COINTELPRO: Morgan Reynolds Makes a Federal Case of 9/11

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SimonJCP said:
It was edited to make it appear as if CB wrote it. This is deceptive editing. I'm just saying that changing someone's title like that is childish and unfair. That's what got me upset.

See my previous post. I'll also quote what Laura wrote in response to CB's declarations of unfairness:

Laura said:
Let me make something clear here: this forum does NOT belong to you. You are a guest in "our house." This house has a very specific and carefully chosen "decor" and the gathering that meets here is for a particular purpose that is well-defined. If I permitted a guest in my house to come in and try to propagate what is clearly nonsense without letting all the other guests know that I do NOT subscribe to those ideas, everyone would think that I do, as well as the other guests who also do not subscribe to those beliefs. It is MY responsibility to make sure that the environment of MY house continues to function as it was designed to. You are NOT allowed to move your furniture into my house, repaint the walls, and direct the gathering.

You will NOT propagate that "no planes hit the WTC" nonsense in MY house as though it had equal value as the many reasonable and fact based theories of 911.

[quote author=SimonJCP]
It was edited to make it appear as if CB wrote it. This is deceptive editing.

And this 'conclusion' is based on what? An Admin or mod's "confession" perhaps? Or are there some 'credentials' we would benefit from knowing about?

[quote author=SimonJCP]
I'm just saying that changing someone's title like that is childish and unfair.

And this 'conclusion' is based on what? An Admin or mod's "confession" perhaps? Or are there some 'credentials' we would benefit from knowing about?

[quote author=SimonJCP]
That's what got me upset.

I doubt it. There's a hidden, automatic, lightening-fast step between perception and response. It's 'evaluation' - the 'value to you' that gets assigned to the act from your point of view.
From what I've learned so far, it appears that the value is 'calculated' by comparing what you see to your known frames of reference and picking the closest match. The result of your subconscious evaluation (interpretation) manifests as emotional reaction - its significance to you. That emotional behavior and/or frame of reference is within you then, isn't it?

So, perhaps what you really meant to say was "I'm going to ignore your explanation and go with my feeling, because if I had changed the title, it would have been done out of childishness and unfairness."

BTW, I don't think "That's my opinion" is a valid answer. More like a deflection. An opinion is an unsubstantiated belief more or less. Why bother with them unless they serve a purpose of justifying mental laziness?
SimonJCP said:
It was edited to make it appear as if CB wrote it. This is deceptive editing. I'm just saying that changing someone's title like that is childish and unfair. That's what got me upset.

Let me repeat myself:

Let me make something clear here: this forum does NOT belong to you. You are a guest in "our house." This house has a very specific and carefully chosen "decor" and the gathering that meets here is for a particular purpose that is well-defined. If I permitted a guest in my house to come in and try to propagate what is clearly nonsense without letting all the other guests know that I do NOT subscribe to those ideas, everyone would think that I do, as well as the other guests who also do not subscribe to those beliefs. It is MY responsibility to make sure that the environment of MY house continues to function as it was designed to. You are NOT allowed to move your furniture into my house, repaint the walls, and direct the gathering.

You will NOT propagate that "no planes hit the WTC" nonsense in MY house as though it had equal value as the many reasonable and fact based theories of 911.

SimonJCP said:
Pinkerton said:
SimonJCP said:
I was just upset by the fact that CB was getting his thread title edited and stuff.

It's not his title thread, it's the forum's.

It was edited to make it appear as if CB wrote it. This is deceptive editing. I'm just saying that changing someone's title like that is childish and unfair. That's what got me upset.

Well, so you endorse the efforts of CB to be deceptive, underhanded, and manipulative by declaring your right through him to put whatever you want on this board or anywhere on the Internet to promote his/your agenda. To get screen time and page hits and to deceptively make it appear that the websites that you do this on endorse and back whatever nonsense you choose. That you have a right to a headline of your choosing for advertisement and promotion at the expense of said websites and site owners. That said websites and site owners are mere tools for your use and it is up to you to color the site and the site owner in the way of your choosing. That is a sick way to view and respect the world. Sick mentally. You have the right to take and use of your choosing but others have no right to say NO to you.
hey is what was, mind controlled people, missiles, planes ,bombs, and software all calculated to do what was intended..with military precision ...... with many elements profiting from the situation....... and its obvious as the nose on ones face.......the event was traumatic a horrendous but what was enven more important was the fallout of the activity and where we find ourselves a this moment and bigger agenda it has ushered in ..........control of everything and Oklahoma , as in 911 and the engineered economic collapse my heart sunk as i felt and now know that i have been duped too many others whom don"t even know ............or bury the heads in the the truth...........!
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