climate: is it us who warm our atmosphere?


The Living Force
i posted the text below but it received no attention . so, i post it again under a different heading.
global warming options

1. since one year i take interest in world’s climate because the measures taken by gouvernments appear to me to be non sensical and extremely damaging to society.

2. warming appears to be real, according to graphs found in literature. others contest it. i have no opinion.

3. the real cause for warming appears to be, at present, indeterminate. i have found 3 main interpretations.

3.1 astrononical reasons, which i do not review because for these there is nothing we can do.

3.2 the so-called green house assumptions, for which the main reason would be the presence of co2 in the atmosphere. this assumption is very suspicious as i have not found a correlation between atmosphere heating and the presence of co2. and in the name of this assuption, incomprehensly stupid or aberrant decisions are taken, which are much more destructive to our civilisation than the present evolution can ever be.

3.2 the so called uv assumption of dr peter ward. his assuption is that the human activties emissions weaken the ozone layer, thus allowing more uv radiation to penetrate deeper into the atmosphere. his assumption is corroborated by the observation that the solar radiation feeling has increased over the past years. the defender of this mechanism is dr peter ward, and his site is

Why Climate Changes

Do you wonder why storms, floods, and droughts seem more severe now? Do you wonder why climate changes and what really causes global warming? This website is the result of nearly ten years of independent research, by a retired, respected, earth scientist.

in there he also demonstrates that the greenhouse assumption is stupid.

3.3 we are those that heat the atmospherte. the assumption is that the atmospheric temperature increases because it is the dump for ALL heat generated by mankind in producing and consuming its energy. the heat sources are fire, coal, oil, gas, electricity. i only recently found a paper on this and this is my reason for this post:

the modelling appears to be exhaustive, and the author is qinghan bian, vancouver.

his modeling can be made to correspond to the graphs made by nasa for the ground temperatures.

in fact, it is evident that, by using the atmosphere as the recipient of all the heat generated by mankind, its temperature can only increase: the population has increased by a factor 4 since my youth, the energy available to each one has increased, etc... when heating the atmosphere, its temperature can only increase. no need for esoteric and false physics: you heat, it gets warmer. of course, the precise modeling is not that simple, that’s why we have phds, but the assumed mechanism is.

4. assuming mechanism 3.3, what are the consequences?

4.1 let it get warmer, enjoy the warmer weather and its atmospheric catastrophes as reported by sott. indeed, a warmer atmosphere can store more water vapour which translates into heavier rainfall. this is akin to doing nothing: knowledge of what happens is reassuring. indeed, this is the cass “knowledge protects”, “enjoy the show”. my favorite, i am old...

4.2 reduce by as much as possible your combustion requirements = economize, a thing the usa population has never envisaged. not realistic.

4.3 reduce the population: ask the WEF, harari, the cass “help is under way”.

4.4 imitate king louis 14: “apres moi le deluge”. indeed, he is already dead, and so will we...

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I think this is very complicated subject with all sorts of inter-connectedness . Many variables to cover. some are Earth core alternatively heats and cools, comets, wave, cosmic environments, cosmic rays. surface activity. We may heat little bit, which is inconsequential w.r.t over variables.

You may want search the sessions on the word "heating" and read through the context.

I think the lack of response is also because there are already a lot of threads on the topic. The basic consensus is that it’s the sun, celestial mechanics and cycles that far exceed humanity’s ability to screw things up. And that it is a massive PSYOP to make people feel guilty and justify an insane crack down on freedom and free will as power further concentrates in the hands of …. Well, you get the picture…. It’s an absurd no-brainer. Perhaps people feel there is nothing more to say?
I think this is very complicated subject with all sorts of inter-connectedness . Many variables to cover. some are Earth core alternatively heats and cools, comets, wave, cosmic environments, cosmic rays. surface activity. We may heat little bit, which is inconsequential w.r.t over variables.

You may want search the sessions on the word "heating" and read through the context.

thank you for the suggestion. there are indeed othe possibilities suggested by the cass...

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