investigators arrived in Syria to investigate reports of chemical attacks by the Assad regime. Would the Assad regime be so utterly stupid to carry out such an attack on that very day?

If it wasn't so horrific it would be laughable.

Yes, Loreta, I know what you mean by being 'tired' listening to all the propaganda. It is so tiring. You want the whole fiction to be exposed and ended. Unfortunately it seems to be a necessary part of the cycle.
Those idiots were already caught in January this year while they were planning what 'they' intend to do. And it was not a surprise to me (or most people in this forum) what their plan was.


IMO the problem is, when we say 'they' it's a bit more difficult to determine who exactly are 'they' compared to times of 'Iraq has WMD'. In Syria issue now too many parties are involved and one can hardly say they achieved any little thing so far. So yeah they are desperate and desperation causes more mistakes.
loreta said:
Today I was tired to listen all the lies in the radio. And the voice of Obama. Because here in Spain Obama is someone who needs to be listen. The image that they give about him is completely false, they show a man that is just, calm, right. He is waiting patiently the verdict of UN. As if the UN were good people.

Today was the day where they talk a lot about Syria. Oh, suddenly we are concerned by Syria and Syrians. Suddenly it is very important to talk about Syria. What a beautiful day of propaganda was today.

I agree with you.
Today Spanish television news reported chemical attack and tragedy of one million Syrian refugee children. The news has been repeated this again and again. I think it's a way to instill in citizens an idea like: "Please, UN, authorities, someone should intervene and stop this horror!"
Ariadna said:
loreta said:
Today I was tired to listen all the lies in the radio. And the voice of Obama. Because here in Spain Obama is someone who needs to be listen. The image that they give about him is completely false, they show a man that is just, calm, right. He is waiting patiently the verdict of UN. As if the UN were good people.

Today was the day where they talk a lot about Syria. Oh, suddenly we are concerned by Syria and Syrians. Suddenly it is very important to talk about Syria. What a beautiful day of propaganda was today.

I agree with you.
Today Spanish television news reported chemical attack and tragedy of one million Syrian refugee children. The news has been repeated this again and again. I think it's a way to instill in citizens an idea like: "Please, UN, authorities, someone should intervene and stop this horror!"

Absolutely. And plus, they interview "professors" of Universities, specialists in the affairs of Middle East, Doctors of Arab Studies, lecturers of Islamic studies. These actors are very important in this piece of theater. And then also the vox populi is important, to give the voice to the people, they can express with liberty their horror, this insulting situation in this planet, this horrendous man, Assad. The vox populi is too much for me. Hopefully I don't have an hammer with me because if I had an hammer my radio would disappear in little plastic pieces in the air.
loreta said:
Today I was tired to listen all the lies in the radio. And the voice of Obama. Because here in Spain Obama is someone who needs to be listen. The image that they give about him is completely false, they show a man that is just, calm, right. He is waiting patiently the verdict of UN. As if the UN were good people.

Today was the day where they talk a lot about Syria. Oh, suddenly we are concerned by Syria and Syrians. Suddenly it is very important to talk about Syria. What a beautiful day of propaganda was today.

Yes, it strikes me as very strange that all of a sudden Syria has flaseh up on every news network. I too was so distrsseda and disgusted to see the propaganda machines going into action here in Australia. It was on all the news stations, all were exactly the same snippet, showing children suffering with the slant that Assad was the bad guy. (that's the hook,myne dying suffering children to ponerise public opinion on the evil Assad regime)

And this on, (emphases mine, to display the utter tripe being fed to the unsuspecting public)
"Australian military planners in Washington work on Syrian war plans
by: IAN McPHEDRAN National Defence Writer
From: News Limited Network
August 22, 2013 10:00PM

NEITHER Kevin Rudd nor Tony Abbott will talk of armed intervention in the Syrian crisis, but Australian officers are already working with US allies on a plan if one is needed.
No such plans are being made in Canberra, but concerns are growing in the wake of chemical weapons claims and strong words from the Prime Minister.
Mr Rudd fears the situation has the potential to turn into a "major international crisis".
Asked on Channel 10's The Project whether he supported Australian intervention in the country in the wake of reports up to 1300 were killed in a chemical massacre, the PM would not go that far, but left the door open.
"The challenge now is to establish the absolute fact of whether the regime used those chemical weapons," he said.
"If they did then I believe we have a major international crisis on our hands."
Mr Rudd also reiterated Australia's major alliance with the United States, where Australian military officers are working alongside the the US military in the Pentagon to help draw up war plans for an American-led intervention.

The news comes a day after it was alleged that government forces had attacked and killed up to 1300 civilians with chemical weapons in and around the capital Damascus.
"Planning sessions involving Australians are under way to brief the administration on options,'' a well-placed source said.
Images from Syria have shocked the world. This link will take you to a gallery of some of them, but the reader is warned that these pictures could be extremely distressing and discretion is very strongly advised.
While no specific plans are being considered as yet by the Australian Defence Force, senior officers in Canberra have demanded updated intelligence briefings on the situation.
That material includes top-secret human intelligence summaries from Australian and allied spies in the field and hi-tech signals intelligence collected by satellites and other interception methods, including radio and phone traffic.

It is aimed at verifying claims that the regime of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad had murdered civilians with chemical weapons.
Unverified videos distributed by anti-regime activists apparently showed medics attending to suffocating children, and hospitals being overwhelmed.


Note that New Limited is owned by Rupert Murdoch and his family, he is also incidentally a Board member for the Partnership for New York City (possible 9/11 connection), as well as a Bilderberg regular. You can bet that the media certainly here in Australia, are just a tool for the pathocrats to brainwash our masses.

Joe Quinn wrote a splendid piece on his blog on this whole patently obvious false flag op, wich can be found here:

Syria False Flag Chemical Attack – US, French and British Threaten to Unleash NATO Gimp

They tried it at least once already, and that time, rather than the Assad government, it was proven that, if anyone had used chemical weapons in Syria, it was the Western government-backed ‘Syrian rebels’ aka ‘al-Qaeda’, and that those weapons had been supplied to them by the same Western governments and intel agencies via proxies like the Bahrain or Qatar government. The same spurious allegation has been raised again, as if the ‘elite’ believe that the average citizen has a memory span of only a few months (maybe they’re right about that).

Like last time, France’s Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, is leading the charge, closely followed by his diminutive and pusillanimous British counterpart William Hague, in calling for ‘force’ to be used in the aftermath of what ‘Syrian activists’ claim is evidence of the Assad government using chemical weapons on the Syrian people. Apart from a video showing people in various states of convulsion and heart-breaking clips of children struggling to breathe, there is little evidence to support the claim by these al-qaeda operatives in Syria that at least 1,000 have died in this alleged chemical attack. Western governments don’t see a problem though, and are willing to take any trumped-up ‘evidence’ that presents Assad as a ‘bad-man’ like Saddam Hussein, and run to the nearest camera with it.

The entire spectacle of French and British politicians repeatedly straining to make a case for a NATO attack on Syria would be funny, if it weren’t for the fact that these same politicians are already responsible for the murder of at least a hundred thousand Syrians as a result of their 3 year long proxy war against Assad and the Syrian people by way of their al-qaeda mercenaries. As I pointed out in a previous post, there is clear evidence that, on Christmas eve 2012, British ‘defence contractors’ Britam, had already been offered the job of detonating “soviet origin chemical weapons or g-shells, similar to those Assad should have” in Syria in an effort to provide the pretext for a NATO attack.

The above email is from David Goulding, the Business Development Director at Britam Defence and was sent to Phillip Doughty, the founder of the company on Dec. 24th 2012.

Despite this evidence, not a single mainstream media outlet has even hinted at the idea that the entire world may be being set-up (once again) to support a criminal attack on the Syrian people by NATO warmongers.

At this stage, with so much ignorance and apathy among the global population, combined with the incessant lies and manipulations of government and mainstream media, the only hope we have to stop the ongoing mass murder of civilians by psychopaths in power is for some external force to enter the scene and make it very clear that the prerogative to set to rights a global society gone disastrously wrong does not lie with any human agency.

I actually feel sick in my stomach right now, knowing that very likely more blood is going to be shed in the Middle East. :cry:
British MP: Israel gave chemicals to Syria rebels

British MP George Galloway believes Syria chemical attacks a botched plot by outsiders

A British parliamentarian says Israel has been giving out chemical arms to the anti-Syria militants.

George Galloway, Britain’s Respect Party for Bradford West said Israel provided terrorist groups linked with al-Qaeda with chemical weapons.

“If there’s been any use of nerve gas, it’s the rebels that used it...If there has been use of chemical weapons, it was Al Qaeda who used the chemical weapons”, Galloway said.

“Who gave al-Qaeda the chemical weapons? Here’s my theory: Israel gave them the chemical weapons”, Galloway MP added.

Meanwhile, media reports had it that Qatar’s Al Jazeera TV and Reuters news agency published the news of massacre in East Ghouta, Damascus “one day” before the massacre happened.

According to the reports tens of videos were uploaded before foreign-backed terrorists announced and accused the Syrian government of conducting chemical attacks on its own people. Those evidences show the terrorists massacred people, including women and children, then recorded and uploaded the scenes to deceive the world’s public opinion, but they did so hurriedly and gave themselves up.

The question here is why the Syrian government and its army should have committed such a heinous mass murder using chemical weapons when the United Nations inspectors are visiting the country to investigate the use of such weapons?

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