Child cries about the world

Mariama said:
The baby was even more upset than the six year old. :shock: If a baby screams like that you definitely know something is wrong, yet the mother continues filming while she offers suggestions. Making posters? :huh:

Besides, putting up pictures and videos of your kids on the internet could be dangerous. You never know which pedocriminals in your area are scouring the internet, looking for vulnerable kids whom they can groom more easily. She could be giving them ammunition and information about her kids this way. I hope I am wrong.

No, you are not wrong. But again some parents are not aware of the pedophiles and how many kids disappear every day.

I understand this fine red line when you try to educated your child about how hard and dangerous is this world. I think it is important to give them the basics, to be careful, not follow anyone, etc. Give them strength, power, confidence, etc. When your kid cries you have to console him, telling him that not everyone is bad, not every animal is tortured, that there are people who love earth and fight for it. I think so. Give him hope, but specially to console him and embrace him and kiss him when he feels so lonely and sad. Educate him. I know it is very complicated and difficult.
I don't think we have enough information to judge the parents as harshly as we are, they are most likely doing what they are doing based on their upbringing. It could be the parents are dumping their issues on the kid, but he could as easily watched a documentary at his friends house or as meager1 pointed out it could have been the school's daily topic. Of course we all know that school don't necessarily teach to what we perceive to be acceptable standards, and I'm also on the same page, but we all grew up in similar environments or worse. I think because we are so heavily invested in learning about psychopaths and suffering so much we fail to see that this may be perfectly "normal" for a kid. How many children cry over almost anything and it's just a lesson for their development. As you've said there are kids being kidnaped, raped, abandoned, killed, ect. all over the world and this family may be "better" off than most of those.

I do agree with everyone that the parent(s) should not be filming their crying kid but we need to realize that this is the world AS IT IS(at least were they have access to tech and internet). The parents are as much machines as most of the people of this world (probably) and they could have been brought up in the "post everything on youtube" era which we are still in. You can find countless videos of the same type of situation everywhere(not that I think it's ok). This small segment of this child's life may not mean he will be traumatized, it may but I'm beginning to think all people are traumatized and maybe that's part of their lesson. Isn't suffering part of the learning process.

I guess all I'm saying is we don't have enough information to judge them so harshly and we should realize that we all came from similar or worse backgrounds and here we are exploring the boundaries of 3D reality and ourselves. The future/learning is open for most people.

We can most likely agree that the parents are ignorant to a degree just like most people, but beyond that we need more data. I also could always be missing some piece of information and my emotional center seems to be blocked so maybe there is a lack of affection for kids but yah... just my current thoughts.

EDIT: and of course maybe you guys are being objectively honest and I'm just biased.
Thinkingfingers said:
I don't think we have enough information to judge the parents as harshly as we are, they are most likely doing what they are doing based on their upbringing. It could be the parents are dumping their issues on the kid, but he could as easily watched a documentary at his friends house or as meager1 pointed out it could have been the school's daily topic. Of course we all know that school don't necessarily teach to what we perceive to be acceptable standards, and I'm also on the same page, but we all grew up in similar environments or worse. I think because we are so heavily invested in learning about psychopaths and suffering so much we fail to see that this may be perfectly "normal" for a kid. How many children cry over almost anything and it's just a lesson for their development. As you've said there are kids being kidnaped, raped, abandoned, killed, ect. all over the world and this family may be "better" off than most of those.

I do agree with everyone that the parent(s) should not be filming their crying kid but we need to realize that this is the world AS IT IS(at least were they have access to tech and internet). The parents are as much machines as most of the people of this world (probably) and they could have been brought up in the "post everything on youtube" era which we are still in. You can find countless videos of the same type of situation everywhere(not that I think it's ok). This small segment of this child's life may not mean he will be traumatized, it may but I'm beginning to think all people are traumatized and maybe that's part of their lesson. Isn't suffering part of the learning process.

I guess all I'm saying is we don't have enough information to judge them so harshly and we should realize that we all came from similar or worse backgrounds and here we are exploring the boundaries of 3D reality and ourselves. The future/learning is open for most people.

We can most likely agree that the parents are ignorant to a degree just like most people, but beyond that we need more data. I also could always be missing some piece of information and my emotional center seems to be blocked so maybe there is a lack of affection for kids but yah... just my current thoughts.

EDIT: and of course maybe you guys are being objectively honest and I'm just biased.

I agree completely with you on this.
Like I said, my parents didn't influence anything that happened to me hardly at all, all they did was give me the answers simply. The rest was up to my perception.
You give a thousand different children the same information and they'll all process and realise it their own way.

Yeah the kid was distressed and so was the baby, likely just mimicking it's older sibling, or may be everyone needed a nap and couldn't handle things anymore. We really don't know.
Assuming and anticipating are things we should try to avoid.
There is a new video today, it did happen at school.
It was a video a teacher showed all the children about baby chickadees eating plastic.
Sorry I don't know how to put the new video here, but it,s on FB.

This is his Facebook apparently - 'Henry the Emotional Environmentalist.'

It's really sad to see how they exploit this little boy.

Some of the Facebook comments are just bizzard like this one:

I wish I was an adult right now, I just want to do my job now! " Henry, you are a little angel, you can do your mission now by raising awareness through social media and partnering with people like you to help transition planet Earth into a sustainable planet to live in health, love and harmony!

What pressure to put on a 6 year-old, that somehow it's his job and responsibility to 'fix' the planet.

The other thing that bothered me was how he explicitly said a couple of times that he 'hates,' such and such people, and his mom didn't say anything about that. While it's okay to not like something and not agree with certain people's action, I don't think kids should be taught to hate - especially if it's just to serve your own radical views and agendas.
Meager1 said:
There is a new video today, it did happen at school.
It was a video a teacher showed all the children about baby chickadees eating plastic.
Sorry I don't know how to put the new video here, but it,s on FB.

Well, as far as I see it, considering what his parents did (see Solie's previous post), it doesn't matter what acted as a trigger for his cry. The fact remains that his parents (or only one parent, doesn't matter) cynically used the opportunity and made their child a celebrity to satisfy their own egotistic needs. They even are going to have a clothing line based on this video! :shock: :barf:
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