CIA Threatened to Rape Terror Suspects Wife


Jedi Master
This is an absolutely outrageous form of tactics in use by the CIA to coerce people into doing their bidding. I don't doubt the veracity of the testimony, as I've heard many worse cases of CIA torture and coercion than this, but it still appals me to think this goes on under the guise of "Freedom and liberation from terrorists". The only terrorists using terrorist tactics in this story are the CIA and the Pakistani security forces. It's stories like this that sadden me greatly and make me wish I wasn't a part of this world to witness its horrors.

Thomas says torture threat made him talk

The closed court testimony of convicted terrorism suspect Jack Thomas has been released and in it he alleged he was threatened with torture and electrocution which left him with no choice but to speak to the Australian Federal Police (AFP) on the record.

His lawyers will contest the 2003 interview's admissibility and conviction in the Court of Appeal later this month.
Thomas's testimony explains why he agreed to the interview without legal representation, by detailing the atmosphere of his previous six interrogations.

He says a Pakistani officer threatened to execute him, saying "we'll strip you, pour water over you and electrocute you if you don't tell the truth".

An American officer he believed was from the CIA threatened to send agents to rape his wife saying, "she must be lonely by now".
He says an American official asked him to act as a spy in Al Qaeda safe houses and when he refused, threatened to torture him and to send agents to rape his wife.

Thomas's testimony states: "When there's a superpower on one side of a little table and you're with handcuffs behind your back, you have no choice but to cooperate."

Of the thousand pages of documents released today, information said to be sensitive to national security remains blacked out.
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