Christian Fundamentalism


A Disturbance in the Force
Christian Fundamentalism.

subtitle: The Christian World had eaten the Bible and now behave like God

(Published in Ohmy News Korean)

For me it feels absurd to write in a Korean journal about Christian Fundamentalism, which is the cradle of the predicted war between East and West.
It is even more absurd, because I tried to tell my fellowmen already many years that Christian Fundamentalism is much more dangerous and/or aggressive than Moslem Fundamentalism.

Unfortunately nobody believes it.

Only about 30 percent of Western people go to church frequently.
These people don't believe it, because they experience their God as being the real peacemaker on earth.
The other 70 percent don't believe in God and don't feel responsible for this predicted war. In their view they are deeply confirmed of bringing peace in this brutal world with democracy.
But - unbelievable or not - I am certain, that this latest group is even more dangerous than the smaller Christian group in our Western society.
This latest group of people experience themselves as being the real Crown of God's Creation. They experience themselves as being the good and have the rights to command the world.

I write for this foreign journal, because our so-called democracy with it putative freedom of speaking one's mind is a complete mirror of the reality.
It is a pure dictatorship and all aspects of democracy are only based on our Christian background.
From the cradle to the grave this dictatorship manipulates us by a constant propaganda of democratic laws concerning humanity.
It is not a dictatorship like ancient dictatorships.

It is even worse!

It is an "individual" or mental dictatorship and slowly became part of our mentality.
Following the strongly controlled rules of democracy, one is an honorable and good citizen.
Is it part of the predicted "pride before the fall", which forbid every degradation?
Didn't our Prophet Jesus Christ say: "Only who is without sins is the good and can throw the first stone"?

One still can speak openly in the Western society about different visions, but as soon as somebody say something negative about democracy nobody listen anymore. It is like speaking against air. This idea is strongly fixed in everyone's mind.
Speaking in comparisons with our book of wisdom "the Bible", we have eaten this book during 2000 years and it became part of our character.
We identified ourselves with the Book of Wisdom and behave like wise, well-bred and intelligent people. What can they do more than wisely shut their mouth by hearing the opposite?
Wasn't this same book also speaking about seeing blindness and hearing deafness at the end of our days?
Speaking in scientific terms, we swallowed the emotions of this holy book in our genetic cord and now we feel ourselves like God's representative on earth.
Most of the Western people don't need the image of God as being the Perfection, because they experience themselves as grown to the same level.
In other word: Going to church is pointless.
It are these seemingly atheists, who dictate the world with their democracy.

This is the reason that the Western world really experiences that they can dispose about the future of mankind.
The general saying coming from the New Age movement "I am God, you are God and everybody is God" is the ultimate pride in this process.
All degradation of this pride is experienced as being a direct attack of their mentality of being the best and automatically leads to a general ignorance or punishment.

Recently a Moslem fundamentalist who killed a film-producer received life-imprisonment. He received the highest punishment, because he didn't show any repentance for killing a man who valued Moslems as being "simple fucking pigs".
I tell this story, because it represents not only our general attitude towards people with another life-style.
The whole machinery of propaganda from the West into the East was based on sawing disunity or dissention towards Eastern mentality of living life during more than 40 years. It sawed disunity, because one showed the East our generous happiness, wealth and freedom.
In the mean time the Western world advised the rest of the world to join this lifestyle of democracy, however everybody knows that this was only to guarantee
Western growing wealth and general protection.

The immigrants from the East - once invited as modern slaves and named "guests"-workers - are only accepted if they follow our Western habits of life completely.
We can't accept that their background is completely different and that they never can change their habits fundamentally.
It is part of their being and/or their genetic impact of experiencing life.
It is part of their respect for their invisible God that really disposes.

They experience our attitude as being a barbarian egocentric attitude, without any respect for fellowmen or even nature.
They experience our doing as disrespectfulness for "All there is" in the name of Allah.
They experience our God as being a strange substitute for mankind only.
These Moslems realize that they live life in this community - merely induced by the western wealth - as being their survival force.
They accept these strangers, but in their personal life they only follow their own genetically incarnated voice: 'the voice of Allah'.
Owing to this situation, they saw disunity in their "guest-land" without preaching about their God.
They saw disunity only because of their separation.

Is it comparable with the Jews, who once lived life as being "the elects God" and slowly became pariahs?

Is history repeating?
The Dutch government introduced a law that forbids every differentiated approach in public about terrorism and Moslem-fundamentalists.
Is it the beginning of real ghetto-formation?

All laws that colour our society are made out of the 10 commandments and even the penance by trespassing these laws are a reflection of the Christian Church.

After the Second World War Human Rights were created out of the 10 commandments as well and became deeply incorporated in the fundaments of democracy.
Citizens in the Western countries experience democracy in it's extremely protected societies as freedom and feel themselves as being peaceful well-educated persons.
Our general tolerance looks enormous and we never shall speak negative about our guests as long as these 'guests' follow our rules of life, which all are based on 2000 years of Christianity.
For Western people this so-called democracy is the only way to acquire peace on earth, as it was predicted in our book of God.
This is also the reason that one doesn't speak anymore about ordinary soldiers, but about peace-soldiers and peace-armies.
This is also the reason that one speaks with dignity about others and even offers a helping hand for everybody who is in danger or suffers.
But always with one restriction: one has to follow the rules of democracy and/or follow the rules of our God!
The ultimate example is the president of the United States, who says with deep dedication and even devotion "We are the Good that finally will bring peace on our planet".
He really speaks according to his inner voice and/or his malformed genetic cord.
It is all the result of malformed interpretations of our Bible, which was written in comparisons that we couldn't understand properly.
It's like a Dutch representative of the Christian Church wrote in a well-known journal about the tsunami "This is the punishment of God, because these people don't follow His rules of life".
Of course these are extreme examples, but it really is our Western mentality.
It's like a columnist of one of the Dutch journals wrote recently about the recent attacks of Moslem-fundamentalist "There is only one way of resolving this growing guerilla and this is sawing more disunity in the Moslem world, eventually with sanctions for them who live in our community of freedom. They have to mend their ways by self-reflection, because we are the peaceful population that don't accept their aggression".

May I ask you to think about my question: "What are human rights"?
May I ask my Western fellowmen to think about our mentality as being an inheritance of 2000 years Christianity.
May I ask my Western fellowmen to think about some phases of our book of God.

First of all it was predicted that an awful beast with the 10 horns of commandments should arise out of the sea.
Secondly it was predicted that we should eat our bible completely and that it should stay raw in our stomach.
Isn't it time to mend our thoughts concerning the good and the bad?
Thirdly it was predicted that Vicarius Filii Dei with the numerological number 666 was the false representative of God and should be dismantled at the end of our days.

In my humble opinion it is us who have to mend our mentality by self-reflection first, before judge about others.
In my humble opinion we have not only to disarm completely to show our real attitude of trying to create peace.
Since the Second World War America and its alliances only created more problems with their so-called "peace-armies" than there were beforehand.
Of course we also have to say goodbye to our illusions of democracy.
In my humble opinion we have to realize that the evolution of thinking was an evolution to selfishness as well as an evolution to aggressiveness. We have to realize that the general saying is "thinking is creating enemies" is reality.
In my humble opinion this is the only way to reach freedom for the time being.
Looking into the world-society, I have no other vision than that the Christian Fundamentalists are much more dangerous than the Moslem Fundamentalists, however both faiths are based on illusion to re-find a Paradise on earth again.
I am pleased to know that my proposals are complete illusionary ones, because only "Necessity can break the law". :evil:
;D Ok, I could not post, but ;D

Dude, a little respect for the forum... you seem to be practicing this 'self-reflection' in public instead of in private. If you want the participation of the group, you have to engage them first and not just start a monologue in the public square in the assumption that either everyone is listening or in the assumption that no one is. Which is it? Self-reflection will tell you that. It seems a case of self-absorption... maybe due to a life that formed that pattern within you? There are other people here besides yourself... you know that right? Why are you posting these pieces? Do you want others to be engaged in them or not? They seem like private journal entries, whether posted on some blog or not... as if in self-reflection, without the participation of others is even considered. Who is writing them? Is it you or some other person, and you found the article interesting, if so, why so?

Interesting, as it seems a pattern easily recognized... don't you recognize that? What do you want from posting these articles? Do you want feedback?

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