Classical Mythology


Jedi Master
I would encourage people to get the book "Classical Mythology".
If you are in to Roman and Greek myths you should purchase
this excellent book. Especially if you are trying to study more
into religion. This book has some interesting clues.
thank you for your recommendation. Can you perhaps elaborate why you prefer this particular edition of the myths? It looks like a high-level school textbook with tests for each chapter -- how does it impact the reading experience? Are there any illustrations? And also what were the clues that you noted to yourself while reading it?
Hildegarda said:
thank you for your recommendation. Can you perhaps elaborate why you prefer this particular edition of the myths? It looks like a high-level school textbook with tests for each chapter -- how does it impact the reading experience? Are there any illustrations? And also what were the clues that you noted to yourself while reading it?

I got the book from my brittish literature teacher.
It is his book not mine so he let me borrow it.
Know thinking about it I have no reason of
saying people should purchase this book.
Because I only read a little bit myself so
I made a mistake. I got excited and offered
the book to other people.

But what was interesting about this book to me was
the example of myth: a ancient story of supernatural
events and how the world came to be. I am currently
studying religion and it was saying how religion is a
myth. And myths are not scientific facts. It discussed
different opinions from scholars on what a mythis in
their opinion. That is about as far as I got sorry for
the inconvience.
thank you for elaborating. I'm always on the lookout for good editions of myths for all ages. So I went to look at it right away, and was taken aback by a price which I thought is very high for a paperback. First I thought it may be a rare edition. Then I realized it must be a textbook, which makes sense as they always artificially rack the prices up for those. It looks like it can be a nice addition to one's library (and better yet if one can get it in the library or from a professor, like you did). I liked the fact that it has scholarly commentaries. Thanks again for sharing.
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