Chinese National TV reporting impending UFO/ET disclosure by Obama government


Jedi Council Member
I just received this, but I don't have time to check it out this Monday AM,
so I thought I'd pass it on anyways. ENJOY

January 21st, 2011 2:24 pm PT
Chinese National Television Xinhua news is now reporting an impending extraterrestrial disclosure by the Obama administration.

The unprecedented national China TV news bulletin that U.S. President Barack Obama may be preparing to disclose U.S. relations with specific extraterrestrial races was broadcast on the official channel Xinhua on January 4, 2011 on the eve of China President Hu Jintao's state visit to the United States.

President Hu is presently visiting a Chinese language facility in Chicago, IL as of this writing on January 21, 2011.

View China National TV reporting impending ET disclosure by Obama administration readers can view the China TV news broadcast above in this article on by clicking in the URL below:!

The original Xinhua news article and news broadcast can be accessed at this URL:

ET Disclosure Race?

The Xinhua China TV broadcast on the official news channel stating that President Barack Obama may be preparing an official U.S. disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence by one perspective may be fueled by an “Extraterrestrial disclosure race” now developing between China, the U.S., and other major space powers as to which nation will be the first nation will use the authority of its Head of State and secret ET files to authoritatively declare there is an extraterrestrial presence on Earth.

The first nation to authoritatively announce the Extraterrestrial presence stands to gain world prestige and trust in the eyes of the increasingly extraterrestrially-sophisticated more than 6.89 billion persons populating the Earth at this time.

One journalist, Michael Cohen, notes that “Prime time TV news broadcasts announcing the upcoming US UFO admission…. have been beamed to the living rooms of hundreds of millions of intrigued Chinese citizens.

“Commentators and analysts now believe a new cold war over alien and UFO secrets is underway between the two superpowers.

“The historic decision [by Xinhua by Chinese national Television agency] to broadcast this news is seen as stemming from fears that the US might steal China's glory and admit an alien presence on Earth before Beijing does.

“In fact, neither side particularly wants to admit to the public that they are in contact with aliens, however at the same time, they do not want the other side to do so first. In other words, if there is UFO admission both nations want it to be their moment of glory.

“The recent news broadcasts are probably a way for progressive elements within the Communist party to nudge the notoriously cautious President Hu Jintao by bringing to his attention the possibility that America might steal his moment and come clean.

“In an era where both superpowers possess enormous nuclear arsenals it is essential that the race to UFO disclosure does not heat up into fully blown conflict, or else alien observers themselves might be forced to intervene.”

An opposite view by a China ET observer

One veteran China observer of expolitical affairs takes an opposite view.

He writes, "The political processes associated with Chinese National Security including elements forming political mass [interpret UFOs as] a danger to the stability of Chinese Society.

"Chinese say 'eat rice'! remember that for as long as you are watching Chinese politics. They eat rice but do not spit any out whilst talking. These people are strategists and the finest poker players on the planet. They will not disclose anything.

"The Youtube video in Mandarin is of President HU talking about websites in the USA that put up sensationalist articles on UFOs, ET and disclosure. He spoke about the USA making some good films like CONTACT but some rather exaggerated and over the top films like 2012.

"Everyone in China knows that the China /Obama disclosure story is a rumor; but at the same time everyone knows that China is being buzzed by UFOs which have closed 2 airports and created amazing aerial displays from time to time, particularly noted by Chinese academics in astronomy.

"My view is to forget about this China/Obama disclosure issue at this point in time because most people here see disclosure as an organic process, under ET timing and methodologies; a process which is intensifying alongside changes in the earths basic resonances. A necessary cosmic conditioning process for masses by the ETs, without the need for a disclosure date by a terra politician. China see's the US people as helpless, trapped by financial disaster and under extreme control of a shadow government. They love the US people but despise the US shadow government."

Chinese science and the extraterrestrial presence

In 2010 there were major overflights of UFOs over Chinese airports, shutting the airports down. Whether all of these are of extraterrestrial origin remains to be seen.

The extraterrestrial presence appears to be a more open one in mainstream Chinese science than in mainstream western science.

A leading Chinese extraterrestrial expert, “the oft-quoted Zhang Yifang, professor of physics at Yunnan University and Director of the Kunming UFO Research Association, recently claimed aliens are alive and well and living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang. ‘The complicated terrain of these places makes them perfect for observation of us earthlings,’ he says. ‘But I believe they are nice and they have no intention of attacking us. Perhaps they are shape-shifters camouflaged as human beings or they have manufactured human-like robots to watch us.’”

“’UFOs are not just rumors, or fake science like some people think,’ he told That’s Shanghai. ‘It is a fact that the entire human race has to face. It needs our attention and study. Although the majority of mainstream scientists have a negative attitude towards UFOs at the moment, there are still some who recognize their existence. Since the late 1970s, UFO witness cases have started to appear frequently, and more and more scientists are starting to study it too, for example, Pan Junye, an academic at the China Engineering Academy, Zhu Jin from Beijing Observatory, and Wang Sichao from the Nanjing Observatory.’

“As if that wasn’t spooky enough, scientists at Nanjing’s Purple Mountain Observatory say that during last summer’s eclipse, they filmed an unidentified flying object near the sun for a full 40 minutes. As observatory director Ji Haisheng says, it will take months of footage analysis before the team can reach a conclusion, but still!

“Lou Jinhong, Director of the Shanghai UFO Research Center, is Shanghai’s No. 1 UFO expert. He served in the PLA’s No. 9 Aviation School in the 1970s, studied aircraft and later went on to work at the Shanghai Aircraft Research Institute. In short, he knows his flying objects, identified or otherwise.

“Lou acknowledges that 95 percent of reported UFO sightings are just hoaxes or misunderstandings, as witnesses often mistake Venus or Jupiter for more mysterious heavenly bodies.

“All the same, Lou is convinced that his own sighting was no mistake. ‘On September 26, 1971, I was serving in the PLA’s No.9 Aviation School, and my troop was located in a small valley in the suburb of Laohekou, Hubei. After dinner, we walked to the park to watch an open-air film. I can still remember, it was a colored film from North Korea called Flower Girl. The sky was very beautiful and clear, dotted with many stars. I looked up in the sky by chance and suddenly saw a spiral-shaped object slowly flying across the sky. It was twice as big as a full moon and the speed was similar to an airplane. We were all from the aviation school, so we had learned aircraft principles, discussed aircraft stories and seen many real aircraft. But no one had ever seen anything like this. Back then, no one had any idea what a UFO was, but we all definitely eliminated the possibility of it being any kind of manmade object. Since then, a giant question mark has been stamped in my head.’

“Lou argues that it’s only rational to assume Earth is not the only special planet. The conditions necessary for developing life aren’t so extreme, so we shouldn’t be the only sons of the universe, he says.

“’If I really had the chance to meet aliens, especially humanoids with intelligence, I would treat them like my own friends and family, welcome them with enthusiasm and attention, and chat with them so we would learn from each other. I believe if they can travel to our planet, it means their politics, economy, technology and culture must be more advanced than ours. So through communication, it will have an immeasurable impact on the development of us human beings.’”

January 1, 2011 report by Alfred Lambremont Webre

On January 1, 2011, this reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre wrote,

Speculation that Barack Obama has a mandate (or an inherited legacy) to be the ET Disclosure President is already fueling new rumors of an extraterrestrial disclosure by the U.S. Commander in Chief in 2011.

One news source states:

"All News Web has received information from government insiders close to the US President that Barack Obama has been given the go ahead to make an important "off the cuff" announcement regarding UFO visits and US contact with aliens.

"Allegedly DARPA has given this move the green light. The comments by the President will be made within the next month.

"Our sources claim this will not be outright admittance of UFO visits and contact with aliens, however the comments will come as close to admittance as any President has to date and will be made in the context of a speech on an entirely different matter.

"From what we understand The President will concede that there is 'some evidence' to suggest aliens might have attempted to contact Earthlings.

"All of this is said to be part of a warm up program leading to eventual outright admittance of knowledge of UFO and alien visitation by major world governments within three years."

There are multiple reasons why 2011 (or 2012 or beyond) might be the year the U.S. government finally confesses to a more than 60-year-old working relationship with many species of intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse.

Reason #1 – The U.S. will disclose because the ETs are forcing it to do so

As a reporter, I am investigating the existence and information about the reported council of alien civilizations as a 'working hypothesis' based on evidence presented initially by the now deceased Stanley A Fulham, and now also by other apparent communication channels of this same regional galactic governance council.

Here is a recent article and video interview I completed about reported communications between the regional galactic governance council and a former NATO-Spanish intelligence agent, who is also a contactee of the council in addition to Mr. Fulham.

In the interview, the former NATO-Spanish intelligence agent states that he was contacted interdimensionally on Nov. 9, 2010 by a source claiming to represent the council that that summarized much of the reported extraterrestrial council plan that Stanley Fulham reported in his book Challenges of Change.

The source then stated that there would be UFO sightings over New York City (Manhattan) on Nov. 24, 2010 to as a confirmation of the validity of this information. The NATO-Spanish intelligence agent recorded this prediction publicly before Nov. 24, 2010.

As can be seen in the above article, there were in fact large-scale UFO sightings video-taped over New York on Nov. 24, 2010.

Since Stanley A. Fulham had accelerating pancreatic cancer in Nov. 2010, what seems to have occurred is that this interdimensional source stating it is representing the galactic governance council is now coming through other individuals with new information and predicted, confirmed UFO sightings.

The essence of the council's message is that in an extraordinary meeting around Jan 2010 (Earth time), members of the council met and determined to set aside the law of non-intervention, as it made a factual determination that the ecology of the Earth was on the verge of collapse and beyond the capability of human technology to forestall collapse and species extinction.

Accordingly, the council indicated it had made a decision to intervene with advanced technology (probably Pleiadean) by 2015 (if not before) and clean the atmosphere of the Earth. The council is also seeking to make a world speech explaining their ecological plan in 2014 (if not before). Both Mr. Fulham and the NATO-Spanish intelligence officer mentioned that their interdimensional sources indicated large-scale social, financial, governmental, etc changes would take place on the planet 2011-14.

From the available evidence, it would seem that the galactic governance council has the ability to identify and create credible sources for further information and updates (should all of this scenario be in fact true and authentic).

I would note the Mr. Fulham's book is the product of 10 years of research and interaction with a council-connected source, and contains a blueprint of the council plan 2010-2015.

In his last communiqué on Dec. 6, 2010 before his untimely death, Stanley A. Fulham emphasized that breaking the conspiracy of silence by the U.S. and Russia on the extraterrestrial presence was a major goal of the galactic governance council.

Mr. Fulham wrote, “The UFO ‘intervention process’ will have a major impact on the U.S. and Russian governments. This will be the catalyst that will break the ‘conspiracy of silence.’

The NATO-Spanish intelligence agent also stated that he was told the galactic governance council would be sending communications to the U.S. government in December 2010 urging them to join in the extraterrestrial intervention and ecology-cleaning process.

It seems most reasonable to conclude that ‘The U.S. will disclose because the ETs are forcing it to do so’

Reason #2 – Human consciousness will have advanced enough in 2011-12 to ‘handle the Truth’

Scientists such as Dr. Carl Johan Calleman states that starting in March 2011, the singularity - or inter-dimensional portal - at the core of our universe will commence emanating consciousness energy waves of enlightened unity consciousness.

These consciousness energy waves of enlightened unity consciousness are mediated throughout the universe, through the inter-dimensional portal at the core of our galaxy (the galactic black hole).

Our minds in 2011 are now radiated and surrounded by consciousness energy waves of enlightened unity consciousness, and we humans can access these by simple acts of will and attitudinal, emotional and perceptual openness.

Recent public opinion polls show that 48% percent of adults North Americans already believe that extraterrestrials are visiting Earth.

Dr. Calleman writes, “To begin with, for all that we know it is designed to bring a shift to unity consciousness where the human mind no longer will be dominated by any dark filter. We will in other words become “transparent” and I believe this is the particular consciousness – seeing reality the way it is with no separation - that so many are waiting for. Not just any consciousness, but one that transcends the dualities of the past and aids the human beings to see the unity of all things.

“The reason that this kind of unity consciousness can be beneficial to the planet, and to mankind, is that it is one that leads to the transcendence of all separation (between man and woman, man and nature, ruler and ruled, east and west, etc). I feel that without the manifestation of such a shift in consciousness the world will sooner or later come to an end.

“People with a dualist and separating consciousness are somewhat like cancer cells in the body of the Earth with little regard to its larger whole and would eventually generate a collapse of its ecosystem. Only a shift to unity consciousness will forever stop the unchecked exploitation of the Earth and on a deeper level make us understand that we are part of creation and need to live in harmony with it. But will such a shift just happen automatically?”

Reason # 3 – The forces for ET disclosure within the U.S. government will have gained the ascendancy

The U.S. government may chose to allow its Commander in Chief to make a statement about disclosure in 2011 because the forces for ET disclosure within the U.S. government will have gained the ascendancy within the inner workings of the ‘black budget’ and the constitutional government.

To date, Barack Obama has been a public disappointment on the issue of extraterrestrial disclosure.

Obama failed to disclose the extraterrestrial presence in 2009, despite many opportunities to do so, and firm and vocal public support:

The White House website and Press Secretary continues to block any questions or information relating to UFOs or the ET embargo

Reason # 3 would require a great deal of internal transformation within the black budget and constitutional U.S. governments.

Reason #4 – Please go Comments section below - Add your own reasons why (or why not) the government of China and the Obama administration may be in a disclosure race as to who will publicly make an extraterrestrial and UFO disclosure announcement in 2011 (or subsequent years).

Continue reading on Chinese National TV reporting impending UFO/ET disclosure by Obama government - Seattle exopolitics |
This just keeps getting better and better. Two more posts:

Ex-China Foreign Ministry Official says Extraterrestrials live among us

by Paul Chen

Sun Shili shows off his drawings of extraterrestials in human guise.

In the industrialized West, there evolved the prevailing Pseudo-religious dogma that human beings are at the centre of 'G-d's creation in the universe'. This dogma is the ideological motivation behind the on-going de-legitimization of the verfiable contact that people have had with Extraterrestrials (ETs). This apparent dogma has become the modern equivalent of the corresponding dogma, that "the world is flat", which Church and other elites centuries ago used to champion. In contrast, free of Western pseudo-religious based dogma, the Buddhist milieu of China, has freed their scientific community, with the support of government, and ofcommunity participation, to seek to explore UFO incidences and evidence of human contact with Extraterrestrials.

What is dogma?

'Dogma' is a system of obfuscations, propaganda and related ideology, which elites present as "truth", with the aim to maintain social control, and toexpand their own hold on power. Other examples of current operating dogma include schemes of socialization that aim to convince people that "capitalism promotes freedom and democracy", that "privatization is a good thing", and that "economic protectionism is a bad thing".

A notable example of dogma, in the context of the so-called 'War on Terrorism', is that "the U.S. and its coalition partners are waging war in Iraq and Afghanistan not subtantively for oil, but to promote human rights;" meanwhile well-documented human destruction, suffering and oppression worsen.

UFO research is an appreciated and duly recognized science in China

Izvestia reports that China has a record number of UFO scientific and community-based organizations. There are many who even attempt to establish some sort of a contact with extraterrestrials. Their actions are protected by the National Society of the Extraterrestrial Studies, which was founded 25 years ago. This National Society is financed by the government.

Only professional scientists and engineers are allowed members in the Society. A person also required to have Ph.D. in science and have several published works about UFOs. About a third of all members of the society are also members of the Government of China.

The study and civic appreciation of Extraterrestrials are NOT systematically marginalized as the case in the industralized West, which tries to use dogma to ridicule community and academic UFO research initiatives, and also the work of 'Exopolitics' groups.

Hundreds of scientists and engineers in China conduct thorough studies of apparent Extraterrestrial phenomenon.
Do Extraterrestrials live among humans?

Nanjing, CHINA - On August 17, 2006, a disc shaped object was filmed above an apartment building and a UFO moved slowly across the top of the apartment building. Reference:

Chinese scientists also say that aliens live among humans. This includes Sun Shili, a retired foreign ministry official who is now president of the Beijing UFO Research Society who also concludes that waixingren (extraterrestrials) are living among us.

Sun's first close encounter occurred in 1971, when he was sent to the remote countryside during the "cultural revolution" (1966-76) to perform the grueling task of rice planting. One day while toiling in the field, his attention was diverted to a bright object in the sky, which rose and fell repeatedly.

At first, Sun assumed the spectacle was some sort of Cold War intelligence monitoring device - a reasonable deduction considering the times - however years later, after reading foreign materials on UFO sightings, he knew he had experienced a close encounter.

As the alien spacecraft reached the highest point of the building, it suddenly showed seven white lights evenly displaced around the outer edge of the craft. Reference:

And Sun is not the only expert in the country taking these sightings seriously. According to the highly-accredited Shen Shituan, an actual rocket scientist, president of Beijing Aerospace University and honourary director of the government-supported China UFO Research Association, every report of an alien encounter is worth investigating.

''Some of these sightings are real, some are fake and with others its unclear,'' said Shen Shituan, a real rocket scientist, president of Beijing Aerospace University and honorary director of the China UFO Research Association. ''All these phenomena are worth researching.''

Research [ethically-based] into UFO's could help spur new forms of high-speed travel, unlimited sources of non-polluting and non-fossil fuel based energy and faster-growing crops, claims Sun Shili, president of a government-approved UFO Research Association (membership 50,000).

These lights dimmed quickly as one large light lighted up and surrounded the craft before it abruptly disappeared. Reference:

Shen Shituan does not readily dismiss UFO/ET reports like his counterparts in Western scientific communities, including the claims of one worker that aliens entered his Beijing home while his wife and child were present, and whisked him 265 kilometres east and back in only a few hours.

The best-known alien abduction story in China is the case of Meng Zhao Guo, a young tree farmer, from Wuchang, near Harbin in Heilongjiang province.

In June 1994 Zhao Guo and two other farm workers, working at Red Flag logging camp saw something unusual on nearby Mount Pheonix.

The complex and bizarre encounter that followed involved Meng being hit by a beam of light, as well as allegedly experiencing an abduction and a sexual encounter with a female alien.

Meng Zhaoguo.

Meng Zhaoguo, a rural worker from northeast Wuchang city, explains he was 29 when he broke his marital vows for the first and only time -- with an extraterrestrial of unusually robust build.

"She was 10 feet [3.03 metres] tall and had six fingers, but otherwise she looked completely like a human,'' he says. "I told my wife all about it afterwards. She wasn't too angry.''

During September 2003 Zhang Jingping, a Beijing-based UFO researcher, had psychologists and police technicians subject Zhao Guo to hypnosis and a lie detector test in Beijing. Zhang indicated the test results proved the abductee was telling the truth.

He also indicated that doctors had indicated that Zhao Guo's scars "could not possibly have been caused by common injuries or surgery." Meng Zhao Guo, a humble farmer with only 5 year's schooling, also indicated that he had never heard of UFOs or ufologists until after his experience had been reported.

In China Bill Chalker, an Australia UFO scientist, was able to have extensive discussions with Professor Chen Gongfu, the principal researcher of the Meng Zhao Guo case. He has asked me to assist in getting his research translated and available to western audiences. We are well underway to achieving that goal.

Research on Cao Gong's contact with ETs

In December 1999 Cao Gong, a middle-aged man from Beijing, indicated to Bill Chalker, that he had been abducted by aliens and flown to Qinhuangdao in their UFO. "They looked like humans but had large hands and were very pale, " Cao said. He said he had also met a Chinese girl in the flying saucer. Zhang Jingping's research investigation began in April 2000. The first step was hypnosis. Zhang invited a famous psychologist from Suzhou and asked him to conduct hypnosis on Cao in helping him to remember the whole incident. Then he brought Cao to the Beijing Bureau of Public Security and gave him a lie detection test. "He passed the test," says Zhang. According to Cao, who is the principal of a private school in Fangshan District, he met a Chinese girl in the flying saucer, who looked around 13 years old. "The aliens cured her disease in the flying saucer," he claimed. In order to find the girl, Zhang brought Cao to the Tangshan Bureau of Public security in July 2000. "The policemen made up a computer image photo-fit of the girl's face according to Cao's description," says Zhang.

In November 2002, Zhang led a group of students from Beihang University and set out on a trip to Qinhuangdao, in search of the mysterious girl.

"There was only a narrow glimmer of hope of finding the girl with only a computer image of her," says Zhang. They arrived in Qinglong County to the north of Qinhuangdao, and began their blind search among the county's 400,000 population. "Amazingly, we found a clue on the second day of our search. An old man in the county recognized the girl in our picture," says Zhang. They found the girl soon after that. She was 15 years old. Zhang brought her back to Beijing to meet Cao Gong. She was identified by Cao as the girl he had seen in the UFO. Zhang has now spent three years investigating this case."This case is fascinating and I was fortunate that while in China I was able to discuss the case in detail with Zhang Jingping and other researchers, and also talk to Cao Gong himself.

Fortunately in Beijing, Bill Chalker secured the services of Irene, an excellent translator, guide, and interpreter. Mr. Chalker and Irene have been working on a detailed translation of the case.

Over 400 members of Dalian's UFO Society have college degrees

In Dalian's UFO Society, 90 per cent of the 400 members have college degrees. "It's exciting for us to use science to decipher UFO sightings," said Zhou Xiaoqiang, secretary-general of the Beijing UFO Society.

While few Chinese claim to have managed to get quite as intimate with an extraterrestrial as Meng, a growing number of people in China believe in unidentified flying objects, or UFOs.

In fact, Officially registered UFO associations in China have about 50,000 members, but some estimate the actual number of Chinese interested in the subject is probably in the tens of millions.

China has a bimonthly magazine -- circulation 400,000 - devoted to UFO research. The conservative state-run media also report UFO sightings on a regular basis, in contrast with Western government organization which, as a policy, deny verifiable human contact with Extraterrestrial. UFO buffs in China claim support from eminent scientists and liaisons with the secretive military, giving their work full scientific respectability.

"If something flies over [ET spacecraft], there's a very good reason for trying to understand why they're here, why they come to us, what is their relationship between us and them," he says.

Wong is the Chairman of Hong Kong's thriving UFO club -- exploring "unidentified flying objects" or, to the uninitiated, "flying saucers."

The club meets once a month to explore otherworldly topics like "E.T. Civilization" and alien philosophies.

"In order to understand UFO phenomena, we need to have a broad understanding of different disciplines," says Albert So, university professor and Hong Kong UFO club member, "including mathematics, physics, history, philosophy, even some sort of paranormal activities and all that."

Western science and pseudo-religions share corresponding systems of dogma, which seek to deny human contact with Extraterrestrials

In order to appreciate the systematized denial of human extraterrestrial contact and influences on Human civilization, which prevails in the West, one needs to appreciate that "official science" and "institutionalized religion" in the West are two different "heads" of the same body politic. Yes, "official science" in the West talks of "evolution", and Western institutionalized religion talks of "Creation". However, both groups have reached an apparent consensus to disregard clear evidence of verifiable contact and influences by Extraterrestrials on Human civilization. This joint denial is based upon a shared oppressive ideology, which seeks to repress critical human knowledge of cosmic associations and interactions with Off-world Human and other ET civilizations.

The very same apparent dogma shared between the Western scientific and institutionalized pseudo-religious Establishment, converges in their "community of interest" associated with their joint pursuit of venality and greed. Examples of the sell-out of integrity, and associated buying into ideology and compromises to elite-induced peer pressure, is well documented in the Western scientific community, that operates in a crass materialistic societal milieu, which ignores basic principles of human rights and democracy. This very same shared dogma between Western scientific and institutionalized pseudo-religious Establishments, is also responsible for the path of oppression, genocide, wars, racisms, and environmental destruction which scientific "techologicalocrats" and self-professed "Christian" pseudo-religious missionaries and other apologists have furthered and have supported.

Jesus who supposedly inspired Western "Christian" religion, which is based on corroborations in the Bible, sought to support the need for wisdom, accompanied by peace and lovingkindness. However, the actual historical practice of institutionalized Christianity, in contrast, has been to maniupate the masses into accepting bigoted views that are designed to complement the materialistic-centred objectives of an "organized power" elite.

Saying that "the Earth is round.. and revolved around the Sun" used to be an indictable offence with the prospective sentence of capital punishment, in Western "Christian" Society which regarded such talk to be the mutterings of seditious lunatics. "Official Science" and "institutionalized religion" in the West is not substantively inspired by the free-spirited pursuit of wisdom. Rather, these Establishment milieus in the West are guided by "elite ideologues" who in contrast with China, and for their own dogma-driven agenda, seek to delude the public on Extraterrestrial awareness, and other areas.

"Brazil, India and China are taking the lead on extraterrestrial awarness", Mihir Sen, from the India Daily reports. "They want to make sure the emerging new world understands that we have to coexist with our advanced extraterrestrial neighbours." The Indian Daily reports that Extraterrestrials will be forced to more publically reveal themselves in order to try to avoid a planetary disaster which is projected to occur in 2012.

As human civilization is being destroyed under the hyprocisy which guides the Western Scientific and pseudo-religious Establishment, the timely needed enlightenment of human populations on a reported Extraterrestrial presence, could very well be led by China. The government of China notwithstanding accounts of human rights abuses, appears to have constructively prepared members of that society, on the kind of potentially vital awareness context, which Western governments continue to deny its own societal members.

Recommended Readings on a rejuvenating the international political ecomony away from capitalism, which supports the oppression of vital civic awareness in areas which include Extraterrestrials: Do Extraterrestrials Exist? ISBN:189731809X, The Quality-of-Life and Human Development, ISBN: 1897036353, 2006, 2007, Capitalism is Not Democracy, ISBN: 1894934636.
Well, that could be a good excuse given by the PTB, to the aerial phenomena that could probably be seen in our skies in the times to come.

Another curious thing is what Obama said in his recent "speech to the nation", that America would start to invest in more clean and all together more friendly technologies to produce energy. Which ties nicely with the created notion that extraterrestrials are going to help us solve our problems pollution, energy and so on.

Let's see if Wernher von Braun prophetic statement to his spokesperson, Carol Rosin, will hold any truth:

"First," he told her it was going to be justified by the threat from "the Russians," next, it would be from "the Terrorists," then, from the so-called "Rogue Nations." Eventually, "asteroids" would be to blame. The final card to be played would be "the Extraterrestrials"...
Potamus said:
This just keeps getting better and better. Two more posts:

Ex-China Foreign Ministry Official says Extraterrestrials live among us
[. . .]

This material appears to originate here. . .

The part which stuck out for me was. . .

In fact, Officially registered UFO associations in China have about 50,000 members, but some estimate the actual number of Chinese interested in the subject is probably in the tens of millions.

China has a bimonthly magazine -- circulation 400,000 - devoted to UFO research. The conservative state-run media also report UFO sightings on a regular basis, in contrast with Western government organization which, as a policy, deny verifiable human contact with Extraterrestrial. UFO buffs in China claim support from eminent scientists and liaisons with the secretive military, giving their work full scientific respectability.

Anybody who has ever met Chinese nationals visiting from abroad will recognize after a few short conversations the extreme level of very heavy-handed propaganda the Chinese populace lives under. This is in no way suggesting that we do not have our own crazy levels of propaganda in Europe and the West, but living in the middle of a propaganda program makes it harder to see; it's like the walls of your home; they blend after a while. Whereas the type and feel of Chinese propaganda being so fresh and different makes it stand out in clearly defined lines. It's choking, thick and ridiculous. (And in the case of Taiwan, quite toxic in a. . , rambunctious (?) sort of way. Students planting flags and beating their chests for the glory of China; that kind of thing).

Anyway, the point I want to make is that Chinese culture, like our own, is almost entirely under the sway of powerful mind control systems. Thus, this kind of government sanctioned and apparently, (if we can take this news item at face value), encouraged UFO awareness is extremely interesting.

This is a really good find, Potamus, one well worth keeping our eyes on, I think!
This is a really good find, Potamus, one well worth keeping our eyes on, I think!

My impression on this is that the Chinese are using the UFO phenomena as a bargaining chip. The Chinese has recently draw the line with the American expansionism in Asia as far as North Korea is concerned. Since the sinking of the South Korea ship. the U.S. and it poppet regime of the same nation had multiple navy manoeuvrings in the area which irritated China. Many articles about the Chinese technologies as come to the attention of the press like, missile capable of destroying a carrier, Chinese submarine surfacing in the middle of U.S. naval group and the cream of the cream, missile (ballistic or not) fired along the cost of the U.S.A.. Nothing prove that the missiles were Chinese but it could well be that China want to send a nice and clear message to the U.S..

Now, disclosure of the UFO phenomena wouldn't hurt China as much as the U.S. and it major allies in the west and China know this.

Saying that "the Earth is round.. and revolved around the Sun" used to be an indictable offence with the prospective sentence of capital punishment, in Western "Christian" Society which regarded such talk to be the mutterings of seditious lunatics. "Official Science" and "institutionalized religion" in the West is not substantively inspired by the free-spirited pursuit of wisdom. Rather, these Establishment milieus in the West are guided by "elite ideologues" who in contrast with China, and for their own dogma-driven agenda, seek to delude the public on Extraterrestrial awareness, and other areas.

What do you think may happen to the Neoconservative and it army of Christian phalanges if a disclosure was to happen. The Chinese, I think, are playing the game too and the weapon that could make more damage then many nuclear bomb is simply and attack on the foundation of the western regime, it belief system or so I think.
Now, disclosure of the UFO phenomena wouldn't hurt China as much as the U.S. and it major allies in the west and China know this.

China has already made it in practical terms but with no effect to the world, only effect will be if US acknowledges it, but will it hurt US and religion, I think not much because Vatican is already saying that aliens could exist, etc...damage control and new programming, and many people are very naive and wishful so they'll put it under the rug, many Christians are that because of some societal acceptance and not so much about belief like it it is to those wild wild west neoconservatives. Yes that people in China and other Asian countries will accept it easily because they don't have Christianity but atheistic world view that doesn't have ego hook, but in the end atheism was created to make Creationism weaker, probably to make people more receptive to aliens. Surly some Christians will be disappointed but they don't have to worry because there would be new religion in town that explains everything, if not they can stick to their old religion and think E.T-s are devil servants, in either way it's win win situation for Matrix. And these Chinese probably look on aliens as gods so in the end effect is the same. And author doesn't see that in the West it isn't so much about greed but more about control and right timing of events, the period of preparation is in the West longer because of religious programming.
China has already made it in practical terms but with no effect to the world,

No smoking gun so far from China. Last year phenomena were buried under propaganda as is done in the west.

only effect will be if US acknowledges it

What would the US opinion be if the government if China, a third world country until recently, bring proof of the ET with their limited technology. Won't the people be more curious about all the conspiracies theorist and start believing that indeed there was conspiracies. If one conspiracy is proven then people start to pay attention to another one, 911 for example and so on.

And author doesn't see that in the West it isn't so much about greed but more about control and right timing of events, the period of preparation is in the West longer because of religious programming.

That may be but as I said maybe the Chinese know that it is not yet the right time for this to come out thus "blackmailing" the US. As for greed, it is one part of the equation, Geo-strategically positioning for easy access to natural resource.
There are many strictly conservative religious groups around the world that I think would make trouble for everyone, from Zionists to Islamists, and our own American Christian fundamentalist movements like Dominionism. These people don't have a flexible world view, to say the least, and they're everywhere. And the PTB are not about to give up power for anyone, terrestrial or extra, and they're in charge of the military capabilities. Interesting times ahead; make sure your emergency supplies are up to date.
Last year phenomena were buried under propaganda as is done in the west.

I didn't know that but i meant more in practical terms that everyone is more and more believing in it no matter if it is not yet formal, UFO files being released, etc. The same thing is with some European and S. American countries, but it seems people need to hear it from governments to believe it, only then media will spread it like wildfire. Never did understood crowd mentality, it all seems unlogical in this world.

What would the US opinion be if the government if China, a third world country until recently, bring proof of the ET with their limited technology. Won't the people be more curious about all the conspiracies theorist and start believing that indeed there was conspiracies. If one conspiracy is proven then people start to pay attention to another one, 911 for example and so on.

This would be true in a sense but I'am afraid it doesn't works so because every country has something to blackmail other with, so the hole system would be broken by the system itself in this way. There are probably rules and limits that can't be cross because if they do the elite will fall by their own hands. I think it will be disclosed mutually for all world because it's for everyone interest to act together if they want to keep power. If it wasn't like that US and China and other countries will be at their throats long time ago. It could be that it's all show for public, these conflicts between them and on the top there are the people that control both sides, it's only guessing because we don't know anything how this clock ticks in detail and what are the real, true relationships between countries.

As for greed, it is one part of the equation, Geo-strategically positioning for easy access to natural resource.

I also ask myself why they need resources if they are starting to talk about other clean energy sources and advanced technologies. Maybe they'll think they'll use it after cataclysms or it could be plain greed in that area as C's said, but better to don't bother at all to understand it because you can't understand their thinking even if you want to like Lobaczewski said.

And the PTB are not about to give up power for anyone, terrestrial or extra, and they're in charge of the military capabilities.

They will give up when stronger thug comes in if they want to survive - we can see this example in our world, and there's wishful thinking and promises that are given to them to make them more compelling to 4D STS goals, in the end 4D STS know their weaknesses because it's their weakness!

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