China Olympics Alternative Logo...

DonaldJHunt said:
So, if the Olympics were in the U.S. and people around the world protested Guantanamo, etc., etc., would you say that the protesters' actions were no different than torturing prisoners held without charge
Certainly murder and torture of any human being anywhere and anytime is a heinous crime. Who did the athletes and the Olympic Organization murder and torture? I walked by the Chinese Embassy in Paris today, it was surrounded by barricades. A group of young acrobats climbed the flag pole and hoisted the Tibetan Flag. I applaud this direct protest of the crimes of the Chinese government.
DonaldJHunt said:
Or are you upset that your subjective enjoyment of the athletes' supposed "grace, beauty, courage, and dedication" is spoiled by rude demonstrators pointing out some truths?
No.The truths being pointed out seem to use a broad brush, tarring one of the few shared world events celebrating and sharing human athletic achievement, to protest the actions of the host government. It is true the motives and agenda of many of the organizations sponsoring the Olympics and no doubt the athletes themselves have a political or economic agenda, We live in a mixed third density experience. I am attemping to understand this mixed situation.
DonaldJHunt said:
Anyways, can you elaborate on what you mean by "principle" in this context?
Yes I can; The principle involved is the exploitation of others and events not directly responsible for the crimes which are being protested. The Chinese EXPLOIT the Tibetans and the protestors EXPLOIT the athletes and the Olympics for their ends. The difference of the degree of exploitation is large, as you point out, however both are violations of the free will of others only tangentially responsible for the crimes we both abhor. The principle is simply violation of free will and exploitation of others without their informed consent.
DonaldJHunt said:
So why exempt China from a little artistic protest of their pathocratic regime?
The Olympics are not China,The Olympics are an event shared by all humanity, at least in theory: Please excuse typos on the French keyboard. I appreciate your points, discernment is difficult for me and I do not claim authority on this topic, Thanks for making me think about this situation.
go2 said:
Certainly murder and torture of any human being anywhere and anytime is a heinous crime. Who did the athletes and the Olympic Organization murder and torture?
How exactly is the torch protests harming any athletes? They'll still be performing at the olympics won't they?

go2 said:
I walked by the Chinese Embassy in Paris today, it was surrounded by barricades. A group of young acrobats climbed the flag pole and hoisted the Tibetan Flag. I applaud this direct protest of the crimes of the Chinese government.
How many of the world population saw that or read about it, compared to the torch protest?

go2 said:
No.The truths being pointed out seem to use a broad brush, tarring one of the few shared world events celebrating and sharing human athletic achievement, to protest the actions of the host government.
It's a flame on a stick. It was amazing how much manpower was given to it. Are you upset about the protest go2?
I appreciate your points, too. I don't claim any authority on the subject either.

Since you mention that your keyboard is French that may explain our different points of view. If you ever had to watch the Olympics in the United States in the last 25 years, you would be so sick of all the corporate crap and the use of athletes as corporate salespeople, use of the logo for corporate advertisements ("the official drain cleaner of the 2008 Beijing Olympics") and all the ridiculous nationalism and sentimental, human-interest angle reporting that you might be willing to junk the whole business. I think in other countries besides the U.S. the idealism of the Olympics might come through better.

go2 said:
The Olympics are not China,The Olympics are an event shared by all humanity, at least in theory: Please excuse typos on the French keyboard. I appreciate your points, discernment is difficult for me and I do not claim authority on this topic, Thanks for making me think about this situation.
Peam said:
Are you upset about the protest go2?
No I am not. I am interested in the phenomenon of the PTB utilizing the good motive
of the protestors for their own agenda. If you watched these protests unfold on CNN
and in the International Herald Tribune, and read Michael Chossoduvsky's analysis of intelligence
agencies involvement, you would have to ask yourself what is going on when many,
such as yourself, are enthusiastically walking arm and arm with some of the darkest
imperial forces on this planet. The PTB seem to me, to be implementing the age old
strategy of divide and conquer as they provoke a nationalist and angry reaction in a
nation of one billion plus human beings, most of whom are well versed in the evil
of tyranny. They recognize tyrannical manipulation of the slave master as most in the
soft and decadent West have forgotten. The West will discover naked tyranny and its
cunning and efficent manipulation of public passions before the age is over. Witness the
advancing police state in the so called democratic countries and the controlled collapse
of education, family, economic stability and justice and general capacity to discern the
nature of evil. I think the following link will help explain my interest in this topic, it is useful
for a real time study of ponerology and its methods.
Hello everybody,

Go2, said: "Who did the athletes and the Olympic Organization murder and torture?

Actually the athletes are merely pawns in the game in my view. Recently, there has been a major scandal in Greece, concerning the heavy weights olympic team, offen refered by the greek media as the "Dream Team". Well, the greek the dream is over, as of the 7th of March. After a surprise (beware of "surprises"..!) check by WADA, 11 out 14 athletes were found possitive to illegal substances. Further disclosures revealed the these substainces were so toxic and "advanced" (imported from China(?) as the investigation suggests) that it is said that they reduce an althele's life expectancy to a FEW years! I don't know if this is an expression of the original olympic spirit of the ancient greeks! The athetes then were "cleansing" themselves before the Games to prepare their spirit as well as their body, they did not shoot injections. The trophy then was a garland made of leaves, not multi-million contracts. I see no relation to the olympic games of "then" and these of "today". But to be honest, even the ancient games must have been used for propaganda by the city-states that then existed. I guess it would be easier to rally the people to a new war by recalling their "superiority" in the Games! As for the today, winning a gold metal for any country is also a mass propaganda event to divert a nation's attention by it's "glory" and "greatness". Yes, like our athletes, "if we work harder (how much harder??) we can achive great things!". Actually, I still wonder and i am alert of the REAL price the Greeks paid (or still pay) for winning the Euro football cup, the Eurovision "music contest", and other paneuropean trophies at the same time! Unfortunately us the Greeks as a people are very easily manipulated by our self-importance and "historical greatness". And every nation has it's own buttons for the PTB to push of course in such occasions.

The ruling cast in China (not it's people) are as dirty handed as any goverment, like stated by other members. They deserve no "protection" by any means. But i agree with you that the situation in Palestine and Iraq deserve more attention and exposure, and personally, i will look to that with... :-)

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