
mocachapeau said:
So what are the possibilities here? I think it's way too far fetched to believe that the dance teacher could have been manipulated to put that add, in that paper, simply to reach me. That's just silly. But, leaving aside whether this was a positive or negative influence, is it silly to think that some form of intelligence was aware that the information I was seeking was in that paper, and that it was the closest source of that information to me? That all that was needed was for me to develop a strong desire to open it up? Is it possible for that kind of desire to be manufactured in me?

Keep in mind this quote
Number two, it is no trouble at all for aforementioned forces to give seemingly individualized attention to anybody.

I think it's easy for us to think that there is a lot of "time" and energy used to create coincidences. We can't even begin to fathom the exact methods used. What's interesting is when you can begin to see not just the coincidences that appear in your life, but how those same coincidences affect others. One example could be you and someone are coming to a street corner around the same time. You are walking perpendicular to each other therefore one has to cross in front of the other. Sometimes in these situations, we find ourselves thinking "Nevermind this person, I'm going to speed up and get there first." What we see is the inconvenience of the situation as it relates to us. What can be more difficult to see is the other person being inconvenienced as they're experiencing the same situation as you.

Now that add in the paper may not have been specifically for you, but for many people and for many reasons. The possibilities are endless!

Something else to think about:

A: Time travelers, therefore, "Time is ongoing." Do you understand the gravity of this response?
Q: (L) They are time travelers, they can move forward and backward in time, they can play games with our heads... (T) They can set up the past to create a future they want. (D) They can organize things so that they can create the energy that they need... (L) They can also make things look good, make them feel good, make them seem good, they can make you have an idea one minute, and then the next minute, create some sort of situation that confirms that idea...
A: When you asked how long, of course it is totally unlimited, is it not?
Q: (L) That's not good. If they were to move back through space time and alter an event in our past, would that alteration in the past instantaneously alter our present as well?
A: Has over and over and over.
Q: (D) So they do it over and over and over, constantly?
A: You just are not yet aware, and have no idea of the ramifications!!!
Q: (L) We're getting a little glimmer! Yeah, I do, a little! (T) The ramifications of being able to move in and out of time and manipulate it the way you want (Jan/Laura) And the ramifications of what they're doing to us; what they are doing to us and what they will do to us, over and over. (L) So, in other words, our only real prayer in this whole damn situation is to get out of this density level.
A: Close.

mocachapeau said:
Could it be my own subconscious mind that created that feeling? That seems pretty plausible. Especially if it is true what it says in The Ra Material, that the subconscious mind is the author of our dreams. And if so, does that mean that the subconscious mind is capable of knowing something like what is written inside a newspaper you haven't even opened? Or does it have a connection to some source that can know that kind of thing? In either case, what could that imply about the potential of our minds, or souls, when freed from the constraints of the veil that separates the conscious from the unconscious mind?

Or is it equally possible that this could be orchestrated by some 4th density minion, for whatever purpose I really couldn't know? Why? To get me spending more time doing other things than the work? A distraction?

I agree with Galahad. I think in order to become adept at discernment it has to be put into practice in our daily lives. There can be a strong pull to see every coincidence as "negative" but I've personally experienced many "positive" coincidences. Many happened within the context of a "negative" one! Sort of like making lemonade out of lemons. It's really in how you choose to look at it.

Another thought we can get caught up in is the fear of making a "mistake" but there really are none if we are trying to learn from them.
truth seeker said:
I agree with Galahad. I think in order to become adept at discernment it has to be put into practice in our daily lives. There can be a strong pull to see every coincidence as "negative" but I've personally experienced many "positive" coincidences. Many happened within the context of a "negative" one! Sort of like making lemonade out of lemons. It's really in how you choose to look at it.

Another thought we can get caught up in is the fear of making a "mistake" but there really are none if we are trying to learn from them.

Yes, I think that this is a very good point. I think coincidences could show that there is a reality beyond space and time (maybe it’s the ‘world of thought,’) where events in this 3D world have a connection to, or ‘fit’ within. Possibly as time speeds up our consciousness 'rotates' more into the eternal world and many more people begin to see these coincidences since time becomes less of an obstruction to seeing those connections between those things in the world that may have some kind of connection (with greater or lesser degrees).

I think the problem occurs when we react to what we perceive to be coincidences and then have our emotional thinking draw conclusions about meanings and connections rather then just simply noting these events while also (and most importantly) taking into account our own subjective psychological states as an observer. If there is any meaning at all within this connectedness then I think it's not in coincidences themselves (apart from possibly showing that we live in a world of connectedness) but, possibly, it’s the recognition of a pattern among the coincidences (and the state of consciousness associated with it) that set the conditions, through which, a timeless realization might emerge that may or may not have any value to it.

Mocachapeau, if you saw any value to participating in the dance classes, such as helping you express your creativity, getting into shape, etc. then you may want to try it (or not). Imo, it all depends on whether you see any value to it (which includes practical value) in relation to your aim and whether your aim ‘fits’ into that pattern.
Galahad said:
Did you take the classes?

If you go through with it and it is 'wrong', then that usually becomes apparent.

When you resist an urge like this, if you don't take the classes, then it is difficult to know what the outcome would have been had you gone. So it is difficult to get confirmation that it would have been the wrong thing to do. Or put the other way around, it is difficult to know you did the right thing by not going. In those cases, you have to go with a gut feeling that something is 'off'.

If you didn't follow up on it, why not? If yo had the desire to check out that style of tap dancing, why not? It could be a way to get in touch with your creativity.

In these cases, the devil is, as we say, in the details.

At 1:00 am I was nodding off while writing the last post, and I wasn't really thinking about the importance of telling what happened after the dance class coincidence. And, as usual, your responses led me to understand why that part is as important as the rest.

I did take the dance classes, for about eight months. I really enjoyed myself, and I also found out that I'm pretty good at it (a life-long background in music kind of helps). But I had to stop due to time constraints, and because the lessons changed format. As far as the dancing is concerned, I made the right choice, and I think I'm going to go back. But thinking back, I remember now that it led to another coincidence, one that I didn't really notice at the time. So the dancing was good, but it seemed to be a part of something else.

During the year preceding the dancing I decided to start writing songs more seriously with the hopes of coming up with something that might interest recording artists. But even as I worked I knew that, hard as it may be to come up with something good, the hardest part is to get it into the hands of someone that is actually recording. During one of my dance classes I asked the teacher what music we were listening to, and he said it was the latest album by a local blues artist that played at the Jazz Festival last year. Imagine my surprise, and his, when I realized that I knew her quite well. She was the singer for the first band I played in after moving here. And he was really happy to hear this because he was putting together his big dance show/party and had been trying to convince her to play the party, after the show! It made me think of this:

truth seeker said:
What's interesting is when you can begin to see not just the coincidences that appear in your life, but how those same coincidences affect others..

I don't actually know if she ended up taking the gig because I stopped my lessons a few months later, and I had yet another conflict the night of the show. But I do know that his meeting me opened up the lines of communication between them. But the significance of the coincidence for me, I missed, until later.

Later that year, still working on music and wondering how to get the tunes "out there", I was at my brother-in-laws and there was a CD on the table. He told me it was the latest album by one of his friends - someone I also know quite well. I think the band's name was Psychotronic Invasion, or something like that. And when I turned the album over there was a picture of a microphone in the shape of a UFO! It opened my eyes a bit. That's when I remembered the coincidence with the blues singer, because events were pointing out the fact that I DO know some recording artists. This band was a Latino band, and the last song I had written was a Latin rock thing. And one of my songs is a blues shuffle.

Well I followed up on the Latin rock tune and sent my friend a copy, but their style was too far from the song I had written. But I never followed up on the blues tune with the blues artist because I didn't really think it was all that good a song. And then the next installment of this series of coincidences came along.

At exactly the time that I was really searching for some answers to this marketing my music question, my son changed soccer teams, and there was another kid that had just come to the new team at the same time. Well wouldn't it be a crazy coincidence if his dad happened to be a rather well known, successful music composer/producer that had either worked with or written for Paul Anka, Celine Dion and had discovered Corneille? Next thing you know he's asking me to give him a CD with some of my songs so he can listen to them and tell me what he thinks. The three that I thought he might be interested in he didn't say a word about. But the one I just threw on there as a lark, he recommended I send to a certain record label in town because it did something for him - it was the blues tune. Well the record label thing fell through because I could never get a hold of them.

Since then I've been so busy trying to juggle work, kids, home, reading, sweating, breathing, detoxing, etc., that I haven't been able to find the time necessary to sit down and compose. So music has kind of fallen by the wayside, and I never followed up on the blues singer lead.

But this week, due to this thread and a couple of other conversations I've had, I think I've put my finger on something. There is a running theme through everything I'm writing and talking about - not enough time to do anything!

Time constraints make me quit the dancing and composing, I'm having a hard time finding time to do the breathing exercises, saunas, shopping for the right food. God I suck! But last week I started reading The Fourth Way, and I think I may have identified the problem. I need to redefine what is necessary and what is harmful. I think I DO have the time to do all these things (other people seem to) but I just waist too much of my "free" time doing things that are completely useless. And these experiences have been subtly showing me exactly that.

I guess if I've learned anything more about the coincidences it would be a confirmation of what some of you have been saying. I really have to follow everything through before I can even begin to reach any kind of conclusion about anything. And I can see how all of this keeps feeling like it's leading somewhere, but it could really be like the proverbial carrot.

Well this post is getting way too long, and I think I have a blues singer I need to call. If you have any more thoughts to share, I always appreciate them.
I just had to add this.

As I've been sitting here wondering if it is possible that the blues singer lead was "the one" that all this was trying to steer me to, I thought back to when I first met her - almost twenty years ago. And I remembered that at that time there was yet another strange coincidence that occurred. It's really the grand-daddy of them all.

Not long after I moved here and joined the band with her, I received a phone call from someone asking for Joe. I told him there was no Joe living here, and he said that that was very odd because he had been calling this number for the last four years. And we confirmed that the number he had in his book was indeed my number. Now that I'd heard his voice a bit more I said, "Steve?" and he said, "Moca?" It was a bass player that I'd played with, on and off over the past year and a half back in my home town, calling long distance, looking for a friend who apparently used to have my number.

After laughing about this extremely strange coincidence he tells me that the person he is calling for is not actually a guy named Joe, it's a girl named Jo. It's a girl that is also from our home town that he has known for a number of years because she is a singer that he used to play with! And yes, it turns out to be the same Jo who is the singer of my new band, and she is actually from my home town. She had been living here for the past four years, she had recently gotten a new phone number, and I just happened to have been given her old one when I moved here five months ago. Can you beat that for weirdness?

I think it is absolutely imperative that I follow this one to the end, even if it just leads me to another crazy coincidence that points me toward a another twisted path. Even though it feels like I've really found where this has been trying to lead me all along, I am also feeling like I'm being led down a long, endless road. I mean, this was about a dance class coincidence, and now look where I'm at.

Is that carrot attached to a string? And is this circle I'm walking in just providing the energy for someone's carousel? Maybe, but the number of possible destinations has just narrowed down to one. And if pursuing it just opens up ten more then I think it might be time to seriously consider the possibility that I'm being toyed with. Either that or I'm losing it completely.

EDIT - I just discovered that the blues singers record label is the same label to which the composer/producer recommended I send my blues tune. Good God.
I'm so glad you wrote about this subject. It's allowing me to see different angles of it.

Is that carrot attached to a string? And is this circle I'm walking in just providing the energy for someone's carousel? Maybe, but the number of possible destinations has just narrowed down to one. And if pursuing it just opens up ten more then I think it might be time to seriously consider the possibility that I'm being toyed with. Either that or I'm losing it completely.

And I think that now you (and also me through hearing your experience) start to see fabric of our existence and sort of a time loop within a time loop if that makes any sense. This is going on in everyone's life at the same time only some notice it and some don't. Sometimes it's more obvious than others but the frequency of it makes it appear as normal life and in a way it is (in my opinion). It's a truly amazing thing!

I think it is absolutely imperative that I follow this one to the end, even if it just leads me to another crazy coincidence that points me toward a another twisted path. Even though it feels like I've really found where this has been trying to lead me all along, I am also feeling like I'm being led down a long, endless road. I mean, this was about a dance class coincidence, and now look where I'm at.

I think this is a good attitude to take towards it. It becomes fun/interesting to find the lessons in it.

Two questions: Is your home town small and are you and the people you mentioned still there?
truth seeker said:
Two questions: Is your home town small and are you and the people you mentioned still there?

My home town is a small city of about 350,000 people, and none of us are still there. The blues singer and I are both still in the big city we moved to, and the bass player from the phone call has moved down to the States somewhere. The singer and I never knew each other back home but we both moved out here, about four or five years apart, to study music at the same school.

I really won't know what to think of all this until I see this thing through and I still may not, even after I do see it through. But one thing that's occurred to me as I ponder it all is that she and I have had to learn some of the very same lessons in our lives. And I think she may have had some success in areas where I have had difficulties. It could be interesting talking to her again for reasons other than just the songwriting. And who knows, maybe that's what this is all about - something unrelated to what I perceive as being the subject at hand. That is, if there really is something to it at all.

truth seeker said:
And I think that now you (and also me through hearing your experience) start to see fabric of our existence and sort of a time loop within a time loop if that makes any sense. This is going on in everyone's life at the same time only some notice it and some don't. Sometimes it's more obvious than others but the frequency of it makes it appear as normal life and in a way it is (in my opinion). It's a truly amazing thing!


It becomes fun/interesting to find the lessons in it.

I think I see what you mean about the time loop. It's almost as if "forces" are indicating some kind of link between us, and they've come into play at two different moments in our lives, twenty years apart. I'd sure love to know why. And I agree, it is fun to explore this kind of thing, and perhaps this time I will be aware enough to identify the lesson in it. Twenty years ago I didn't see it as anything other than a strange coincidence, which at least shows me that I've made progress, that I've grown. It's almost like the universe feels that it's time for me to have another crack at it.
Jung used the term synchronicity in the context of meaningful coincidences and called it an acausal connecting principle. Jung and Pauli made an effort to discover a new model of reality connecting the physical and the psychological world with the help of this concept - so this synchronicity/meaningful coincidence does seem like a very big (and confusing) topic.
I have been recently reading Marie-Louise Von Franz's lectures on the topic of "On Divination and Synchronicity - The Psychology Of Meaningful Chance". Following Jung, she states that divination methods like Iching are based on synchronicity. She talks about modern experimental methods in science where an effort is made to eliminate the factor of chance so that given an experimental protocol, no matter who tries to repeat the experiment in whatever time and whatever part of the world - the results obtained should be the same for us to draw legitimate scientific conclusions from it. She notes that with advent of quantum physics, the concept of probability has been introduced into the scientific view of reality as well. Science cannot make accurate predictions about single events but can give a statistical probability. Now probabilistic predictions get closer to practical observations as the number of trials get bigger - eg we say when we toss a coin (an unbiased one) that the probability of getting a head or tail is 0.5. If we toss a coin once it is either head or tail - so probability does not help us here but if we toss a coin a very large number of times say a million times, then the number of heads and tails we get should be close to the expected value of half a million predicted by probability. Von Franz states that the divination oracle working on the principle of synchronicity looks at the unique event and uses that as a source of information and in that sense is complementary to the scientific approach.
The result that one gets from the process of consulting the Iching (or some other divination oracle) can be called coincidental. Von Franz states that the results obtained are also probabilistic - the indications are for some psychological probabilities and not some concrete events. In that sense the oracle is not accurate.
She writes
Suppose one gets a certain I Ching number, that is a list of expectations of psychological events, including synchronicity. If the analysand throws the "breaking of the car" hexagram, which means breaking up or breaking apart or the danger of breaking apart of the conscious mental structure, it only says that if there is a synchronistic event, it will belong qualitatively in that area ............but exactly what will happen cannot be predicted.
Just as a physicist cannot predict a unique event completely accurately, an oracle cannot predict a precise psychological event. But it can give an "expectation list", which can cast an image of a certain area or qualitative field of events and predict that something is going to happen within that field.
She goes on to say that at times of great difficulty of a tribe, race or nation, with no means to extricate themselves of the difficulty, the hero/saviour archetype is constellated in the unconscious of the tribe and generally this image gets projected. She gives the example of Germany which went through a terrible crisis after the first world war and in the contemporary literature and dreams, there was evidence of the saviour/hero archetype getting constellated in the collective unconscious. This projection fell on Hitler whom she calls a psychopath and the results were disastrous but her point was
That is only one example to show that there is such a thing as a psychological probability in the archetypal layer of the psyche and the possible prediction of what is coming. Divination oracles, to my mind, are attempts to contact the dynamic load of an archetypal constellation to give a reading pattern of what is.
The emotional intensity surrounding the situation which precipitates so called synchronistic events are a crucial factor. Von Franz writes that
Richard Wilhelm describes the functioning of the I Ching quite typically by the following picture. The relationships and the facts of the Book Of Changes could be compared with the network of an electrical circuit which penetrates all things. It has the possibility about being lit up but it does not light up unless the person who puts a question has established contact with a definite situation. .... When the questioner establishes contact with the specific situation he has in mind, the network and the electric current are excited and the situation is lit up for a moment.
Even in regular life, intense emotional crises have a tendency of precipitating these synchronistic events. As others have stated, only after the event has transpired and decisions taken can one gauge whether the events were positive or negative in nature. It seems that coincidences are
* a great tool for the STS forces to influence the probability of a psychological outcome,
* also the way in which perhaps the universe responds to our inner emotional state - sort of like a mirror
* beneficial STO forces communicate with us if the emotional intensity and open minded asking is present - as in the case of Laura.
I may be off track, but my current thinking is that this topic of coincidence/synchronicity may have a big role to play in the generation of technology with a human interface (which Laura alluded to in a different thread stating that all technology without a human interface is entropic). The current scientific way of acquiring information by hermetically sealing off reality into a small box to study some of its characteristics does perhaps contribute to the generation of technology which does not need significant human intervention to operate. Perhaps to generate technology with human interface, the emotional aspect of the human psyche needs to be factored in along with the intelligence part - which seems to be the model for divination methods or other shamanic functions. The story of dancing Maruts materializing needed objects could be an acausal (non-anticipatory) synchronistic creative act - one in which the universe simply mirrors the inner state of the dancers.
mocachapeau said:
During the year preceding the dancing I decided to start writing songs more seriously with the hopes of coming up with something that might interest recording artists. But even as I worked I knew that, hard as it may be to come up with something good, the hardest part is to get it into the hands of someone that is actually recording. During one of my dance classes I asked the teacher what music we were listening to, and he said it was the latest album by a local blues artist that played at the Jazz Festival last year. Imagine my surprise, and his, when I realized that I knew her quite well. She was the singer for the first band I played in after moving here. And he was really happy to hear this because he was putting together his big dance show/party and had been trying to convince her to play the party, after the show! It made me think of this:

truth seeker said:
What's interesting is when you can begin to see not just the coincidences that appear in your life, but how those same coincidences affect others..

I don't actually know if she ended up taking the gig because I stopped my lessons a few months later, and I had yet another conflict the night of the show. But I do know that his meeting me opened up the lines of communication between them. But the significance of the coincidence for me, I missed, until later.

Later that year, still working on music and wondering how to get the tunes "out there", I was at my brother-in-laws and there was a CD on the table. He told me it was the latest album by one of his friends - someone I also know quite well. I think the band's name was Psychotronic Invasion, or something like that. And when I turned the album over there was a picture of a microphone in the shape of a UFO! It opened my eyes a bit. That's when I remembered the coincidence with the blues singer, because events were pointing out the fact that I DO know some recording artists. This band was a Latino band, and the last song I had written was a Latin rock thing. And one of my songs is a blues shuffle.

Well I followed up on the Latin rock tune and sent my friend a copy, but their style was too far from the song I had written. But I never followed up on the blues tune with the blues artist because I didn't really think it was all that good a song. And then the next installment of this series of coincidences came along.

At exactly the time that I was really searching for some answers to this marketing my music question, my son changed soccer teams, and there was another kid that had just come to the new team at the same time. Well wouldn't it be a crazy coincidence if his dad happened to be a rather well known, successful music composer/producer that had either worked with or written for Paul Anka, Celine Dion and had discovered Corneille? Next thing you know he's asking me to give him a CD with some of my songs so he can listen to them and tell me what he thinks. The three that I thought he might be interested in he didn't say a word about. But the one I just threw on there as a lark, he recommended I send to a certain record label in town because it did something for him - it was the blues tune. Well the record label thing fell through because I could never get a hold of them.

mocachapeau said:
As I've been sitting here wondering if it is possible that the blues singer lead was "the one" that all this was trying to steer me to, I thought back to when I first met her - almost twenty years ago. And I remembered that at that time there was yet another strange coincidence that occurred. It's really the grand-daddy of them all.

Not long after I moved here and joined the band with her, I received a phone call from someone asking for Joe. I told him there was no Joe living here, and he said that that was very odd because he had been calling this number for the last four years. And we confirmed that the number he had in his book was indeed my number. Now that I'd heard his voice a bit more I said, "Steve?" and he said, "Moca?" It was a bass player that I'd played with, on and off over the past year and a half back in my home town, calling long distance, looking for a friend who apparently used to have my number.

After laughing about this extremely strange coincidence he tells me that the person he is calling for is not actually a guy named Joe, it's a girl named Jo. It's a girl that is also from our home town that he has known for a number of years because she is a singer that he used to play with! And yes, it turns out to be the same Jo who is the singer of my new band, and she is actually from my home town. She had been living here for the past four years, she had recently gotten a new phone number, and I just happened to have been given her old one when I moved here five months ago. Can you beat that for weirdness?

I think it is absolutely imperative that I follow this one to the end, even if it just leads me to another crazy coincidence that points me toward a another twisted path. Even though it feels like I've really found where this has been trying to lead me all along, I am also feeling like I'm being led down a long, endless road. I mean, this was about a dance class coincidence, and now look where I'm at.

Is that carrot attached to a string? And is this circle I'm walking in just providing the energy for someone's carousel? Maybe, but the number of possible destinations has just narrowed down to one. And if pursuing it just opens up ten more then I think it might be time to seriously consider the possibility that I'm being toyed with. Either that or I'm losing it completely.

EDIT - I just discovered that the blues singers record label is the same label to which the composer/producer recommended I send my blues tune. Good God.

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to give a little update on this string of coincidences I've been following.

I found my singer friend on Facebook and sent her a little message. She replied and gave me her number. It took me a while to get up the nerve to call her, for a number of reasons, but eventually I did.

First she agreed to listen to anything I send her, and then she told me to send the tune I already had, right away, because they were finalizing the list of tunes for the next album. If they all liked it, she said she'd put it on the album. So today I received an email from her saying that, as it turns out, she does like the song and could I send her the lyric sheet. She's going to play the tune at a listening session. They have not yet finalized the list for the album because they are looking for some upbeat tunes.

The way I see it, this is almost a complete confirmation. Almost, because the song isn't actually out there yet - if it ever will be. But the fact that she liked it means she will be interested in anything else I send her, at least up until I send her a real stinker. But a door has been opened, and now all I have to do is write her a hit! Piece of cake, right? :/
Hey, I forgot to say thank you for your congrats! So, thank you. And I hope you will hear it one day, that would be pretty cool.

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